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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
sorry ive been neglecting my site, i have to much homework this week! its so hard too! i cant balnce it all! oh well.....anyways have you checked out how cute da hokage is! i just changed it to him a while ago. and yeah, hes my "da hokage!" hes so cute :drools: yeah sorry i had a fan girl moment there. uh-huh. what do you think of my new site? A.) to much? B.) to little? or C.)what the heack are you talking about? =P
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: da hokage!
Likes: pancakes!
Dislikes: nasty pancakes!
Owner: lunastarz
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
im back! XD
hey my Otaku friends! im back form the school field trip. we went to the museum of tolerence and it was great! it was a blast! on the way there my friend and i listen to her ipod.(not my ipod cause i still have no songs yet!)anyways her batterie went into the red zone and in any second, it was going to shut off. so she put it away and we started playing punch buggie.(she hits hard!) it was fun, until our arms turned red from all the socks. omgosh people, the museum is so huge! and the ramps there are way cool. the go up and up and up in spiral form!XD it was awesome! but it was so sad! all the people who died in the holocaust and stuff. it made my friend cry.(not me cause i can hold back my emiotions)anyways if you get a chance to go there, you sould! it was fun! also so boy in class fell asleep on the way back(we got back at 8:37)and so other kids put lipgloss on him! it was so haliourios! but i think he enjoyed it cause he kepped licking his lips while sleeping! i was all like "i have permite mark!!" but i didnt draw on him, that would be mean (even though i should had, hes a big meanine. *i just dont want to sink down into his level*) so was great. they have the coolest exsibits(sp) ever! and on the way back our bus stoped at IN-N-OUT. i had a #2. it was good.yum!! also other classes from other schools were there and they had to ride on the school buses while we had the grey hound ones!! so lucky!!! our buses were side by side to them and i waved hi! some kid waved back to me! it was so cool! yeah.... i had fun.... so what did you do??? and did ya miss me?
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Monday, March 19, 2007
on wednesday im going on a field trip! i am so happy! its in LA somewhere. so i wont be able to get on that day. well other news, my friend devloved a crush on sasuke (the boy at my school). and im scared im gonna get dragged in too! HELP!
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
omgosh! sasuke go away!!! err.... i didnt get my naruto-kun... :cry sob:
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Hey everyone!
Guess what??? Chicken butt! LOL
Im just kidding! I really don’t know myself. But you must be honored and stuff, why? Because your reading a post from a senior otaku! I know, I know, who cares right? But how in the heck did that happen to me? When did that happen? I have no clue, it’s a mystery waiting to be solved…..(insert weird music here.) anywho, im so sorry I havent posted much really, I had stuff to do, and something to try to figure out. This week was a good one for me! Yay! *starts cheering!* the benchmark test I took that were really scary a while ago. I passed! Woot woot! Also I passed with soaring colors on my two algebra test. I got an A and a B! that’s really good for me! Im lucky to get a C in that class at all….but something really paid off for all the time I spent studying….. My mom finally got me my ipod nano! :squeal: im so happy! (now if only I knew how to download songs onto it…)….LOL I guess ill let you go now, you have stuff to do too. By the way…im so happy right now! Do you know why??? Want to take a guess? Ill let you, if you want, k, for a while you can think about it……………………………….........................................................................(want a clue???? It has to deal with tomorrow.)…………………………....................................nope? Nothing yet? Ok ok ill tell you. My naruto-kun is coming on tomorrow!!! :squeal: hes just so awesome! Im going to change my site to him. In honor of his greatness…LOL his idiot greatness though……XD
Peace! Im out! Have a wonderful rest for the day!
P.S. don’t let ants bite you. They
Inject acid in you… SCARY
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
what the fudge!!!
no way!!! im a senior otaku! ..... :faints: when did that happen?
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
omgosh! i got really hyper yesterday. why? well duh it was a saturday. omgosh! did anyone else hear the new awesome theme song for naruto!!! im telling you, i went nuts!!! and not beacuse the theme song was so awesome either! but because.... it had .... naruto!!! :: faints:: ( way big fan girl here XD) omgosh who new the liitle frog was the son of the chief frog... iwas like what the fudge??? anywho it was awesome! and yeah, just talking about it gets me hyper and puts a smile on my face.......hes so sweet.......doesnt want to hurt sakura, wants to save her, and gives sasuke a break..... what an awesome ninja!!! i wish naruto would protect mizuki like that.... :sigh: thats why im only an fan girl......
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
i adopted another pet!!! why is she this color??? because shes so awesome! xD
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hey! today is my sisters birthday. shes 17 today. but shes spending her day with her boyfriend. in fact she left to go live with him. which is sad. i miss her alot, but i get more time on here now, so yay! xD also , if i play my cards right i might get my ipod nano tommorw! ::squeal!::
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