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united states, NE
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wrighting more then 5 books
Anime Fan Since
ever sense i can remember
Favorite Anime
most of all anime exept for ereka 7. i just hate that show. mostly a fan of InuYasha and Naruto though
finish the books i've started
wrighting, reading,drawing,t.v.,music
wrighting, drawing, (manipulation lol)
| luv Inu 4ever
i love Inuyasha. and the show Inuyasha like half the
world. my fav. comic is Imadoki! Nowadays. i got all
the comics of it i'm so happy about that. and i
watch 9 out of ten anime shows(randomly chose a nuber
and went one under it. i love being with my friends
most of the time. we love going to the mall like most
teens. Hot Topic and any book store with mangas r our
fav. stores.
Gerard Wayism!!!!!!!!!!!! he's awsome!!!!

and i love Cole Sprouse!!! more than anyone else!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Chapter 5: Nightmare
"How old are you anyways?" Damian asked when he and Phoebe came close to the town.
Phoebe lifter her hand and moved a couple of fingers. "I'm 7." she replied
"How long have you lived in that den?"
"3 years." Phoebe kicked a rock.
"No wonder you like like skin and bones."
They came to a busy street. Cars races by left and right. Damina bent down again.
"As soon as we get to the other side I'll put you down."
Phoebe got on then Damian weaved between several cars and darted across the street.
"We have to go to the biggest store there. it's the only place with anything good." Damian lowered Pheobe to the ground.
They finished with 2 bags of clothes and one full of food. The sun was getting ready to set when they got back to Damian's house.
Damina led Phoebe upstairs. She still wasn't sure it Damian was to be trusted.
"This will be you room." He opened the door at the end of the hallway.
It was a farly dig roon. There was a twin size bed under the 2 windows side-by-side. Across from the bed was a tall dresser and closest.
"It was the guest room. Butr i usually don't have them, living in the woods and all." Damian dropped the bags of clothes on the plain, sheetless bed. "And the bathroom is the dorr closest to the stairs. There a shelf in there with some towels. My roon is the middle door. I'd apperciate it if you stayed out of it."
"Okay." Phoebe agreed. Usually don't have guests? she wondered.
"Theres an extra room in the basemetn I don't use. You could mess around or what ever there. It doesn't look like a basement so it's not creepy. I'm going to get some sheets for the bed." Damian walked down the hall, down stairs, and out of site.
Phoebe went into her new room. The hade over the windows kept most of the sunlight out. The lightbulb didn't have a cover on it. The closest had sliding doors and a light of it's own but no hangers. Phoebe took the bags of clothes and began folding them into the dresser.
The second Phoebe finished, Damian came in with a couple of purpleish sheets, a big purple blanket and a pillow.
"Here ya' go." He plopped them down on the bed. "I'm gonna' make dinner now. How would you feel about eating some vegeterian hamburgers?"
"I never had then, but it should be good."
"Good! B'cause that's what I'm making. I grabbed some at the store."
Phoebe gave a small smiles and Damian left.
A while after Phoebe made her bed, her and Damian ate dinner. They both decided vegeterian hamburgers were good. Then Phoebe made up her mind not to take a shower though she wanted one desperatly.
Then a couple minutes after Phoebe went back to her room, there was a knock on her door.
"Come in." Phoebe said, akwardly.
Damina opened the door. He had a white didital clock. "I figure it would be nice to know the time." He pluged it in the nearest outlet and set it on the dresser. Then he looked at his wrist watch for a second and set the time. "If you need anything my room is right across the hall, okay?"
Phoebe nodded. "Thanks again."
Damina left closing the door behind him.
Only four hours passed. Phoebe was lying awake under her blankets.
I know it's probably not a god idea that I'm here. But Damian does have a point, with that one person out there. Phoebe thought and turned to the wall. I want to sleep so bad. This bed is so comfy. But then I don't really know, Damian....
Shock crossed Phoebe's mind when she noticed something on the wall. She shreiked and rolled off the bed. There was a thud when she hit the floor.
Damian hurried to Phoebe's room and flung the door open. "What's wrong?! What's going on?!"
"Something... somethings on the wall! A-and it's moving!" Phoebe sat against the wall and pointed toward the bed.
Damian flipped on the light and Phoebe winced. He crawled on the bed and got his face close to the wall.
"What is it?" Phoebe asked curioulsly.
"Phobe, come here." Damian grunted, but not with anger.
Phoebe slowly sat next to Damina who nudged her closer.
"Eww!" she cried. "It's a spider!"
Damian swept it onto his hand.
"Smoosh it."
"It's a harmless spider." Damian shoved it in Phoebe's face. His lips ever curved up slightly.
"Keep it away from me. It has to many gross hairy legs." Phoebe stepped away.
"Alright. But next time theres a spider I will tease you with it." Damian stood. "Like this," he put his hand with the spider up to Phoebe's face. She jumped back with a squeal.
"Your mean." pouted Phoebe.
"And your scared of a tiny spider." Danian unlatched the lock on the window after pulling up the blinds. He opened the window and put the spider on the siding of the house.
Phobe closed the window right when Damian pulled his arm back in.
"Didn't you deal with spiders in the den?"
"Actually no. Those spiders were smart enouph to stay away." Phoebe said as the blinds fell back over the windows.
"It's 1:30 in the morning. You must be tired."
She looked at the clock that really said 1:34.
"Yeah. I'm gonna' sleep now." I really will sleep this time. I'm to tired from hardly sleeping yesterday. She thought and sat on the bed.
"Night." Damian rubbed the top of Phoebe's head, messing up her hair.
"Night." she echoed.
Then Damian turned the light off and left. Phoebe curled up into a ball under the blankets and fell into a deep sleep.
Phoebe felt something flicker inside of her. Moments later she awoke from the screams on a man and a woman.
There were flickers of light flashing infront of her face but she was to scared to open her eyes. When she finally built up courage to, flames were flickering by her bed.
"Mommy! Pop! Help me! Please help..." Phoebe sat with her back against the wall. Tears ran down her pink cheek.s
Sirends arrived outside. Phoebe's blankets had already caught fire and she flung them away, then clutched her pillow.
" me. Help!"
Outside of Phoebe's mind, she was screaming and kicking at the covers.
In Damina's room he stuffed his head under his pillow.
"Screw it! Just squash the damn thing this time! It'll-it''s stupid. Stopm on it." he struggled to thing.
The screaming continued. Damian rolled out of bed and shuffled to Phoebe's room.
"It's just a spider. I know you can squash it-" Damian began to say but seen phoebe squirming around in her bed. Her eyes closed tight. "What the-?!"
He grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her.
"Wake-up! Phoebe, c'mon! Get up!" Phoebe's eye's shot open. For an instant the color in her eyes was orangeish yellow. Damina acted as if he hadn't niticed, or it was normal.
"Are you alright?"
Tears welled up in Phoebe's eye's and spilled over.
"Hey, don't cry. You just had a mightmare."
Phoebe sat up and shook her head. "No. Memories." she sobbed.
"Momories?" Damian repeated sitting next to her. Phoebe, gasping for air from crying, wrapped her arms under Damian's. Her tears sank through his shirt. "Uh, it's alright. It's in the past. Your okay now." He smoothed her hair with on hand as the other rested on her back and he rocked side-to-side.
Phoebe's whaling finally came to a stop after a couple of minutes. Her breathing was still uneven. Damina stayed with her until she fell asleep.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
hey ppl!
sorry i haven't been on lately. and i don't really have an eccuse exept i haven't left like
using the compuer. but i will try to get on this weekend and type up the next chapter of my book kay!
oh and i got a Jack hat! i gave my friends bf $10 so he could buy his gage and he gave me he
hat ^-^ and then my friend gave me 2 bells like Train Heartnet has and i put one on my collar.
and i read the book Twilight. it's REALLY good. everyone is my school seems to be reading it.
and that's all for the good news...
later! ^-^
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
i drew it! that's the first time i drew Treecko and i think it's pretty good. ^-^

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Saturday, September 1, 2007
my fishy Gaara
he has seemed depressed lately. he don't eat much of his food. so i thought i should clean out is
tank. so i did but when i clean his tank i get really scared/nervous b/c i think the water isn't
going to be the right temperature or the chemicals r gonna screw up so somethingthing. and
a couple of days ago for the second time, i had a dream that i got another betta (a blue one this
time) and when i go to clean out the tank, Gaara keeps jumping around and i drop him. then it's
hard to pick him up and it's like he's trying to kill himself. alot of things that ppl have said
seem to be getting into my dreams and it's scaring me.
but i asked my friend about it (b/c she has about 9 betta fish, 1 dragon fish, 1 angel fish, 3or4
tiger fish and someothers) and she said he's just horny so yeah....but i'm still nervous about it.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
i havn't put in anoth chapter to the story yet. i started school several days ago and i'm trying
to keep up w/ it b/c i'm already getting tons of homework (most of which i still don't get). so yeah.
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