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CANADA!!!(jumps and
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ummm i think like around when pokemon was around or somthing like that
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i'll write a few i got too many!!NARUTO!!!!GUNDAM SEED!!!FULL METAL ALCHEMIST!!!!FULL METAL PANIC!!!!!way more but those just a few!
being lazy looking up into the clouds and taking a nap!
| lvinkagome2005
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
ok so today the contest begins srry there r so many choices....i will give u 2 days for all of the votes to come in ok....and also if i spelt any wrong im srry i might have not been paying attention or i thought it was spelt that way so enjoy!!
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Monday, March 20, 2006
plz send in all of ur shows that u want to be entered in the contest dont only give me one or two shows give me all of ur shows that u want in my contest ok
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
ive decided!!! ill have a competition of the shows!!! so give me any and all of the shows u want me to put on every day or two ill check back up and eliminate 1-3 at a time k so send in ur choices k seeya
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
hey i got a question to ask all of u! wat do u want me to do with my site?add more pics? put sum more puzzles? make a competition? or sumthing else? tell me ill see wat i can do so plz tell me wat i should do k seeya!
Comments (8) |
Friday, March 17, 2006
hey guys could u do sumthing for me plz its not much its just my friend think he will delete his account if he cant get anyone to visit so plz go see him plz its AndrewH...plz see him......and since all of u guys liked to see ed how bout sum more pics of him!! here u go!!!

i no u all enjoy seeing this guy so this is just another look at him before i but up other pics...and dont forget to drop by my friends site k....again its AndrewH ok seeya
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
u guys all no i didnt put anything writing under the pics...u can all just enjoy him....but i just got 1 thing to say to u all.....U NO U WANT HIM

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
here r sum pics of GAARA...i feel so bad for this kid....i really do cuz no1 understands him so wat else could u like to be this guys friend he would be wicked as ur partner too!!

every1 treats him like an outcast....

look in his eyes...does that look like a happy or depressed kid...u tell me...

look at him guys come on!!! look wat those kids did to him no wonder he hurts them....its just because hes lonely....

come on...look at him alone by himself only with his bear...sum1 help him out and become his friend or else u will no wat happens when hes alone...

see wat happens to ppl that r hated....this is y he hurts ppl...he doesnt mean it tho he just wants to be loved

watch his face as his mother vanishes....the only person who loved him....

look at him...y r u so cruel to that....hes alone sum1 be his friend and ull see how kind he is inside... mother or father...just him and his bear...every1 hates him and r scared of him...i say....Y....hes not so mean inside...he just wants to be loved.....that tatoo over his eye means "love" but nobody give him any thats y hes the way he is today
SAD!!!! VERY VERY SAD!!! gaara is just misunderstood...if sum1 got to no him he wouldnt be the way he is today!! so help him out....
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
these r pics of NARUTO and HINATA together with sum other pics too.....

lets have ramen together!

its just me and u now!

naruto+hinata=good couples

naruto and hinata both thinking(i cant stop thinking of u)

naruto:h..h..hinata ive got sumthing for u

take this doll and remember me always

u no wat that isnt gunna work out sakura u said u hated naruto and u thought he was annoying so go away!

sasuke not to be mean or anything but find urself a girl for god sakes and quit being a loner!!
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Monday, March 13, 2006
hey all of ya....i guess ur goin to school or sumthin rite? i feel so bad cause im off for the week and sum of u cant be.... we have march break but i say it will go by fast tho and also we got this hugh ass report due thats like really really huge!!! so i say it would take a week to do!! well just lettin all of u no alrite peace out!!
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
these puzzles r harder because of the tiny pieces finish them and see wat the picture is....o ya and tell me when u want more k enjoy!
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