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CANADA!!!(jumps and
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ummm i think like around when pokemon was around or somthing like that
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i'll write a few i got too many!!NARUTO!!!!GUNDAM SEED!!!FULL METAL ALCHEMIST!!!!FULL METAL PANIC!!!!!way more but those just a few!
being lazy looking up into the clouds and taking a nap!
| lvinkagome2005
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Friday, May 26, 2006
hey guys hows it going?well im probably not gunna post very often cuz of school and sprots!srry if i dont post in like a week or less...probably playing a game of baseball or doing some hugh amount of homework!i would be on like everyday if it wasnt for the homework!just a month away from the school year ends and we get all this crap to do!i hate this!i just wanna stay home for the rest of the year!never gunna happen though!imma be late for school in the morning so i better hurry up and end this...well as you can see i changed my theme to NARUTO&HINATA good couple so thats why i decided to put them both on my site!well enjoy it!alright have a good day!BYE!
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
its back to school again :( man i hate school when your just starting to relax it comes back! even in summer vacation it seems like it will go on forever but then school comes around again!man i cant take any more!one of my friends said there was 22 more days of school left for us!!man that might as well be a whole year!i just want to sleep in and relax!but sadly i cant!stupid school always in my way!i bet this week we will get like this hugh bunch of stuff to do which had no meaning to do them!and the teachers!man i dont want to go back especially my school!i wish i could stay home and sleep in for a year then go back!but on the other hand i need an education so i can get a job so i can get paid!im so tired right now i dont have anymore energy to right anymore!its like in naruto it feels like im all out of chakra!imma drop just now so imma finish up quick!alright im going to drop down on my bed for the night!(looks at clock)O_O imma only have 6hours of sleep -__- great!man i need a red bull lol!well imma leave now ok! seeya!
did you ever want to become or belike a anime character? example(naruto,inuyasha,sasuke,etc)
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Monday, May 22, 2006
AH!the day off!i like days off from school!so peaceful and relaxing!we got out of school cause of VICTORIA DAY!i dont really care about her but as long as i got the day off lol!is anyone else off for the day?i no most people in canada are?well have a good day bye!
if u been to both parks which one do u prefer...?
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
well my bday is over but it was fun! i called some of my friends over we played games and stuff then i opened presents and like that...then my parents dropped us off at the theater and then we watch THE DAVINCI CODE! very interesting!!!well thats mainly it! i got alot of calls from my family members and most of them said i would get money or something like that! well i had a great day! and we dont have school on monday either VICTORIA DAY!! ahh no school!!!but then i no my teacher will hand out alot of crap to do for homework!man thats one reason why i wanna drop out...but then i think how will i get paid when im older so alright ill get some education so i can get money!! lol well what did u all do this weekend??anything interesting!
oh heres a question!
wat would u want for ur bday?
well thats all k bye!
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
well its my b-day parents are doing something....wonder wat? lazy to go see...forget it they will surprise me anyway....i think it would be either from watch a movie at a cinema,go bowling,or going to wonderland!i want to go to wonderland but were busy enough as it is!well ill see how the day goes by!thats all i wanted to say today....well seeya!BYE!have a good weekend!LATER!...oh ya i got bored this week so i just drew these 2 pics enjoy!


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Thursday, May 18, 2006
im so tired! yesterday seemed ok at first then i got troublesome! first we had gym which we were doing track and field at the time so our gym teacher mde us run the whole block 5 times!and its a big block too!then when we gome back we run inside for 15minutes without stop just for an A!!then gym is over!now next period(2)!our teacher got bored so we went out for like a 2 hour walk because we had her for those 2 periods! so we walked all the way down to like my house but way further and back when we came back we almost missed lunch!! i was so hungry!thank god i packed alot of snakes today...well i do that every day lol...but its health food nutrigrain stuff like that!ok so this is after lunch(4)period!we were with my teacher for the rest of the day because our science teacher left with some classes on a field trip!but this was a good part lol our teacher was tired to so she gave us like a nap time...dont know why she calls it nap time no one sleeps lol!well we did nothing for the rest of the day... :)but then i remembered my team had badminton today!(lol just signed up for a winit!)and then after that i came home ate and right after i ate i had to go to baseball practise!after all that i just dropped on my bed(after taking a shower of course)and as soon as i closed my eyes i was dead asleep!now its morning and i can hardly need croches or a wheelchair!lol thats how my day was!how was yours?probably better than mine usually!...i dont wanna go to school today!to lazy!ouch!if i dont go to school now they will take away my ps2 and my computer!fine ill go to school god!srry this was long!now my hands hurt from writing this big post!well seeya for now!have a better day then i ever will! BYE!
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
holy! its been raining for like 3 days now!!! when will it end...its like i havent seen the sun in like a month!..yesterday my stupid sciene teacher accused me of cheating!!! im thinking how we were split up into different parts of the class!my friends were like on the other half of the class while i was in a corner!so she was planning to fail me because i got a perfect on my test! im thinking the test was so easy who couldnt get perfect!she still accused me and im told her check it yourself aint my duty to do that kinda crap!she was pissed at me but still like everyone got perfect but she doesnt believe me!? like thats just plain stupid besides we were doing the test about cells and cells are easy to do! so for like the rest of the class i was standing there beside her hearing her complain about my score!while she was saying something the bell rang so i just left!then it got from bad to worse! next my art teacher was being stupid all of a sudden! the guy like has a grudge against me or something!i was showing my friends my art that i was gunna hand in they said i would get an A on it then i go up to him and he says thats not acceptable!? like wat did you just say!?then i had to complain to him that you told me and the whole class that you could do any picture you wanted!so then he's dening it and then im like give me a mark for it or im not handing and thing in!then i get sent to pride for no reason! i stayed there for like 2 minutes and he calls me back in then he says i get and A- after all that he just gives me an A- watch imma report this kinda crap to the principal or something they dont know wat i can do!GOD that day was the worst!!man and i got them both tomorow again!!! :( god....this is like hell...well lets see how today will turn out probably like yesterday maybe! man school sucks! i wish something would happen like a fire or something then we couldnt go there!not all schools are bad but our school looks like its on welfare!!the computers and everything in the school is crap!instead of fixing that problem thet go right ahead and get new windows for no reason!? you can afford new windows but not computers???like our school is messed...srry this was so long just had to get that off! well ok seeya! have a better day then i will!BYE!
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Monday, May 15, 2006
man back to school again...i felt better in NYC then going back to school...well i guess i will meet my friends i must have like 100 things to do when i go i wish i could stay home...o well...wat do u guys do for mothers day...anything?...ill tell u mine we did nothing wished my mom happy mothers day and ate the rest of my dads bday cake also ass a mothers day cake lol! well thats all that happened...o and as u can see i changed my theme again...its the most lazy person...but can u believe hes the most smartest? his IQ is over 200 lol mines like 75 or so lol! im not a genious but im pretty smart...well i gotta sleep lol imma be tired for school well talk to you later bye!
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
ah home at last! well it was very fun in NYC but it had to end sometime...well im back here at was my dads b-day on friday so were having his party today!...hmm where should we take him to dinner...he likes manderin but he likes swisschale too....hmm hard lol i no ill have a vote who says manderin..and who says swisschale u guys can choose too! well now that im home expect more posts!right after this party and im done eating and stuff i no wat im doing! going to bed lol im tired after all that! well thats its alright seeya! bye
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
hey guys...well i saw my looked like he was a different person when i saw him in that casket like it wasnt him...i dont no but i got like some shivers that never stop until i left! it was like 30F man it was hot but when i saw him in that casket i couldnt stop shivering!well thats all that happened...i got sum new games and manga too! give me sum time playing sum of my new games and ill be fine...well like at 6am in the mornin tomorow im goin home! it was pretty fun in NYC but it had to come to an end! well thats all seeya!have a good weekend!
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