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Thursday, February 8, 2007
im back!!
hey guys!! im back!!! did you miss me?? or did you not know i left??? i didnt leave, its just i couldnt add a post and stuff. i had this science project to do and i started on the last minute..... hope i get a good grade.....well anyways a question, how do you get pictures to go on your site? i know how and stuff, but i can never get things from photobucket on here!!! wwwhhhhaaaa!!!! help a sister out please.... btw....naruto is so cute!!!
and sasuke is so hot!!!
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Friday, February 2, 2007
heack yea!!! a friday!!!
today is a friday!!! as we all know...and at school we had this big thing where you get to get free stuff!! only if you got a 3.0(g.p.a) or higher in your report card. well i did!! yay me!! and they draw your name and stuff.... sadly i didnt win anything, but i got free gloves when they trew it into the crowd!!oh yeah! the stuff they had was things like: cds, movies, tv, bikes,floam,cd players,footballs,scoocerballs, and so on......well yeah thats it.
omgosh!! before i forget, sasuke (the boy from my school) is an grade lower than i am!! ::cry sob:: to bad he was kind of cute! ::gigges:: oh well, i still have naruto here*looks at him and sees he's playing with a string* :sigh: gosh hes dumb, but oh so cute!
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
omgosh!!! sasuke goes to my school!!!
mizuki(me lunastarz)
izumi(my friend strawberryfairy)
mizuki= omgosh!!tugs on izumis shirt. look b! its sasuke!!!
izumi= looks around. where where!!
mizuki= right there look! look at your 4:00!!
izumi= omgosh!!! like no way!! it is him !!! wow!!
mizuki= looks at izumi... yeah sorry b but acording to my comic book, he likes me!!
izumi= yeah, but in your comic book you think he's a jerk at first and like naruto...gives mizuki a stare.
mizuki= ssooo...i like him!!
izumi= cha right..... i thought he was so much awesome...er than JASPER!
mizuki= huh!!b! how sad you know jasper likes you!!!
izumi= he does? has confused look on her face.
mizuki= yeah he does...walks off...
izumi= wait! mizuki!! mizuki wait!! runs after her...
hey just some of my thoughts and stuff... but really there is a kid in my school that looks just like sasuke! ::squeal!:: he has the same hair-do and everything! not the same clothes and stuff, but he wears around the same colors! yup yup... thats cool!... but dont get me wrong, i DONT like the kid, i dont even have him for my classes. k thats it! comment please!
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
hey do you guys like my new naruto icon??i thought i would get it because the quiz said he like mizuki!(me) yay! go me! i have the #1 hyperactive knucklehead ninja that likes me!!! wait is that a good thing???

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Monday, January 29, 2007
the finger trick.
today at lunch i was all hyper and stuff. and as we all know, being hyper makes me do stupid and crazy things! well it makes me SAY stupid and crazy things. i wanted to learn how to do the finger trick that makes it look like your thumb comes off. (I got it from spongebob you know the one episode that patrick and spongebob becomes hinchmen for the gohst man prite guy...sorry i fogor his name right now....) well yeah i wanted to learn how to do that. strawberry fairy learned how to do it and sadly i didnt!!! cry sob... but any who i posted up new art hopefully it will be up by tomarrow.please go check it out when you have time!
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
a radom quiz about naruto stuff and whatever you want to call it!!
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
hiya everyone! i changed my background what do you think of it? at first i had trouble getting it on, but no worries i did it! so far my day has been really good, and i played a game of tennis today! yay me! not a teaching game but a REAL game! i won woot woot! but just by a slide. hope my neighbor didnt let me win on porpose. because if he did....im going to get mad! i dont want to win just because im a girl, but because i know im better them him. i dont mean to sound rude, its just that i tried so hard! cry for my pitty.... anywho my airvent thingie doesnt have duck tape on it anymores. we fixed it a while back. also im starting to draw a comic with naruto, sasuke, sakura, and my OC mizuki! thats me hee hee.well ill let you go now, but before i do answer these questions please......
1. do you like my background?
2. do you think people shound NOT add OCs
to shows and stuff
3. whats your most commonly used word
or catch phrase. NO CURSING WORDS PLEASE!
thats it. hope you enjoyed your stay!
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
omgosh! today was a fun day! wells after school it was....ok im practcing to play tennis so i can play in highschool and i cant go outside and have a teaching game or anything because i stink at making the ball go straight. i always hit it a good distance not to far or to short, but it wont ever go straight! so my sister said i should practice getting it straight befor i have a game by hitting back and fort against a wall. i would do it against our garage but ours are the ones made out of metal and not wood(i hope you know what im talking about)so every time it bonced off the garage it made a lound sound. my mother wasnt happy about it. i went inside and hit it against the landuar door (my mom said that was fine) anyways my stupid tennisball hit the wall and it it made it knock out the air vent thingie.not the whole air vent, but the thing that goes inside of it. omgosh it was so hailaious! i couldt stop laughing. and when i coult fix it i asked for help. my mom and sister couldnt fix it either.so we used duck tape. yup yup duck tape is the answer to everything. LOL please comment.
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
new art
i did it new art of sasuke! check it out when you have time. also dont you just love this gaara background? tee hee hee....but im still a naruto and sasuke fan girl!
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
new pix.
i have new fan art up! yay! but its not my neko sasuke....cry sob.....its of gaara. a neko gaara! i finished it first before sasuke. hopefully i get it done today.
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