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Monday, September 4, 2006

   If you don't like me, you can f*ck off!

"Juggalo Homies"-ICP (who else?)

it's my new attitude ^^ screw the preppy populair people in my new class, I' rather be alone than hang out with people like that again! I know what happens then!! I've been there and I don't feel like getting stabbed in the back and abandoned again!
but I still got some friends ^^ and there are nice people in my new class too thank goodness

first day of school.. *sigh* it's school again alright..or rather, college.. (which is worse ^_~)
I decided not to take the bus that gets me there way too early, so I came in about fifteen minutes late for the so-called kick-off.. that took about ten minutes longer and then the waiting started.. cause we were supposed to have an english class, but the teacher was no where to be found. turns out she was either sick or teaching another class.. we're still not sure which it was..
so we ended up having to wait from about 9 am till 12.30 am for the next class..
thank goodness most of my old friends also had to wait that long, so I could hang out with them ^^ it was especially good to see my friend Dana again, cause she's probably just as crazy as I am ^^
when we finally got a class, it wasn't all that bad.. just normal school again alright ^^ but at least we got out early YAY

so basically it was a pretty good day..
except for the news that Dana told me and a few minutes later, Silvereagle-sama texted me...
Steve Irwin died..
ya know, the Crocodile Hunter.. I loved that guy!! I was so sad when they took his show off Discovery and put it on Animal Planet (which I don't get on my tv *sob*)
it's really sad to me that he died so early.. but at least he died doing something he loved and I'm pretty sure that it's the way he would've wanted to go. he's not the type that wants to die peacefully in his sleep ^^
but I am going to miss him..
I hope his soul can find peace in the great crocodile hunting fields up there ^^

other than this, not much has happened.. the weekend was good, on sunday Sivler-sama and me just hung out and watched tv ^^ we watched some more of NOIR, which is getting better ^^ and we watched some of the new Mythbusters season ^^ and of course Bones. I really like that show, but that's probably cause it's a bit similar to CSI ^^

oh that's right ^^ after the abandonement of the plan not to eat many sweets and such, I'm probably going to abandon the plan to save more money.. only for a short time probbly though ^^
as you guys know, I've been obsessed by the Insane Clown Posse for a while now ^^' and seeing that Hatchetgear.com is online again (appearently they renovated the site) I've seen some things I'd like to buy hehe ^^ like the ICP messenger bag ^^ I love it!! and maybe Violent J's books ^^ yeah I know, it sounds weird, but I just really want to find out more about these guys ^^ too bad they only tour in the US though..
oh and don't worry, my plans for a US trip aren't off yet! I still plan on saving money for it ^^ so far the only stops I want to make are Lakewood and Seattle cause they've been.. 'recommended'^_~
I have no idea how far from each other it all is, so I still have a lot of planning to do, but then again, if I am going to go, it won't be till next summer at best! so I have time ^^

well, this will be a short one (well, maybe not all that short.. but still ^^) lucky you nyaa ^_~

greeting of the day:

I'm outta here

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Saturday, September 2, 2006

Oh sh*t it's your birthday! Oh no it isn't!

"Birthday B*t*hes"-ICP

just to clear things up: it wasn't my birthday, but my mom's!!!
I thought I had made it clear, but appearently, a lot of things I say in my posts lately make it look like mine is coming up.. it isn't..
just so you all know, the date to remember is februari 2nd!! yep 2/2/2007 will be the big day that I turn 20 *shivers*

wow, I got 15 comments yesterday.. that's probably the most I got in a long time.. thank you all ^^ I will try to get to the sites I missed yesterday ^^

well, my phone got fixed. I could've done it myself over the internet, but this way was fun too ^^ especially when the guy from he phone store gave me a weird look and started asking questions about the Insane Clown Posse.. said he didn't remember the band's name.. uuuuhhhuuu riiiiight ^^' but yeah, that's what you get when your wallie on the phone is Shaggy and Violent J and your ringtone for messages is a part of Cotton Candy & Popsicles ^^
anywho, it's all better now ^^
besides, I think the guy was trying to hit on me.. but then again, I think that all the time ^^'

work was alright yesterday.. not all too busy and such, I just felt kind of sick.. but after a painkiller it got a bit better ^^ (yeah, once I start popping pills you know that it's bad.. but I just hate to have a headache at work, especially because the register is so noisy)
I basically just fooled around with one of my co-workers.. we were driving each other crazy and we could've gotten a lot more work done if we'd worked harder and fought less hehe ^^'
it was fun to push her over though ^^ don't worry, she wasn't hurt and none of the bottles were broken ^^ she was kind of kneeling down to get to one of the lower shelves and when I walked by I just pushed her against her shoulder. so she first looked at me and then slowly(and I mean slowmotionlike slowly) started to fall over ^^ we both had a good laugh about that one ^^

the weekend will probably be a good one ^^ cause I'm going to Silvereagle-sama as usual ^^ and I'm staying over there again ^^ so it should be all good.. I don't mean to get all sappy on you guys, but it's just really nice to be able to spend more than just a few hours in his arms ^^
I just hope he can get me chinese food again hehe ^^
I'm not sure about what we're going to do though.. probably just hang out for a bit, get some rest ^^

well, this is long enough if you ask me ^^
greeting (yes, finally she will post a greeting again!!)of the day:

I'm outta here

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Friday, September 1, 2006

I've been looking so long at these pictures of you, that I almost believe that they're real...

"Pictures of you"-The Cure (or actually, my version came from Lit ^^ but that doesn't really matter since it's still the same song ^^)

the birthday was ok I guess.. I just really don't like family gatherings.. I hate it when there are a lot of people in the same (small) room (if it's outside it's ok), all talking through each other.. I guess that it's cause I try to follow every single conversation..
so I had to sneak out of the room every now and then cause the room started spinning and my head felt like it could explode.. I still feel a bit sick, but I think that'll be over once I eat ^^
it was really too bad, but Silvereagle-sama couldn't get the day off, so he could only stay for a little while, but it was still good to see him again ^^
and thank goodness that there was a new episode of CSI New York in the evening, so I had sort of an excuse to leave the room for over an hour ^^
but my mom knows that I can't really take it when it's that busy and she only gets annoyed when I stay away from my own birthday ^^ so it's all good ^^

I didn't do much on wednesday.. or at least.. I don't really remember what I did on wednesday.. so yeah ^^'
oh that's right! I printed a copy of my school schedule, dropped it off at work, went back home, got a call from a friend of mine and she told me that there was a new schedule posted on internet.. so I could go back to work again with a second schedule ^^' if only I had waited a few more hours.. ow well ^^ I'm kinda stressed though, cause I've got the wednesday off from school and my boss was kind enough to schedule me in for full days on wednesday..
thank goodness it will only be for three weeks cause some of my coworkers will have vacation ^^
other than walking back and forth to work on my day off, I didn't really do much worth remembering hehe ^^'

I've been watching more of Kiddy Grade and YES finally there's a storyline ^^ the plot is thickening and the story is getting more interesting and easier to follow ^^ (I say easier to follow, not because it was a difficult story at first, but because there didn't seem to be any storyline through the first 8 episodes so there wasn't much to follow ^^')

today I'm finally taking my phone back to the store. there's nothing wrong with it except for the fact that it doesn't send mms messages while it's supposed to be able to do that. appearently, I need another configuration for it and I kind of know how to get it, but I really don't feel like messing around with my prettyful phone all by myself ^^ so I'm hoping that the nice people at the store are willing and able to help ^^
(I just love the sentence 'there is nothing wrong with it, except..' some nice quotes in the same category: 'there is nothing wrong with this car, except for the fact that it's on fire.' and 'this car is absolutely unique except for the car behind it that's exactly the same.' yep, I watch car programs ^^ gotta love Top Gear)

let's see, do I have anything else to say.. *thinks really hard* oh that's right ^^
Cat made a forum ^^ here's the link
so check it out if you'd like ^^ I'm not sure if I'll join, cause of some nasty business that made me leave WDX, I'm just really careful with joining forums now ^^' but I've seen that some pretty cool people joined already (Silverealge-sama and Ran-chan ^^) so it's really worth a look at least ^^

thank you all for complimenting my english by the way ^^ (I know my spelling is better than some American's, I mean, look at Ran-chan *sticks out tongue* ^_~) I try very hard to get everything right and I plan on taking the Camebridge exam for english this year or the next, can't remember which it was.. if I pass that exam, I'll get a certificate for my wonderful use of the english language hehe ^^ I don't have to take it, but it will be a plus on my CV ^^

well, I think that was all I needed to say.. so here are the promised pictures ^^ I didn't really have the chance to make any good ones with me AND Silver-sama on it, so you're getting some of my highschool prom too ^^
no greeting of the day today either

YAY it's so fuzzy ^^ taking pics with my new phone is hard.. hehe ^^'

me and my new hair hehe ^^' yeah I look silly, but that's cause I don't like taking pics of just myself.. never know how to look ^^"

me and Silver in the extremely small kitchen of my house before the prom ^^ yeah, we look really overdressed like that, normally we just wear shirts and jeans hehe ^^' I didn't think it would be that hard to find some pics of us together on my comp.. but it was *cries* we've been together for over three years now and I hardly have any pics of us together.. *shame on me*

me and Silver in my backyard ^^

my cat Quinty with Kumagoro riding it ^^ just cause I promised Ran-chan that the pic would be spread over the internet hehe ^^

I'm outta here

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Now you gotta face your worst enemy and that's yourself

"Wax Museum"-ICP

Welcome to the gypsy of fortunes
Your coin was very much appreciated
And now I shall grant you your future

you'll be really bored by a once again way too long post ^^
ok, that's not what the song says, but I want to keep my site a bit youth-friendly this time ^^

fighting yourself is hard.. I've had my share of depression and such already, but for some reason, things seem to be going downhill again.. now, I'm not going to whine, I got my Juggalos (boyfriend and my wonderful friend Ran-chan) to keep me up. and I know that they are going to get me through this ^^ I have too much to live for and I know it. makes ya wonder why I get depressed huh? welcome to my world, don't worry, we have cookies ^^
I might be fighting my worst enemy, but I'm not fighting alone, I got my friends to tag so they can take over when things get too hard for me ^^ *really really hopes that she used the wrestling-comparison-to-life correctly ^^'*

onto happy things, I told you I wasn't going to whine all the time ^^
ok, one little whine then.. my spacebar is driving me completely crazy! my cat ripped it off a few months ago, but now it's still acting up.. I have to move over my lines at least three times to make sure that everything is spaced correctly.. and I just hate making typo's.. this place is like my training for english (yeah, I know, most of the time it doesn't look like I really need it, but I still get confused.. especially with the gramatical order of the words at times... like when I make long sentences hehe ^^' and I don't know how to spell gram(m)at(t)ical)

happy stuff
I love the way my hair smells hehe ^^
I got it dyed today ^^ not completely, just the tips, so now, they are a really dark purple ^^
I almost fell asleep at the hair-place (see, I still need to learn words hehe ^^') cause it just feels so relaxing to have someone mess with your hair ^^
and when the dye had to be washed out, I swear, I'd almost go to the hairdresser everyday, just to have someone wash my hair ^^ but then again, it would cost me 8 bucks a day, plus it really isn't all that good to wash your hair that much..
but getting it dyed pretty much took all my afternoon.

and that was my day.. well, I worked in the morning, but nothing really great or interesting happened there..
don't know yet what I will be doing tonight.. probably watch some more Kiddy Grade.. it's pretty good, it looks good and it's easy to watch, but I'm still looking for a story line..
but then again, I might also just finish reading the first volume of Gatcha Gacha (not to be confused with Gacha Gacha.. I wonder who thought of those names..)

more happy stuff which probably should've come before my hair story
my weekend with Silvereagle-sama got extended with one night and day ^^
I've learned a great new system. as long as my mom brings up the subject of me sleeping over there, it's ok to say that I will stay there, cause it's her own fault hehe ^^
it was nice to stay there a bit longer ^^ especially cause it won't be possible for a long while.
though some things weren't all that good.. like having to go to a whole lot of stores to find some kind of cabinet that doesn't exist anymore.. hehe, I love spending time with my honey, but I know of a whole lot of things we could've done in the same three hours I would've enjoyed a lot more ^_~
plus, we had to eat a spinache casserole.. yeah, that one didn't turn out that good hehe ^^' but, all that is just a small sacrifice for more time with my baby ^^ *hugs him*

besides, the evenings were good ^^ on sunday, we went to a greek restaurant and the food was soooo yummy ^^ it was just a good thing that Silver and me both like the garlic sauce hehe ^^'
and on monday, we just hung out and watched the first episode of NOIR, which is pretty good too ^^ just confusing, but I'm sure that it gets better with more episodes ^^
I like the way you know just about as much as the characters know. this means it's easier to relate to them, plus you grow with them throughout the series ^^

thursday's my mom's birthday.. I've got the whole day off, but I'm not really looking forward to it.. though it does mean that I get to see Silvereagle-sama again, it also means having to have a whole lot of smalltalk with my family again.. and then there are the annoying tiny cousins who of course will come and annoy me all day..
ow well, it's only one day and it does mean that I will get to eat pie again YAY pie ^^
I'll also try to get some pics of my new hair made on thursday ^^ and Grifter-san, this time I'll try and include pics of Silvereagle-sama and me together ^^

well, that's enough for today me thinks ^^ I mean, I'm pretty sure you guys have lives next to my posts hehe ^^
greeting of the day(man, I still gotta look for that too?!)

HAH! got you there eh?! yeah, you're right, it's no greeting, but I just love this one hehe ^^ I am so going to try and scare the mailman now ^^
if you're interested, read the Ctrl+Alt+Del webcomic (I put the link to the first one in, it looks way better now ^^), they're really good ^^ my favorite to be exact, CAD beat VG Cats off the number one spot. (you all got this piece of rant to thank to JD Person, he brought up VG Cats in his post hehe ^^)
I really want a CAD t-shirt.. I'll have to train my puppy eyes again ^^ (if you want to surprise me with one, honey, I want the one with Lilah on it and it will probably have to be a small ^^) there, now I'm covered ^^

I'll let you guys go now ^^ maybe I should start asking for ransom.. muahahaha!!!
this post won't stop until I have 2 milion dollar in my account!
hey, you guys don't want to donate money for my USA-trip and I have to get it some way!

I'm outta here

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

   I feel like a cartoon brick wall

"Why not smile"-R.E.M.
this subject actually kind of has something to do with the post hehe ^^

sorry that the last post seemed to imply that I like pigeons.. I really don't.. like Ran-chan calls them, they're flying rats and if you asked me, they can all die ^^ but the way I caught the thing in the store was just the easiest way. meaning the way where you don't have to clean pigeon-goo off the bottles and such hehe...
I just wanted to set that straight ^^

yesterday was good ^^ of course I woke up way too early for someone who had stayed up till after 1am.. but I still managed to stay awake till after 3am this night ^^

today's Silvereagle-sama's birthday YAY!! he's 22 now, so I think I will have to go and look for a younger boyfriend tee-hee ^^ naw, I like older people hehe ^^ but you guys already knew that, so I will stop whining about it ^^
he picked me up late in the morning and we went to his place. where we didn't do all that much hehe. just relaxing and hanging around. until one of his friends came and we had to eat.
he had some other friends coming over later in the evening.
but the friend that came first is his best friend (or at least one of them hehe). which makes me feel guilty for not really liking the guy.. well, I got my reasons, cause he treats me like I'm a tiny little kid.. just cause I'm not over twenty yet and get sleepy fast doesn't mean that he can talk to me in a voice grandma's use for their baby-grandchildren.. *sigh* but then again, at times he can be pretty cool ^^ cause he can say some pretty darn sarcastic and sadistic stuff and I can still outwit him most of the time. so when he starts going all baby-voice on me, all I have to do is fire a few sarcastic pointers at him and he remembers who he's dealing with ^^ and last night I found out that he's a Juggalo hehe ^^ he was the only one there (besides me and Silver) who knew ICP ^^ (while I'm on the topic anyway: Ran-chan, with all the people who read this post as my witnessess: I demand you to send me more of their songs muahahaa!! I know I keep whining about it, but I went by probably every single music store I know and they don't have their cd's anywhere!)

the party was fun, though boring at times for me.. cause basically everyone who was there is into wrestling.. and I couldn't care less about it hehe.. I tried, I really did, but it just can't interest me.. so those talks were kind of boring..
but for those times there is always my friend the whisky-coke hehe ^^ yeah, I drink alcohol, a lot.. but I'm at a legal age for it and I know what I'm doing. I do not want any of the kids on here to start drinking cause they think it's cool, so here's my warning: it may be fun while it buzzes, but you'll feel like hell in the morning!! and that's where my subject comes in hehe ^^'
I got drunk last night.. and not just a little.. can't say I'm proud of it, but I have to be honest.. I had been craving to get drunk for a while.. there was just so much sh*t going on lately, so many things that kept confusing me and bothering and worrying me.. and I have to admit, it helped me escape from all that for a while.. yeah, it's dumb and I really just want to say kids, it's just not cool!! but it's my way of escaping from some problems in my life I don't want to deal with.. and I always got my honey there to take care of me and make sure I don't do anything I regret.

it was a nice buzz, until I woke up this morning.. my stomach reacts about ten seconds later than the rest of my body, my head feels like it might explode soon and basically I'm just sore all over.. (Ran-chan, get your mind out of the gutter!)
a good breakfast and a long warm shower helped a little, but I'll probably feel like crap for the rest of the day.. in the end, it's never really worth it, ya know..
I just want to point out again: I'm not for young people drinking alcohol! you can do whatever you want once you're the legal age for drinking, but please, make sure that you know what you're doing and that there is always someone there who can take care of you!
maybe I should delete the drinking part out of this post, but I really just want to keep it in here.. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, or if I got you guys worrying about me being an alcoholic now (trust me,I'm not! if I was, I would't need a party as an excuse to get drunk. I don't do this every weekend, hell, I don't even do it every month. but for me, this is the way to escape some things. yeah it's not a good way, but it works for me and it's safer than drugs and such)
ok, I'm done now, cause it's getting frustrating not being able to really find the words for ho much I disapprove of underage drinking. oh, I know! since I work at a liquor store (yep, the lush made her hobby into work) I see some people every single day, buying a large amount of booze. sometimes they come back several times a day, swaying more with every visit. trust me kids, you don't want to turn into those people! think before you act and make sure that you know enough about the consequences and such!

ok I'm done with that now ^^
even though I might have been tipsy already, I still kicked some butt in Magic, The Gathering hehe ^^ one of my decks is just too evil.. it gives me life with basically every move I make and most of the time my opponent makes a move I get some more life hehe ^^ and with gaining life, my creatures gain in strength muahahaha!!! but the guy I was playing against wasn't really feeling like getting his butt kicked, so eventually he just gave up.. no fun, I wanted to expand my army and gain over 100 life points.. ow well ^^ I was able to do something similar one time in a game with Silvereagle-sama (remember that one honey ^_~)

that ends my story about the party ^^
I think my hair is getting more red again... maybe I'll bleach it soon.. but I probably won't cause I actually like this color.. but when fall approaches, I just want to change my hair a little.. maybe I'll just go and get the tips dyed.. last time I did that it looked pretty cool ^^

I'm less worried about my phone plan already, cause Ran-chan thought me the trick of pretending not to have any money in my bank account ^^ well, he said I had to think out a certain amount, but I've decided to now think that I'm broke ^^
cause after I pay my phone bill and all, everything that's left is going to my saving account. I've got my mind set on going to the US now. travel around there for a few weeks and maybe even meeting some friends I met on here ^^
funny enough,I mostly want to meet the people who are older than me.. with the great exception of JD Person ^^ I guess it's just cause I've been able to relate to them more than with the younger peoples. and they have been way better friends to me than most of the people around my age have been ^^ (and with that I mean the real life people..) I'd love to meet Ran-chan, Grifter-san and maybe even Yensid-dono (or -sempai, I don't know which one she will prefer..)
and I guess I just really want to do something to, I dunno, leave my childhood and puberty behind and step into the adult-world. I'll be twenty next year after all..

hehe, this one really is a monster.. but I don't really care. cause it has all I wanted to say in it and if you guys don't want to read it.. it's ok ^^ I can understand ^^
but this is my life at the moment and I felt like sharing it with my friends ^^
*hugs everyone* you guys are the best ^^

greeting of the day (yes this means that the post is almost over hehe ^^):

now there's a gift for ya ^_~ happy birthday honey ^^ (I wanted the card that said I would give him a male stripper.. but I think that I would enjoy that present way more hehe ^^')

if you'll all excuse me now, I'm going to search the house for painkillers!!

I'm outta here

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Trying to tell the angels I don't know what to do, while convincing myself to believe, all the sadness has purpose too..

"Being so not for you(I had no right)"-PM Dawn
is the Jugglette going soft already? naw, I'm still down with the clown, I just love this song hehe ^^
you all got Grifter-san and Ran-chan to blame for that!! hehe, I love you guys for sending me this music though ^^

yesterday wasn't all that bad ^^ in fact, it was rather good hehe ^^ work went by pretty quickly after a very boring start.. it might be long, but I have to tell you guys this story hehe ^^
well, work started out boring like I said. thursday mornings just don't get that many customers and there isn't any stock that has to go in the shelves.. so I first just sat at the register till I started to go crazy.. I just had to do something, I cna't sit around all the time doing nothing. if I wanted to do that, I wouldn't have gotten myself a job, now would I?
so I asked my mister boss man to give me something to do ^^ so he started to completely clean out the back of the store and bringing me boxes of bottles that could go onto the shelves ^^ he dropped two full boxes in the process, which was pretty funny to me, but a bit less to him, cause he had to clean up the mess before it got all sticky and such.
when we got done with that, a few customers started coming in, so I had something to do while my boss was working on the administration.
later on, he came to stand by me in the store to have a little chat. and then it happened...
I don't want to make a long post so this will have to be a cliffhanger till tomorrow muahahaha!!!
nah, just kidding people ^^ here it goes ^^

a pidgeon flew into the store. he just flew straight through the door! and my boss looked at me with a look of WTF?! and I was thinking pretty much the same hehe ^^
but, my boss isn't too big with animals *laughs* he says he's scared to catch them cause they always attack him (he's a 25 year old man, who's scared to catch a pidgeon.. good thing Lytjuh was there to save the day hehe ^^)
so he was like, how are we ever going to get this pidgeon out of the store without it flying around breaking bottles and pooping all over the place? and then he came up with the brightest idea ever (yeah right, if it was an old black and white slapstick silent movie that is!): he wanted to chase the thing out with a broomstick!! so he went and got the broom, came out of the back while yelling at the pidgeon: 'hey you! get out!' too bad pidgeons aren't all that scared of brooms, so it was pretty unimpressed and just stayed where it was hehe ^^
but then, just when my boss wanted to give up, the bird flew straight at a nicely filled shelve of pretty expensive liquor, leaving my boss pretty much standing there screaming NOOOO!!! fortunately it didn't knock any bottles over. then it landed on top of one of the shelves in the middle of the store.
my boss was still thinking of things to do without having to get close to the pidgeon, so I thought it was time for me to help him out hehe ^^ while trying to keep my laughing inside, I got out from behind the register, took a box and walked over to the pidgeon. of course, it didn't want to go into a dark box, so it flew straight into the window and fell on the floor. which made things a lot easier for me ^^ I carefully put the box over the pidgeon. so then I had a pidgeon in a cardboard box ^^ I asked my boss to hand me one of the plastic bags we sell. that really confused him hehe but he still handed me one. from here on it's simple, I carefully moved the plastic bag under the box so that it would seal off the opening, picked the whole package up and took it outside ^^
there, I removed the plastic bag and set the pidgeon free.
back inside the store I told my boss that it's like what I do with spiders, just bigger and with wings hehe ^^ (you see, spiders can be easily caught by putting and empty glass over them and shoving a paper underneath the glass ^^)
so that was my amazing adventure at work ^^ I wonder how long my boss would've chased the pidgeon with the broomstick if I hadn't been there.. just imagining it is funny to me hehe ^^ he just looked to silly ^^

after work, Silvereagle-sama came to pick me up ^^ we went shopping once again, cause I still needed a present for my mom (her birthday is coming up next week). since I had promised myself not to spend anymore money for myself, I had to remember everything I saw and wanted for christmas lists and such ^^ but Silver still bought me some things ^^
I got a lovely shiny small slave-bracelet (it's how they're called, it doesn't make me a slave *death glares at Ran-chan*) from him ^^
and he bought me (let's see...)
-Gatcha Gacha manga volume 1
-Love Hina the novel volume 2
and a new plant for on top of my new bookcase (to Grifter-san,you just missed the posts saying that I bought, or rather got, one ^^)
I bought a present for my mom and I just couldn't resist buying a lucky bamboo plant ^^

also the latest order from Archonia came in yesterday ^^ nope, not my Loveless and Descendants of Darkness, cause they're STILL restocking on Loveless (I think I might really die before I get my sh*t hehe)
but one from Silver and me both ^^
so now he has Tsubasa manga volume 10 and Scryed manga volume 5 (I think, check his post to see if I'm right)
and I got:
-Kiddy Grade DVD box (YAY a new full serie to watch ^^)
-NOIR DVD volume 1 (I can finally start watching it hehe)
-XXX Holic manga volume 7 and
-Man's Best Friend (YAOI!!!!! finally hehe ^^)

when we got back home we ate chinese food YAY ^^ and in the evening we didn't do that much, cause I fell asleep again *sigh*
and when I woke up again, we talked and watched tv. and then it was time for me to go home again.
his birthday is on sunday ^^ and he's giving kind of a party for his friends on saturday, so I'll be spending the weekend over at his place ^^

this morning was spend half with doing some stuff I've pushed forward for way too long (like shaving my legs, hate that job, but it has to be done, cleaning my little fishtank and finally writing a reply to Magnus' letter.. schoolwork will have to wait till next week)
and the other half was spend writing this post.. ZOMG, it got way out of hand, I still can't believe how I can talk so much about absolutely nothing..
tonight I'll have to work, but it'll only be for three hours until nine pm, so I should be alright ^^
the free time I got left now, will probably be spend with watching anime ^^ I think I'll start with.. erhm.. *closes eyes and points* well, that didn't work cause I'm like six feet away from my DVD's *laughs* it will have to be Kiddy Grade I think, cause I traded FLCL for that one. now I'll know fastest if Ran-chan is going to be right or if I made a wrong choice in switching hehe ^^'
but first I'll take a trip to the post office.. not looking forward to it though, cause it's still raining like crazy *sigh* ow well, that's why they invented umbrella's right?

random greeting of the day cause I don't feel like browsing for another hour to find a good one:

ok, maybe not so random, cause aparently it's no longer possible to get a random greeting.. but it's still funny to me ^^

I'm outta here, sorry for the long ramble, but thank you for reading all of it if you did ^^

ps: to Grifter-san, if you don't see me online, but you do have the time, could you email me?

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I want you, but I'm not giving in this time

"Goodbye to you"-Michelle Branch
has nothing to do with the post, just love the song..

yesterday was good. I went to Silvereagle-sama and we went to the beach. I really loved it ^^ I think it shall be a good idea to give myself at least an afternoon at the beach next week ^^ (btw, I finally got a schedule, I start school not next week, but the week after that, got scrambled into a class full of people I don't know/like and my schedule basically sucks big time.. but hey, that's school for ya ^^)
we had some lovely weather and I really got the chance to just walk and think and sit and think and just enjoy my time with my boyfriend ^^
in the evening we watched 'Without a Paddle' which was really funny ^^ I just love Seth Green hehe ^^ he's really short though...
and then.. I had to go home again *sigh*

today started with a fight. such a lovely way to start the day, don't you think? yep, my mom was already angry with me.. why? well, I didn't know at first, but aparently, I'm not a very nice person to be around.. and I thought that leaving for Amsterdam at 8.24am was a bit early.. so she kind of snapped and wanted to cancel our day. eventually we managed to get a compromise of leaving at 9.24 am. my dad later told me that he thought I was acting weird too.. why? cause I didn't go into the kitchen to see the cat when I got home yesterday.. and my mom was mad at me cause she had been sick yesterday and I didn't say anything to her when I got home.. well duh! I thought she was asleep already, seeing as how she didn't say anything to me either and the lights were off.. am I supposed to walk into my home, smell the air and say: 'oh, my mom has been sick, I should go and keep her awake with useless talking.' *sigh* I guess parents are just weird like that..

anywho... we ended up going to Amsterdam after all ^^ and we acted like the worst tourists ever.. we went to the wax museum and I loved it ^^ and after that, we basically just strolled around and we went on a tour through the canals with this stupid very touristy tourboat hehe ^^
but it was pretty fun to see the side of my own country that's pointed more towards tourists. but thinking like that doesn't start till the 4th of september for me, so I'll quit now ^^

I'm kinda bummed, cause my nice mister boss-man is making me work tomorrow morning.. *sigh* ow well, it'll only be till 1 pm and then Silver is coming to pick me up ^^ we'll be going shopping tee-hee ^^ though I don't think I will buy anything besides a present for my mom, cause I will have to start saving money again ^^
especially cause the wild plan of saving up money to make a trip to America in about a year popped into my head. I would love to just travel around for about six or seven weeks and maybe visit some of my Otaku-friends!!
but then again, it will take a whole lot of willpower from me not to spend money.. but hey, I've given up on eating candy, chips and such already too, I can do this! and I'm sure I'll be able to do it with the support of you guys ^^ (you can pm me to get the number for my bankaccount, all money is very welcome ^_~)

well, I don't want to make this too long (which it probably already is ^^' sorry bout that..) so I'll quit rambling now ^^
no greeting of the day, but you guys are going to get some pictures YAY!!!

yours truly on the beach, I love this picture ^^ thank you Silvereagle-sama for making it ^^

the rest of the pics have been made by my mom, who could've used a crashcourse in how to use a camera before we went to Amsterdam.. *sigh* ow well, they turned out good ^^ you can actually see her getting better *laughs*

gotta love CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow ^^ the Pirates exhibition was a bit scary but it was so much fun ^^

my friend saw this pic and said: 'EW! Who's that?' it's Robbie Williams and his tummy was hard as a rock tee-hee ^^

one of my most loved actors, Nicholas Cage, he can do anything!! he's hot AND a great actor *huggles the pic* tee-hee you can even see his chesthair *squeels*

George asked me to marry him over a romantic dinner.. I had to turn him down though, I'm saving myself for Silver-sama ^_~ (he's got my number though ^_~)

I just love this one, cause it was a really young version of Mel Gibson ^^ but if you ask me, he got a lot hotter with the years ^^ (as some of you know, I like older men ^^ ..erhm.. did I say men? I meant PEOPLE.. really, I did.. *blushes and quickly moves on to the next picture*

ssst, we're busy solving the mystery of the Holy Grail! btw, when is that movie coming out on DVD.. I must have it!!!

I'm outta here

ps: sorry for the pics being too big for the post box.. here's a link to my photobucket account
where you can view them better ^^

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Monday, August 21, 2006

   you can't love him, for he is already mine

"That'll be me"- Krezip

lots of changes going on right now and I'm freakin' scared of them all.. the one thing I really hate about growing up is that so many things change..

the weekend was good ^^ Silvereagle-sama stayed over at my house this weekend ^^ we went shopping on saturday and I ended up buying a new phone on an impulse.. it's a Nokia 6233 and it looks like this:

prittyful ne?
got me a bluetooth adapter thingy and headset with it ^^ but the headset was sold to Silvereagle-sama, so now I can call him when he's in his car hehe ^^
so now, I'm bound to a phoneplan for 25 bucks a month.. but I have to pay for international textmessages outside of my phoneplan...
but it's a really cool phone and it can do lots of things ^^ like play mp3s and I can expend the memory of the thing ^^ but I still need to mess around with it some more before I know how it all works hehe ^^'
got a pic of the Insane Clown Posse as a background on it hehe ^^ it makes me a Juglette muahahaha!!!

my bookcase is filled with books and mangas now ^^ I got half a shelve left hehe ^^' but at least now I have more room for new dvds and books in the other bookcase ^^
I also learned that my dad is going to pay for it, so I don't have to pay him back YAY ^^

oh right, other things I bought on saturday:
-Second Season of The 4400
-a necklace and bracelet
and Silvereagle-sama gave me volume 14 of the Fruits Basket manga ^^
and then, in the evening, we ordered some stuff from Archonia ^^ I'm now waiting for a Kiddy Grade box (yep, FLCL disappeared suddenly.. but Ran-chan keeps telling me that he hacked into my account and deleted it all from my basket.. I just got second thoughts I guess ^^), XXX Holic manga volume 7, NOIR DVD volume 1 and Man's Best Friend manga ^^ YAY for the yaoi ^^

well, I think you guys deserve a break from the long post, seeing how you all thought my last one was a monster hehe ^^'
I don't know if I'll be around a lot this week.. tomorrow I'm going to Sivlereagle-sama (am I over four times yet? trying to beat my record ^_~) and we're probably going to the beach ^^
and on wednesday I'll be going to Amsterdam with my mom ^^ we'll be going to Madame Toussauds (hell if I know how to spell that hehe ^^') it's a museum with wax statues of famous people hehe ^^ and after that we'll go shopping ^^ YAY
and on thursday I'm going to Silverealge-sama's again (ok, now I have to be over four!!) dunno yet what we'll do then ^^

time for the greeting of the day:

no really, I'm tired...
I'm outta here

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Friday, August 18, 2006

   I ain't gonna die till I get my sh*t!!!

'I want my sh*t'-Insane Clown Posse
it's all your fault Ran-chan!! you had to send me some of their songs and now I'm hooked.. ow well, it's fun ^^ like you said, it's just some good, clean musical fun ^^ I wonder why my mom doesn't like it ^_~

but this subject is very on topic, cause it looks like I might die before I get my sh*t.. that is, if I have to wait for Archonia.com.. they're STILL restocking on Loveless manga volume 1.. the site said that it would take 2 to 3 weeks.. I'm going into my fifth week I think already.. *sigh* ow well, I'm gonna make a new order this weekend, cause I got paid YAY ^^
in three weeks, I made almost 500 bucks and now you can all guess where that's all going ^^
well.. I only got about 450 bucks left already, cause I've been spending too much last month.. and then there's still my debt with Silvereagle-sama.. ow and my mom's birthday is coming up.. *sigh* that means not much manga and anime for me, seeing as how I also still need to save money.. but I was able to cut my huge basket down to about 70 bucks. now, I know you're all wondering how I did that. easy, throw out everything that was out of stock ^^
so for now, all that's in there is:
-FLCL boxset (DVD,dah)
-Fruits Basket manga 14
-Trigun volume 2 manga.

all those should be send to me within 48 hours ^^ well, to Silvereagle-sama to be honest, cause I can't have them packages be delivered at my home.. the peoples here get rather..'curious', meaning that most of the time, they don't wait for the one who the package is for with opening it *sigh*
but Silver said that I could let them get delivered at his place so YAY ^^ it just means that if it gets delivered during the week, I have to wait until the weekend to get it ^^

enough about my spending habits now.. oh no, that's not true tee-hee ^^
last wednesday, I bought a bookcase ^^ I really really needed one, cause well, the shelves, of the case my books and stuff are in now, are starting to bend.. and not just a little, it looks like the whole thing might fall apart soon ^^'
unfortunately, Hans, my ficus-tree-plant-thingy will have to go.. he was my friend, giving me lots of oxigen and just a homey feeling to my room.. but when Ihad to chose between books or a plant, I was like.. well, I just realised that you need plants to make books.. or rather, trees.. ow well, who cares, I like books better than plants and I guess I just figured that I could always put a smaller plant on top of my new bookcase ^^ YES ^^
this also means that my huge movie poster of Johnny Depp (aka Jack Sparrow) will have to move. but I've got a nice spot for him above my bed, right next to Puss in Boots ^^
but the most important change will be: I get a place to put all my manga together, making more room in my other case for new DVDs and I'll basically just have way more storing room ^^
but I think I'll keep my yaoi right where it is right now.. don't want my mom finding that and accidentally letting it fall open, now would we?
speaking of yaoi *adds "Man's Best Friend" and "Wild Rock" to basket* tee-hee ^^ I got the cash muahahaha!!!
and thanks JD Person for dropping some names hehe ^^ it's so hard to find any good yaoi on the internet..
anywho, my dad will probably put the whole thing together tonight and I'll have the time tomorrow morning to get my stuff in there ^^ (the thing only cost me €17.50 by the way ^^ that reminds me, I still have to pay back my dad for it hehe ^^')

more good news: my wrist is better ^^ so HAH to everyone who was telling me to take it easy with it muahaha!! it healed why I just kept on using it ^^ (but I was still right about your shoulder Ran nyaa!!)

even more good news ^^ I got my first letter from Magnus Lehnsherr ^^ *happy squeels* now I just need to find the time to write one back.. hmz, I think I can do that this afternoon ^^

some sad news: I have left WDX for good.. well, I will still drop by every now and then as a guest to see how everyone's doing.. but the site just isn't what it used to be anymore.. and sadly, I kept getting into fights with the same person, and the last one we had (yesterday) turned just too ugly. the site where Ihad once felt safe enough to be myself and have fun, suddenly turned into a hostile environment.. things were said that shouldn't have been said. and I'll admit, I've been a bitch to that person, but he wasn't all too nice to me either..
it's sad that the place has changed so much, but I guess it was inevitable and Ihad to leave there some day. I just really regret that it had to be this way.. I've made alot of really good friends on there and I hope we can still be friends even outside of the site ^^
EDIT: thank you so much Silvereagle-sama and Ran-chan for sticking up for me ^^ at least now I know who to trust after all this ^^ you guys stick with me no matter what. you guys really are the best *huggles you both*

but enough about that now ^^ I'm a bit hyper right now.. I've been awake since 3 am (it's just a little over 1 om right now and it doesn't look like I will get any more sleep before tonight.. ow well ^^ I just hope I'll make it through work hehe ^^')
I've done a lot of crying and tossing and turning, but I think I've come to realise that a few things in my life are going to change and really have to change. I've even decided to lose some weight O_o yeah, I thought that would shock you guys hehe ^^ it's not that I'm heavy or anything, it's more that I don't want to gain anymore weight. so I'm gonna try and not eat as much chips and candy as I used to and instead go for the healthier snacks ^^ I like fruit anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem ^^ just a good thing that the jelliebean store disappeared hehe ^^'

EDIT #2: speaking of changes, I'm gonna look for a new cellphone.. mine has been acting up for a while now and I think I should get a new one.. the only problem is that I'm used to the prepaid system (meaning you by a card for let's say 20 buck and then you upgrade that into your phone and then you have 20 bucks to spend ^^ it's hard to explain...) the thing is.. prepaid phones can cost as much as 150 bucks now.. and if you just take on a phone-plan (I think it's called that in english.. not sure) you get a phone for free, but you have to pay the same amount of money every month.. (plus maybe the costs of going over the phone-plan thingy, I dunno.. AAAHHHRRRGGG) so, to make a long story short (which I should've done in the first place) I'm gonna look for a new phone cause mine is getting old and it's hanging together with scotchtape ^^'

well, I have to say, writing this post felt good ^^ although it's really sad that I had to leave one of my favorite places, this does mean that I will have more time to visit people again ^^
which is a good thing, cause it seems like a lot of people will be returning from their vacations and things like that ^^
school starts again soon (I think in about two weeks for me.. but I'm not sure.. I do know that they won't see me there until I've seen a schedule hehe ^^') but one person I'm pretty exited over returning is Grifter-san. he used to be such a good friend and talking-buddy to me ^^ so I'm pretty happy that I'll be able to talk to him again ^^

greeting of the day:

ZOMG!! it was the first card I saw when I clicked the greetings link and I LOVE IT!!! the people who know Azumanga Daioh will probably LTAO like I did ^^ in fact, I'm still laughing ^^

oh yeah, to the peoples who've been sending me pm's, I'll try to get back to you guys asap ^^ I just keep forgetting to.. hehe ^^' anyway, I'll try to finish all that up this afternoon and if not, tomorrow morning ^^

I'm outta here

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the day.. but then you call me and it's not so bad, it's not so bad...

yep peoples, it will be (random) songlyrics for a subject for a while ^^ why, cause I love quoting my favorite songs and for a starter, Dido's "Thank You" just felt right ^^ this quote has to be my all time favorite, why? cause it shows the importance one person can have for another ^^
how the attention of one person can lighten up a while day.. I've been experiencing it myself ^^

today, I was lonely again all morning.. (well, the start wasn't too bad, thank god for MSN hehe ^^') everyone in this house works either the morning or the whole day and of course, I've got a week filled with evening/closing shifts *sigh* I can't even remember the last time I actually ate with the rest of the family(oh wait, yes I can, it was saturday hehe ^^')
but it's ok, cause it's actually rather nice to be alone in the morning and just start the day the way I like to ^^

but then, just when my mom had returned, I got a call from Silverealge-sama ^^ it was nice to suddenly hear his voice without knowing he was going to call ^^
if only my mom didn't start complaining about how she wanted to have lunch, we could've talked longer..
ow well, a person can't have everything eh?

speaking of not being able to have everything, I'm trying my best to visit sites, but I'll keep it down to visiting only the people that comment. then, if I got time and energy left, I visit the ones that updated while I am online (this means the people with the nice blue beam thingies over their names ^^)
basically, this is because I still got little energy, my wrist is killing me (I'll get back on that) and I just have a lot to do and I still need to rest a bit before school -_-'

as for my wrist, a lot of people called me smart for trying to take it easy with it.. don't. for one simple reason: it might seem like I'm trying to keep it out of harm's way, but I'm not the type to take my own advice.
I am wearing wristbands, but those are just normal sweatbands, very stretchy and thus not very tight. plus, when I go to work, I take them off ^^ my excuse for that: I can't come to work wearing my punk wristbands.. I just can't hehe ^^'
but I promise, if it still hurts like this (or worse, heaven forbid) I'll go and see the doc about it ^^ who will probably tell me I should take it easy with it for a while and leave it at that..
man, I wish my handwriting was impossible to read, then I could make some real easy money.. but alas, I'm not suited for a doctor's life, simply cause people will be able to read my prescriptions (or however you silly english people spell that =p)
but to make a long story short (which I should've done in the first place) I'm still using my wrist as much as I was already ^^'

work isn't too hard thank goodness. well, that is, if you don't count the heavy crates that are stacked up two crates higher than I am.. I have to lift those darn things off the collies (container thingys...) and it's pretty hard to do.. especially with the prospect of getting a crate filled with beer topple over on your head.. ow well, at least my boss is around to help me ^^
he asked me if I was feeling like doing a lot of work today, cause when he came back from his dinner break (I started at five, that's right at the time the other person gets time to eat) I had already filled out one collie.. Itold him Iwouldn't mind sitting in a chair all evening, picking my nose, but that that would get boring eventually ^^ he agreed with me and he kinda just complimented me on my hard work ^^ *proudness*

oh that's right! everyone with a bit of HTML wisdom, please visit SesshomaruMistres she's in need of an admin for her ICS and L'oloth sites ^^

well, me thinks that this will be enough useless info for your poor brains for one day ^^
greeting of the day:

no really, I mean it, I need something sweet or salty... like chips or chocolate or marshmellows... *goes to find the chocolaty goodness she was sure to have seen laying around the house*

I'm outta here ^^

secret useless information about my physical health: I've been having trouble breathing again, ain't life just beautiful like that? to top it off, a major headache kicked in at work, so I'll be hitting the hay early tonight ^^

ok, now I'm really leaving ^^

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