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Monday, May 23, 2005
The Soul Cages: Frozen In Time
*episode 1*
Inuyasha says, �Kagome, try explaining this one more time. Why do we need their help?� �Because�� she says, distractedly. �Could you try to do better than that?� he asks. She looks up from her bag, �Because Naraku is weakened.� �Ok,� Inuyasha says, �but doesn�t that mean that we won�t need their help?� She admits, �Yes it does; if we were trying to beat him.� �Isn�t that exactly what we�re trying to do?� he asks, genuinely perplexed. �No!� she says in exasperation. �We don�t want to beat Naraku; we want to destroy him. We want to crush him, obliterate him, defeat him, heck, kill him; in a way which will result in him being permanently dead. For as long as we�re on the offensive, our objective is to kill him and his is to stay alive. Which means that if he escapes, he wins and we lose. We have to corner him. Once we have him trapped, we have to make sure that he doesn�t escape. Also, we can be sure that he�ll have something up his sleeve. If it works at all, we will only get to use this once. We have to make sure that we have as much strength as possible, so we need Koga and Sesshomaru.� Inuyasha stares off. Miroku says, �Inuyasha, you seem pensive.� The half-demon comes back to the moment and says, �Na, I was just thinking; when did I agree to this?� Kagome says, �When I said you did.� �Look at it this way,� Sango says, �we aren�t asking for their help, we�re offering them ours.� �And what if they don�t want to work with us?� Inuyasha asks. �We�ll just have to worry about that when they get here.� Kagome says. �They�re coming to us?� he asks. �Your brother should be here any minute now.� she tells him. �Then we�ll call Koga.� �How?� he asks. �Kagura�s taking care of it.� Kagome says, glancing off toward where the demoness is standing alone, outside the village. Inuyasha tries again, �Taking care of it how?� Miroku says, �We have company.� Jaken and Rin approach. The imp asks, �Do any of you know where that woman gets her audacity?� Shippo says, �She must be spending too much time around humans.� �Well,� Jaken says, �my master is confronting her now. She had best have a good excuse.� Kagome says, �Inuyasha, if Sesshomaru is here, it�s time for you and me to go join them.� Shippo gives Jaken a nervous glance. The fox-child says, �I think I�ll stick with Inuyasha.� �No Shippo,� Kagome says, �we have to have as few people as possible to keep the air clear.� Jaken says, �My master specifically said that he wished to speak with that woman privately.� Kagome says, �Well, we have to be there to and that�s that. Come on!� She grabs Inuyasha�s arm and leads him away. The look on his face says that he realizes that he�ll be filled in when and only when she is ready.
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