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Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 09/17/04:
yes i realyy dont pla on it.....

You are Innocent- You have never had sex and you don't really plan on it. You are completely oblivious to when a guy comes on to you. You are sweet and look quite childish and that is
You are Innocent- You have never had sex and you
don't really plan on it. You are completely
oblivious to when a guy comes on to you. You
are sweet and look quite childish and that is
why guys like you.

What anime girl resides in you?
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Result Posted on 09/17/04:
O.0 did i marry my self ??

You've had a good human life, and you made your own
life weird/odd/dark. Let's face it, you suck
oo; You're the evil one that rules Hell
himself! True you've got the 7 evils that will
stand with you at all times. But geez,
couldn't you be nicer? Darn cold-hearted

What Angel Sanctuary Character are you?
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Result Posted on 09/17/04:

You're A Villian! You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you.
Your destiny is world destruction/domination.
Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of
your way.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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Result Posted on 09/17/04:
ppl say im artistc

You have Blue Wings! You are artistic and highly
creative. Others are amazed by your imaginative
ideas, and the way you speak so smoothly. You
are very social, but you like talking
face-to-face, instead of the phone. You love
dancing, Writing, acting, drawing, singing,
anything that requires artistic style. You have
many friends, and are popular because of your
unique style. Though your jokes crack up
everyone around you, you often daydream about
many different things, lost in your own world.
Even though, you are optimistic, and remain
friendly and loved by others in reality, you
always like to visit your fantasy world for
some peace from the hectic world.

What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
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Result Posted on 09/16/04:

Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea... You are Chamomile Tea. Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and
always willing to lend a hand, you take action
but not through violence, people listen to you
for you have a knack for giving wonderful
advice! Many look up to you and you try your
best not to let them down. You have many
friends steadfast or no who consider themselves
lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in
the past but you dont let that stand in your
way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and
try to see the good in people which is an
awesome gift!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
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Result Posted on 09/16/04:

Water Sprite
Mysterious, elegant, creative and calm You are a sprite of the Water. Creative and one of
the most beautiful of sprites, you strike
wonder and curiosity into the hearts and minds
of all. Even though you are capable of
attraction and seduction you are way above all
that, you understand the true meaning of life
and are very open and understanding of life's
mysteries, most likely you are one of them. You
are respectful of all ways of life and do not
judge one due to their position or station in
life. You are gifted in the ways of
understanding and given the chance are usually
full of good, wise advice but your not the type
to take the stand and express such things. Your
laid back nature can be troubling, you don't
take many risks and prefer to keep things as
they are. You are one of the most unique of

.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
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Result Posted on 09/16/04:
XD lol

~SAMURI GIRL~ Your nice and wise and bueatiful.Your
strong and cool. Isn't the gif so cute.^-^

What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS
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Result Posted on 09/16/04:
ya im lonnelyyy!

Result Posted on 09/15/04:

You're like a Mermaid!

?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ??
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Result Posted on 09/15/04:
am i that inocent ?!?!? srerlouy

Season = Spring
You're Most Like The Season Spring ... Fresh faced, with a young outlook on life - you
smile at the world and expect it to smile back
at you. You're mostly a bubbly, fun - innocent
person. Described as cute possibly. However,
you're a little naive about things and tend to
be a little too trustworthy. As the first season, It Makes you the youngest -
and so most immature - but people are inclined
to look out for and protect you. Well done... You're the most fun of the seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
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