Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
it's where I'll be more often than on here, but I can say I'm visiting a lot more people again *proud* and even if I do leave my old blogging home, I won't leave all my friends behind, I'll keep visiting and commenting, so no worries ^^
ok, I would love to post a happy post about how great life is..
unfortunately, the bimbos decided to go behind my back, make an appointment with the teacher for feedback and then scold me for 'not being willing to come to school'. fuck them, I'll do another individual assignment end of the year, or next school year. I'd like to see them try with just the two of them.. worst part is, they KNOW I can't come to school and yet they decide that they're gonna work one day a week on fixing the project. and then they tell me there will be consequences for me if I can't come to school.
then, when I was venting and finally getting a bit happier, cause I got to talk to Silver on the phone, there was this lady on the train who kept repeating how annoying she thought it was when people call in the train. and not just once, but every five minutes, disrupting me and pretending I wouldn't be able to hear her.
now, I don't mind her being annoyed, but there are civilized ways to solve such a thing. in the end, I just wanted Silver to stay on the phone longer to annoy her.
when I got out of the train, so did she, and she just had to repeat again that she thought I was annoying.
I told Silver to hold on for a second, twirled around and said: no ma'am, YOU are annoying. (yeah, real mature, I know)
then I stormed off to the bus. in the bus I cried a bit, got home, cried a whole lot more and called Silver again.
also, I just found out I once again flunked that test from last year.. 51%.. *headdesk* at least there's slight improvement, I started at 40, then 46 and now this.. well, there's always the next resit (end of this year)
more bad shit happened, but not all disasters or worth crying over.
like me blowing a fuse with the toaster at work ^^' oops, the cord for the coffee thingy was too close against it and burned through ^^"
my grandma has to get surgery, something about cleaning out her knee and then she once again needs to go on a drip. I hope they get it this time..
well, I think I'll take a nice painkiller to do something about my headache and then I will go and get some sleep.
until I return, enjoy my new theme. it's a Valentine's Day theme really, but I don't know when I'll have the time or energy to replace it again.
sorry once again for not visiting.
one last message: bye Grifter-san, I'll miss ya. hoping for a return, I'll drink one on you every once in a while (a funny blue one ^_~, or was that someone else.. *shrugs*) the well will be here, no matter how long you take.
have a nice Valentine's Day everyone!
and now some just for fun, I can use them smiles ^^
MCL, until better days, I'm outti.
ps: nice feeling: the guy who was flaming me on the Acon forum either got banned or told off by the staff. either way, his posts have disappeared and I haven't really seen him since ^^
also, an extra night at the hotel YAY, ultra long weekend ^^
(not all is well, but at least there's not all evil in the world either ^^)
I wanted to post, but I'm simply too tired at the moment to make a decent one..
combine working a full day on an internship, then heading home only to go directly to a meeting at your other job AND getting flamed at a forum by someone who lacks common sense and decent communication skills.
then you get me ^^
so there you have my life at the moment.. this person at the Acon forum seriously pissed me off, mostly because he kept taking apart my posts and then yelling (caps, bold text) his opinion about what I said.. basically he has a huge stick up his butt and shouldn't be allowed to volunteer as a gopher at the con.. sadly, they're in desperate need of gophers all the time and let in the conceited ones too..
well, that's enough complaining from my part, I've got some more work to do.
hopefully I'll be able to somewhat visit on saturday and sunday. right now, I've been reading some posts, but not commenting. gomen *bows*
first day at the grind stone.. or something like that
hey guys ^^
quick update, cause I'm still swamped with work even though I'm home..
my first day at the internship was.. well, to be honest, it was rather boring.. mostly explainations on how the computer programs work and nothing to really do..
the people are nice though ^^ the other intern is a bit of an air head, but not a bad person per se. then again, I have been wrong before..
I hope we'll get something to really do soon, but it seems like the first week will be mostly getting impressions and getting to know how the computers work (which is easy really..)
my birthday was good.
got a pretty good haul in presents, as well as cash.
the next day my dvdplayer decided to die on me though.. so now I'm using a spare one we had, which makes loads of noise when playing a disk.. I might save up for a new one, but for now, I want to save my money for acon2008 ^^
my grandma is in the hospital again, as some of you might know.. she looked so small and old when we went to visit her yesterday.. I hope she gets better soon, but I don't want to put too much hope in it, cause I know I might get disappointed.. we'll take it day by day and see what happens.
for now, she's on an antibiotical drip again and the doctors are trying to decide whether or not to give her pills and send her home.. I vote for not though, since she's pretty helpless at home.
that's about it from me today, I've got work to do on getting some info together for the Chinese guestspeaker *sigh*
well, I hope you are all doing well, I'm rather stressed at the moment..
one of the bimbos got pretty angry I guess about the grade we got and she got pretty damn rude to the teach *sigh* instead of being a normal human being and handling it with some patience... *shakes head*
either way, we're supposed to make an appointment with the guy to get feedback AND we have to do another presentation, after fixing the final report..
so basically, we get to do the complete project all over again. [sarcasm]joy[/sarcasm]
anyway, my internship seems to be taken care of now. I handed in a correct version of my contract at school and my tutor is supposed to sign it and send it back to me.
the action plan turned out to be a lot less work than I thought and I just sent it in too. so at least that's taken care of ^^
so between the internship and the redo of the project, there's bound to be some stress. seeing that I've got a full time job starting monday and I'm supposed to come to college for the feedback? it's pure bullshit if you ask me.. the two bimbos are working on their graduation project and stuff, which means they'll be working on that full time too.. I just don't know how we're supposed to work this out..
and to add to all that, I've still got my individual assignment to make up for the block before last *sigh*
I've got more balls in the air than I can juggle..
anyway, tomorrow is my birthday.
I'm kind of looking forward to it, even though I already know most of the gifts I'll be getting hehe ^^' well, it was kind of hard for me to think of things I wanted.. actually, Silver is still looking for a gift ^^"
though I just talked to him and he said he had an idea ^^
also, there's been talk of me having to throw a party.. so what comes to mind with me is: who could I invite?
the friends I've got don't have to kind of money or time to fly out here for one evening ^_~
but I keep forgetting that Silver's friends have become my friends too.. well, sort of anyway..
so I told Silver that if we do it at his place, he pays for the booze and snacks and stuff and he invites the people, I'd love to throw a party ^_~
I'm not much for birthday parties really.. all we ever do is have family come over during the day.. oh well, it might be fun if we can get it together.
my grandma won't be able to be at my birthday, cause she has to go back to the hospital.. for some reason, I haven't been told what's really going on, which doesn't seem like a good sign.. I hope she's going to be ok though
yesterday I finally got to see Cloverfield. I've been wanting to see it for a while now, mainly because all you ever get to see on tvare teaser-trailers, which are plain evil.
when I said I wanted to go see it last week, Silver was like: meh, if you really want to, we could go see it.
afterwards, he had a different attitude hehe ^^
it was AWESOME!
I won't go around telling about the story, spreading spoilers and all, but I will tell you this: during the last scene, pay close attention to the background!
I knew this, thanks to Tim from Ctrl+Alt+Del comics but I still missed it T_T
Freek, one of Silver's co-workers and his girlfriend came along with us, and he did see it.. so I know what it was hehe ^^
also (I just checked IMDB for this) stick around until the end of the credits! I missed this, cause we left before they were done..
everyone was pretty full of the movie. we went to an irish pub after it and had a good time talking about it and other things, having a couple beers before going home.
all in all, it was a very good day ^^
and to imagine I started it with cleaning out Silver's room *laughs*
I had gone to Silver's on wednesday and he had to work thursday morning. so needless to say, I was a little bored..
I decided to tidy his room for a bit and ended up vacuuming the house ^^'
oh well, I had fun, shouting along with my MP3 player and getting a bit of a workout in the meantime ^^
lets see.. I think that's it for me.
I wanted to post on my birthday, but then figured that not many people come around here in the weekend.. I know I'm pretty late in posting today too, so yeah ^^"
happy groundhog day tomorrow!
MCL, I'm outti.
for some reason, this little guy reminds of the soot spirits found in several Ghibli movies ^^ so cute!
ok, not everything is all bad, I did get new fishies from my dad ^^ YAY for a bright red new Beta male (I named him Red, after the dad from That 70's Show, my female is now called Kitty ^^)
and five new bees, which are just cute and I hope they last longer than the ones I had before..
so I was all happy and stuff, but then I decided to check if any grades of the past block got send in yet..
40 for the presentation and 45 for the final report.
bottom line: I'm stuck with the FUCKING BIMBOS again!! and this just adds to the stress from trying to get my internship sorted and working on the assignment to make up for last block..
I've never regretted a decision as much as the one I made at the start of this project.. (and trust me, I made a LOT of bad decisions..) why did I team up with them?! ok, sure, I worked with one of them on a presentation before and that went alright and I don't really know anyone else in class..
so yeah, I feel like Emo Wall.. and I probably look like it too *sigh*
to top things of, as if this wasn't enough, they messed up my internship contract.. so now I have to go back to college to sort that out and of course the person I need for that isn't there tomorrow, so I have to go there on thursday, when I'm supposed to be at Silver's.. well, I guess I'll go when he's at work..
if you guys don't mind, I'll go ahead and stare at my new fishies some more before I go and get some sleep..
MCL, I'm outti
I hope everyone is doing alright.
as for me, I'm getting there, I think. I've gone back to commenting for a bit (starting with everyone who updated today) and I changed my theme (as you can see)
I hope you guys like it. I've had some great fun working on the bloodspatter, since this was the first time for me to completely make the background of the wallpaper (usually, I take an existing picture and work from there)
I moved the Pick of the Litter down to the featured Quiz results, cause, to be honest, it's a bit too bright for the current theme.
I don't know how long I'm going to keep this one up.. I'm not too happy with the color scheme, but nothing else is readable ^^"
I should be getting ready for my internship, but I can't seem to get myself to do it. maybe it's the fear of change that's holding me back.. this job will take up a lot of my time and since it's something I've never done before, I'm really nervous about it and don't know what to expect..
now, the fear of change is a rather rational fear compared to my other greatest fear: zombies.
I can't help but be scared that some random person will turn out to be a zombie and suddenly attack me out of nowhere.
also, I hate looking out of the window at night, out of fear one will suddenly show up and scare the bejeebies out of me.
not to mention looking in the mirror while brushing my teeth (you know how in the movies, they always show up just when you look away for a little bit and then you look back in the mirror and WHAM!)
of course, I know that this fear is complete nonsense and only generated by the movies I watch..
but then I think: doesn't everyone fear something that's not worth fearing?
so here's my question to you: what are you afraid of, either rational or irrational?
cause lets be honest here: no one is truly fearless, right?
well, I guess that's all I've got for today..
thursday Silver, me and some of Silver's coworkers are going to go see Cloverfield. I wonder what the monster looks like and if you even get to see it in the movie.. (no spoilers please!!)
I don't know when I'll post again, but I can assure you that it will be before, or on the day of, my birthday ^^"
I can't leave without giving you guys some LOLcritters, so here ya go:
which reminds me of the early days of Ebenezer and Snooch Observe:
the last pic is in response to LS' picture of the day:
first off, I want to share some news that really shocked me, but most of you will probably know about it already:
Heath Ledger was found dead yesterday..
they say it's most likely an overdose of sleeping pills.
I'm amazed and shocked by this story, especially since I really enjoyed his acting. my thoughts go out to his family and friends, especially his little girl.
I hope you guys are all doing alright.
me, I'm still out of sorts and will be less frequent in visiting or at least commenting.
I do read everyone's posts regularly, I just don't comment for fear of being the little bitch I've turned into.
also, I've been drinking more alcohol again, which isn't a really good sign, but I can't really be too concerned about it. after all, I'm a lot more fun when I'm drunk. I'm not called the drunken sage for nothing, ya know ^^
anyway, the past few days have not been too bad.
the weekend was good. we went to play some pool with some of Silver's coworkers and even though the talk was all work again (as feared) it was fun. we later returned to the coworker's house and played some card games until we were kicked out because he wanted to go sleep (wuss)
saturday I had to work and my boss actually told me this: if it means you'll work this hard every saturday, I won't mind if you go out drinking every friday!
so yeah, saturday was good even though we found out that one of our coworkers is in the hospital. he passed out that morning and hit his head pretty hard, but the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.. I don't know how he's doing at the moment.
Sunday Silver and me watched Paprika, which was good, even though it was a bit confusing at times.
we just had a nice relaxed time.
monday was prepping for the presentation, which was hell.. I just can't stand those two *shakes head*
yesterday we had the presentation, and whaddayaknow, one of the bimbos had a 'migraine' and couldn't come (sure, I know, migraines CAN get pretty bad. but I also just know that she was at home working on everything she still had to do, which she found out the day before. and dammit if she got away with it..)
so yeah, that was a shocker, since she didn't prepare even the slightest bit of text, me and the other bimbo had to improvise her part.
to make matters worse, or at least, weirder, the other one showed up with some sort of pie.
so without even discussing it, she had her mom bake pie and was asking me to hand it out to people during the presentation.
naturally, I declined, since if one thing's a bad idea during a presentation, it's handing out some sort of food, cause everyone gets distracted and things get noisy.
she got a bit angry at me and after trying to convince me with harsh words, she decided to ask a fellow student to do it. she said she'd do it (poor thing) and was left cutting the thing up for over ten minutes while we were doing the presentation.. so half way through, everyone got distracted cause suddenly, there was this unknown substance coming their way..
all in all, it seemed like the bimbo had never even done a presentation *shakes head* you sure could tell she's originally a Commercial Economics student, since all she kept talking about was how people have money, are willing to spend that money and how we were going to take that money from them try and get them to spend their money on our trip.
in the end, we turned out to be the most expensive, due to a profit percentage of 25% >_< I'm not much of an economic, so I trusted them to do at least that job correctly.. guess you really do have to do things yourself if you want to get it done right..
oh well, either way, after the most embarassing presentation of my life was over, I had to sit through all the other ones.. we were the first of the day, starting at 9 am and the last were done at around 3.45 pm. so yeah, that was a day filled with nothingness.
in other news..
I've been eying this pair of leather boots for a couple of weeks now and actually had the last size 6 set apart for me at work.
but I just couldn't decide on buying them or not, since they were quite expensive..
but now, my mom bought them for me, as an extra for my upcoming birthday ^^ since I'm turning 21 next saturday (yep, Groundhog day) I get an extra and I could chose for the boots or two driving lessons. well, since I'm not even near trying to get my license, I decided on the boots ^^ and man, do I ever love them hehe ^^
I've been reading Priest, which I ordered for a friend of mine. it's alright, if you don't mind the sketchy drawing style too much. I'm used to nicely cleaned up mangas and was at first annoyed by the way this one looks like it isn't really finished.
the story is pretty dark, but it's a quick read, mostly gore and fighting, so it isn't all too bad.
not something I would pick up myself very fast, but certainly recommendable for those who like gothic, gory, spaghetti-westerns.
loads of zombies too ^^
yesterday, I've discovered a fun new pass-time called Bite Fight.
it's a pretty basic text RPG, for which of course you have to pay to play it fully, but it's also fun to play the free version.
if anyone would like to try it or just check it out, click the mysterious link just above my post ^^
I'm called Lytjuh and you can send private messages, which is fun to do hehe ^^
as for today, I'm not sure whether to work on studying for my upcoming resit for a test I flunked last year, work on my action plan for the internship, work on making study goals for the internship, work on the assignment to make up for last block's project or do nothing and just watch some anime, read manga and finally get back to the letter Magnus-ojou-sama sent me (sorry, I will get to it as soon as I feel like I'm able to write a decent letter back! *bows*)
I'll probably do the last one, cause I'm kinda lazy and want to relax after getting through yesterday.
it's almost Winter-een-Mas (25th-30th) and I have to admit that I'm almost done with Me&My Katamari >_< thankfully, I still have loads of Tales of Eternia and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth to play. also, I still haven't installed Guild Wars Nightfall, so I could play that.
well, I'm off, but not before sharing some LOLcritters with you all: