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myOtaku.com: luicifers wife

Monday, September 25, 2006

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Im soooo positve i know!!!

OMG i havent been here since the 14!!! thats how much my life is in chaos now i cant even have time to get on the pc and type to yall for a bit!!!

choas and Breakdowns thats whats happen to me right now last tusday i just up and yelled in my brothers face since hes always here like i just BLEW UP!! -.- and all that jazz really dont want to go into detal with that still kinda trying to get my emotions back in order and what not

lots of home work also i will have my newest poem for yall tomorow ... having the creative writting class is good but bad in that sense ^^;;

i need to get my math ecomomis and chem homeowrk done but hopefuly i will get around to yall I MISS YOUZ :D

Icon Of The Day:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Quote Of The Day:
"It is not in the stars to hold
our destiny but in ourselves."
~William Shakespeare

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