luicifers wife
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Friday, December 19, 2003
today not a good day
i all im sick -_- i stay home from skoll today and i missed 3 test i fell realy tried and dizzy not fun . but i got to lisitin to LP all day and sleep and i fell down a cuope of time anit that fun!! now im going to relx and stuff hows it going for all of yous today not as bad as me i hope ! talk to yous latter
~~ jen~~
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
people dont love meee!!
 Your soul is bound to the Glass Rose: The Fragile.
"My heart lies somewhere between perfection and dust. And while my soul is a sight to behold, I shatter at the blink of an eye."
The Glass Rose is associated with perfection, beauty, and frailty. It is governed by the goddess Aphrodite and its sign is the Looking Glass, or Tenuous Love.
As a Glass Rose, you have a beautiful soul and naturally attract people to you. Love comes naturally to you, but it hardly ever lasts. Though you embody the perfect form of love, your own faults are your own undoing.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
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 Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, December 17, 2003
my fan fic
here is a chapter of one of my fan fics if u like it ill make more i only have one chapter soo hear !!!
cross over ***
~~Why should I cry over you? ~~
Declaimer~~~ I don't own any one
~~~ There stood two demons (Tasuzuki & eclipse) and an angle (Brittany) they where in heaven disusing a important matter at hand~~~
" She will awaken so we need to find and protected her." Said Brittany franticly." Yes we know she might be our only hope now because, Alexiel is weakened and can't fight them off." Staid eclipse, " how will we protect her?" asked tasuzuki. " Simple two of us will o down to earth and befriend her." " Nothing should happen to her she will be more power full than Alexiel and Rosiel put together but if ether Katan or Rosiel gets to her before she awakens she will be in danger." Eclipse said as he tried not to worry. " Ok we will go downs as humans and look over her." Brittany said as she put her wings away," come on Tasuzuki we have to go now." " Ok than call my name if you need any thing." Eclipse said as he faded out.
~~~~ They where all instantly friends they looked out for one another and this went on for 3 months Brittany and Tasuzuki dint know katan gotten to her also. They never knew angle was going out with katan till that one day~~~~
I was on the empire state building with him." yes I do love you why do you ask this agene" I say looking at him confused. " Well because my dear you are sadly mistaken I don't love you " I sit there in shock " what in the holy hell do you mean," I screamed at him. " this was a game and you have lost." He makes a ball of energy in his hands. "Good bye foolish one" I scream " why katan why what was the last tow moths to you." He smiled. "They met nothing what so ever to me." Than he hit me with the energy ball I fell off the building closing my eyes whispering. "Why did you do this to me." I was falling towards the ground fast, but than I was could but two strong arms. I looked up to see who it was but before I could I fell asleep.
~~*Flash back two months ago angel in a bar with Brittany and Tasuzuki ~~~
"Come on angle let's dance," my friends said as she pulled my out on to the dance floor. "Ok I am coming" I get right be side them. We dance to some songs than we get tired and sit down. What I dint know was that a pair of eyes were watching me. We get over to the bar. Than Brittany and Tasuzuki went out to dance some more .I get up to go and I bump in to this tall handsome man. "Sorry I dint look where I was going" " it is all right would you like to dance." He asked I say yes and we dance for hours on end. The club was closing and I was still dancing. " I think the club is going to close." I say as the music stops. " Well may I take you home than?" I blush " ok I didn't catch your name". We are now walking on the sidewalk it is about 6 am " my name is Katan and what is your name" " my name is angle I hade a wonderful time" they where at her apartment. "Well I hope to meet you agene angle" he took her hand and kissed it" till we do I bit you a dew"
~~~~ If only she knew he was not what he had seamed~~~~
~*End of flash back*
" Where is she " Brittany was looking for her everywhere. Nether of them could find her.
~~ To where angle is~~
"What happened to her" kuri said as she came in to see angle lying on the floor all bloody." Shh she needs to sleep and I found her falling from the empire state building."Kira whispered to her. All the others where around her as well saira and setsuna keep and eye on her until she started to wake up.
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this is luicifer ^_^ yes i am a angle satuary fan! and this is one of my favorit caricter [sp]
whats your favrit AS person ?
talk to u later it is now 5:45 am why am i up O-o
~~~ bye~~
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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
| Occupation: Part Time Builder | Prized possession: An edible ankle-length dress. | Favourite film: Star Wars Episode VII: The Senate Dances Back | Age difference: Five years older. | | |
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i have a ? for u all
i have an anime qestion for you alll ~~~~~
whick manga would you like to be published in english next ?
why ?
----- i want them to publish angle satuary why wont they why are they all evil ? ---
post what u think
~~~ bye~~~
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hi thare
hi every one ~~~ whos your fav. band ~~~
i like many
SUM 41
~~~~ thare is more but i cant think right now -_- talk to you all later~~~
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