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In my mind...o_0
Member Since
Real Name
Little Bear / Allie
I'm good at the trombone, and I got some of my art in the Detroit Free Press. :)
Anime Fan Since
Ohhhhhh...1997. Sailor Moon, my unending obsession!
Favorite Anime
Ooooo...I dunno...Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star...the list is never-ending. I tend to lean towards Shonen manga, though...and, something I almost forgot...ONE PIECE! And all of the other mangas in Shonen Jump...except Dragonball Z...>.<
I hope to someday become a forensic scientist...or a character designer. :)
I looooove to draw! And with friends...and play the trombone. I also love track. : P
Trombone, singing, drawing...and not many people know this, but I'm really fast.
| Lykel Dragoness
Monday, May 10, 2004
Well, I'm feeling a bit better today...the countdown until the Mackinac Trip begins today! Let's see...>.o Well, it's on Friday, so the trip is about four days from now...
![White Dragon]( You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would help humans if they desprately need you. YOu are kind and wise with a heart of gold.
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
Cool, ne? I thought it was neat...
Ehh, my mom and my sister are sister's just being a brat. She wanted to go work out tonight. I kinda wanted to, too, but Mom's picking up a friend of ours who we don't get to see that often. Tony's cool.
OoOoOoOoOoOo! It's raining here...I like the rain alot. Sometimes it matches my mood (like now) or it's just nice to listen to the thunder cracking the world outside.
...While I'm talking, I think I'll coax a piccy on here for you...
Okay, maybe not. I have to get my stupid pictures on my other site so I can steal them from there...>P
Oh well. See you all later, I suppose...
![You belonge in the world of nature.]( You belong in the world of leaves and trees, where the wilderness can claim your soul. Somewhere like a jungle or a thick wooded forest would be your world. Intensely in tune with nature, you feel the world belongs to the natural ways that once ruled the planet. Be yourself, and everything will work out. Don't let the grind of the city destroy your free-as-a-bird nature.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
![Awesome! You're an earth dragon!!]( Earth Dragon
What dragon element are you? brought to you by Quizilla
![You represent... naivete.]( You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at times, but it's only because you're not sure how to act. You give off that "I need to be protected vibe." Remember that not all people are good. Being too trusting will get you easily hurt.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
![Water]( Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent, quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one can change that. Usually quiet but only because your listening, don't let anyone think you haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because your shy or sad, your usually quiet because your thinking. Your answers are well planned and helpful so people generally seek your advice. Your the perfect balance between solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a little time to yourself to sort out your emotions and figure things out. You understand the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let things get to you, whats that important for you to have to get so upset over? You know what you want out of life but are simply taking your time and enjoying things. To you your life is fine as it is, you can always change things later if your not happy.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
~Allie, Lover of Gaara~
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