Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
now there's a confusing subject!!!
hello peoples!!!
ow I'm so very proud of myself ^_^
I actually visited everyone who commented yesterday AND some more people!!! now I just have to visit the person that signed my Guestbook last and then I'll be pretty much up to date again *proudness*
even more proud: I didn't mess up with the register at work yesterday!!! meaning I didn't have to make those annoying notes saying that you did something wrong hehe ^_^ AND my collegue said I was doing great work!!! *dances* I love it there ^_^
it's fun to help the costumers and keep the store neat and filled ^_^ it's a lot like my first job (besides the working with money) and the people are great ^_^ they're all fun to work with hehe ^_^
I was totally exhausted when I got home though...
today has been pretty good up to now too ^_^
I woke up around 7, talked to some friends and hang around on WDX.. then it was time for school (just one meeting for the project and that's it) then the busride home. I talked to my boyfriend on the phone all the way home hehe ^_^ it was fun to speak to him on the phone again.. I really miss him, but it's almost saturday and then I'll see him and stay over at his house again ^_^
and when I got home I bought mother's day presents for my mom and my boyfriend's mom ^_^ they're getting booze from me hehe, gee I wonder where I bought it ^_~
then I went home, ate some and started on cleaning my old fish tank which had been standing on my night stand all fish-less and dirty for the past few days...
so when I started getting the water out so I could take the thing downstairs, I suddenly saw something swimming.. my first reaction was: huh? I could've sworn I'd taken all the fish out, even the little one I noticed when I was getting out the grown ones..
but when I looked closer, I noticed that the little thing was holding on to a plant.. now, anyone who knows what a fish looks like, knows that that ain't possible for a fish.. so I looked even closer and to my surprise I saw that it was... *dum dum dum(suspense music)* a baby newt!!!
you see, we put the plants from the old fish tank into the new one already, but because my fish need oxigen, my dad put some plants from the little pond we have in the backyard into the old fish tank (the water in the new fishtank had to come to temperature and get more oxigen in it before the fish could go in, so they stayed in the old fish tank the first night) but I guess he didn't check the plans before putting them in, cause they were filled with newt eggs ^_^ and one of them has hatched in the fish tank hehe ^_^
but I think I might have flushed it... I did save the plant with the eggs on it though ^_^
there you have it, the most exciting part of my day: discovering a baby newt...
well, I'm going to see if there's anyone on WDX now ^_^
Greeting of the day:
YEAH!! Sano will protect me!!!! *hides behind him* I don't know from what yet, but I think I like it here *glomps Sano* tee-hee ^_^
I'm outta here *runs off, still holding Sano*
And now *drumroll* just cause I'm in a wonderful mood and very sleepy....
I have nothing to say... >_<
*glomps everyone* muahaha!!! consider yourself glomped!!!! *kicks Ran-chan* stop telling such scary stories.. *shivers* life as a musical.. brrrrr
*glomps everyone some more* there, I'm sorry I don't have anything personal to say to any of you...
hello peoples!!!
I'm exhausted..
I didn't post yesterday cause.. well.. I didn't feel like it and I had rather little time.. I hardly visited anyone again and I feel so darn guilty over it... I can't even visit the people that comment and I really want to, but my brain is so scattered lately, I'm doing seven things at a time and they're all half done...
on tuesday I did some final landscaping in the new fish tank and put all the fish in it.. now all I have left to do is clean and store the old fish tank...
after that I watched some CSI Miami and after that I still wasn't tired..(it was night already) so I just used my energy to clean up my drawers and some other stuff in my room.. I threw a lot away and just made everything nice and neat again ^_^ that all left me completely exhausted around 1 am so I went to sleep and actually slept until the morning, which hasn't happened to me in a long time...
yesterday I went to school and when I got home did some things that still needed to be done.. after that my mom and me got ready to go to the Lion King Musical ^_^ it was soooooo cool ^__^ the costumes were lovely and really cool and we sat at a perfect spot, where some of the actors walked right passed you in the passway through the theatre ^_^
I still really really really like Scar hehe ^_^ I think he's my favorite villain.. and I love his song with the hyenas!! the music to that is so cool ^__^
when we got home it was around 12.30 am and I turned on my laptop to check for mail and pm's and talk to my bf for a little while.. and my mom had to ruin the night once again by yelling at me and getting all mad for having my laptop on for about twenty minutes.. it sucked.. I wonder why she always has to do that...
well, I don't have much else to say.. I'm not going to comment on comments cause.. well.. I'm lazy
Greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
a quick post from me...
yesterday was sooooo sunny and really windy, which is a great combination to get me hyper... so I skipped a couple classes, meaning I didn't have to get out of bed really early and that I was home again early in the afternoon ^_^
I just wasn't feeling like I would be able to wait for over three hours for one more stupid class hehe..
when I got home, I suddenly realised I was pretty much swamped in homework.. and when my dad came home he asked if I wanted to go and get the new aquarium..
AND IT'S HUGE!! it's like, three times as big as the old one and I love it!!
so my dad and I worked on that in the evening and after I post my fish will be ready to go in ^_^ now I want to buy some more fish hehe ^_^ maybe I will when the other ones are settled in hehe ^_^
well, I visited *thinks* maybe six or seven sites yesterday.. I'm very sorry to everyone for not coming around... I'm really trying my best to juggle everything, but I don't think I will manage visiting many sites until the end of the week...
both of the fish I gave my mom died already.. *cries* it sucks, cause I don't have that much money to give her a new present... and it just sucks cause she was really happy with them.. stupid pet-shop...
well.. that's it from me *thinks* yup it really is.. I'll go and work on the aquarium some more hehe ^_^
Greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
no comments on comments, I'm too excited about my new aquarium now ^_~
hello peoples!!!
well, I've been making a mess of things lately.. I had a full week to focus on my Portugese... in fact I opened the book one time, made a few assignments and ignored it all for the rest of my free time... I've been hanging around on WDX actually.. it's too much fun and I'm really starting to get along with, well, pretty much everyone I talk to over there ^_^
but apparently, I'm still a bit of an emotional wreck.. I cried yesterday for throwing over a glass... I'm such a clutz, but that shouldn't make me cry...
other than my little outburst of sucky crying, my yesterday was good.
first I spend most of my time on WDX and then my bf came to pick me up to go to his house.
we watched The Corpse Bride (I liked it, apart from the songs and the ending, the ending could've been so much better if you ask me.. ow well) and Howl's Moving Castle.. well, I think that one threw The Cat Returns off the top of my favorites list within the first 30 minutes.. I loved it. it was soooo good and Howl.. well *blush* I think you girls that have seen it know what I mean ^_~ (we watched it in the original Japanese and his voice... *shivers*)
I made a ridiculous big order and got myself even more into debt.. I'm up to over 300 bucks to repay my bf already... I'm just glad I get to repay in terms hehe ^_~
let's see.. I ordered:
Azumanga Daioh dvd box thingy (I loved the few episodes I saw on YouTube ^_^)
some Di Gi Charat manga
some Ranma 1/2 manga
some Full Metal Panic manga
and the Love Hina Novel ^__^
I don't really remember which volumes of the mangas I ordered, but I will post it once it comes in ^_^
I'm also still waiting on my Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid box and my pocky.. but since that has to be shipped here from the US, it may take a while more... ow well, I've got patience ^_^ or at least a little hehe...
school starts again today.. I'm not particulary looking forward to it though.. it may be fun to see my friends again, but the first two days immediately go through till 5.30 pm... I hate those long days... ow well, just five more weeks, then midterm thingies and probably a class trip to London that lasts a week and then it'll be summer ^_^
the Anime Con is crawling closer and closer and I'm starting to plan what series I will be looking for... probably Furuba, FMP: Fumoffu, FMA, Ranma 1/2, Tenchi, Love Hina, and much more actually hehe ^_^ I should write them all down on post-its, cause I keep forgetting which ones I want to look for hehe... ow well, it'll be fine I guess..
I'm also looking forward to wednesday ^_^
me and my mom will be going to the The Lion King Musical ^_^ I'm actually not much of a fan of musicals (just imagine what real life would be like if your burst out singing and dancing every ten minutes *shivers*) but I really want to see The Lion King, mostly just because of the costumes and the decors ^_^ they look so great... so I can't wait for that ^_^
well, I've bothered you people enough with what has been going on in my life ^_^
Greeting of the day:
hmm, just look at him *drools* hehe ^_^"
I'm outta here
well, because you people were so nice to read through my freaky daily life, I will now comment on comments again. or at least on a few.. sorry other people, I do not know what to say back.. but just so you guys don't feel left out *glomps everyone* tee-hee ^_^
*glomp* I now totally know what you meant about Howl... I want to watch it again hehe ^_^ maybe I can just ditch school and watch Howl all day... or maybe that isn't such a good idea...
yay for fuzzy towels!!!
and don't worry about not visiting me, I hven't been around sites for a while either.. I've been slacking off hehe...
Backlash Wave:
thanks for the tip on Amazon, but I'm going to try the stores over here first ^_^ it's just such a hassle with getting things shipped from the US to Europe... but when all else fails, I will follow your advice *bows*
YAY *glomps* another FMP fan ^_^ I love it, but the anime is slightly better, but that;s just cause the fights with the mechs are hard to follow in the manga.. in the anime it's easier to keep the mechs apart fro meach other hehe ^_^
I haven't been at your site either *hugs* I'm so very sorry.. I will once I find time hehe.. I'll probably start visiting sites again tonight... so don't worry about not visiting me for a while ^_^
*glomp* I'm so sorry you're sick... it'll be a lonely day for me.. ow well ^_^
preppy people don't know they're preppy.. OMG.. maybe I'm a preppy person too!! I should hate myself then...
and even if I was one of those drunks, I'd buy enough to last me the whole day at once, so that I don't have to keep coming back to the store every two hours!! YAY for planning ahead!!!
too bad you don't like your job *hugs* ugh.. I hate people telling you you can't get a job because you need experience.. how will you ever get experience if they won't hire you *kicks the stupid people* I hope you can find a better job *hug*
~insert the Perfect Quote I forgot again here~ a rant on: towels...
hello peoples!!!
yes I am still alive ^_^ and I want to immediately apologise for not visiting anyone... on friday I was just too plain lazy and yesterday I pretty much had to work all day..
work was fun actually ^_^ I'm starting to get used to having to ask people for their ID.. I feel s powerful ^_^ let me explain: when you don't think someone is over sixteen (14.9% and lower) or eightten (15% and higher) you have to ask for their ID and if they don't have it, you're not allowed to even help them ^_^ so when people that look rather young and annoy me come into the store, I get to ask them for their ID's tee-hee... so yesterday there were these two girls and they were just so.. ugh... preppy *pukes* and they wanted to buy beer.. so I asked for their ID's seeing that I can't stand preppy people ^_^ one girl didn't have it with her but the other thought she did... so she handed me her buspass thingy (all students in the Netherlands get a pass that lets them use the public transport for free, I got one too) but we aren't allowed to use that as identfication, so I got to send them away! muahahahaha no beer for the preppy people!!! they were pretty pissed though hehe ^_^
and then there's the flirting.. young guys that come and buy lots of beer and then start asking about what you are going to do tonight. tee-hee, they make me blush ^_^ I've been getting tips too, but they just go in with the money we get for the stuff we sell... and then there are the drunks.. men that come by about five times a day, swaying more with everytime they buy new cans of beer.. I feel a bit sorry for them though...
for all of you thinking:"hey, this isn't a rant about towels!" here it comes ^_^
I'm so very happy ^_^ my mom bought me a new towel hehe ^_^ I used to have two, but one of them kinda fell apart into dust from me using it too much... so then I had only one left and had to use spare towels for a long while... but now I got a new one YAY!!! I'm weird I know, but I just love the feeling of a new towel ^_^ always seems to dry better hehe..
and as The Hitchhiker's Guide says: you always got to know where your towel is!
it's very important, cause towels can be used for a lot of things: to dry things, to keep you warm, to protect you from the sun or wind, to hit people with, to store things in... and so on and so forth ^_^
but I actually just forgot the rest of my rant... so you people are all saved ^_^
well, I don't think I will visit a lot people today... I'm going to see my bf today.. I really miss him... we haven't spoken much this week and I didn't go see him yesterday cause I was exhausted from work... and he bought Howl's Moving Castle for me!!! so we will finally be able to watch it YAY!!! I think I'm going to look and see if I can find more Ghibli movies... they're pretty hard to find over here.. so far I've only got The Cat Returns and Spirited Away...
the whole thing with the aquarium is going t obe fine ^_^ my dad is almost finished with the reinforcement of my desk and we'll probably be able to go and buy the aquarium this week ^_^ I just hope my fishies will like it ^_^ ow and maybe I'll be able to buy another sucky-fish, I'm sure the other one would like that hehe ^_^
well.. I'm too lazy to type more.. so no comments on comments again...
Greeting of the day:
I saw this one yesterday and I love it hehe ^_^
work yesterday was pretty fun ^_^ it just feels great to be working again ^_^ basically it's just: woking with costumers (I had to get used to handling money again...), keeping the store filled (putting things into the racks) and keeping the store clean (sweeping and mopping and making sure everything is in place). so basically it's two of my old jobs combined ^_^ I should get used to everything pretty fast, cause I'm also booked for friday (5-9 pm) and saturday (8 am-7 pm (!!))
I was completely exhausted when I got home after just three hours of work... pathetic yes, but I know out of experience that it takes getting used to a job before you come home less tired..
it did mean that I got a great night of sleep.. yes, you heardme, SLEEP!!! no laying awake thinking of nothing, no tossing and turning, just wonderful, peaceful, restful sleep ^_^
I used the plastic box where my hamster used to live in as a new home for the baby fish ^_^ now they got their own huge tank and they're much easier to see ^_^
yes, I have been hanging around my fish too much lately, but does it really matter? they make me feel happy and I've decided to stick with things that make me happy from now on ^_^ if I don't work on my own happyness, who will? and if I don't take care of myself, how can I take care of others?
I spend about my last money to buy a book yesterday.. I just had to cheer myself up and books always work hehe ^_^ it's written by Karin Fossum (Norwegian) I'm not sure if the name will ring any bells for anyone.. but she writes great detectives ^__^ lots of suspense and that's just what I love..
well, I don't feel like posting a lot again.. and I don't really feel like visiting many people, so I'm sorry if I don't swing by today..
have a great sunny thursday (I know it is over here) and enjoy the greeting of the day (which I am now going to look for ^_^"):
yep.. I'm feeling inspirational today ^_^ just cause I know some people need it ^_^
enjoy the spring everyone!!!
hello people!!
EDIT: I just discovered my hamster died.. great.. I'm a bit sad again now.. T_T I had him for a pretty long time already...
oof... I did not get enough sleep.. I haven't gotten enough sleep since *thinks* I dunno >_< a really long time...
today I am going to start at my new job ^_^ I'm a bit nervous, but luckily the first time will just be 3 hours (5-8 pm)
I'm also pretty excited to get working again.. I just love to feel tired because I actually did something and I love to work for my money ^_^
yesterday was spend behind the laptop.. yup, that's pretty much all I did.. ow and I watched CSI: Miami of course ^_^
yup, that's really all that's going on in my life at the moment.. sad ne?
I'll keep this short.. no comments on comments either, I'm too sleepy to make sense..
Greeting of the day:
(where was this card a few days ago ^_~)
I'm outta here
hello peoples
let me warn you, if you don't like fish or ramblings about fish, just skip most of this post ^_^ there might be some mentionings of other stuff, but it's mostly fish ^__^
Cousins and fish:
well, yesterday wasn't all that bad, if you don't count my cousins driving me crazy, that is... I mean, they're cute and all, but shy as wild animals and I don't have anything to say to them.. so they would run into my room, look at me, giggle for a bit and then leave again... I can't stand that sort of behaviour..
but when I was cleaning my fishbowl (the one where the little fish live in) they were a bit fun.. they kept wanting to pet the fish and they kept asking me questions about them..
let me tell you: one way to get to my heart, is through my fish hehe ^__^
More about fish and giving them away:
while I'm at the subject of my fish anyway, I told my little cousins that they could ask their parents if they could have some. I'm up to thirtysix (!!) baby-fish already and I don't think my old fish will stop breeding any time soon..
so when my cousin and her husband came to pick them up (they're the kids of the daughter of my aunt.. *thinks* yeah, that's right ^_^) they immediately dragged them both upstairs to show them the fish and which ones they liked best.. their dad doesn't want any, but their mom started to whine along with the girls right away.. it was so funny to see, he was really quite cornered until he came with the argument of not having a bowl to put them in. so I said that I've got more than enough fish, so if they change their mind, they can give me a call..
I just figured, if I can get this happy from my fish, it's only fair to spread that joy ^_~
I do feel sorry for my cousins husband now though.. I bets he's getting nagged about it constantly now ^_^
Fish and Mother's Day:
my mom's goldfish died this morning.. it was a stupid fish, always floating around upside down until you got within a feet of the bowl, then he would start swimming all of a sudden...
she got him for her birthday a few years ago and she was pretty sad this morning...
so I decided to go out and buy some new fish for her ^_^ it's an early mother's day gift and she's pretty happy with them ^_^ I got her two, they're greyish/black and have huge tails.. I forgot what they are called though ^_^"
Not fish, Fish Tank:
the aquarium case..
the plot thickens!!!
my dad is busy with boards and little pieces of wood, to make a sort of second top of my desk. this way it will get stronger and it will be able to carry the weight of a bigger tank ^__^
I picked up the paint for it this morning (we have to give it about the same color as the desk itself, but we didn't have any paint left) so if my dad has time, he will start with painting the whole thing ^_^
I just hope it gets finished before the pet-shop runs out of those tanks.. they still got about five of them there, but then again, how many people buy a huge fishtank a week? it can't be that many ^_^
Not fish, Work:
I've sent in my signed contract, so as of this week, I will be the girl from the liquor store ^_^ yup, I'll be helping lushes like me feed their addiction ^__^
I'm pretty exited about it really ^__^ but I do still need to read all the information they send me...
Visiting Sites:
I'm going to follow Magnus Lehnsherr's advice from now on and only visit people that comment ^_^
unless you're a really good friend that usually comments, I won't stop by people that never come to my site..
I will add new GB-entry-people to my friends list, if they add me that is, but there's a good chance you get taken off again if you don't visit.
I just don't have the time or the energy at the moment to keep visiting everybody in my friends list, while half of them don't come around here..
Greeting of the Day:
I'm outta here
(I think I'm going to catch some sleep in the sun to power up for today ^_~)
Comments on Comments:
well, it's sunny and I'm sleepy, but I've got time to comment on comments ^_^
yeah, maybe we should create such a thread... but then again, we mostly mess up our own threads ^_^ and Gekkou's.. *bows to Gekkou* very sorry 'bout that...
*glomps* muahahaha!!! YAY for AIM ^_~
NEVER had a noose bleed?! whoa.. I can't imagine my life without them hehe ^_~ I've had pretty bad ones every once in a while since I was little..
yeah, we had a fight.. I just felt pretty bad about it cause it was our first real fight.. but I guess I'm happy too, cause we did get through it ^_^
you've never had a noose bleed either? what is it with you people?! ^_~ nah just kidding ^_^
the one from yesterday wasn't all that bad.. I'm used to having ones that last over an hour.. not fun T_T see ya on WDX *glomps*
yeah, you did deserve it, but I still feel bad about it *glomps* I miss ya.. the cousins were horrible *cries* nah, not really that bad, but still... I guess I just don't like them ^_^
and I don't think it's because of the air, I just have nose bleeds often..
raven fire93:
yeah, I didn't really expect it either hehe ^_^ but it's all good again now ^__^
SHINY!!! dunno where that came from...
those sound like some pretty dangerous cousins... be careful around them *hugs* mine arn't as homocidal thank goodness ^_^
wolf wasenshi:
hey there, long time no see!!! *glomps*
yeah, I guess I was pretty angry.. I never would've guessed I'd acually do something like that, so it must have also been spur of the moment ^_^ but we're all good again now
yeah, nosebleeds suck, but I'm used to them, so I know what to do to make them stop as soon as possible ^_^
inkenyo 2.0:
little kids hate me too.. so most of the time we just stay out of each other's ways ^_~
poor you..
when are those finals finally over? I'm starting to get bored at night with no one to talk to ^_~ *glomps*
well, you can't chose you're family.. but they aren't all that bad all the time thank goodness ^_^
you must see The Hitchhiker's Guide!! I order you to!! muahahaha!!! that will be one of the first rules when I take over the world: every one must have either seen or read (or both) the Hitchhiker's Guide!!!
I never lean back when I have a nose bleed.. I hate the feeling of the blood running down my throat.. I just lean over the sink, pinch my nose just above the bone and put an icy cold washing cloth in my neck.. works every time ^_^
nose bleeds don't really hurt.. I just feel really woozy afterwards ^_^"
I guess I just don't like kids.. don't know what to say to them.. they annoy me a bit no matter how cute they are..
ow and the movie isn't boring, I love it actually, I'm just really tired lately ^_^"
and that pic is from Kingdom Hearts, it's a Heartless and he wants cookies ^_^
hello peoples!!!
oof, I'm still a bit dizzy.. had a pretty bad nose bleed about half n hour ago... ow well, I've had much worse, so I'll live ^_^
yesterday was.. well.. pretty weird...
I spend my day on WDX and with my BF like usual.. but I kinda neglected him (I'm very sorry hon.. I'll try to be more social next time, I promise)
in the evening we watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. well, actually he watched it and I was awake to see them hitch the first ride with the Vogons, and I woke up in time to see the Vogons get all depressed by the Point of View Gun... so you can guess that I slept practically through the whole thing..
we ended up having a bit of a fight right before he had to leave, but we talked it out.. ow and don't try to get me angry, according to him I can slap pretty hard.. (I'm so sorry hun.. I hope I didn't hurt you too bad *hugs*)
but I'm just glad we're ok again, I'd hate to loose him.. I can't imagine my life without him really...
my cousins will arrive this afternoon.. I'm dreading the moment already.. I'm sorry if I gave the impression I have to baby sit them.. my mom will be the one taking care of that, thank goodness..we need to give back two healthy little girls and I don't think that'll be possible if I have to watch them ^_^"
ow well, it may not be that bad, at least they're not staying over cause then they have to sleep in my room (yup, my mom actually set that up behind my back twice already...)
but as long as I've got my laptop I'll live and keep a bit of my mental health ^_^
well, the dungeons thing is off again.. one of my friends suddenly has to stay in Belgium for a few days, so she can't come.. so we set it back a few weeks again.. (I said Belgium O_O (this is only understandable for people who have read the Hitchhiker's Guide..))
that's it for today I think.. *thinks* yup ^_^
greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
No comments on comments.. why? cause I don't have anything to say really.. *hugs everyone*
hello peoples!!!!
well, things could've been better for me, but since I don't want to fill another post with my whining, I'll just make a short one ^_^
yesterday was half spend on WDX and the other half with my BF sleeping... I think I slept through half the afternoon and still I was really tired when he brought me home...
we watched some tv ('you've got mail' I think I've seen that movie too many times, cause after a while I was able to say what they were going to say O_O) and other then that we didn't do much.. just being together ^_^
I broke a glass trying to be cute though.. I'm a clutz ^_^"
this morning I woke up ridiculously early, so I took a shower, which I normally don't do in the mornings.. it made me even more sleepy..
I was fishing out some newly borns (yes I got even more fish again, please no more jokes about fish gang-banging... actually I think they're just having a huge orgy in that tank every day... -_-') and I noticed that one of the old fish had died.. I hate fishing out the dead ones and having to flush them... like I've said before, I get emotionally attached to my fish..
and I will probably have to give some of the little ones away tomorrow.. my parents are forcing me to T_T I don't want to give my fish away.. it may be selfish (no pun intended) but I really don't... ow well, we'll see...
two of my cousins will be staying over here tomorrow afternoon.. great, the one time I got a monday off and my mom goes and sets something like this up.. it's not that I can't handle kids, some people might tell you I'm great with kids, I just don't like them... so that might mean trouble, but as long as they stay downstairs and I am able to hide in my room behind my laptop, I should be ok ^_^
well, that's it from me today ^_^ I'm not going to comment on comments. why not? cause I'm lazy and want some free time before having to go to church ^_^
greeting of the day:
just thought it looked funny ^_^ have a nice sunday y'all ^_~
I'm outta here