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myOtaku.com: Luna Blu

Thursday, February 24, 2005

   sooo depressed
I haven't posted a...uh, post for a while now, mainly caz nothing really worth ranting about was happening to me and that I was just lazy. Well, now I DO have something to rant about.

I don't know why, but for some reason I only write really long posts when I'm sad and/or depressed over something

This week start off okay, besides the fact that one of my best friend's uncle died, leaving them really depressed and out of character. The boys and I have and are still doing our bests to keep her in high spirits, including the 'here for you' pic now apart of my art.

Othere then that tho, I've had a pretty good week. I found out that my art is being shown at the capital building as a part of the slide show there, and a piece I did in art class is also going to be shown. Yesterday, I was informed by Hustino-kun that I was part of the top ten highest ranked artists on all of MyOtaku, rating at number seven. Then Kenny-kun went thru and voted 'yes' on all of my pictures and brought my rating up even more, to a 85%.

I was then the highest ranted artist on MyOtaku

'Great', you say. 'So why the hell are you bitchin'?'

I'm bitching because today when I got on, my rating was 80%.

It takes alot to bring someone's rating down five points.

Someone, maybe even alot of someones, went thru and clicked 'no' on all of my pictures for no apparent reason.


And I know, I shouldn't be complaining like this. I'm probably just wasting peoples time with this post, but things like this make me mad.

I no longer have any 100 pictures.

I don't know what I did to make someone do this, nor do I know what possesed them to do it either.

I'm not trying to sound like one of those gody, sob-story drama queens you see on day-time tv, I'm just seeing red at the moment and need to let this out.

I don't need comments-

-I don't need sempathy-

-and I don't need people telling me to stop bitching about stuff that makes me angry.

I have a right to be mad.

I have EVERY right to be mad.

But I'm going to whine your ear off by complaining about some asshole and his friends.

Anyways, I know there's a very slim chance that the person who did this is reading this and an even slimmer chance that they'll respond, but I'd still like to know what I did to make them mad enough to knock me down on my face.

Just, please, who ever you are, stop doing this.

You've already done it twice. Last time it was just a few pics, but to go thru every single one of mine you haven't already targeted and bring the rating down is just really cruel. I really don't think I deserve it.

Just...forget it.

I'll stop boring you people now.

Thanks for listening, I guess...

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