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Monday, December 4, 2006

   I loved the way we used to laugh, I loved the way we used to smile. Often I sit down and think of you for a while. Then it passes by me and I think of someone else instead. I guess the love we once had, is officially... DEAD

'No Regrets'-Robbie Williams
sorry the title became so long.. but it truly fits me at the moment.
'One For the Maggots', I don't even want him bothering to come back again. stupid jerk.

sorry guys, this must be confusing (especially for the new guys to my site..)
let me explain, shortly.
had a friend, he abandoned me, I fell apart. I've been sad for a long time..
and now I'm finally at the stage of hating his guts and seeing how much of a jerk he is, or at least is to me ^^

there, now that's out of my system, I can start my post ^^

time: 6.37-7.50 pm CET (I spend some time on the phone with Silver-sama and on WDX in between ^^)
mood: pretty good, spend money today ^^'
physical condition: I've got a cold.. but I'm ignoring it for the time being ^^
manga: I gave up on Pita-Ten for a while, think I'll read some yaoi now.. this cold weather is perfect for some bishie on bishie action ^_~
weather: as said: cold, but finally autumnyish ^^ raging winds and buckets of rain, may all hell break loose!! (weather-wise)
song: We'll be Allright-ICP

hmz, I guess I'll just start with the weekend, eh?
saturday was good, worked a lot and really hard, a lot of people came to buy presents and stuff for Sinterklaas (it's tomorrow, if you don't know what it is, ask and I'll explain in the next post maybe ^^)
I was pretty darn tired at the end of the day, but I did get paid, so that was good hehe ^^
Silver-sama came to pick me up as usual ^^ and when we got to my home, we ate *dun dun dunnnnn* Greek food for a change *laughs* how many of you thought that it would be Chinese? be honest, now!!
and then my parents went out to eat with some friends and my brother went to a party, so Silver-sama and me went to his house ^^
we watched Mars Attacks! and I have to be honest.. the Martians freaked me out!! I truly think that they are scary.. and sadistic too!! though I did like that they put whatshername's head on that dog's body hehe ^^
and after that we watched Clerks, cause I had found it for a few bucks on Thursday ^^
it was a pretty cool movie ^^ I like the way Randal thinks.. I pretty much think the same way he thinks, but I'm afraid I act similar to Dante.. and I loved Silent Bob's one line ^^ he may not say much, but when he does, it's something smart and true ^^
and then, after those two movies and some shots of Flugel (energy drink with red vodka yummmm) it was time to go to bed ^^
and eventually, we even went to sleep *laughs and winks at Silver-sama*

sundaymorning, I got to chat with my little sis some more again and she's thinking about reviving WDX!! it's the first forum I have ever joined and for quite a while, I was addicted to the place.. then some bad things happened, fights were fought and bad memories were made.. but now that those evil people are gone (YAY) and Magnus will be back on there, I'm seriously thinking of joining again..
later on we went back to my place, since our parents had an 'obligatory visit' together.. ^^"
they talked more than usual though and Silver-sama and I were actually able to stay downstairs the whole time ^^ though I did play some Pokemon ^^"
and after Silver's parents left, we erhm.. I can't really remember what we did... oh well, then it was time to eat ^^
after dinner, Silver-sama and I wrapped some Christmas presents together ^^ it was fun hehe
I gave him a necklace he thought was really cool ^^ I had bought it in Finland, though I wasn't very sure what to do with it yet.. at first I wanted to give it to my imooto-chan, then I thought about keeping it myself, but then I saw Silver-sama's face and I decided that he should have it ^^ it made him happy YAY!!!
and when that was done, we watched some Rune Soldier, which will probably stay funny no matter what ^^ it's a really cool series YAY ^^
and then of course it was time for Bones!!! I don't know why, but I didn't quite like the episode (a pirate's skeleton, BlackBeard's treasure and Hodgins in life-danger..) ow well, next week will probably be good again ^^
then it was time for Silver-sama to go home again *sigh* he has the late-shift this week, so we probably won't get to talk or see each other much.. though I did call with him a lot today hehe ^^ and maybe we'll see each other on thursday morning ^^ that would be good ^^
I popped a sleeping pill and tried to get some rest.. didn't really get it though, I couldn't fall asleep and when I finally did, I kept waking up *sigh* ow well..

it's so cold *shivers* during the day it was nice and sunny, though it was windy.. and now it's just cooling down pretty fast.. and of course, the heater won't go on.. *kicks it and hurts own foot in the process*
I had some fun today though ^^
this morning, I got to talk to my imooto-chan, which is always a great thing ^^
and I skipped one and a half hour of school.. yeah.. I decided to get out halfway through Business Economics.. I had a similar class in high school and it seems to me that that class was higher in level than what we are getting now.. and I did bring my books, but two other girls didn't have any with them, so I let them borrow mine and decided that I would check in my neighbor's book every now and again.. plus, I didn't really make any sums in advance, cause we've already had the same topic last year PLUS I still know pretty much everything from high school. not to mention that I seem to have some sort of Economical insight..
but anywho, halfway his talk, the teacher just all of a sudden starts to bitch about people who haven't prepared anything and who didn't bring their stuff and so on and so forth, and he just kept on looking my way during that speech *sigh* and I'm like: they've got my books and these sums are worthless..
so during the little break I decided it was time for me to get out and learn some stuff in this 'real world' some people keep talking about.
so I did some more Christmas shopping YAY!!!
well, I meant to anyway, but I ended up buying some stuff for myself after all..
like Arjuna volume 4, the illusive last DVD of the Arjuna (Earth Maiden) series.. it was impossible to find anywhere and today I just almost walked up against it in the store where they first asked me if 'Anime' was a title or actor or something!! they had so many anime-goodness all of a sudden!!! like Hellsing and a lot of Gundam.. I wonder when Gedo Senki will come out on DVD...
anywho.. oh and I bought some buttons ^^ I just liked them hehe ^^
plus, and this is where some of my friends will get curious, I finished my Christmas shopping for Cat, my imooto-chan Magnus and Yensid-sensei ^^ though I still want to get something for Yensid-sensei's DH/Bunraku... ow and I think I'm done shopping for Silver-sama now too *snickers*

oh and I couldn't believe my eyes when I got out of the subway this morning...
just look for yourself:

not sure if you guys can see that very well, but it's a pair of RED, GLITTERY SHOES!!!
I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto...
couldn't find her little black dog though.. and thank goodness I resisted the urge to ask her where she put the Tin-man, Scarecrow and Lion..
good thing though: there weren't any flying monkeys around, so she wasn't the wicked witch either *laughs*
the picture was taken while walking behind her and trying not to let her or her clique notice what I was doing hehe ^^"

let's see... any other weird things happen to me today.. naw, not really.. walked a few miles trying to find a comicbook store I was sure was around there somewhere.. guess it isn't anymore.. ow well, I could use the exercise *laughs*
and while waiting for the bus after all that walking, this old lady wouldn't stop talking to me.. *sigh* I mean, she was very nice and all, but I'm not really a very nice person when I've walked through half of Rotterdam without succeeding in my mission, with a heavy schoolbag, icky looks from even ickier old men and an icy cold wind.. I just thought that she would get the message once I kept both the plugs from my mp3 in, but she just wouldn't stop yapping.. ow well, I stayed nice and friendly and respectful and stuff, so no harm was done ^^

well guys, it's time for a nice cup of tea to warm up my hands a bit before packing the new presents tee-hee ^^ I love giving stuff away!!! I love making people happy, though there are some things in the stack that I would love to keep for myself too hehe ^^" don't worry guys, you'll all get your presents *hugs Cat, Magnus, Yensid-sensei and Silver-sama* now I just need to find something for Silver-sama's mom and her boyfriend *sigh* they're a lot more difficult..
and then it's CSI time again ^^ they showed reruns for like, three weeks and then all of a sudden, they're showing new ones again!! ow well.. it's a sequel to last week's and it was pretty exciting, so I can't wait hehe ^^

I'll let you guys go for now ^_~
much clown love and remember there's no place like home *clicks heals together three times*
I'm outta here

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Friday, December 1, 2006

   In the morning, you know we won't remember a thing...

'In the Morning'-Razorlight
well, I'm listening to it right now, so it's pretty much the only quote that came to my head ^^"

time: 11.06-11.46 am CET
mood: shifty, I think I've pretty much had every mood possible already this morning..
physical condition: feels like a hangover, man did that one beer ever fall the wrong way -_-
manga: *afraid to say* still Pita-Ten 2.. I'm not getting anywhere this week *sigh*
song: I don't really have a song in my head today.. it's crappy, I know.. can't help it though..
weather: cold, but sunny and dry

well, the last few days have been quiet.
wednesday was spend doing a lot of nothing ^^ cleaned up my room a bit and then just fell asleep in the sun again ^^" I've been reading some more Grifter comics, but I really need to find some more volumes.. plus, I think I want to read WildC.A.Ts too.. it's so hard to find comics over here.. almost harder than manga!
in the evening I watched 'Love Actually'. I first thought that it would be a standard rom-com. ya know: guy meets girl, they have a fun time, halfway through the movie the guy messes up and spends the rest of the movie getting the girl back and of course in the end, they live happily ever after.
but this one was so much better ^^ first off, I was delighted by the cast ^^ I mean, I didn't even know that the guy that played Arthur Dent in the Hitchhiker's Guide had played in anything else before! also, a nice and pure Keira Knightly and a puppy-eyed Hugh Grant as ever ^^ I just loved it. but the thing about it that I liked most, was just the fact that it's a story about a lot of people who seem to have nothing in common, but in the end, you start to see the connection between them all. I just love the fact that they kinda show the theory of however it is called (the one that says that everyone is connected through so many different links.. I forgot >_< somebody help me.. Yensid-sensei?)
and I adored the narration at the start ^^
anywho, in the end, I wasn't feeling annoyed by the complete clichéness of it all, but I was feeling warm and fuzzy inside cause of seeing a lovely made romantic movie ^^

thursday. didn't do much at the start of this day either. I had hardly slept all night but still managed to get out of bed at ten am and take a shower. spend half the day annoying my mom by walking around in jeans and just a normal t-shirt (hardly any sleeve hehe) she kept telling me to put some clothes on, cause she got cold by just looking at me hehe ^^
what can I say, I felt nice and warm cause of the shower ^^
slept in the sun for some time, while hugging my cat. then watched this new show on Discovery called Men in White. it was fun to see. at first, when I saw some promotional clips for the show, I thought it would be a cheap rip-off from Mythbusters.. but they actually had a nice angle on things and it was different enough to be pretty cool ^^
after that, I went on my way to Silver-sama ^^
got lucky with my bus-train connection (usually, I have to wait over half an hour cause I can see the train moving away from the station from the bus) and I only had to wait for Silver-sama for about five to ten minutes ^^
when we came to his house, it turned out that we would be eating a 'nice' leek-oven-dish. when it comes to leeks, I'm still like Kyo-kun, I WON'T eat them! but I felt really bad for his mom, cause apparently, she had texted to my old number to ask what I wanted to eat.. and of course, that text never got to me, cause I can't turn that phone on anymore..
so due to miscommunication, she had been doing her best in the kitchen and I refused to eat it *sigh*
but in the end, we got to an agreement ^^ Silver-sama and I got to eat Chinese food and I would make a list of meals that I do like to eat for his mom ^^
the lady from the Chinese restaurant is sooooo sweet ^^ she's getting used to us coming there almost every week, I think hehe ^^"
anywho, she gave me a compliment on my make-up *proud* (I keep getting those, except from my mom *laughs* she hates the red lipstick hehe. so of course, I wear it to annoy her tee-hee) but that lady told me that it looked like I had Chinese eyes the way I did them ^^ *blushers* it was really nice of her ^^
anywho, after dinner, Silver-sama and I went on our way to do Christmas shopping.. didn't quite turn into Christmas shopping, but it was fun all the same ^^ I ended up borrowing more money from Silver-sama, going completely broke myself and still not having anything to give his mom and her boyfriend *sigh*
I did buy some things though hehe ^^"
-cd of Razorlight, I'd never heard of them, but they sound pretty good ^^ they were 'artist of the week' at the music store..
-cd Twentysomething of Jamie Cullum, I just like to get some jazzy sounds in between the ICP and rock songs hehe ^^' I'm very diverse ^^
-dvd of Clerks, it was impossible to find at first when I tried and just when I almost forgot, I saw it in the music store for just three bucks ^^ so I thought: what the heck, why not? ^^
-dvd of Vampire Princess Myu (*hope I spelled it right*) it's the first volume and it looked pretty good.
-figurine of.. ugh what'shername from Ikki Tousen ^^ the evil one.. ugh, I can't stand this.. I had to leave most of my stuff at Silver-sama's cause I kinda promised my mom not to buy anything anymore.. give me a sec.. *goes to IMDB* ah yes, Shimei.. the one with the eye-patch.
remember kids: for random sites: Google, for facts: Wikipedia and for anything movie or series related: IMDB ^_~
ah yes, we also visited the tattoo-shop ^^"
and as usual, once I stepped in there, I was no longer the big-mouthed, strong nineteen year old I usually am, but I turned into the tiny, shy girl who is too scared to ask anything.. so I spend some time looking the guy from the shop straight in the eye until Silver-sama kinda pushed me forward going like: 'well go on! you want one!'
turns out, the costs will be between 100 and 150 euros, which isn't too bad ^^ and Silver-sama said that he might want to pay for half of it for my birthday ^^ so yep, I'm really going through with it, but only once I have some money again.. so that should be around februari, after my birthday ^^"

by the way, on the way to the city, I had my usual traffic-light-fun hehe ^^
there was this guy who was just yawning really big and I thought: he needs a smile in his day ^^ so at first I just looked at him normally and as soon as he turned away, I put on my biggest smile. so at first he just got a bit nervous. and after a while, he started smiling too, but shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head like: 'what?!' and I did the same, looking like: 'nothing, just smile ^^'
it was fun for me, but I think I kinda freaked him out *laughs*

before we went back home, I treated Silver-sama to a beer and then we headed back. he gave me a well-needed massage.. my back has been killing me.. and then we both fell asleep..
he didn't want to fall asleep, but he still did and of course, I thought it was uber-cute that he did, but he wasn't too happy with it hehe ^^"
but it all turned out ok, I just got home a bit later than planned.. and Silver-sama got stuck in a traffic-jam on the way back.. *hugs him* poor honey..

well, I've ranted enough for today. today will be quiet I hope, lots of naps and a bit of work in the evening ^^
speaking of naps, it's time for one I recon ^^

I'm outta here, much clown love

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

   You'll never con an Honest John, an Honest John you can't drag down. Condolee get conned when they think they're the conning one...

"Can't con an Honest John"-The Streets
Using the following, I'm going to show you:

A) How to con someone using their own greed,
B) That you won't feel bad 'cos they're trying to con you anyway, and


How does that work? Cos' everytime it's based around someone who thinks they're conning you.
They'll never imagine the whole scenario is prepared solely for him
Why should he?
That sort of paranoia can get you in the loony bin!

this song just fits perfectly (kinda) with the movie I watched yesterday ^^ I'll get back on that ^^

time: 9.42 CET
mood: ok, kinda lonely and sick of my mom's whining..
physical condition: my stomach is completely empty.. but at least I stopped throwing up ^^ (I was sick last night..)
weather: sunny, but it seems cold..
manga: still Pita-Ten volume 2.. *ashamed of herself*
song: DOA-Foo Fighters

ok time, for the real post ^^

monday morning was spend talking to my imooto-chan ^^ I was really glad that I could be there for her, though for a while I was worried as hell.. thank goodness it was only her laptop dieing *laughs* it's fixed now ^^
now I'm just worried about her *massive hugs to my imooto-chan* I wish I could be there for her in real life.. but for now, this is all I can do..

the rest of the day I didn't do much of anything.. spend my day reading Grifter comics (yep, I decided to start reading them anyway.. but they're just so cool ^^ I really like the artwork, it's a nice break from all the manga/anime ^^)
and I played some Pokemon ^^ it's still fun to see that little Eevee hopping around ^^ and I got a little Mudkip as a partner and it's named after my beloved *laughs*
in the evening, I watched the first episode of Galaxy Angel, which is just insanely CUTE ^^ but then again, it might have just been because of the kitties ^^
ow and of course I didn't miss the new ep of CSI ^^ it was good but a bit vague and I'm scared that they're going to butcher it like they did with CSI Miami.. *sigh* ow well, we'll see ^^
but in the meantime, it looks like Bones is steadily taking over the first place in my favorite series list.. when are the DVDs coming out?!
took two sleeping pills to try and get some well deserved rest.. and still spend half the night awake.. *sigh* don't worry, I'm not going to start trying three pills, cause it says on the box that two is pretty much the maximum ^^ besides, if two work just as crappy as one, I might as well just take one at a time again ^^

tuesday ^^ YAY this day I get to see Silver-sama hehe ^^ but I'm not at that point yet tee-hee ^^
the morning was spend mostly sleeping and doing grocery shopping for my mom (who is now more than ever complaining about her leg.. I keep telling her to take some rest but that only gets her angry.. so now I'm just avoiding her.. it sounds evil, but it's best for my mental condition ^^)
in the afternoon I took a nice nap in the sun ^^ yep, it's becoming winter again and I'm starting to live a cat's life again ^^" I just love to find that last spot in the sun to curl up in and fall asleep ^^
and after that, I played some more Pokemon and watched two more episodes of Galaxy Angel ^^ it's still cute and I loved the episode with the millitary missile *laughs* it was so philosophical or however you people spell that ^_~
and early in the evening (before dinner) Silver-sama arrived YAY *glomps him* I love it that I get to see him during the week too now ^^
we watched "Lucky Number Slevin" and I have to say, for everyone who likes a GOOD (and I mean perfectly unexpected, cause even I didn't see it coming!! Silver did though...) plot-twist, it's a MUST-WATCH!!!! and that's where my title comes in, but I will not explain it, cause the people who have seen the movie will understand and the others will just have to watch the movie ^^ but man, THAT my friend, is one hell of a 'Kansas City Shuffle' *laughs*
I just completely loved it ^^
like I said to Silver-sama yesterday: I know how to pick good movies ^^
like that time I dragged him and his friend Sander to 'Lord of War' damn, that was a good one too ^^
though I have my bad days, like with 'The Sound of Thunder' *laughs*

as long as we're talking about movies anyway, I've got a question for you all: is there a movie that never fails to get you emotional, no matter how many times you watch it?
I've got one. it never fails to get me in tears.. it's 'City of Angels'. the end just always gets to me.. and I end up crying.. it's so sad.. but I won't go on about it, cause as usual, I don't want to ruin it for people who want to watch it now ^^

anywho, after the movie, Silver had to leave *sad* it was so hard for him to leave *laughs* it's still hard for me to watch him leave too.. *sigh* I really wish we had our own little place..
is it weird for a nineteen year old to think about getting married and living together? cause people keep giving me strange looks whenever I say that if Silver-sama and I had the money, I wouldn't doubt for a second.. I'd marry him right away ^^
anywho, after he had left, I got ready to go to bed.. and I all of a sudden felt really really sick.. so I pretty much lost everything that was in my tummy in a very unpleasant manner *sigh* I was shaking all over.. I think it was because of the juice I had been drinking.. (it was past it's expiration date with about eleven days..) but my mom doesn't believe me and now of course thinks I've got an eating disorder *big sigh*
but after that, I was able to sleep thank goodness ^^

nothing much planned for today.. I should do some homework.. naaaawww *grins* though I might read a bit of that book my boss gave me to read..
and I think I'll have to start a new letter to my imooto-chan ^^
I'll just see how my day goes. and I'll do whatever I want to hehe ^^

tomorrow I'll go to Silver-sama again ^^ we're going to do some more Christmas Shopping ^^ I still have to buy some stuff for his mom and her boyfriend.. problem is, I'm pretty much broke, cause I think I owe my mom more than I've got on my bank account and I have to pay her this week.. ow well, it'll probably work out ok ^^

OW!!! I know something fun ^^ comments on comments ^^ though I'm not going to comment on the one-liners or the just plain weird ones ^^' sorry guys, read my post and write something that makes sense please ^^

I'm not that much of a party girl.. actually, I prefer sitting on the couch with Silver-sama, a good movie or comedian and a beer.. but sometimes, I just want to have fun and in big groups of people I don't really know or fit in with, this means booze..
over here, the stars can be seen pretty well thank goodness ^^ but I miss my summer weeks in France. man, you could see every star out there ^^ and the sky was so clear over there ^^
I actually only know two constellations: Orion and the Big (or is it Great?) Bear ^^ it's mainly because I've seen and heard the most about them and because during the summer, my window gives a lovely view of the Big Bear and during the wintery months, I've got Orion looking down on me ^^
I hope that headache lifts up and we seemed to both get interrupted while commenting *laughs*

how can I not forgive someone who can do the puppy eyes?! *pats head* it's ok ^^ just don't get distracted next time ^^ *winks*

it IS my favorite song of theirs ^^
as for thinking of my beloved when the day sucks.. Dido really put that down in words with her song 'Thank You'. and even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the day. and then you call me and it's not so bad, it's not so bad..
and to me, being jaded is no reason to do away with love.. but then again, love is really important in my life and I've never been really jaded.. yeah, it's always nice to meet kindred spirits ^^
darnit, I really thought I got it right.. ow well, now it's my own term hehe ^^
*blushers* well, it's great to be your friend too ^^ *glomps*

aw come on, do I have to comment on your comment? you've heard everything I had to say already.. *glomps and kisses* there, that ought to show you ^^ I'm not sure what yet, but it will!! ow, that's right, you're going to have to loan me money for at least thursday evening *puppy eyes* ^^'

NO ONE WILL EVER BEAT ME *evil laughter* I am the queen of long posts!!!
hehe.. erhem, what I meant to say was: good luck with that, sweetie ^_~
and yeah, I do understand and it's ok ^^ I don't always come round your site either..

hrmz.. that's weird indeed.. glad that your laptop is fixed already ^^
and I already told you, it's ok, it's what sisters do and I want you to be happy ^^ I wonder what ~os~ means though.. might just have been that keyboard acting up *laughs*
and don't blame your spelling to that computer!! it isn't any different from when you use your laptop *sticks out tongue*
ow and my week off is fantastic *sticks out tongue again* nyaaa tee-hee ^^

in other news.. I picked a design for a tattoo..
*dun dun dunnnnn*
here it is:

*laughs* yep, it's none of the other ones I posted earlier, but I found this one yesterday and immediately fell in love with it ^^
so tomorrow evening, Silver and I are going to a tattoo shop in order to find out some things about prices, availability and such ^^

I think that's it for today.. yepyep, this insanely long post is done ^^

I'm outta here, much clown love and remember: it's all one big con.

and for anyone wondering: yep that's me in the picture ^^ *points down*

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Monday, November 27, 2006

   Soon I'll grow up and I won't even flinch at your name...

"Flinch"-Alanis Morissette
this song is just.. I just love this line.. it's me. it's my hope.. it's me wanting to forget.. things keep reminding me..
it's hard.

time: 9.09am Central Europe Time
mood: ugh.. so sleepy.. I'll get some more sleep later
physical condition: ugh, I think my body is finally getting to the last bit of alcohol.. my tummy is rumbling too..
manga: still Pita-Ten volume 2, I haven't been able to read a thing all weekend..
song: The Scientist-Coldplay
weather: drizzly..

hey guys.. yesterday evening I had this whole post planned out in my head.. and now it's gone >_<
I hope everyone is doing ok and nothing bad happened over the weekend.. it's kinda weird that I just seem to disappear off this world in the weekends, but I just try to focus on Silver-sama as much as I can when I get the chance to see him ^^

well, my weekend..
Friday was ok, work was fun. can't remember much else.. how horrible am I then?!
OW!! I got homework from my boss.. the debut-thriller of Andrew Britton. it's called The American and my boss asked me to read it so that we can actually tell the customers something about it ^^ so I've got my work cut out for me this week hehe ^^"
I read a few pages in the store already and he writes quite good. so far he has managed to pull me into his world, he is able to really get that certain picture in your head of how everything and everyone looks and acts ^^ and I've only read two or three pages *laughs*

work was good as usual ^^ it was so busy! but I did get some time to run to the music store right on the other side of the street and get a signed copy of Raymann's book ^^ (it's weird, he came to a signing session in the music store and they sold his books hehe ^^") Raymann is a Dutch comedian. he is so tall!!!
I was just dead-tired when I got home.. and then I had to act social at my brother's birthday party ^^"
it was nice to see some of my family again, but I'm just really not a family-person.. and the gossip.. ugh, it drives me crazy! thank goodness Silver-sama was there too ^^ so I could talk normally with him ^^
and at around 9pm, it started to get busy so he and I decided to leave for Frank's (his friend) party ^^
at first I was quiet.. I mainly talked with Frank and Silver-sama.. but after a while (and some whisky tee-hee yumm) I started to come loose a bit and talked to almost everyone there ^^ I asked Lia, a girl who I've seen a couple times now, about her tattoo and how much it had cost her.. damn, those things are expensive.. and off course, she laughed straight in my face about me wanting a tattoo on my lower back.. it's too much of a hype according to her.. and it got ever worse when I told her I wanted a tribal hehe ^^" but I don't care much about that, it's about what I like and want, not her ^^ and she was able to give me some advice on tattoo-shops, so she was a great help ^^
I was actually able to be nice to Frank ^^ I used to be somewhat of a bitch to him.. but it was because he treated me like a little child.. I think me getting totally wasted on tequilla and him comforting me last time kind of broke the ice between us ^^ he saw that I'm not that much of a little kid and I noticed that he isn't a total jerk all the time, so YAY ^^
I still feel like I have to prove myself to him though.. it's a weird thing.. maybe it's because he's Silver-sama's best friend.. he always makes me feel like I have to prove that I'm worth of dating Silver-sama.. I dunno..
anywho, it was a lot of fun ^^ and I'm really happy, cause ever since Frank heard a little of ICP from me (tee-hee, who's the bad influence now? muahahahaha) he started downloading their entire albums!! and not only that, he also got some albums of other Psychopatic Records artists, like the Psychopatic Rydaz and Twiztid I think ^^ PLUS a solo-album of Violent Jay *drools* sorry guys, but his voice is just.. hmm.. I won't say much, but I'll use a term JD-kun might recognize ^_~ "dripping panties". that's all I'll say and I think it might even be too much already *laughs* I adore Violent Jay and I just think he has a wonderfully sexy voice for some reason..
anywho, Frank's going to put all those songs on a DVD for me, so I'll be sure to have ALL ICP songs YAY!!! he also loaned me a DVD of his favorite stand-up comedians, said I HAVE TO watch it hehe ^^" I wonder if they're any good hehe. I also still promised him The Swarm (huge book, but a definite MUST-READ) so I'll give that to Silver-sama this week.. that way it'll come to Frank eventually hehe ^^
I ended up having a great time at the party, even though Silver-sama and I got of on a rough start.. I cried.. I'm still so insecure.. but after a little talk in private on Frank's room (which of course got the lame comments on a roll) it was all better again ^^
and in the very end, Silver-sama wanted to go home, but he didn't dare to tell me cause I was still talking with someone *glomps Silver* he's so sweet ^^
we got home at around... what was it.. well, I was told it was about 5.30 am *laughs*

sunday was great! we spend almost all day in bed tee-hee ^^ I had a bit of a hangover of course, but screw that, I had fun ^^
too bad we were too late to make his parents eat chinese food with us.. but we decided to get a little evening snack hehe ^^ when we got to the chinese restaurant, the lady was just done eating and she had some baked banana left over, so we got it for free ^^ it was soooo yummy!!! I had never eaten it and I was really surprised by the sweetness of it ^^ I'll be sure to order it sometimes now ^^ but that lady is really nice and we had a nice talk while we waited for our food ^^
(hehe, Quinty is trying to eat my nail-piercing *giggles*)
Silver-sama and I watched Pirates of the Carribean two. it was fun to watch it again, even though I kept going like: 'that's not possible, that's a lame reference to the first movie, that's a hint towards another event still to come...' and so on and so forth hehe. I still hate the end..
and of course we watched Bones ^^ it was the episode where Angela's boyfriend is murdered.. I got really sad from it.. just the feelings of Angela about her relationship.. about her ability to give love or the lack thereof.. it made me so sad and it made me want to hug and comfort her.. I guess I get the same doubts at times..
and then it was time to go home again.. *sigh* I just wanted to stay with Silver-sama longer.. lately it's been getting harder and harder to not see him during the week.. but thank goodness he's got the early shift this week and he will come over here on tuesday and I'll go to his place on thursday, so we get to see each other a bit more this week ^^

on the ride home I talked about the stars.. and Silver-sama kept saying that I knew a lot about them.. *smiles* I wish I knew more though.. all my knowledge comes from bits and parts of Discovery documentaries or schoolbooks or the internet.. I really don't know that much..
but I love looking at them. I used to spend quite some summernights just watching the stars and thinking about my life, my significance in this world, my choices and my flaws.. pretty much everything. and I always hoped to see a falling star and the stars have never let me down so far..
I get nostalgic and gloomy when I look at the stars.. I realise how small I am.. and every time I look at the stars, I know that I still haven't found my own place between them..
a close friend of mine once told me, during one of those moods, that I could have it all.. and I replied that I don't want it, I just want my own little place in between it all. my own place to be safe. my own place to live the way I want to with the person I want to share the rest of my life with.. (you know who you are ^_~)

*blush* sorry 'bout that rant..
I don't have much planned for today..
I'll probably try to read for a bit, watch some tv and play more Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon hehe ^^ I'm finally an Eevee ^^ I love it, it's so cute ^^
erhem.. and I'm supposed to help my mom, cause she has something going on with her leg.. she says it hurts really bad.. the doctor told her to get some rest, but does she listen? NOOOO and now she won't stop complaining about how bad it is and how I should help her and all.. *sigh* my brother's at home too, but off course, he gets off the hook, cause he's the favorite.. it's true! ow well, screw it. I might offer to do grocery shopping so that I can get out of the house ^^"
and I might start watching some anime again ^^ I still have two full series to watch.. ow and the second season of The 4400.. man, I still have a lot to watch and read.. and I still haven't finished my letter to my imooto-chan *sigh* I should really get to working on that too!!! (I'm really trying, Magnus, it just won't come... I'm so sorry and I'm such a horrible sister..)

I've made this way too long again (spend about an hour writing this O_o) so I'll let you guys go ^^
I'm outta here, clown love

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Friday, November 24, 2006

   Are you afraid of being alone? Cause I am, I'm lost without you..

"Lost Without You"-Blink-182

time: about 9.30 am
mood: sleepy and crappy, I'm going back to sleep after this ^^
physical condition: still sniffling and having trouble breathing again.. it hurts so fucking much T_T
manga: Pita-Ten volume 2, it's so cute, it really is work of Koge-Donbo!!
song: I need some sleep-Eels
weather: beats me, haven't opened my curtains yet, but it seems to be dry ^^

ah, how lovely is it to have some time off ^^
I can hardly remember what I did the last couple of days.. stupid sleeping pills.. (they make you have slight memory-loss, YAYness *sarcasm* my memory wasn't all that good to begin with *sigh* ow well, at least I'm getting some well needed sleep ^^
speaking of sleep, here's a wonderful lyric that pretty much reflects me at the moment..

Eels: I need some sleep:

I need some sleep
It can’t go on like this
I try counting sheep
But there’s one I always miss

Everyone says I’m getting down to low
Everyone says, “You just gotta let it go”
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

I need some sleep time to put the old horse down
I’m in too deep and the wheels keep spinning round

Everyone says I’m getting down to low
Everyone says, “You just gotta let it go”
You just gotta let it go...

yeah.. I love that song..
I've been taking sleeping pills for the last three nights already and they work like shit.. I've been awake two nights.. thank goodness I took two pills on wednesday, so I had a good sleep then.. but just one pill doesn't work anymore..

funny thing happened..
apparently, there's a rumor going around in the school.. about yours truly *laughs*
sorry, it's just too funny hehe ^^
I seem to have kissed some guy on the trip to Helsinki and Stockholm *giggles*
now, I think I'd remember if I did that, cause I swear, I might have been tipsy, but there's no way in hell I was THAT drunk!! especially not drunk enough to kiss THAT guy *shudders* he's like, the biggest creep in the whole school hehe ^^"
it came to my ears when Louisanne, my personal coach thingy, asked me what I had done in Finland. and I was like, what do you mean? so she says: just be honest, what did you do?
so I thought she was referring to the guy I danced with on the boat and the fact that I explored Stockholm on my own.. so I told her about that and then she asked: so you didn't kiss anyone?!
What the Fuck?! Hell no!!!
and then she told me that she had been hearing things in the hallways like: 'that Lydia has had a boyfriend for that long, right?...' 'she kissed with Ruud (*shudders*)'
it's just sooooo funny ^^ I mean, even if I was drunk enough to kiss someone who isn't my boyfriend, I would still pick someone else than Ruud!!!
so I fished around at my friends and my friend Dana told me that she hadn't heard anything, but that she would fish for a bit in school. turns out, my other friend, Ellen, had already heard the story. and her reaction was: 'you've probably got the wrong person in mind, cause Lydia would never do something like that!!'
I'm glad my friends are backing me up on this too ^^
Silver-sama said it was probably 'wishful thinking' of Ruud *laughs*
Dana told me that it's probably just something someone understood wrong, especially since most of the people on the trip didn't really know who I was hehe ^^" yep, I'm the mysterious one ^^ finally, I have achieved my goal hehe ^^

speaking of achieving goals, yesterday was the official ceremony for getting my Propedeuse ^^ I'm so freaking proud ^^ (let me explain once again: the Propedeuse is proof that you got all possible points from year one and that you can continue with your study. you can either achieve it in year one (which is REALLY difficult, so it seems) or in year two, with the help of make-up tests. if you don't get it within these two years, you can't go on with your study)
out of all the first years (from last year, DER) only TWENTYONE managed to get it!! and there were TEN out of my class ^^ including ME ^______^
and at first, I didn't think it was such a big deal, but after hearing that so many people didn't get it and that it actually IS quite an impressive thing, I just became so proud ^^
here's a pic of me signing it ^^

the blonde on the left (the young one) is Louisanne and she's such a great person ^^
here's another pic of her speeching about me.. *blushers* she said that I am really driven and sometimes maybe a bit too determined.. but that I got there that evening because of that ^^

and after the ceremony, there was a drink. but everyone was gone so quickly.. and there I stood, still with half a beer, leaning on a table, just chatting for a bit with a guy from another class hehe ^^' my parents already had their coats on and eventually my mom actually handed me my coat, looking at me like: I wanna go home!! *laughs* it was a fun event ^^

on a complete other note.. I want to get a tattoo.. and I had a lot of fun discussing about it with my mom *snickers*
remember kids: everything your parents say to you, you can and should use against them!!
me: mom, I wanna get a tattoo.
mom: no way.
me: but I really want one and it's my body.
mom: but then why did you register yourself with the bloodbank, if you'd known that you would get your ears pierced again and that you were going to take a tattoo?
me: well mom, you always told us that if we wanted to get a tattoo, we also had to start giving blood, cause we would be brave enough to do that too. I just turned it around and started with giving blood *huge friendly smile*
mom:*silence*.... well, you have to get one in a place you can always cover up!
me: yep! my lower back ^^ it's not like I'll get a job where I have to wear a belly-button-shirt..*TOUCHÉ!*
mom: *more silence* well, if you have the money for it...

muahahahahaha!!! I've already found some really cool designs ^^ and Silver-sama is also quite.. happy, about the idea *winks*
ow, let me just show you all the designs to which I narrowed the selection down (they might be a bit big for this box though... some scrolling will be needed ^_~)(EDIT: Silver-sama told me they didn't work, so I put them on Photobucket and reduced their size, I hope everyone can see them now ^^):

I completely fell in love with this one, so it's on top of my want-list ^^

but then again, I also adore this one.. it's simpler and still very gracefull.. more girly too..

this one is pretty cool, though it might be a bit too rough for me.. I don't know...

Silver-sama really likes these last two, though I like the last one better than the other one...
I'm thinking of either asking for one for my birthday (from Silver-sama, but he said he has to think about that..) or I'll just ask for money for my birthday and finance it that way ^^

what do you guys think? which one would you pick and why?

ow and speaking of questions.. I'm still supposed to give you all my answer to which anime/manga character is my favorite.. it's too hard indeed.. Cati-chan was right, I'm a meanie for asking such difficult questions *laughs*
though here are some characters I adore:
-Saotome Ranma (Ranma 1/2)
-Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo)
-Mido Ban (Get Backers)
-Momomya Ichigo (if I got her last name right.. from Tokyo Mew Mew)
-Asato Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei)
-Kaname Chidori (Full Metal Panic)
-Sagara Sousuke (Full Metal Panic)
-Kurt (Full Metal Panic)
and the list goes on and on hehe ^^'

as for the challenge.. there were five people who succeeded ^^
in order of difference:
LostChild: 243 words
Cati0vz: 194 words
Destinyssweetman: 167 words
JD Person: 62 words
Silvereagle: 19 words
congratulations to you all ^^ you've all gotten a little prize hehe ^^
but of course, the challenge was a trick *snickers* I love getting long comments and reading what you guys think and I just wanted you all to write some more ^^
so thank you all *hugs everyone*

let me see, anything else.. ah yes, it will be a busy weekend for me..
Silver-sama's friend is having his birthday party this saturday and at first I thought that everything was fine, no problem, just a fun night..
turns out, my brother is also having his birthday for the family and his friends this saturday and my parents feel like I should be there too.. but we've accomplished a compromis ^^ Silver-sama and me will eat over here, stay till around nine pm and then head over to Frank and stay there for the rest of the evening ^^ so I get to enjoy two parties after working a full day hehe YAY ^^ it's going to be fun I'm sure ^^
and I get to sleep over at Silver-sama's again, so that should prove to be a wonderful night of good sleep ^^ although.. that depends on how drunk I get *winks to Silver* ow well, if I don't sleep, I can stay in bed all day sunday hehe ^^

my mom thinks that I'm going in the wrong direction.. she said that she's scared I'll come home one day with a statue of a dragon eating the Ichtus.. I really wonder where she gets those ideas.. *plays with nail-piercing while thinking* she's scared that I don't believe in God anymore.. but I do.. I just don't think that going to church and sitting there waiting till the preacher is done is a good way of honoring Him.. I only offend Him with that.. it's just so hard to explain to my mom that it's possible to have faith without going to church and WITH having four earrings in each ear and WITH having a tattoo.. I told her that I'm growing up, that I can't stay that cute little girl forever and that I'm making my own choices in life.. and I know it's hard for her to deal with it.. but I wish she would at least support me in my choices a little more.. ow well, with time it will get better, I suppose ^^ (sorry for this serious part...)

I think that was all I had to say.. today will be a quiet day with just three hours of work this evening ^^ I think I'll go take that nap now ^^
ow and wednesday, I bought Saikano volume 2 and 3, it just looks so good, but I still have to read it hehe ^^"
*hugs you all* much clown love

I'm outta here

ps: HA! now I could challenge you all to outcomment this post.. but I'd need over a year to read all the comments if anyone actually succeeds *laughs*

Comments (8) | Permalink

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

   You see everything, you see every part. You see all my light and you love my dark. You dig everything of which I'm ashamed. There's not anything to which you can't relate. And you're still here..

"Everything"-Alanis Morissette.
if I had to describe my relationship with Silvereagle-sama with a song, this would be the one.. it's so true *smiles*

I've seen this on some sites and I'm going to add it to my posts too ^^
mood: feeling like a freakin' pogo-stick *sigh*
physical condition: tired and a bit stiff..
weather: cloudy and drizzly.
song: Clown Walk by ICP ft. Esham.

nothing much to report really.. yep, this will truly be a short one *laughs*
I passed all my midterms of last semester, which is a wonderful relief ^^ it means I've got a full week off next week ^^
let's see.. yesterday I went to the bookstore after all hehe ^^' though I think I do have to borrow money from Silver-sama now.. but I bought him a present too ^^
and I bought Battle Vixens (Ikki Tousen manga) volume 2, Saikano (the last love song on this little planet) volume 1 and Shinobu Kokoro (yaoi).
after getting home, I didn't do much except read manga (Descendants of Darkness 9, 10 and 11) and clean up my laptop. threw off a lot of old games and defragmentamabobbed it. so it's working a bit faster now ^^
speaking of fast-working computers, Silver-sama is going to take some time off TheO T_T I have to miss so many friends already and now he's leaving for a while too.. *sigh* but he is still going to visit ^^(me at least, that is ^^)

well, that's kind of all I have to say..
so here are some questions hehe ^^

1: who is your all time favorite anime/manga character? and why?
2: if you are in a relationship and you had to describe it with a song, what song would you chose?

I'll answer the first one next post, the second one is already done ^^

I'm outta here, much clown love ^^

since this post is so short, I'll be challenging you all to a little contest *dun dun dunnn*
I dare you all to 'out-comment' this post! meaning I am daring you all to write a longer comment than this post *laughs* don't worry, the things in italics will not count as post ^^
but there are some rules:
-the comment has to be logical, don't just write nonsense down.
-the comment has to be sort of related to this post. (not all of the comment has to be, but at least include one paragraphe, please)
-complete song lyrics will not be counted in with the comment.
-the counting will be by words.
-no racist comments, abusive language, insults, you know the drill. keep your comment clean and nice. NO FLAMING ANYONE!!!

good luck to you all ^^ and the people who succeed will get a little gift ^^
(info: this post is about 250 words. so good luck beating that hehe)

Comments (6) | Permalink

Monday, November 20, 2006

   I don't want to be adored for what I merely represent to you..

"Not the Doctor"-Alanis Morissette

hey guys ^^
yep, as promised, I'm back, posting and commenting again ^^

this post will be short though, I don't have much to say really...

the weekend was wonderful!! I really mean it!!
work was tiring, but great fun, seeing my boss and his wife together made me laugh a lot *grins* he just suddenly turned into this giddy, happy person I didn't know hehe ^^ and he isn't a cranky person at all to begin with!! so that was fun ^^
and after work, Silver-sama picked me up ^^ it was so good to see him again, even though I was still a bit mad at him hehe ^^'
we ate at my house (chinese food, it was so yummy and SPICY!!!) and then just hung out a little. we were just acting silly and all of a sudden I was on the ground, laughing my ass off ^^ I swear, I haven't laughed like that in a loooong time. way too long and it felt so good to be able to again.
and what made it all even better was the look on Silver-sama's face when he saw me happy like that. I want to be able to make him that happy for the rest of his life!! I have to overcome my depression and I am going to, just for him!
even though I very often still bounce all over the place emotionally-wise, I feel that the pills are really helping me. it gets easier to deal with things, my head is more at peace.

some people say or think that taking pills like this is a way of running away from it all. it really isn't. taking a pill won't make my problems go away. it doesn't cloud my mind or erase my memory of all the crap that has been happening to me.
what it does do, is help me take care of one problem at a time. it reduces the amount of panic attacks and it takes care of my sleeping problems (in combination with the sleeping pills of course)
it helps me deal with it all in a calm, controlled manner, without me stressing out over every single thing.
and, and this is the best part of it all, it makes me able to enjoy the nice moments fully, without constantly having a little voice in the back of my head that says that it won't last, that I don't deserve it all.
I still have times at which I believe that I really don't deserve all the wonderful friends, all the love and caring that I get from Silver-sama and you guys.. but lately, there have been more and more times at which I believe that I do deserve it all and when I know that it will last as long as I am willing to fight for it and not give up.
it's weird for me to have friends who stick with me through my depressed periods. I used to have friends who ignored me while I wasn't fun to be around, now I have people who comfort me and give me the hugs and love I need to become fun again ^^
I have to say this.. I really love all of you guys and I really hope that I can be a friend to all of you like you are to me!

alright, back to the weekend ^^
after messing around like that, just being silly and giddy, me and Silver-sama left for his house and I got to have a wonderful night of sleep in his arms ^^
sunday, we didn't do much that I can discuss in this blog *laughs* but I did pretty much tire Silver-sama out *winks*
it was a wonderful day, full of relaxing and just enjoying each other's presence ^^
and for dinner we had *dun dun dunnnn* MORE CHINESE FOOD!!! YAY!!! I tried something new (of course it was still chicken, I adore chicken!!) and it was yummy too ^^
and of course, in the evening we watched Bones and then it was time for me to go home again...

and today.. it's school again.. I'm thinking of skipping the last class and take a little quick trip to the huge bookstore.. maybe I'll buy the last volume of Ranma 1/2 after all.. I really want to read it as soon as possible, even though I put it on my Christmas-list.. ow well, I'll see ^^
I should try and find out how much money I still owe my mom before I spend a lot.. cause I might already have to borrow from Silver-sama again.. ok, I'll try and find that out first, cause I should be able to calculate it all using my receipts from last week ^^

this post is getting long after all *laughs*
ow well, I think I'm done now.. unless a totally random rant will come into my head in the next three seconds..


nope ^^

check out Poisened Rain, it's a forum, even though the little link I made to it makes it look otherwise *grins*

I'm outta here, much clown love to you all ^^

Comments (9) | Permalink

Friday, November 17, 2006

   Guess who's back, back again?

ugh, why am I even quoting Eminem?!

YAY I'm back!! and I instantly forgot why I was homesick *sigh*
let me explain
my mom: won't stop bitching to me.
my dad: isn't really talking to me. EDIT: no wait, he is talking to me. telling me that I'm a lousy daughter for being upstairs all evening after being gone for a week. or at least, that's what he ment by it..
my boyfriend: felt like going to his friend was more important. I'm sorry that I'm putting it like this, honey, but it's getting hard to believe that you really miss me if you act like this.. you seem to never even try to see me more... *hugs* but my friend Dana told me that boys are just ignorant like that.

anywho, the trip was pretty good, especially the last few days ^^
in short: Helsinki was pretty boring, but I really wanted to stay in Stockholm longer.. I might go back there by myself ^^
day by day report:

Road Trip 2: the Thoughts of a Medicated Jugalette with Insomnia..

Murder Monday:

I slept for a while, posted quickly then showered and ate in the same manner, then it was time to leave. standing in a traffic jam isn't as much fun with my dad as it is with Silver-sama.. ow well. got to the airport just in time.
flying wasn't too bad. felt a bit sick while landing, but other than that, I just enjoyed the view and the ride.
me and my friend Dana in the plane.
once we arrived at the hostel, we had to wait for a room for a long time.. appearently, something went wrong and the first years went into random rooms without paying attention to the list.. ow well, after a lot of waiting, we finally got into the right room.
dinner wasn't really great, but screw that, I don't need much food.
after dinner, some of my friends and me went out with the teachers to get a drink. it was fun but we didn't stay out for too long. so we were in bed in time.

Terrible Tuesday:
wasn't all that terrible. just tiring..
we went on a walk through the city in the morning. didn't get to see all that much, cause they basically made us run and didn't tell us what we were looking at.. I did find the perfect house for my imooto-chan though *grins*

it isn't a castle, but it's spooky enough ne? I just expected a flash of lighting and a shimmer of a person behind the windows..
after the walk, we went to the town of Porvoo. it had these old wooden buildings, which looked ok, but weren't all that interesting. ate a nice steak at a restaurant hehe ^^ and then we just hung out in the room at the hostel. went to sleep pretty early, but two people kept talking, so it took longer to really sleep and so I was tired as hell on wednesday..

Wicked Wednesday:
we went to a lecture early in the morning.. I almost fell asleep and felt terrible about that.. the poor lady who was trying to teach us things was getting really annoyed by all the people who were almost or fully sleeping.. if only those other two didn't keep me up tuesday night.. *sigh* ow well, it was pretty interesting ^^
after that, the guys wanted to go shopping *sigh* ow well, I found some nice souvenirs, but I still can't figure out why we had to go into clothing stores..
I did finally get to try out Mountain Dew hehe, too bad they didn't sell Faygo ^^
and after that, it was time to get to the boat towards Stockholm.
the boat was fun ^^ had a bit too much to drink *cough*beerandtequilla*cough* and had some fun at the disco. I danced with some guy named Henry or whatever and of course this brought the wrath of Robin upon me.. Robin is sort of a friend, but she always gets mad at me for having some fun.. something about me keeping all the boys to myself.. what I really want to say to her is this: "here you got a fiver, go get yourself some alcohol too and feel free to flirt a little and get a boy for yourself.." but I'm not as blunt as I'd like to be, so I just ignored her hehe ^^

Terror Thursday:
I slept wonderfully and in the morning had a wonderful breakfast and actually some time on the phone with Silver-sama ^^ it was fun looking out on the Swedish coastline ^^
then we arrived in Stockholm and we went to the hostel to put our stuff away.
this was actually the best day of the week hehe ^^
after I dropped my stuff off, I went off on my own, even though we weren't really supposed to..
got a bad-ass speach from my teacher (who is also called Robin hehe) and I understand where he was coming from..
but I as like: "well, excuse me for wanting to see some culture and history, instead of going shopping with the people who had been either ignoring me or acting cranky towards me! I just took some initiative and went to see the city... *sigh*"
anywho, I got to go to the Vasa Museum which has an original warship from the 1600'ths, I got to see some history at the Historical Museum (got something for my imooto-chan there ^^ I'm already doing my Christmas shopping hehe. and if she doesn't mind, I bought something for Yensid-sensei too *blushers*) I got to enjoy a lovely aquarium where they actually built a part of a rainforest in!! and they had such a wonderful sea-tank.. I was just going "SUGOI!!!" all the time ^^

look at them sharks.. I want a tank like that too ^^
I wanted to go to the biological museum, but it was closed at three pm, and I was there at three ten.. *sigh* ow well, too bad..
had a long walk through the rain in a wonderful park, past a themepark that was closed but still had all the little lights lit still ^^ it looked so pretty ^^
actually, I had seen pretty much all of the old city, cause I got lost a few times trying to find an ATM machine cause I couldn't use my card at the Historical Museum.. and then I got lost on my way back to the museum *laughs* ow well, I got to talk to the inhabitants ^_~
I wanted to see some art at the Nordiska Museum, but they had a special exhibition on antiques for which you had to pay and that doesn't really interest me.. so I left that museum pretty quickly.
on my way back to the hostel, I visited a little church. got scared to death, there was no one there and I had just set one step in the church and the organ started playing. lovely acoustics though and it really made me feel closer to God. something the church in my town hasn't been able to achieve in a long time.. so I spend a little time there, just sitting and thinking about my life and stuff..
when I got back to the hostel, it was time to get ready for dinner. we split up in two groups and went to eat at a restaurant. so I pulled back my hair and I was done *laughs* naw, I cheated, I sprayed some deo and perfume and brushed my hair and then pulled it back *laughs* had a nice long talk with the guy from the hostel. he was really nice ^^ ow and I also bought some postcards ^^
dinner was good (we ate at (T.G.I.) Friday's, just thought that it was funny hehe ^^) but I was so tired.. after dinner we went back to the hostel. and we passed this restaurant...
made me wonder what they serve there.. (and if you don't get this, you're probably not familiar with the Insane Clown Posse and you should check out This Link)
went to sleep nice and early, even though the others in the room were making a whole damn lot of noise.. thank god for sleeping pills ^^

Freaky Friday:
woke up early, cause I still wanted to visit the church near the hostel (it was closed when I got there)
the teacher, Robin, was also awake early and at first we were both planning to eat breakfast at the hostel. but then he said that he was going to go out and try to find a place to eat, so I went along with him.
look at him ^^ eating beakfast and all hehe ^^ it was his treat by the way ^^
after breakfast (a really yummy healthy sandwich by the way ^^) we walked through the old town a bit more and we went to see the Royal castle ^^ and you'll never guess what I came across *dun dun dunnnn* a MANGA STORE!!!
would've gone in there if I hadn't been with my teacher.. ow well, it's probably for the best like this hehe ^^'
I did went into another store to try and find another souvenir and I bought this Night Fairy (I'll try to get some better pictures soon, cause I really love this one!!) and a dragon ^^ but I don't think my mom will like the dragon.. so I will give it to Silver-sama after all.. though I really love that one too..
ow well, after that, the teach went back to the hostel and I got to visit that church. it was so impresive with the most detailed and lovely ceiling paintings..
then it was time to go to the hostel and pack and then it was off to the airport again. time to go home.
flight was nice and quiet, actually got some more sleep there ^^
but then, back at Schiphol, I was kinda expecting to see Silver-sama there.. with his sweet smile and a small bouquet of flowers.. just the romantic shit they feed you in the movies, ya know.. but it were my parents after all, with my mom bitching about me going out on my own and spending money and my dad just running back to the car as fast as possible *sigh* yeah they really missed me, they needed someone to live out their frustrations on.. *sigh*

ow well, now I'm home again, posting again and on my own comfy bed again.. it's nice after all, though it could have been so much better *imagines two warm arms around her and soft kisses in her neck..* sorry guys.. I just really miss Silver-sama.. but he knows and he promised he would make it up to me this weekend. that means that he'd better buy me some good chinese food this sunday *laughs*

I'll probably be posting and visiting again on monday. I'll post more pics of the trip on Photobucket and I'll post the link to it at the end of my post then ^^
I have to work tomorrow and I plan to spend a lot of time with Silver-sama this weekend. also, it's back to school on monday *sigh* and elections on wednesday hehe ^^" I gotta vote ^^" ow well. I'll have a quiet week after that IF I passed my case study test.. I still don't have the grade for that.. but if I passed it, I'll have a free week.. can't wait for that ^^

well guys, have a wonderful weekend *hugs you all* it's good to be back here ^^
much clown love

I'm outta here

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Monday, November 13, 2006

   It's off to Finland!!!

that's not a song, I know ^^

*hugs every single one of you guys*
I am truly going to miss you all T_T

just had a wonderful day with Silver-sama and I feel better again ^^
man, I sure hope I'm not manic-depressive or bi-polar.. though the thought had crossed my mind a few times already.. ow well, we'll see when I get back ^^ for now, I have the meds that seem to help me, it's just a lot of additional shit that has been getting to me ^^

actually looking forward to the trip for a bit again, even though my dad has managed to make a big deal out of everything I had to do.. he's still not done whining about the meeting point at the airport.. *sigh* I hope my mom can calm him down a bit before we leave.. I actually now wish that Silver-sama could drop me off, but alas, he has to work *pouts*

it took a really long time saying goodbye to him.. *hugs him even more* I wuv you ^^ don't swing around that sword too much! I want you and your room/house/family all in one piece when I get back!! and browse that book *winks* I know reading hurts your brain, but this will do you good *laughs*

I'm all packed or at least, I think I am.. I must be cause I don't think I've forgotten anything.. I wish I could take my laptop with me, but I'm not going to take the risk. besides, there are probably no wireless internet connections I can tap into over there..
also, I'm not bringing a plushie with me this time.. I hope I'll be able to sleep, though I do have some sleeping pills packed.. OH! Painkillers!!! I have to remember to take a strip of those with me too.. lets see.. I've got chewing gum, candy, clothing, bedsheets, towel (you always gotta know where your towel is!!!), two novels (Onegai Twins and the second Love Hina novel, I thought about taking some yaoi with me, but then again, I don't know how the people will react ^^'), camera, batteries for the camera, loading adapter for the batteries for the camera, loading adapter for my phone, hell, why am I even naming everything I put in my bag?!

anywho, a little bit about my personal life (I just can't leave it out hehe ^^') I think my parents are so bothered by me and Silver-sama cuddling/hugging/kissing (and not even full-on French, but just on the cheek) cause they're jealous. yep, I have decided that that's the reason they're acting like this.. they just can't handle the fact that Silver-sama and me still have passion between us or even just touch each other *laughs* parent-bitterness hehe ^^'

alright, I should get some sleep now, cause I'm writing this post on sunday evening (well, it's about 12.15am on monday by now..) but first I'm going to force myself to finish reading Sakura Wars volume 2 (had to read half of it with the light of my phone, cause I got yelled at *laughs* stupid phone kept going dim..), cause that's just something I have to do before I leave ^^

I will see you all in a few days *hugs you all once more*

clown love and I'm outta here.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

   I'm leaving, on a jetplane. Don't know when I'll be back again...

I have no idea who this song is from or what it is called and frankly, I'm too lazy to look it up.

maybe friday was a little 'happy-bump' in the road.. I don't know, but yesterday has been kind of a downer again.. I once again have doubts about the trip, cause I'm remembering that the people pretty much ignored me on the last few days in Denmark.. and I'm really dead-scared of flying now..

I spend way too much money on friday.. yeah, I got paid, but now my mom won't stop bitching to me about well.. everything!
well, let me just tell you guys what I bought.
-DearS manga volume 8
-Loveless manga volume 3
-Chrono Crusade manga volume 1
and for Silver-sama Elemental Gelade manga volume 2
also, I bought the new pokemon game: Mystery Dungeon.. but I don't really like it that much yet.. Silver-sama does though and he's borrowing it this week, so I'll hear if it becomes more fun after a while ^^
then, I bought some candy, cause.. well, I guess I just need some pure sugar..
I tried to find some more Grifter comics, but the guy at the comic store hadn't even ever heard of it.. so I guess it does come down to searching the internet for it..

and on my way home, I decided to step into a store where I hadn't been for a while. the ACME movie store. they just sell loads of cool stuff hehe ^^ I bought a christmas present for Silver-sama ^^ and I bought him the coolest christmas/new year's/birthday/any kind of holiday present EVER!!! even though I always told him that he couldn't have one..
yep, I bought him a SAMURAI SWORD!!!! and he loves it ^^
the guy from the store and me were just having a little talk, cause I loved the weapons from Blade:Trinity he had standing in the window. so we got to talking about how Silver-sama wants a katana or something and he was like: "well, I do have a samurai sword standing around."
turns out, some guy had ordered it, but then didn't buy it cause he didn't have the money for it.. at first I was just doubting a little cause it was quite expensive and I did always say that Silver-sama couldn't have one.. but then the guy got it out of the box and let me tell you, holding such a sword IS a really cool feeling ^^"
when I asked the guy if I could get a discount if I bought it right away, he said no at first.. so I was like, alright, then it's really too bad.. but then he told me that they had an action going on that if you filled in a coupon, you could get a 20% discount and he decided to grant me that much for the sword ^^ so YAY, I bought it ^^ then I spend the rest of the day teasing Silver-sama with the fact that I had a really cool present for him ^^

thank goodness Roland, the boss of the bookstore, let me store the sword at the bookstore till saturday, so that I could get into the house without too much trouble ^^'
work was alright, though I'm really not used to standing that long anymore.. and it was just a bit boring, cause there weren't as many customers as the liquor store used to have..
ow well, it was just nice to be working again ^^

Silver-sama picked me up from work yesterday and I stalled as long as possible to give him his present tee-hee ^^
then we got home, ate and just hugged for a while.. and then, of course my mom came bitching to me, cause I was sitting on his lap in my room (on my bed) and the curtains were open.. appereantly, the whole neighbourhood could enjoy that and my mom was bothered by it.. I was just hugging him for crying out loud!!!
we went to the birthday of my cousin, that was fun ^^
and when we came home again, we finally got some time to enjoy each other, since the rest of the family wasn't at home yet.
then it was time to sleep.

this morning I sneaked into the spare-bedroom as usual and slept for a few hours longer in Silver's arms.
and we haven't done much since then..
I should get packing this afternoon..

anywho.. I don't have much to say anymore..
I'll miss you guys. and I hope you all have a wonderful week while I'm gone ^^
don't forget about me now!!
*hugs you all* I'll see you guys around.

I'm outta here, clown love

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