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Port Arthur,Texas
Member Since
The Undiscovered CSI: Miami Character Who Lives Nowhere Near Miami Or Florida.
Real Name
The one and only Mrs. Nara Shikamaru
grades pre-k thru 8th (all right!!!!)
Anime Fan Since
5th grade
Favorite Anime
One Piece, Bo- Bo- Bo, Naruto, Inu-Yasha, Case Closed, Shaman King, Mew Mew Power, Hellsing, Lupin 3rd,Ultimate Muscle, Cowboy Bebop
to be a ninja
actin like a ninja and actin crazy with frnds
sleepin, drawin, slackin, climbin trees, bein insane
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
HI-HI ! ! !
hi!!! im at home now. skool is ok but boring...nuthin to do....eatin a snack frm an MRE. cant wait 4 halloween cuz i must have my
candy!!!!!! CANDY!!!......still bored...and yes i am a very boring person when im bored. 4 halloween im goin as an evil monkey ruler cuz thats my nickname...Evil Monkey or Monkey of Doom or just Monkey. Yeah ill have a stupid "cape".....i just cant find one right now. ill try to get some pics later. BYE-BYE!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Im back YAY!!!
hey everyone i cant update right now so ill try later. Been gone cuz of hurricane rita. Ill update soon bye!!!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
hi everyone!!! sorry i havent posted in a while!! nuthin goin on now except that school started last month and its really boring and a little hard! Yay im in 8th grade! well this past labor day weekend our uncle and cousin came to our dads house and we had just had a grill so me, m sister, and my cousin were messin wih the left over fire! and we saw a gator and we tried to get it to come closer to the dock but it didint work....
my sister said it wuz probably 6 feet long!
well thats it for now!!! BYE!

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Thursday, July 21, 2005
hey everybody!!!!!!! im so HAPPY!
my sisters comin home tomorrow! i cant wait. yesterday me and my mom went to Wally-World(Wal-Mart) and i got my sister a Newsboys CD. Theyre a christian band. it wuz either that, a green day CD, a coldplay CD, or The Village on DVD.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
boring summer
hey everyone
im at home alone now doin nothin
monday wuz my sister b-day but she
was out of town on a mission trip in mexico. i still havent gotten her anything. cant wait till she comes back!! went to my dads house
this weekend, had uncle come visit with 2 of our cousins, later went to our aunts house with them to eat shrimp and crab gumbo. later me and my cousins watched Godzilla with our uncle- our aunts husband
when me and my dad had got there we watched him play poker and watched the poker tournament on tv.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Pineywoods camp
Hi everyone!! im back frm camp and just came back friday. it wu so fun! there wuz a comedian called bob smiley and a youth minister! They had tournaments for softball,basketball,golf,cross country,and some other stuff. a new one wuz dodgeball!! our church didnt do that though ) :
some of us got to fill in 4other churches and i got to!!
there wuz a new cristian band called the Lads - frm new zealand
and they mostly do christian rock.
i wish i could go back!! there is a snack place(The Snack Shack), a giftshop, 2 basketball courts, a swimming pool, and a trail to walk around a lake, canoes, kaiyaks, paddleboats, and a ropes challenge course! the ropes course i fun! there r 5 things to do and two of them have this zipline thing!!
the one i did u had to climb up this net, then climb across this vertical net, walk across a log that swings around and then go on the zipline. the zipline wuz the bestt part! your harness is hooked to a rope thats hooked to a wire. then you jump off the platform and go across!! i did it wit no hands and some people went upside down!
well g2g
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
mission trip
hey everybody!! i havent updated in a while cuz i wuz on a mission trip wth my church in Car Lisle Texas. it wuz really fun....and hot. we stayed at this church to help them with somethin called backyard bible club for kids. there wuz rec, snacks, and lessons an i had to help with the youngest group since i wuz the youngest youth there. rec wuz so cool on the last day. we had a whole bunch of youth and kids come and our youth minister had brought a water balloon launcher. we hadto catch the water balloons in buckets when they were launched.
now were having the bakcyerd bible clubs at our home church.
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Monday, June 6, 2005
life this week & zatch
hey this is zatch!!! well nuthin much is happenin except at our church th youth are doin all this fun stuff all week and on friday da junior high kids r goinn to sports connection!! if any of my friends want to go contact me later. well see yall ltr.
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Friday, June 3, 2005
hi everybody
im not doin anything right now 'xept playin games.
so far my summer is really boring
and nothin fun is happenin.
im gonna post next week cuz im goin 2 my dads house dis weekend and he duznt hav a computer.
so bye for now!!
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Friday, May 27, 2005
last day of school!!!!! sorta
i kno its the day after last day of skool but i couldt go on yesterday.
well dis pic shows wut happened on the last two days of school!!!
oh yeah just so u kno im a chocaholic!!! i got lik 20 pieces of chocolate frm one class. an wednesday a different teach gave everyone this big bar of hersheys chocalate
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