You're the Mad Hatter! You used to be the
beautiful angel, Belial, and you had fun by
seducing angels and then watching as they
killed themselves out of guilt for their sins.
When Lucifiel led the revolt against God and
was banished to Hell to become Lucifer, you
followed. In love with Lucifer, you will do
anything to try and make him love you, even
after all the pain and torment he puts you
through. You once admitted, however, that if
Lucifer would ever love you, you would kill
yourself because .. well .. whats the fun in
winning so easily? You need to have something
to occupy your time -- and that something
usually includes torturing others. You're
pretty insane and you're also a sadomasochist,
meaning you enjoy inflicting pain upon others
and enjoy pain being inflicted upon you.
You're a pretty freaky person and you would do
anything to keep yourself amused.
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