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myOtaku.com: LyingHereInHeaven

Monday, January 9, 2006

well at school. hehe my computer died over the weekend. it was complete and utter chaos. It took 3 different people to fix it. and lol.. it was insane! we had like 32 virius's!!! *screams* it was crazy!!! but we got it done. found out my dad downloaded this spyware thing. *gurr* if its free to download offline, 9 times outta 10 its very very bad.

*sigh* dumb ass!!! well chillin.. doing all my studying. exams are next week. *yawn* its insane... lol, but I am passing all my damn classes!!! WOOO HOOO!!! *pumps fist* lol

well must go. lol^-^

-much love


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