Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
heya guys, I'm missing you all but I won't be around for a while...
I haven't been able to visit you people for a while and I don't think I'll have the time or the energy to come around anymore for a while.
a lot of things are going on.. I won't tell you guys though, cause I don't want to bother you about it..
just know that I'll be back eventually and that I miss you all...
to all the peoples with midterms, exams and stuff:
good luck ^^ Iknow I'll need it...
hello peoples!!
this will be a quick one, just to let you all know I am not dead yet!!!
the project at school is going miserably and the deadine is next week, so my time goes there.. any free time right now is spend on WDX and on watching anime and reading manga...
I am so sorry I haven't visited you all in a long while... I'll try to get some things done, but I can't promise I'll be really around until after about two weeks... first there's the project and just general homework.. and then I have a week filled with my last midterms of the year...
and to top that all of, I've been utterly exhausted lately, so I've been trying to sleep early.
I did find out that I got promoted to Senior Otaku *feeling very proud* I'm pretty happy about that *gets into Oscar thank you speech mode* I would like to thank all the people that made this possible, my wonderful friends from MyO, the nice people that give me handy updates about anime, and of course my parents who provided me with the means to do all this (my laptop that is hehe)!!!
See, Ran-chan, I said I had to do it in a post hehe ^_~
tonight I will be gone again, my cousin is getting married and we're going to the party hehe.. I hope to get some rest before I go though ^^
on saturday I'll get some free time that will be spend with my boyfriend ^^ and I'm going to buy that webcam that I wanted *sees all the people I talk to on AIM nd MSN jump from joy* hehe, I'm pretty psyched about it myself ^^
let's see... I think that was it.. work is still going great, it's fun to do and the people are nice (which to me is more important than the work being really exciting)
greeting of the day:
this goes out to all of you guys *hugs everyone*
I'm outta here
(Message to Grifter-san:
if you really miss me, send me an e-mail or something... I want to talk *hug*)
well, I took the weekend off again, sorry for not visiting... *hugs everyone*
well, work was ok. on friday my boss called me and asked if I could come in early, so I did..
and on saturday, there were some really angry customers, who kinda scared me eventually (YAY for crying at work *sarcasm*) but thank goodness my boss was there to help me out.. I have learned that I don't like people yelling at me that the rules are stupid while I am trying to tell them that we don't make the rules, we just have to follow them or pay huge fines...
ow well, at least we had a snail in the store.. hehe, now that's confusing eh?
when I was putting some bottles of soda into place, I found a snail on one of the crates.. and since I am weird, I think snails are cute.. so I picked it off the crate by it's house thingy and walked to the back where my collegue was smoking. "I didn't know we had pets" I said with a huge grin. and then she looked at me with a really disgusted face and asked: "what the ... do you have there?"
apparently she is afraid of snails hehe ^_^ so then I just threw it out.
on saturday evening I went to my boyfriend's house and I stayed over.
we had lots of fun, just watching tv, playing Guild Wars and just randomly hanging around ^_^ I really love the sundays I get to wake up next to him... ow well, let's not bother you with that kind of sentimental bs ^_~
we watched Final Fantasy: Advent Children in the evening... I don't know what to say about it... it looked really cool and the fight scenes were well made, but the story... I don't think I got any of it.. it was lots of confuzzlement for me.. and with confuzzlement comes boredom.. ow well, I got to annoy my bf with questions about Chocobo's, Sephiroth, Cloud, Cactuars and lots of other crazy things hehe ^_^
ow, and I got to drink Sake for the first time.. and that will probably also be my last time hehe ^_^ I didn't like it much, I think it was a bit too strong for me... so I got back to one of my favorite vodka mixes ^_^ (smirnoff ice yummmm)
let's see...
today wasn't too bad... school lasted longer than expected though.. we're having a lot of problems with the project, but with a bit of luck, it will all be solved tomorrow.
after school, I went to the electronics super mega store to buy a webcam.. but they didn't have the one I wanted... so I wandered out of there and found myself in the huge bookstore.. where they had a HUGE Manga section i had never noticed before!!!!!!
that cost me a lot but my bf let me borrow a bit more money hehe ^_^ and I got payed, so I will be able to start paying him off next month ^_^
I also brought him some things he still wanted.
let's see..
for me I bought:
- DearS volume 1
- XXX Holic volume 2 and 3
- Cardcaptor Sakura volume 2 and 3
- Love Hina volume 1
- Fruits Basket volume 8-12 (I was so glad they had those!!! volume 12 seems to be really hard to get...)
for my boyfriend I bought:
- Tsubasa volume 5
- Shaman King volume 9
- Inu Yasha volume 21-23
- and... a mystery gift muahahaha!!! (thought I'd say it on here did you?! well, I'm not telling nyaaa!!!!)
when I was picking out stuff, a girl started talking to me and she was really nice and we exchanged e-mail adresses ^_^ yup, kinda excited about that, cause it doesn't happen often that I open up to people like that hehe.. but she's going to send me a list of online comics, so YAY!!!
speaking of manga, the huge order came in friday too ^_^
so now I also got:
- Di Gi Charat theater "Piyoko is Number one" and "Dejiko's Summer Vacation"
- Full Metal Panic volume 8 and 9
- the Love Hina Novel (FINALLY!!!)
- Ranma 1/2 volume 27-29
- and the Azumanga Daioh DVD box hehe ^_^
so much to read and watch, so little time to do it in...
but now I'm sure to be busy at least till the Anime Con which is in about a month!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe, really excited about that ^__^
I have to start making a list with the series I want to look for.. hmz... Gravitation, maybe Loveless... Chobits and Onegai Teacher... AARRGGHH I need to write it all down somewhere!!
on saturday I will be able to get the webcam I wanted and then some of you will be able to see me in real-time hehe ^_~ and I'm still thinking about wether or not to also buy a microphone.. but I think I'll just see what those things cost and then decide hehe ^_^
time for a greating of the day:
yup, to take over the world muahahaha!!! it will be mine, ALL MINE!!! and parts of it will be for the other members of WDX of course...
well, I'm outta here, sorry for not visiting much, my week should slow down around thursday, so I should be able to get to sites then ^_^
and to everyone going through exams and stuff right now: Good luck ^_~
yesterday was great!!!!
like, first date romantic evening with the love of your life great!!!!!!!!!!
we went to see The Da Vince Code and I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!! I want it to come out on DVD right now so I can't watch it over and over...
I know there are a lot of people complaining about the story.. I get so sick of those people!! they make me want to scream... when did Dan Brown say that his book was based on true events?! when did everyone start to believe this story was anything but FICTION?! no matter how you look at it, it's just a great story with a wonderful plot line, lots of action and a great cat-and-mouse chase. so if you want to go and enjoy seeing a wonderfully made movie with a very surprising story line, please go see The Code!! and if you want to be closed minded and think you are always right and that it is blasphemy to make such a movie with such a story... please, stay far away from the cinema, or I will have to hunt you down and hurt you...
by the way, the guy playing Silas, really freaked me out... he was soooo good and creepy ^_^ he was perfect for the role ^_^ and Tom Hanks did a wonderful job on professor Langdon, I had my doubts about that before but they were gone within the first few seconds of him coming into view ^__^
so.. with that out of the way, let's get back to the post. what was I talking about.. ah yes, yesterday ^_^
well, the morning was spend with WDX, GW and chatting with friends ^_^
in the afternoon my boyfriend picked me up and we went to the huge electronics store (the one where they have more cd's, dvd's and games and software and stuff you can imagine) and he bought me Guild Wars Factions ^_^ not only that but he bought me the collectors box to boot ^__^ I am so happy tee-hee and I love the artbook that was in it.. those drawings just look freaking amazing!!!
oh and he also bought The Brothers Grimm, so we will have to watch that again sometime soon ^_^
after that we went to his house, I installed Factions and played a bit. then after dinner we went to see the movie ^_^
and after that we walked back to the car and we saw a cotton candy stand... now if there is one thing I cannot say no to, it's cotton candy!!
so he bought me some ^_^ and it was the first time a guy ever bought cotton candy for me ^__^
and we had to walk through the park to get to the station where the car was parked and we just talked and I ate my cotton candy and it just felt so perfect ^_^
I get butterflies just thinking of it ^_^
then we got back to his house, talked some more, had some fun and then it was time for me to go home again...
I was so tired when I got home, so I went straight to sleep (it was 1.30am already after all hehe..)
today will be an easy day.. I just have to work from 5-9 and other than that I'm free to do as I please ^_^ although I should get some homework done...
it's 10.15am right now, I haven't eaten anything yet and I'm watching a cooking show *laughs* it all looks so yummy... I love watching those shows ^_^
well, I have nothing left to say, but it seems I have a made a good old long rambling post again ^_^
today will be nice and lazy hehe ^__^
Greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
I don't deserve this, I'll find someone worth it...
hello peoples
do not mind the title.. the person that it is ment for will know.. it's part of a song by the way ^_^
well, with my internet fixed and my promise still floating around my head...
I thought I'd make a real post this time and try and visit everyone today ^_^
mind you, I said TRY, I might not be able to though..
still a lot of things are happening...
school is as busy as ever and it doesn't look like it will calm down soon.. my motivation has died comepletely and I don't think it can be resurrected like my internet hehe..
at work, everything is going great.. I still really like it and the people I work with are really nice ^_^ it's weird to think that I've been working for a month again already, but this really is my fourth week. I just hope my paycheck looks good, since I still don't really know what I will earn when taxes and stuff are off. but it will still be more than I was making the few months before, and that's the thing that matters!! I can't wait for my money.. I've been thinking of maybe buying a webcam.. nothing hightech, just one of the small ones I see on sale so much for about 20 bucks ^_^ it would be cool though.
and of course, once I get paid, I can start paying off my huge loan with Silvereagle-sama... I've never been in dept before, but I can see why so many young people have problems with loans.. I'm just really lucky I was able to borrow money from my boyfriend instead of a bank ^_^
Guild Wars is working rather well *knocks on wood* and this makes me really want Factions... but since I don't have the money yet, I will have to wait hehe ^_^
today will be the last day of school for this week, thank goodness, I can really use some rest right now ^_^
I still don't know my grade for portugese (which isn't an Asian, but a South-European language, which most people in Latin-America speak too!!!Brasil.. and erhm..other countries ^_^)
let's see.. nothing much else..
my fish haven't given birth in a while, though one of the little ones is getting orange spots which looks really cool ^_^
well, let's see if I can find a greeting for today:
muahaha, to me it is!!! (on the actual friday I will have to work though hehe...)
I'm outta here
I am currently at the hotel where my dad works... why? cause the internet at home died...
so I won't be around until it is fixed... this sucks really bad and I hope it gets fixed soon
our modem is fine, it's just the company that provides us that has died...
I just wanted to let you all know, and I'll try to visit everyone as soon as things get fixed...
I'll miss you all, in fact, I do already hehe *hugs everyone*
no greeting of the day, I only came on here to do some stuff for school actually...
I'm outta here
it got fixed already ^__^ apparently it was just a blackout at the provider ^__^
but I'm not going to visit today, sorry.. I'll go play some Guild Wars hehe
quick update on my life...
-Topsy is still alive.. (the fish that's been dieing for over a week now...)
-I almost forgot my laptop yesterday when I had to go home from my boyfriend's house.. (I left the thing at his room and when we were walking to his car I suddenly realised I was a lot less heavy then when I arrived at his home...)
-my BF bought me the second box of Get Backers and the second dvd of Trigun and some Magic cards ^_^ he's the sweetest ^_^
-I still don't know if I passed my Portugese test...
-I haven't been visiting again and will probably only visit people on thursday.. or not, seeing that I will probably go see The Da Vinci Code with my boyfriend...
-I've got nothing left to say really...
I'll try to make a real post later this week ^_^
greeting of the day:
I love that cat.. I want my Azumanga Daioh box!!!! ow well..
ah, less stress.. I'm starting to turn into my own laid back self again a bit...
but it will probably bite me in the... well ya know.. when mid terms come around again..
I discovered I will have to pass Portugese in one try now, cause the make up test will be on the friday me and Silvereagle-sama leave for the Anime Con.. but I'll study hard and I'll succeed *victory pose* HAHA!!!
ah, I have to work today again and I feel like I'm dieing.. hmz.. I think I'll take a quick nap after posting.. haha that should work!! or it will make me feel even more sleepy.. meh, I'll survive ^_^
working tomorrow too... I still haven't heard from the bookstore, so I'm just going to assume that he doesn't need me tomorrow.. YAY free morning hehe ^_^ ooh that'll give me the chance to play some more Guild Wars like I did this morning.. or make homework *grumbles*...... Guild Wars it is ^_^ that is, if it doesn't keep throwing me off like it did this morning... that annoyed me like hell...
ooooohh!!! I had to go to school today for a group meeting about the project... so at school I bought a nice bar of chocolate for myself ^_^ you know, the really creamy milky soft chocolate kind... *drools* I ate it all in the bus home hehe ^_^
yes I know, it's a "sin" (like I actually care about my weight... PAH!) but like all sins out there, it was totally worth it *grins*
well.. I don't think I got anything else to say..
oh! yes I do hehe ^_^ I'm so proud of myself for actually visiting everyone that updated before I went to sleep and even some people that updated wednesday ^_^ *dances* good eh?
I don't think it will happen a lot the coming weeks though.. but I'll try my best ^_^
my fish gave birth.. again... and the one that was dieing is.. well, still dieing actually...
but they really seem to love their tank ^_^
there's this song stuck in my head... and I'm going to post it muahahaha!!!!
Thought that you would be: my head was dreaming when i saw you falling down
i didn't see that you were suffering so much
but the things you said weren't more than just a sentimental dream
you were my queen, you were, and it hits me like a rock
you're gone, you're gone, you're gone out of my dreams
it hurts, it's true, you weren't what it seemed
and it goes around that you always did, you weren't what it seemed (you're gone, you're gone, you're gone out of my dreams)
and if you meant it then, i don't know, but you were not who i thought you would be (it hurts, it's true)
you would be
i've always seen you like a saving angel
someone who knows everything or has been everywhere
but the things you said weren't more than just a sentimental dream
you were my queen, you were, and it hits me like a rock
you're gone, you're gone, you're gone out of my dreams
it hurts, it's true, you weren't what it seemed
and it goes around that you always did, you weren't what it seemed (you're gone, you're gone, you're gone out of my dreams)
and if you meant it then, i don't know, but you were not who i thought that you would be (it hurts, it's true)
it's making me think of someone lately... but that doesn't matter..
erhm let's see... my make up test went rather well yesterday ^_^ I just really hope I passed it this time.. if I didn't I'm afraid my parents will take away my laptop for a while.. not like they said they would, but I just got this feeling they will. o well, we'll see ^_^ it'll all turn out fine as usual I hope.
I might have to work two jobs saturday hehe ^_^" one of the people at the book store asked if I could fill in.. I said that I can only work in the morning, but I haven't heard anything about it yet.
but for some reason I hope I don't have to.. cause that free morning suddenly looks very tempting.. ow well
I've watched all of DearS in *thinks* three days *proud* but now I need something new to watch.. ow well, I got lots to chose from.. but I think I'll watch DN Angel, cause I really want to know if it follows the manga a little.. besides, the things I saw from the anime look pretty promising ^_^
hmz greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
ow yeah, I gave up on the comments on comments... it's too much work hehe
things are going.. well, not the way they should... I totally lost al motivation to go to school, I think I'm going to fail my make up test from portugese, I'm just totally stressed out over just about everything going on in my life right now and I'm getting way too little sleep.. to top that all off I've got a terrible cold that keeps sapping energy from me...
other than that? well, one of my fish is dieing.. I named him Topsy cause he keeps swimming upside down..
and then there are all the orders we placed recently: the pocky, the Full Metal Panic and the last manga order... they're all fucked up...
something was wrong with my bf's creditcard so the pocky and FMP never got paid and the orders got cancelled.. and for the manga... one manga wasn't in stock, so they're keeping the entire order until they can send everything at once..
what I would like to do most now? crawl into bed and stay there for at least a month, watching anime and reading manga, maybe playing some video games and talking to people online, only coming out for food and bathroom breaks... *sighs* I wish I could escape this life for a while, lead a completely different one and then return as if nothing happened...
but alas, this life is unescapable, with me having to pass my midterms and therefor having to go to school... I skipped more classes last week and today than I even did during highschool.. and I'm going to be completely screwed if I don't go the classes I have left...
something is taking my time away from me and I can't figure out what it is... so once again I have to tell you all: I'm very sorry if I don't visit.. I just don't have the energy and somehow not the time to do it... my free time will probably go to WDX, my boyfriend, my manga and anime and the tv..
I feel like I lost myself if that makes any sense to anyone..
I wish I could tell everyone over here at home that I'll be leaving for a while to find myself and I'll get back when I'm done...
if I had the money and the time I'd probably catch a flight and visit some of the friends I found here.. I'd love to see Magnus, Grifter, Ran-chan and lots of others in real life.. it would be so great to meet you all... it should be fun to travel through the US, seeing all the sights and meeting the wonderful people that fill my life since I joined this site.. I just don't think I'll ever be able to..
well, if I go on, this will become a post filled with whining and impossible dreams.. I'm feeling gloomy again lately... I hate this feeling.. I hate this stress and I just want everything to stop..
I just wish there was a way to step out of all this.. I know there is one, but.. well, let me just say, I never want to go there again..
I know now that there are people that care about me without ever having seen me face to face. people that will miss me when I'm gone and will remember me with love in their hearts.. I can't let those people down. I will keep going till I crash and even if I do, I know those people will pick me up again, hold me close and take away my sorrow so that I can move on. I know they take care of me even if they are far away...
you all know who you are *hugs everyone*
(for everyone who can't read that, it says: "Suicide? To tell the truth, I disapprove of suicide more than anything")
happier notes:
-there are now three tiny baby newts in my old fish tank. they look very cute and I hope my parents don't mind if I keep them in there.. I'd love to see them grow up..
-I've been watching more anime thanks to a great link on Blaized's site ^_^ I've seen all of Love Hina Again in Japanese which was really great, since I hated the dubbed version.. I've also seen the first episode of Loveless, whih is a bit confusing, but it looked really promising ^_^
-my work is still fun, I'm loving it and I'm so glad that I found a job that I like again ^_^ and they actually tell me I'm doing good too ^_^
-the weekend was wonderful and I completely spend my free time with my boyfriend ^_^ and a little on WDX of course ^_~
well, no comments on comments, I got homework to do and CSI to watch.. I'm outta here