Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
heya guys ^^
well, I'm sorry to say, I won't be visiting much this week...
I'm pretty much a mess, feeling sick and weak and icky and it's only two weeks till school starts again...
work tired me out pretty badly last week, but thank goodness this week should be better. I only have to work the evenings, so it's 3 or 4 hours a day and I got the saturday off ^^
I think I overworked my right wrist last week, cause ever since saturday it's been hurting like hell when I move it.. so I'm wearing a wristband at the moment..
ugh, it has been raining all day and it doesn't seem to clear up any time soon... with rain, I'm like Kyo, it makes me sleepy..
by the way, I'm also pretty much covered in bruises hehe ^^' my knees are nice and colorful again and my arm hurts pretty bad from walking into the lockers again..
the weekend (or what was left of it) was good though ^^ Silvereagle-sama came over on saturday and I went with him to his house and spend the night there ^^ so we were together all sunday, although I slept through most of it ^^
in the evening we watched CSI and Bones and then it was time for me to go again..
this morning I cleaned the fishtank for the little fish and put some more of them into the big tank ^^ they're growing up so fast tee-hee ^^
but then I found out that my (fake) sucky fish was stuck in a pot.. well, it's more of an urn thingy, but I don't know what to call it hehe ^^'
so I spend a lot of my time trying to get it out of there.. which finally worked, so I don't have to worry anymore ^^
and then Ijust watched some more of The 4400, which is a good series ^^ I've seen all episodes of season one (it's only five episodes, but still ^^) and I think I'm going to buy season two this weekend ^^ cause then I'll be payed again YAY!!
well, I think I'd better stop typing now, cause my wrist is pretty much killing me.. better be careful with it hehe ^^
ow and I just wanted to thank you all for your support for me giving blood ^^ I feel so proud of myself hehe ^^' *huggles every one of you*
well, I'll try to get to everyone's site this week, but I really have to take things easy ^^
heya guys ^^
it's me again hehe ^^ after two darn hard days of work, I've found some time to post muahahaha!!!
those two days weren't all that bad, but I did get into bed about two to three hours earlier than usual (usually, I mess around till about midnight, but I went to sleep around 10.15 and 10.30 these past nights) and I might do the same tonight, seeing as how I've got to work till nine and start again tomorrow at eight..
hmz.. what else to tell you about the past few days... finally got my Descendants of Darkness in, but of course, they won't send me anything until they also got the first Loveless manga for me... so that might take another while *sigh*
in the meantime, I've got a nicely filled basket waiting for my paycheck to come in hehe ^^ but maybe I should tone it down a little, cause right now, it's got about 150 bucks worth of anime and manga in it ^^'
as for the title: this morning I went and gave blood for the first time ^^
my dad drove me to the bloodbank and I had lots of fun there hehe ^^ the people there were all pretty darn overconcerned about me, cause I almost blacked out during the last time I was there (they first had to take a little blood for tests and stuff ^^ and it was so warm back then...)
my arm still smarts a bit and you can see a nice hole in it ^^ that's a pretty big needle they put in ya, I can tell you that much hehe ^^ *sees several MyOtakuans fainting, including Silvereagle-sama* oops ^^'
my finger also hurts a bit, cause they first needed a drop of blood to see if my hemoglobine, or however-you-spell-that, level was alright. so they basically jam some sort of torturing device into your finger without giving a warning.. evil people!
I do know that the next time I go, Iwill take a manga with me, or I'll have to read the Cosmopolitan or however it was called again *shivers* hmz.. I should've taken the Aniway, seeing as how I still need to read it.. ow well, a lesson learned for next time ^^
I want to do it at least ten times ^^ why? cause then I'll get a pin and a pelican plushie ^^
this time I got a mug as a welcoming gift ^^
well, I'm gonna try and visit some sites before I have to go to work...
Greeting of the day:
yeah, it took me way too long to find this one hehe ^^' so I guess I'll visit sites some other time ^^
in the meantime, enjoy another greeting:
tee-hee, I love this one ^^
(I'm starting to feel woozy and I've got a pretty bad taste in my mouth... I just hope I don't get sick...)
new theme (again) *but still not very happy about it...*
heya guys!
this will be a quick post, seeing as how I still need to visit everyone who updated today hehe ^^
plus, I plan on going to sleep a bit early, since I have to work all day tomorrow and the day after that *sigh*
yep that's right, instead of having to work from 5pm till 9pm on thursday, I get to work from 10am till 9pm (which is kinda illegal for me to do, cause I can only work for nine hours in a row legally, now I'm doing 11 but then again, it's basically the same as saturdays...)
and I didn't even have a choice in this, Ijust get scheduled in like that.. my co-worker on the other hand, got to choose and even got and EXTRA day off this week cause she will work the thursday... so she's got two days off this week, and I have to work every single day except for sunday thank goodness ^^
but after this week, things should calm down again, cause I've got the coming two saturdays (not counting the one coming this week) free YAY!!
well, enough useless rambling about my work ^^
I had an Ah! My Goddess theme up for about half a day and then got sick of it hehe ^^
so now it's Howl's Moving Castle (or as Ran-chan described it: Howl Castle thingy)
I quite like this one so it might be up for a while, but I still need to work on some things.. like this: I want to put a .gif picture thingy in my profile text (instead of the trailer that's there now) and I have the url for it, but! I can't get it to work. does anyone know how to put it in there so that it will actually move and stuff? all tips and hints and things like that may go into your comment please ^^ and if no one knows, I guess I'll have to keep the trailer up..
and then there's the text color.. I'm still twirking on that, cause I have having to highlight everything so that I can read it, but it seems to be necessary (that word gets me everytime in spelling -_-')on my site.. so I'm still trying to work the perfect color, but I might as well leave it like this ^^
any compaints and tips about this theme may also go into your comment ^^
well, it's about time for me to go, let me just check to see if I can find a fitting greeting of the day:
yeah, I know, I've done this one before already, but I just love it ^^
I'm outta here ^^
and if Idon't visit before friday, it's cause I'm totaly exhausted from work ^^ I'll probably just visit a few sites the coming two days hehe ^^'
just so you know ^^
heya guys ^^
well, my week of vacation is over and tonight I gotta work again... so I'm not looking forward to that seeing as how I loved my week of slacking off hehe ^^
the last few days have been rather uneventful, although I loved them ^^ we basically just hung around the house, reading mangas and stuff ^^ we both got addicted to the Crazy Machines game, so we played that a lot ^^
we also watched some movies and other than that I don't think we did all that much..
ow and Magnus: we did eat chinese food hehe ^^ I even got it two times, cause I really didn't want to eat the Russian Stroganoff hehe ^^ it looked so icky, ew!! so Silver-sama bought me chinese ^^ he's the sweetest ^^
plus, cause Silver-sama's mom had her birthday on sunday we went to a chinese/japanese wok restaurant ^^ you got to pick out your own meat and vegetables, then pick a sauce and the cook would wok it right in front of you ^^ it looked so cool and it was yummy too ^^
I finally had the chance to try squid and it was yummy ^^ just a bit chewy though, but it still tasted great ^^ and I tried a sushi-roll thingy (it just didn't have raw fish in it, but fruit hehe ^^) I think I ate way too much then hehe ^^ I went through the buffet twice, had a plate of fruit and then had dessert (fruit and ice-cream) twice ^^ I was totally stuffed when we got back hehe ^^
when we got back at Silver-sama's place, we watched some tv and I packed my stuff and then it was time for me to go home again T_T
it was good to come home again though, my cat seemed rather happy to see me (I missed her so badly hehe, but now, she's sleeping right next to me, so I can hug her whenever I want tee-hee ^^) my brother also seemed happy to see me, especially since he kept hanging around me and Silver-sama. but I got kinda sick of him pretty quickly, cause I was trying to say goodbye to Silver.. and my brother wouldn't leave us alone T_T eventually he did leave so I could say a proper goodbye ^_~ (I'm sure you all know what I mean hehe ^^)
all in all it's good to be home again ^^ I missed my cat and fishes (who are all doing fine too ^^) so much and it is good to sleep in my own bed again ^^
it's just a lot more lonely, seeing as how I slept together with Silver-sama all week and now I have to sleep all alone in my bed T_T (but it's a lot more roomy hehe ^_~ I don't have the feeling I'm going to fall out all the time anymore ^^)
today,I haven't done much yet.. I slept in, watched some tv and read some manga ^^ ow and I hugged my cat a lot hehe ^^ she is going to be so sick of me within a few days tee-hee
also, I got my first notice to come and give blood, meaning I don't have any icky sicknessess in my blood YAY! so on friday, I'll take a little trip to the hospital again ^^ I'm rather exited about it to be honest hehe ^^ it just feels good to be able to do something for other people ^^
ow AND, today,I got up to date with my friends list ^^ as you can see, I made it a lot shorter, but I think I've pretty much narrowed it down to my best friends on here ^^ I just don't want to feel guilty anymore over visiting people that hardly show up here and then not having the time to visit you guys that comment almost all the time ^^
as you can see, I've lifted my spirit a bit (and I'm sure that my week off has everything to do with that) so I won't be deleting my site any time soon ^^ I might change the theme again though, I'm getting a bit sick of Ranma's face hehe ^^ never thought I would, but I am hehe ^^'
well, that's enough rambling out of me, time for the greeting of the day:
tee-hee, I can't help it, I just love pics of Ed raving about his height hehe ^^
hey guys ^^
yeah I know, I'm still not visiting very well, but hey, I'm too busy!!
I'm having lots of fun with Silverealge-sama and I'm kinda sad that the week is almost over.. on sunday I'm gonna go back home and even though it makes me sad that I will have to miss him again for a week, I'm kinda happy too. cause yesterday evening, I got like, really homesick.. and to be honest, the only things I really miss are my cat and my fish.. yeah, I know, I"m weird, but it's like I've got the best bond with the animals in my house ^^' as some of you know, I really love my fish ^^
my week so far:
on monday we didn't do all that much, we went to the huge electronics store and I bought Silverealge-sama a DVD-player with multiregion for his birthday and our three year aniversary ^^ now he can watch his own import DVDs (read: anime and wrestling hehe)
he got me Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure or however it is called hehe ^^ and I bought myself the game Crazy Machines which is addictive and kinda annoying at times ^^ ow and I bought Jaws the anniversary version and I got the Crocodile Hunter movie from Silver-sama ^^
on mondayevening we went to a friend of Silver-sama's and we played some games, watched tv and just chatted ^^ it was fun ^^
we went shopping ^^
and yes, we spend way too much money.. *sigh* I'm broke and Silver's lucky he's got a creditcard hehe, but I"ll get back on that ^^
I bought:
Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire(the original book ^^)
Negima volume 3 and 5
Arjuna DVD 2 and 3
and NOIR DVD 2 and 4 and 5 ^^
and I got NOIR DVD 3 from Silver ^^ plus a figurine of Ohno from Genshiken ^^ let's see if I can find a picture..
ah, there it is ^^
and in the evening, I finished reading my Preston&Child book and we didn't really do much.. we just hung out really ^^
we went to a zoo ^^ it was fun, cause it was a zoo that only had European animals ^^ it's nice to see what kind of animals live on our continent ^^ though we weren't all too sure if polarbears really live around here.. but they still looked really cool ^^
we were done quickly though, cause it was a rather small zoo
when we got home again we didn't do much again.. ow yeah, that's right, we ordered some manga which got delivered on wednesday too ^^ I got Ranma 1/2 volume 35 and Descendants of Darkness volume 2 ^^
and in the evening we watched the Crocodile Hunter movie which was rather funny ^^
we went to the huge bookstore in Rotterdam where they actually got some manga ^^
we bought way too much stuff again,all on Silver-sama's creditcard hehe ^^
he gave me (I'm not sure if I have to repay him hehe...)
Descendants of Darkness volume 3,4,5 and 6
XXX Holic volume 6
Negima volume 2(I was kinda bummed that they didn't have 4..) and
Trigun ^^ trigun is a huge manga.. it's got over 350 pages O_o!!
and I promised to pay him back for this one: The art of Howl's Moving Castle!! it's such a wonderful book ^^ I still have to read it completely, but it is really fun to see the concept scetches and how the movie is being put together ^^ AND the complete screenplay is in there ^^ now I can read the movie hehe ^^
and Silver-sama bought me the movie The Weatherman, with Nicolas Cage, I love that guy, but we still have to watch the movie ^^
and in the evening we didn't do much really, I got really homesick and cryed my eyes out for a bit and then I just went to sleep.. I'm so tired still..
but don't worry about me, I'll be fine ^^
and I will visit everyone again next week, this week is for Silver-sama and me ^^ and I'm sure you guys don't mind cause you're the best friends ever ^^ *huggles you all*
no greeting of the day, this post was long enough already ^^
I'm outta here
ps: I think I got everything we did this week on here... just fill in anything I missed, in your comment Silver-honey ^^
pps: due to my lack in visiting people, I just found out that things aren't all that well with Ada Pallas again, one of my best friends on here (her comments always made me feel better and she is just such a nice person)
I hope that someone who has her email adress can tell her that I hope she feels better soon and that I wish I could do something for's hard to see a friend in trouble and all I can do it pray for her.
if you read this yourself, Sarah:*hugs* just know I care, that's all I can do for now..I wish there was more...
hey guys,
man, it's been two weeks already?!
I know, I said I wouldn't post before I visited every one of you..
but some people have been telling me that they are a bit worried about me..
I'm still alive, but I'm really busy with work.
this coming month alone will be almost 86 hours of work for me, and with one free week (upcoming week thank goodness) this means that I'm working about 28.5 hours a week.. it's just too much for me, especially in my current state of mind.. I've been hardly getting any sleep and I"m just plain tired..
I will be staying at Silvereagle-sama's house all week next week and I hope to get some new energy there.. he pomised to take really good care of me, and I trust for him to do so ^^
I will however take my laptop with me and try my best to at least visit everyone in my friendslist once next week.. I'm going to try my best, cause I feel pretty darn guilty. the last few weeks, I've only been visiting like, two or three sites and I know I really haven't been acting like a good friend..
if I don't manage to visit you guys next week, I might close my account for a while..
I've been playing with the idea for a while now, cause I just don't feel like I'm the right person for asite like this.. I'm just not able to keep up with people the way I should..
ow well, we'll just see what happens kk?
for now I wish you all a very nice weekend (I still got to work from 8 am till 7 pm tomorrow but after that I'm free for a week ^^)
and I'll see you guys around *huggles every single one of you guys*
and with this incredibly funny card, I'm gonna leave you ^^
I've got no energy whatsoever... lately I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at work and that just can't be good... still feeling a bit sick unfortunately..
and when I sleep, I sleep like crap, meaning I wake up every hour or so, just to toss and turn, trying to find a way to fall back asleep again..
at least I'm not helping customers anymore in my dreams.. that really sucked, waking up hearing yourself say: have a nice weekend
it's just wrong...
the only things I've been doing this past week:
-watch anime
-read manga
-play videogames
I haven't even been able to really be active on WDX, which is really unusual.. there are so many new people now that I'm a bit scared to go back actually.. it's not the same anymore an that's a shame, although I'm sure the new people are really nice ^^ I just don't do well in large groups and lately it's been so busy up there that it seems I'm starting to disappear... I just need to get myself back on my feet, but it's going to take a while...
the anime's I've been watching are Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu and Genshiken.
Fumoffu was great, really funny, but I still think that the first series of FMP was the best ^^
as for Genshiken.. I loved it ^^ it's a series about otaku, but taking a just a bit over the edge.. I just loved the way you follow a small after school club as they go through their daily life, trying to keep their clubroom and stuff together ^^ I especially enjoyed watching Saki, who tried so hard to disband the club to get her boyfriend to notice her more, but while the series goes on, you start to see how much she actually loves everyone in Genshiken.. it's fun to see someone subtily changing into a bit of an otaku ^^
I just finished watching the last episode, and to be honest, I was a bit sad it ended.. I'm quite looking forward to the Kujibiki Unbalance series that are supposed to be in the makings.. this series has little to do with Genshiken, except that it's the series the club watches almost every episode.. I've seen three episodes of Kujiun cause they're extra's on the Genshiken DVD's ^^
I guess I should get back to watching Ranma 1/2 again ^^ I still got quite a few DVD's of that to go.. or I could watch some Gravitation ^^ hmz.. Iknow for sure I"m going to order the Descendants of Darkness box hehe ^^ I've seen one episode of that a while back and I liked it, also, the manga is great hehe ^^
video games I've been playing:
Popolocrois and Guild Wars..
yup, I borrowed/stole Silvereagle-sama's PSP and I've been playing Popo since wednesday ^^ it's pretty fun after you get through the boring part hehe ^^ I just got stuck though hehe...
and I've picked up some GW again ^^ it had been quite a while since I played that and it was fun to do again ^^ (although my laptop of course decided to quit halfway... evil blue screen... *sigh*) I made me a tiger pet.. and of course, while I was working on charming it to be my pet, my henchmen were busy killing the poor thing.. so I'm standing there, doing my charm animal spell, and they were going at it, saying how good they were going to kill it.. *sigh* so I ended up with a corpse of pet tiger thank goodness I was able to revive it ^^
manga I've been reading:
let's see.. I think it has only been Full Metal Panic Overload, which is just really really funny ^^
well, I feel guilty now, cause I started to rant...
sorry peoples.. I guess I just can't control myself..
I'll try and visit everyone again next week, but I will understand if anyone wants to kick me off his or her friends list.. I'm being a horrible friend at the moment and I probably won't post anymore until I've visited everyone again.. it really makes me feel guilty.. *huggles everyone* komenasai...
greeting of the day:
but hey, there's a kitty, you can't say no to the kitty can you? well, can you? can you really? well, I'm really sorry...
well, I oughta tell you guys about my weekend, right?
sorry I wasn't around on monday, but it will all get explained ^^
saturday was mostly spend working and after work Silvereagle-sama came to pick me up. we ate chinese food at his house and after that I felt like crap, so I took a painkiller and appearently I slept the most part of the evening... I kinda can't remember a thing about that hehe... when I woke up again, it was rather late, but we watched some tv and drank some booze hehe ^^ (gee, and I still wonder why the night is a blur hehe ^_^')
on sunday we didn't do much, we slept till about 12 pm and when we woke up, it was about time for breakfast ^^
I wanted tostis so I spend half the day randomly yelling out: but what about the tostis?!
too bad, they didn't have any appropriate tosti cheese at home, so we couldn't have tostis *sigh* instead I ate a ham sandwich so YAY!!!
we spend the afternoon pretty much doing nothing and reading mangas. I read Negima volume 1 and Descendants of Darkness volume one (I found out I can buy the complete anime series of DoD for just under 23 bucks, guess what I'm gonna buy when I get paid hehe)
for dinner we went to McDonalds YAY!! hehe, like I never eat there.. ow well, I had a Happy Meal and got a lovely little car from the movie Cars with it ^^ it can do wheelies, so I'm very proud of it ^^
in the evening we watched the XXX Holic movie, which was rather strange but still very good ^^
but then, just when we were getting ready to get me home, I got sick...
let me put it this way: I haven't been feeling well for a couple of weeks now.. my stomach hurts and my head is killing me most of the time.. the fact that I took a painkiller on saturday means a lot.. I don't usually take those, but then, it just hurt too much... and on sunday evening, I found out why my tummy hurts so much hehe...
it actually got so bad that I didn't want to go into the car to drive home.. so I called home to ask if I could stay at Silvereagle-sma's house for another night, got a short preach and then my dad just said whatever, you just arrange for it all to be alright and we'll talk about it later. gee dad, thanks for the well wishes and caring words...
so that resulted in me crying my eyes out once again and Silvereagle-sama taking me to bed...
on monday morning, Silvereagle-sama had to leave for work really early.. so I slept some more after that.. and when I woke up again, I hung around on the internet for a bit, kinda cleaned his room, tried to sleep some more.. but after that I really couldn't sleep anymore, so I watched some tv, ate breakfast and hung around with his mom. then she had to leave for an appointment and I was all alone in their house, which was a bit of a weird idea, but I didn't really mind ^^
I watched some more tv and then asked SE-sama in a text message if I could play some Popolocrois on his psp. so I did that, it is a pretty fun game although the first part was a bit boring to me.. then I read Hellsing manga volume 1. when I was done with that, his mom had come home again and we talked for a bit. then I took a shower and walked the dog for his mom, cause she can't really walk very well and I needed some fresh air anyway ^^
then I read volume 2 and 3 of Hellsing and played some more Popolocrois. and then I fell asleep on the couch. just after that SE-sama got home from his work again and he had to take me home...
when I got home, nothing much happened.. I didn't get the preach I was expecting, just a lot of stories about the weekend of my mom and dad, cause they had gone to Belgium for the weekend.
in the evening I read volume 4 and 5 of XXX Holic, volume one of Howling Riot (which is a dojinshi manga-magazine), No Need for Tenchi volume 6 and I started in volume 8 of No Need for Tenchi.
so I read lots of mangas yesterday hehe ^^
well, I'm still not feeling on top of the world right now, so I probably won't visit many sites today either.. I just want to concentrate on getting better and on my work tonight, cause I have to close the store.. ow and Ishould clean my little fishtank...
well, this is becoming a rather boring post, so I'll just go and look for a greeting of the day.
just one interesting fact before the greeting: I have decided to become a blooddonor. I have been playing with the idea for a while already, ever since I got the form asking if I wanted to be a regular donor of anything (like organs and stuff, which I replied to with a no, I don't want to be a donor of anything after I die). so now, I'm waiting to get my information package and my invitation for the blood test to see if I'm suitable for giving blood ^^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
well, first off, I'm very sorry but I don't think I will be visiting anyone anymore till monday...
I'm am just so utterly tired..
things at work were hectic today...
we were supposed to get new stock in at 3.30 pm, but that didn't come until 6.50 pm.. and then, the driver didn't want to take the empty containers with him.. so we were stuck with ten empty containers in the back of the store and the store isn't very big at all, so we couldn't keep the new containers filled with stock in the back. so now, there are still about four or five filled containers standing in the store, just cause we don't have any place to put them...
and then there was this guy, who got arrested for shoplifting a while back and now, he keeps harrassing us. so we called the police, but still, when you're with just three girls (the oldest one being 29 nontheless) it is a bit scary to have an angry guy in the store.. so both me and the other one of my coworkers (she's 17) had shaking knees hehe...
but then he finally left and off course, about ten minutes after he left, the police got here.. *sigh*
another thing about work: I got to close the store on tuesday evening.. now there's something I'm scared of!
not so much because I don't think I'll be able to, cause I know I can do it, I know what needs to be done and how it has to be done. I'm just afraid of nasty costumers, like the creepy guy, coming to wreak havoc in the store.. especially cause I"ll be working with the same girl as tonight, so we're both rather insecure..
not to worry though, most of my friends on here will know I'm a tough cookie, so I will be able to handle myself.
besides, I'm kinda proud of myself that they actually trust me enough to let me do this already ^^
on another note, there are now two fish of me busy dieing.. I don't know what's wrong, the water seems to be fine, there's little to no ickyness in there and they get enough to eat...
but I still got lots of baby fish in the seperate tank, I'm just afraid to put them in the big tank now even though they are big enough.. by the way, they're getting pretty colors ^^
I'm just worried about my poor little dieing fishies...
on a happier note today: school's over for me this year ^^ I am done with the first year and I got all my points and I don't have anything left to do but relax and try to get some energy for the next year..
although I did have to go to school today to hand in that stupid form, it wasn't all that bad, since I got to go to the huge bookstore ^^
I wanted to buy Loveless volume 1 and Negima volume one, but since they didn't have Loveless, I bought Decendants of Darkness volume 1 and Negima volume 1 for myself. and since Iwas there anyway and they already had it, I bought Ruroken (Rurouni Kenshin) volume 28 for Silvereagle-sama ^^ YAY a present for my poedie ^^ he is very happy with it hehe ^^ he's just a bit sad that it's the very last volume of the series..
today I didn't do much else...
I woke up, chatted, went to school, went to the giant bookstore, went home, fell asleep, went to work, ate, showered and then went to chat with friends some more ^^ which I am currently doing and that's why is has taken me over an hour already to post all this...
ow, and during the stupid way too long busdrive, I read Trigun Animanga volume 2. it was good, although I know most of the episodes already from the anime. and now I'm getting ready to read Negima 1 ^^
and of course, when Igo to Silvereagle-sama this weekend, I"ll take my Decendants of Dakness with me! he'll probably start reading Kenshin right away, so I got the right to read my yaoi, right?! ^^
well, this is getting way too long, and it's getting rather late, so on to the Greeting of the day:
now, why this greeting? why, cause Pirates of the Carribean: Dead MAn's Chest will come out on july 13th over here!!!
I wanna see it ^^
YEAH!!! I visited everyone again ^^ I might visit people a day late though... but at night, I just get too tired to visit... but I'm going to try and visit everyone that updates from now on ^^ or at least during my vacation ^^
though I might be scarce in the weekends, but that's cause I'll be spending my time at work and at Silvereagle-sama's house ^^
yesterday was a rather good day, although I felt like crap.. everything hurt and I thought I was getting sick.. but I'm not sick ^^
what I did, erhm let's see...
I chatted with friends a lot...
I watched the first episode of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, which was very funny ^^ but, I already knew what was going to happen, cause the little stories are also in the Full Metal Panic manga.. but it was still fun ^^
I also read the last volume of Ranma 1/2 that I got (I'm up to 34, 35 will come out in august ^^) and volume 6 and 7 of Fullmetal Alchemist. that story just keeps on getting better hehe ^^ and I like the art a lot ^^
and I started reading volume 2 of School Rumble. it's just such a funny story ^^ I really like it and I'm glad I picked up the first volume when I saw it. though the art might be a bit rought and confusing at times, the story is just really good and funny ^^
I also found out that I passed my last test ^^ this means I got all the points I could get this year and that means that I now have my Propedeuse.
this may not mean much to the people that aren't from the Netherlands though, so I'll try to explain..
once you have all the study points you can get in year one, you get your P or Propedeuse. all this means is that you can get into a university (which I already could thanks to my lovely highschool diploma) and that you can stay at the school you're in now. if you don't get all points after the second year, you get kicked out of school...during the second year you can still make makeup tests for the midterms you didn't pass.
I hope that makes things clear a bit.. it still confuses me though hehe ^^'
unfortunately, I'm still going to have to go to school on friday to hand in a form to change the grade on the grades-page (the school has it's own intranet and you can find all your grades and stuff there, but they haven't changed the grade yet...)
but then again, this also means I get the chance to sneak to the huge bookstore and buy those mangas I want hehe ^^ that is, if they still got them... ow well, I'll see ^^
another sad thing is that another one of my fish died yesterday and one of them is still busy dieing.. it looks so sad but I don't want to flush it before I'm sure it's dead..
but a lot of the other baby fishies are starting to get big enough to go into the big tank.. although I'm a bit hesitant to put them in there, cause I'm afraid they'll die too...
ow and the baby newts have grown a lot too ^^
they're still in the backyard in my old fishtank. there must be about ten of them in there now and they're starting to grow little legs hehe ^^ they're so cute ^^
ow one more thing!
another article of mine got posted on the site ^^*proud of herself* though it's not much, I've written better articles if you ask me ^^
it's a report on the Anime Con and it can be found here
gosh, I love making links hehe ^^
let's see, this is getting long enough, so it's time for the greeting of the day:
hehe this one's for you honey *huggles* you know I'm just kidding ^^ love ya poedie ^^
I'm outta here