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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
quizzies yay quizzies!
What's your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Jrock Guardian Angel is GACKT! Sadly sex driven and fake, he guides the souls of those too lost in their own ego to find the way themselves. He looks down upon you with pity...while holding a calculator to estimate how much money he can make off of your misguided cd purchases. >___>;;;
Who's Your Jrock Guardian Angel? brought to you by Quizilla
...NOOOO I shant accept it **takes quizz again**
 Your Jrock Guardian Angel is TOTCHI! Yay! he guides the souls of the innocent and fun loving. At first glance your angel may seem like a lonely libido driven adolecescent girl. But don't worry, he'll keep you safe! ^-^'
Who's Your Jrock Guardian Angel? brought to you by Quizilla
much better ^.^ **munches on smarties**
 Which Jrock band are you stuck on a deserted island with? brought to you by Quizilla
lol...ya i picked that one heehee...Set something,anything, the whole island on fire! FIRE!
lol **sips on eggnog**
 Your King is Die! Heh, what a sweetheart. You like the funny king type, I know I would. Go you!
Who's your J-rock King? brought to you by Quizilla
ok, so i tryed this and i went throug all of the last one's cuz in all honesty i dunno who any of them are. sooo... i got that one when i picked Die, Kamijo, and Kaoru.
and this guy
 Your King is Kyo! Wow! Hope you can handle scorpions and blood, hun. Cause this kid is a menice!
Who's your J-rock King? brought to you by Quizilla
when i pick Kyo or Gackt
honestly i like Kyo's looks better but Die's personality better
 You want a sweet guy. Who'ld take you anywhere. Like Japan!!! Wow I would like a guy like that too:) Also he looks so cute in japanese clothing:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
i seem to have good taste in guys...
ja ne
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so i finally got to listle to Malice Mizer. they're pretty good. and i found a site that has awsome stuff and i'm gonna spend all my money there when i get a job. but i'm not posting the site cuz you'll buy it all **glare**i totally went crazy over AnimeOtakuMewMew i'm posting comments on everything. it's all crazy stalker-like....but... not... but that's not the point of all this, i want to try sumthin'
Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
i hope it works
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
movie candy
best one: those huge $1 jawbreakers they sell in the mall it took me, like 15 hours to eat it, but be sure to have a drink, they make you thirsty. ima a total cheap skate but that is definatly worth the $
....hows that 4 random?
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YAY Hyper!!!
ya, that's right i've named my comper, it's name is Hyper. i just got it bak!
YAY!!! **lick**
not like any1 reads this other than Mokusei anyways... maybe it's 'cuz i can't spell. here:
Hello how are you today? see? no shortcuts! I can spell! REALLY! soo i'm a ~*Elegant Lolita*~ and apparently i own a coffin shaped bag... kool....i think i'll make that my icon haha! now ima gonna go make 1 in paint... **wistles**
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Monday, December 13, 2004
and the rant begins...
yes it does
so i'm miserable right now, i freaked out at skool, I accidently broke my mom's heart, one of my best friends is mad at me cuz of it, and i cheated on my boyfriend.
The good news:
I got angry ( i never get angry, which isn't healthy and all there is to me being angry is that i stop caring about whoever i'm mad at for an hour or two (i don't hold grudges))
My boyfriend forgave me
and all this misery is sum1 elses fault and i have proof:
da lunarotimas: so, sup?
Joe: bored! weekend pretty much wasted doing nothing.
Joe: you?
da lunarotimas: 'bout the sam though there seems to be a 'make Luna miserable club' no1 told me about
Joe: so.. no one told you about the club? I've been a member for 2 months now :-)
da lunarotimas: gaah
da lunarotimas: i knew it
Joe: haha
da lunarotimas: is your brother?
Joe: he founded the club
see? it's Jack's (Joe's brother) fault!
i didn't mean to brek my moms heart, it was a total accident. meh i'm a moron. and i think i lost all will to live.
oh and me and Martin are on speaking terms again. THAT'S HIS NAME MOKUSEI!!! MARTIN!!! HA! I REMEMBERED!!!
...ummm...that was too short of a rant....and it's missing something....something all rants need....ummmm....oh, that's right, DAMMIT! there we go, much betta
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
ok, so i went to the library today. i got stuff, i got, like 16 CD's and 4 new movies
movies: Ranma 1/2, Ranma 1/2, Left behind the movie, Left behind II the tribulation force.
and i got soud effects, Relint K, DC Talk, Less than Jake,lot's of Toby Kieth,Lit, more country, Led Zeppelin, Blink 182, Phish, and the bet one: : : : IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT, by R.E.M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...gotta go check on the puppy...sorry she's all sick and stuff, poor baby, she got surgery done.
Yes Mokusei, you can have the battery, go of, give yourself a migrane, have fun, psycho.
And remember,electroshock therapy and sugar don't get along to well.
COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!...what?
todays moment of bliss:
Auto response from Obesechicken44:Hold that thought...
Lunarotimas: what? i'm supossed to have a thought?? oh! i got one, now where'd it---what was i saying?
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Monday, December 6, 2004
I'm so bored and I had a wierd day by the end of today this was my result. I was: Manic, tired, Homicidal, Depressed, was far too hyped up on sugar, had gotten shocked, had a migrane, the sun hurt my eyes and we had no electricity in my house. fun.
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