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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Long time no see!
Hello to all of my wonderful Otaku friends!!! I have just finised the first QTR. of summer school! Yay for me! Next I have to take Health Edu. Gosh... I wonder why I even wanted to go! I dont have to, but no.... I thought it'll be fun. Boy was I wrong. well, sorry for not getting around to your sites for so long. I hope you'll all forgive and forget or something like that.
So anyways, do you like my new site theme? I do! I think its so cute! Yay for the awesome YAOINESS! (and yeah, im a little hyper right now.)
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
i have new art up. if you can check it out please.
 I Approve!! Hosted By
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
Give me your vote!
BESIDES NARUTOxHINATA who is your favorite naruto couple??? i want to do a magna and i want to know which my readers (thats you) will like to see the most. PLEASE NO oc. and if you click other, tell me in the comment area!
Get your own Poll!
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Monday, June 4, 2007
asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;
ok, yeah what the heck is this! the title is way werid and all and for about 4 hours thats all i learned in summer school today! wth!! i went there to get better in typing and so far its getting me nowhere!!! i work better with my own style of typeing. but you cant blame them i guess..... tommorw we are going to have a test on the key board. that has to be easy, i look at this thing everyday! hope i pass. i dont see why i shouldnt. well, i think ill go around and visit peoples sites now! BYES! :waves:
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
im so sorry!!!
im so sorry friends of otaku.....i know you all hate me now beacuse ive not PM you or visited your site in a long time. but i really couldnt. im going to graduate tommorw and from last couple of weeks our school have been going crazy to make sure we were ready and whats not. the good part is that its all going to be over tommorw and i can get on about every day. (well when summer school is out) yeah, im going to summer school, i dont have to, but i want to. anyways i m so sorry again. so please accept my apozie. which i dont even think its spelled right, but oh well.... im going to sit here in the dark now....:cry sob:
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Monday, May 7, 2007
this post goes out to supersaiyanjounin.
sorry foe neglecting your PMS! but i have a very good reason! you see, its not my falt! i tried sending them to you, but your box is full. your PM box cant hold anymore, so until you delete some i cant send you sqaut. im so sorry!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
oh yeah!!
new art is up if you want to go check it out. please do.
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OMG!! LOL this is to funny! my quiz of the week... :walks off laughing:
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
every cloud has a silver lining.
ok, what the heck does that mean? i dont get that saying. can anyone help me out there? and lookie at that! i changed my site! you like?
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
my week of fun? when does it start?
sorry for not visting your sites as often this week. i had to study alot for the end of the year testing. and im so glad that its almost over. i probably failed the algebra testing this year. lets just say i started guessing on the firt page of questions.......anywho, this is what happened this week.
mon.- on monday, we started the english test. and that went so quickly. it was easy!!!! i finised within an hour. at that time i was just sitting there and drawing sasuke and naruto eating a hot dog.(dont ask why...) but then my teacher walked over and starte yelling at me! i was all like WTF?!? he got mad at me for finishing early. -_-.... and i thought it was for a good reason... also my sister had me sign up for tennis for next year. try outs will be next month. wish me luck!
tues.- we did the second part of the english test. i guessed on all the spelling questions, i cant spell to save my life, yeah, im that paithic.(i dont think i spelled that right...but oh well...). that boy in class who is going out with my friend started talking to me and my other GIRL friends. thats great! but he will still only be a book to me. (inside joke). LOL he thinks boke is book. ^xx^ idiot.
wed.-did the next, i think i failed that. the only question i really knew was those with the quadadtic formual.( spelled wrong AGAIN)and with graphs. reading graphs is a piece of cake for me! *yum cake...* today after the testing, i heard the worst thing ever! the boy (tori his nick name) said he wasnt going to stay with my friend for long! i was so sad! how can he say that! what a jerk! he wants to break up with her!and shes so happy too. ill give him a piece of my mind if he wasnt him! that is, if i wasnt friends with him. that loser tori!!!!! >:{ gosh, why does this always happen to people??? i hate it. yeah, dumb Tori!
thurs.- more algebra testing....failed it......nothing really happened today. so ill move on....
fri.- whoo-hoo!!! no testing really!!!! well sort of, but not really. it was durring 1 period when my history teacher (the one who started yelling at me for finishing early) said i should stop talking to my boyfriend! i was so ashamed! i dont even have a boyfriend! he told me that because i was aruging with Toi on who will win in a fight, sasuke or naruto. ( i was going for naruto) just because we were yelling doent mean anything! gosh! this time it wasnt even across the room either. Tori decided to sit acroos from me today. o.O akward....but whatever....anywho, tori turned red when my history teacher said that. it was funny! but scary too. tori has a girlfriend. which reminds me....stupid tori!!!! dont break up with her!!!!! book! yeah, thats all i got...not much of a fun week huh? the only fun thing was that i got my teenis ball stuck on top of my house. not much fun now that i need to pratcie, but it was at the time....yeah, im boring....
please answer these questions about me....
1. do you think im boring????
2. do you think ill make the tennis team next month?
3. do you think im wrong for being mad at tori?
4. do you think i talk about him TO much?
5. do you think i like cookies??? ^xx^
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