| .:LxLight4Ever:.
My FanFic. ^_^
"HIKARU!!!" Kaoru Hitachiin yells, running down the stair case of his mansion, "Come on! We're gonna be late for club!!" "Ah! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Hikaru Hitachiin says as he follows rapidly, a piece of toast hanging from his mouth, "I don't understand why we have to have the host club on a Sunday! I couldn't even get to sleep in!!". They rush to the car and head off for Ouran High School. Once there, they run to the 3rd Music Room. "Gomenasai, gomenasai! We're here now--" the twins unison apology gets suddenly cut off by the squees of a group of girls. The twins have a look of utter confusion... "...what the...?" They stare in the music room to find the rest of the host club in Death Note cosplay. Kaoru takes a step in the room, "...Death Note? Hm... I woudn't have suspected this..." "Renge made a special request for us to hold this weekend club in order to dress us in these costumes." Kyouya Ohtori says as he walks past, dressed as one of the task force members. "So this is the otaku's idea? Thats not suprising..." Hikaru grumbles as he turns to leave. "Ah ah ah! Not so fast, Hikaru!" Tamaki Souh calls while running over, "This is for the women! They have taken time out of their busy weekend to come and spend time with us! You must stay! Besides..." He spins around, "Isn't my costume great!? I'm Matsuda-kun!" he laughs. "...that's scary how well that fits him..." the Hitachiin twins mutter in unison. "...why do /I/ have to be Misa?" Haruhi Fujioka storms over to Tamaki, "Senpai!" whispering, "you /do/ remember that everyone thinks I'm a boy, right??" Hikaru's eyes widen at the site of Haruhi dressed in this cosplay. "W-Well I think it looks nice... we'll just say it's because you look the most girly out of our group and Renge-chan is already Kiyomi, as I can see..." he says, looking at Renge, trying to hide blush. Kaoru notices this but doesn't say anything. Tamaki looks at them and then grins, "Well now it's time to get you both in your own costumes!" "SQUEE!!" a random girl nearby screams, "we saved the best costumes for you two!" "...eh?" The twins question, tilting their heads. "Wait a sec..." They say, "the only two characters that are left are..." No sooner could they finish the sentence then did the club have them in their costumes. "Light..." says Hikaru... "and L...." says Kaoru, looking down at the loose fitting white long sleeved shirt and baggy jeans he is wearing. "I'm not used to clothes fitting this loose... I feel sort of... exposed..." He says, blushing. "Heh..." Hikaru grins as he gets close to his brother, a spark of their famous "twincest" budding, "I could always... hold you... that way your clothes would press against your skin..." he says softly, holding Kaoru close to him. "Oh Hikaru... I mean..." he corrects himself as he clears his throat, "Oh... Light..." All the girls' attention is on them now. "Ahhh..." another girl says, putting hand to forehead in a "fainting" manner, "not only is it just so great that it's brotherly love, but now it's Light and L that share the affection!" she says and she squees. The other girls join in the commotion. Kaoru looks around, still blushing. "This is a... bit embarrasing..." he says as he looks into Hikaru's warm eyes. "Don't think about feelings of embarrasment, L... all that matters in us now..." Hikaru says softly as he carresses Kaoru's cheek. All the noise of the girls and the rest of the club slowly fades as they stay focused on each others eyes. "I love you..." Kaoru says softly, continuing to blush. Hikaru smiles, holding Kaoru's cheek in hand. "And I love you too... my little L..." he whispers as their lips slowly touch.