Your Month Theoretically Is March..Utterly and
deathly alone..Petrified ..And Down..
Your month has shown a lArge amount of
Individuals with Depression disorders and
Bipolar accesidies..You Are locked up inside a
Ball of Confusion and scarse thoughts..You
Know it or not have a Material Possession that
means the words to you that keeps you from the
brink of suicide or sustains you from the
indorseing modern world..Open up...Simply
stated as that...But it's your choice..Your not
crazy..Your not in a Lonely state..Your Not
confused No matter what they say..No matter
what they say?..
Colors:Deep blues, Plad Greys, and Scavageing Teal
Greens and a Deep scarlet red.
Relationships:..Your relationships need some work
..You lack the trust you need to inpower in a
seprate individual..It will take Years for you
to Completely open up to another..But when you
do..And If there Pure enough to stay with
you..Your Karma Is complete....Lonelyness and
Scarse movements end..
Prsonality Traits:You are Clenched so to speak.
Allowing little movement inside your feelings
elivateing them to wither Up. You do HAve
STrong emmotions..These emmotions are so strong
that you could become an extremely important
individual..But alas..You Lock your self up..
Animal Sign: A White Snow Owl
Quote:Please Don't Leave..I don't want to alone
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