Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hello peoples, here's a quick post to let you all know I'm not dead ^_^'
I don't think I'll be visiting many sites (if any at all) seeing that this easter-weekend will be mostly spend with my BF.
the interview went pretty good although I was nervous as hell.. I don't think I'veever made so many mistakes while filling in a simple form.. ow well, the guy said that it was going great and all he needed to do was check my references. but of course, the chefs at my old job had all gone home early, so he has to wait until tuesday to check that.. after that I'll hear wether I got the job or not. I'll just keep my fingers crossed ^_^
well, that's about it, I'll make a longer post later this week (probably tuesday) I apologise for not visiting sites and I will get to sites later this week again...
ow and curse you Magnus for getting me addicted to WDX!!! hehe, nah, it's fun ^_~
well, I'd better tell my Bf that he can pick me up any time he wants, I'll probably be playing games on his ps2 today hehe, since I told him I'd like to try some ^_^
OW!!! I finally got Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (aren't you all proud of me now?)
we had saved up a lot of stamps (the store where we buy most our anime gives you a stamp for every 25 bucks you spend, once you got a full card, you get 45 bucks worth of games hehe) so I could get it for free ^____^ I'm so happy hehe ^_^
although the fighting is a bit confusing, I'm starting to get the hang of the card system.. not that it really matter since I just smash buttons until I defeat the enemies hehe ^_^'
greeting of the day (which is obviously an easter card hehe):
I'm outta here
no comments on comments today just this:
*glomps everyone* thank you all so much for your good luck wishes ^_^
I'll let you all know as soon as I know if I got the job ^_^
thanks again
hello peoples ^______^
well, I was on here this morning and stared at the post-subject-thingy and thought to myself: I've got nothing to post about... but *drumroll* now I do ^___^
the people who already visited Silvereagle today already know this (very sorry Magnus for not updating sooner, I was kinda busy being hyper and doing stuff...)
I'VE GOT A JOB INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I applied for a job at the local liquor store yesterday(don't worry, I'm nineteen and thus old enough to work there according to the dutch laws ^_^). all I had to do was fill in this form on the internet and my mom was all like: 'you should've asked at the place, now they're just going to put your application right with all the others..'
but IN YOUR FACE MOM!!! I got a call this morning and the guy said he'd like an interview!!!! wOOtness!!!!!!!! so tomorrow at 2.00 pm my time, I'll be having a job interview (I can't say it enough job interview job interview job interview!! Yes Silveragle-sama, it's spelled without the u) I'm so nervous already hehe ^_^' but I'm sure that it will all turn out just fine ^_^ and if it doesn't, I'll just apply for another job ^__^
(I'm sure some of my friends will laugh when they read about this *glares at Grifer99* seeing that I'm a huge lush... ow well, just makes me more qualified hehe ^_~)
well, since I'm here anyway, I'll just talk about my day yesterday.. here's what I did all day:
watched Ranma 1/2
watched Azumanga Daioh (the cards I put up here made me curious and it's so funny and chibi and kawaii and random, it's a great show for a girl like me hehe ^_^)
read a bit of The Bourne Supremacy (I am currently at the point where I stopped the last time.. let's see if I can beat my record hehe ^_~)
played lots and lots of Tales Of Phantasia. despite my rant about it yesterday, I'm starting to like it more and more, I'm getting used to the fighting style and the items.. meh, I just try and find out what they do hehe ^_^
and of course, I watched CSI ^__^
this morning I decided to clean my hamstercage and the fish bowl so I could go to my BF's a bit early tomorrow, seeing that he wanted to go to the town to get some anime hehe ^_^ ow well, it can wait, now I'll have a free morning tomorrow to mentally prepare for the interview (meaning I'll probably be watching Ranma 1/2 or Azumanga Daioh to laugh off the nerves)
I found out that at the time, I've got 34 baby fish... my fish have given birth about ten times now and I've got no clue where to put all the little ones when they grow up.. guess I really do have to start saving for a bigger fish tank.. I love my fish hehe ^___^
maybe my grown fish are just bored and trying to find something to do besides swimming all the time... hmz... naaaah ^_~ it's in their nature to breed I think ^_^ well, if I train them well, they can be my underwater army for when I take over the world ^_^ now all I need is something that can fly and I'll have every aspect of the world covered muahahahahahaha!!!!
I've also bought a T-shirt this morning.. nothing special, just black and very cheap (less than five bucks hehe ^_^) it's mostly because I'm trying to get all the things for a Coo-cosplay together.. my shopping list for that:
- Black T-shirt
- White Longsleeve
- Black or Grey Shorts
- Coo Cap
- Black Gema Gema Gang Arm Band
- BGGG Phonestrap (although that one is pretty much just for fun)
- Stuffed Panda
- Stethoscope
- Belt (to serve as the dog leash thingy ^_^)
- Sneakers
- Dog Tail
I'll actually only have to make the dog tail myself, the rest can all be bought, which is probably the best way to go for me, I'm a terrible seemstress hehe ^_^'
oof, I didn't think I was going to post cause I didn't have much to say.. turns out I did. as usual hehe ^_^'
I'd better go find a nice greeting of the day:
ok, the first one is just cute and the second one is because I've been chasing kitties outside and picking them up to hug them going: 'KITTYYYYYYY!!!!'
ow well, you all knew I was insane already ^_^
I'm outta here.
(ps: very sorry it took me so long to update, I've been doing about 70 things at once and it turned out I had lots to tell.. *bows* this apology is mostly meant for Magnus ^_~ I'll go to the WDX site to make up for it 'kay?)
you're way better than my dad and I need you too much to start acting like that against you *hugs* you know I try to give it my own twist ^_~
hmz.. a filter would be a good idea but do you know how much those things cost?! ow well, we'll see ^_^
*waves arms jedi-style* order Full Metal Panic The Second Raid on DVD for me...
the game gets better and less annoying thank goodness ^_^
I'll never forgive you if you send assassins to my tiny little army of baby fish...
and yes, you'd be so busy commenting on comments that you would have to beg me to take the world off your hands so you've got more time muahahahaha!!!
yup it were a lot of comments indeed ^__^
Azumanga Daioh is sooo kawaii ^___^
it's very true.. I need more money.. fast hehe ^_^ let's just hope the interview goes well *crosses fingers*
my fish give birth sooo many times.. it gets annoying hehe ^_^' but the little ones are so cute ^_^ the game gets better after a while ^_^
more like the tenth time!! hehe, I've got two males in there so either one of them is the culprit ^_^ but I don't really mind, I like the little fish, trouble is, I don't know where to put them once they get bigger...
Blossominglove(aka GentleEyes777):
let's just keep our fingers crossed and we'll see if you have it back after your party.. ow before I forget: Enjoy it ^_^
yeah, my mom can be pretty scary I guess.. or is it the fact that I'm turning into a nice little copy of her? ^_~
*hugs back*
Highwind Phoenix:
yeah it's a pretty good game once you get used to the controls and all ^__^ sleep is good...
Love Hina is great too ^_^ (I discovered I'm kind of an Ecchi addict...) but since I've already seen the whole series.. maybe I should look for the dvds hehe ^_^
that really sucks.. at least my mom leaves me alone after a while of nagging... hope it gets better for you *hugs*
well, I know for certain it's not something I ate ^_~ and I know it'll all be over in a week hehe ^_^ so ^_^'
I forgot what else I was going to say.. O_O"
yeah, it sucks, but that's life I guess.. at times we get along really well, so it's not all bad ^_^
that's pretty bad.. but it's pretty annoying that my brother is in his room all the time.. makes me an easy target for my parents hehe ^_^'
my stomach is all better at the moment, thanks ^_^
well hello there peoples!!
I finally got some real sleep, so I feel better now, except for that stupid stomachache.. it hurts... T_T but it will go away ^_^
(EDIT: it did ^__^)
let's see, yesterday as you all know started crappy, but it got better later on. me and my mom pretty much stayed out of each others way and in the afternoon she had to go to work so YAYness, I was at home with my brother. and since he kind of lives in the attic and only comes down to eat and get something to drink, it felt like I was home alone. so here's what I did: in the morning I read Ranma 1/2 volume 25 and 33, I stayed in bed till 2 pm and in the afternoon I watched Ranma 1/2 ^__^ if there is one thing that can cheer me up, it's Ranma hehe ^____^ and I've still got so many episodes to go ^__^
ow I also played Tales of Phantasia again.. and now I'm going to rant about it ^__^
it's a pretty good game, I'm addicted to RPG's so this one fits right in but there are so many things that annoy me, just because they're different from what I'm used to..
In the game, there is no way of telling what an item will do when you use it.. there is no description of it when you buy it in the shop and not even when it's in your backpack.. so I'm just using things and see where it gets me.. but then again, hail the people with less of a life than me that make the holy walkthroughs ^__^ so I printed out an item list, but it's still annoying to have to keep looking things up when you need something.
then there's the saving system.. -_-' I'm the kind of person that plays for five to ten minutes, then turns the thing off to go do something else and after that plays again for a while.. this gets me practically nowhere in the game, seeing that you can only save outside, or at certain 'save-tile-thingys' which you rarely come across -_-'
another thing, I can't get the semi-auto off my character in the fights, so every time I'm beating up an opponent, halfway (and always just about the time the opponent can't move so is most vulnerable) the little guy runs back to the point where the fight started to get some cover from attacks.. it just makes me want to scream at my GBA: 'you've got a shield, I can heal you, take some damage for crying out loud!!'
but other than that, it's a really cool game, I've finally figured out how to use the special skills in combat, so that's a huge improvement ^__^ although I'm actually a button-smasher.. I just hit and hit until the enemy is taken care of hehe ^_^' and the plot kind of pulls you in so I want to play more and more ^__^
I'd certainly reccommend it to everyone who likes RPG's ^___^
end of rant.
yesterday, my fish gave birth, again -_-'
I really don't know what to do with all those little ones, cause I don't want to give them away.. yes, I'm weird, I get emotionally attached to fish.. I think the first thing I'm going to save money for when I get a job again, is a bigger fishtank *nods* yup, that sounds like a plan ^__^
now just to get a job.. I haven't had any reply from the thing that I applied for.. stupid people, they could at least tell me they don't want me.. ow well, I'll just look somewhere else.. the local hotel seems to be looking for personel, I think I'll try there.
hmz.. that's it from me for today ^_^ so here's the greeting:
look how cute it is!!!
I'm outta here
See, I was afraid of this.. 22 comments to reply to.. but since it's still spring break for me and I need stuff to fill up my day, I will reply to everyone ^___^
To Everyone (see I told you I would ^_~):
thanks for the kind words ^__^ actually I also talk to the cat, but only because it's more fun to talk to than the other people around here and I don't ignore the other people in the room ^_^
and the reason me and my mom crash this often is probably because I'm an almost exact copy of her -_-' the ultimate fear of every girl: turning into your mother.. well, I'm just trying to give it my own twist and learn from the mistakes my mom makes ^_^
I will very much try to make the best of it ^___^ *hugs everyone*
*long hug back* yup, you're present made me feel much better ^__^
yeah, well, it's probably because we're around each other all the time.. it'll get better ^_^ thanks *hug*
Magnus (yeah, I'm just going to shorten it, seeing that this is the only part I can spell ^_~):
hah! that means I'm insane ^__^ I don't really care anymore right now.. I was just still pissed when I wrote that post hehe *hugs back*
they will, thanks ^_^
I'll get to talk to her eventually, but probably not like that until I leave the house, but that's ok ^_^ thanks
very true hehe ^_^
well, since I also buy books that are more then a thousand pages, that isn't the problem with my mom thank goodness ^__^ it is indeed really easy to spend all your money on mangas hehe ^__^
Ada Pallas:
you are so right ^__^ yeah I know, even though we clash a lot, I'm really lucky with my parents. I've seen far worse cases and I know I don't really have something to complain about, but hey, what kind of teenager would I be if I didn't complain all the time? ^_~
I told inkenyo that she must lend them to you ^_~ now we just got to hope she listens to me hehe ^_^
thanks, it's gonna be ok ^_^
I'm sure it'll all work out eventually ^_^ thanks
Highwind Phoenix:
thanks, it's really nice to know I'm not the only one with this sort of thing hehe ^_^'
BlossomingLove (aka GentleEyes777, will she ever get her site back? who knows...):
yeah, moms are there to show you the facts of life and deep down inside, I really love my parents ^__^
and I skipped the Furuba novels cause I still don't own them.. *sigh* but I just wanted to know what was going to happen ^_^
the trouble is, I already know I'm just like my mom.. maybe that's why I rebel ^_~ ow well, I also know things get better when you're not this close every day, I'm sure my relationship with them will improve once I've got my own place and can live my own life without them trying to keep me in line ^_^ I know they have to and I'll probably give my own kids hell too once I have those.. (If I ever have kids that is.. *shivers*)
and now, just because it's funny: OMG you're HOW old?!!! *sticks out tongue* nyaaa!!!! *glomp*
if I didn't have to eat and stuff, I could read non-stop for a whole day.. I love it, a good book and a nice cup o' tea, ahh, that's the life ^_~
hehe, I guess they do that because the cats don't have an education to finish and don't need to work on their future ^_~
and yes, they were great as usual ^__^
long time no see ^___^ and thanks *hugs*
takoyaki power:
first off, I love your comments *glomp* ^____^
*hands you more tea* you still got some of those cookies? they were yummy...
you think I haven't been on IMDB already? hehe I practically live there next to this site and Gridlock ^_^' I loved the trailers ^___^ AAAHHH why isn't it in the theaters already *cries*
OOOHHH!!! thanks for that link ^___^ I'll make sure to read it muahahahaha, that way I don't have to wait until I got more money hehe ^_^' and I really do need to read volume 27-32 of Ranma, cause there were some things that caught me off guard in volume 33.. hehe ^_^ thanks *glomp*
yes you really should read Deception Point, it's not as exciting as Angels&Demons or The Da Vinci Code, it's more along the lines of Digital Fortress, but it's still very good ^__^
hehe, it's a great life isn't it? ^_~
yeah, moms just are like that I guess... ow well, we're not under their government for our whole life so things'll get better ^_^
raven fire93:
just keep trying ^_~ it'll only get better ^__^
hehe, parents have a talent for always walking in on just the wrong time ^__^ and so they assume you're always on the computer/behind the tv/reading manga.. ow well ^__^ we know we do other things too hehe ^_~
just keep trying to keep the little relationship you have going ^_^ it'll get better YAY!! *hugs*
hello peoples!!!
yup I finally got some sleep...
and I just had a fight with my mom.. who of course, is accusing me of being cranky due to lack of sleep..(and of course, she says it's because I stay behind the computer for too long... if only she'd just accept that I've got my own life *sigh*) see what happened is: she walks into my room and starts talking to the cat, without even so much as a 'hello dear' for me. so I aks her what she's talking about, she replies with and angy 'I was talking to the cat' so I say 'oh'. and that pissed her off.. allrighty then..
crap, I'm just not fully awake, so I can't make nice long sentences.. but noooo, she's got to make something bad out of it..
I want to get out of here so bad...
but I'll just have to face it, I don't have this great relationship with my mom (or my dad for that matter...) and I never will.
yesterday was mostly spend reading, I finished Deception Point, read Fruits Basket volume 7 and 13(I'm still missing 8-12, but I just really wanted to read more hehe) and I read the good volume 5 of Ranma 1/2 (YES I was finally able to understand the story, my old copy was missing pages...)
and today I don't think I'll do much else really...
well, I'll keep this short, cause now I am cranky because of my mom.. and I could just go on and on and on... but I'm not going to, seeing that it will ruin my mood even more..
greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
To All:
thanks for the well-wishings in dealing with my mom and I'm glad I'm not the only one with parents that don't agree with my hobby ^_^ it's nice to know I''m not alone in this hehe...
I'm not feeling like repying to everyone today.. but I just must reply to:
Mini Moni:
thanks for the tip, but no thanks ^_^ no pills for me to make me sleep.. I stay as far away from that kind of medicine as I can (has to do with an old depression of mine and what would've happened if I had access to pills like that back then.. long story)besides, I hate pills in general hehe ^_^'
takoyaki power:
OMG!!! your mom actually threw away volumes of your manga and DVDs?!! my mom better not try that with me, I'd be out of the house as soon as I can..
aw man, that must suck so bad.. and I thought I had it bad hehe..
ow and thanks for the cookies *hands you a cup of comfort tea* I hope your mom lightens up a bit.. *hug* ow and rant all you want ^_^
ah yes, the movie ^__^ have you seen the trailer yet? I really wonder what they'll make of the whole thing.. but my favorite Brown book was Angels&Demons, it was way more exciting to read hehe ^_^
*hugs again* want some more tea?
hello peoples!!!
*yawns* I am so very sleepy.. I'm having trouble falling asleep again.. every day I feel so very tired and then when I finally go to sleep, I lay awake all night.. it's getting really frustrating, especially since this week was supposed to be the time where I gain energy for the last semester at school... just a few more months and it will be summer ^_^ can't wait for that actually, I've never felt more like I needed a long break away from everything ^_^
my moms imagination is getting out of hand.. apparently she had a dream a few nights ago, where me and my BF said we were going to the Anime Con, but actually went to some satanic worshipping night... I can't stand it anymore, now she's believing that it's actually the same...
I feel so helpless, like there really is nothing I can do to make her see that anime and manga is NOT the work of the devil.. no matter what, she won't listen..
but what makes me feel the worst is that she actually thinks I wouldn't mind going to something like that.. great, so now my mom thinks I worship the devil.. I just can't believe she knows me that bad.. and that she actually doesn't want to make an effort to actually get to know what anime is about.. she doesn't even want to say the words, she just calls it 'that weird stuff' and makes a really icky face while saying it.. *sigh*
and it's no use showing some of it to her.. she'll just look at it and seek out whatever little things that make it weird to her and hold on to that.. if she would just open her mind this little *shows really small space between fingers* if she could only understand that I'm an individual with my own likes and dislikes.. if only she wouldn't mind me liking something for a change.. if she could just accept me like I am and not immediatly think that something is the work of the devil once I like it....
*takes a deep breath* I'm sorry guys, lack of sleep is making me rant about things you probably don't want to hear about..
it's just that.. I get a lot of time to think this way and stuff like that pops into my mind, making it even harder to sleep...
ow well, I'm almost done reading Deception Point ^_^ although I'm pretty sure what the plot change will be.. I've read too many suspense novels and now I pretty much always know in advance who the real bad guy is.. *sigh* but it will be fun to find out if I'm right ^_^ all I can say is, it's always the one you really don't expect it from.. I must be able to finish it today, so then I can get back to manga hehe.. although I'm thinking of trying to read The Bourne Ultimatum again.. last time, I gave up after one chapter, because I had too little time to read... and since I got the whole series, it might be a good idea to finish it ^_^ (I love big books..)
during the little sleep I did get lately, I've been having strange dreams..
I'm finally putting my plots to take over the world to practise and I'm helped by a lot of weird and mystical creatures.. some of which I'm not sure I want to be helped by at all.. evil looking vampires, weird rotting bodies.. I think they might just help me take over the world so I will be in debt with them... I don't really trust them.. and everytime they appear in my dream, I wake up from shock... ow well...
I've been messing around with my site a bit yesterday ^_^ made a nice picture to go into my profile and changed my profile text and the text in the bar at the left for a bit ^_^ I'm pretty pleased with the results.. but my site is always under construction, so I'll probably change some other things later.. I've been thinking of maybe doing a new theme.. but I haven't had this one for that long, so I don't know...
I also had a huge fight with Photobucket hehe ^_^' I made an account and it took me all evening to get the pictures from Kopenhagen loaded on there... of course, I could put a picture of myself up instead of the greeting of the day.. naaaaah!!!!
greeting of the day:
I just thought it was funny ^_^
I'm outta here
OOOHH!!! please do borrow them!!! I would love to see them all animated ^_____^ they're soooooooo cute ^_^
Magnus Lehnsherr:
well, I hope your spiders didn't hurt the delivery man.. or else he'd be too scared to ever deliver pocky to me again.. and then I'll never be able to try it.. *cries*
well, you'd better feel special!!! and yes, I was checking up on you.. but hey, I need to keep track of the competition right? you should never underestimate your enemy!!
ow and make sure your brother is actually under the influence of the chloroform an not just pretending so he can spy on you!!!*glomp*
Highwind Phoenix:
well, that's ok ^_^ I didn't visit that may people either, so we're even 'kay? ^_~
well, I did have fun ^_^ DiGi Charat rocks hehe ^_^ *glomp*
Evolution is sooooo darn funny!!! I command you to see it!!! you'll LYAO ^_~ *glomp*
*bows* thank you very much for forgiving me ^_^ *glomp* ow and sorry if I don't respond to pm's, the system still doesn't work properly...
well, playing video games all week sounds like fun too ^_^ hmz.. I still got one free week.. sounds like an idea *loads Gameboy* muahahaha!!!
inkenyo 2.0:
that's not completely true, but I do try my best to visit as many people as possible ^_^ *glomp*
tsnade 26:
well, I quite like the shojo beat, it's pretty fun to get to read parts of manga's I wouldn't normally come across ^_^
well taken care of I'd say ^_^ but then again, you probably knew I would say that... feh, who cares ^_^ I like getting stuff from my BF and once I get a new job, I'll buy more stuff myself, pay him what I owe him and give him presents so HAH! *glomp*
well, I wasn't actually too busy.. I was just doing other things hehe ^_^ sometimes I just need a day off from theO I think.. but not longer or I'll go into withdrawal ^_~ *glomp*
Dejiko is the cutest!! after Coo and Petit Charat hehe ^_^
I'll be sure to enjoy ^_~ *glomp*
NYOOOOOOO!!!*glomp* I try my best ^_^'
JD Person:
I'm saving up for a second chicken.. but now I think I want a cow hehe ^_^ *glomp*
funny that you think me and Magnus are real-life buddies.. sorry to disappoint you, but we are sworn arch enemies!! and we never met in real life ^_^' (don't tell anyone, but me and Silvereagle are in fact real-life buddies, he's my BF ^_~ ow wait.. all the others knew that already... ^_^')*glomp*
*suddenly realises that I'm very lucky for not getting as many comments as usual* I'll be writing comments on comments all week just to finish one post... ow well, it's fun to do and as long as I got the time to do it, I will ^_^
I glomped everyone!!! YAYness *glomps everyone again* muahahahaha!!! that ought to show you guys!!!
*note I've gone insane from typing too much*
nyo, nyu, gema, geba, pyo!!!!!! HAIL all Di Gi Charat characters ^____^
hello peoples!!!
well, I've got some catching up to do..
I haven't been around since saturday morning(although that's not completely true, I did visit Magnus yesterday muahaha!!! but that was it hehe ^_^") well, I'm very sorry for not visiting this weekend *bows*
I updated saturday and then I left for my BF's house, stayed over there and on sunday we went back to my place.. where we didn't do much else than watch tv hehe ^_^
this weekend was good and relaxing for me hehe, I needed it too..
on saturday we watched Evolution (OMG I love that movie hehe "kaka, kaka, toekie, toekie!!!") and National Treasure (OMG I love that movie too *drools over Nicholas Cage, not because he's hot, but because he can act soooo damn good ^_^)
and on sunday we watched some Ranma 1/2 ^_^ that's pretty much all we did..
ow no, we also went to the stores again saturday hehe...
I bought the April Shojo Beat and Di Gi Charat Theatre: Leave it to Pyoko (I'm thinking of doing a Coo cosplay in june hehe ^_^) and I got Adventures of Mini-Goddess: the Skuld files from my BF YAY!!! *huggles*
of course, I couldn't resist and started reading Di Gi Charat already hehe.. ow well, Dan Brown can wait for a day, I'm almost halfway through Deception Point now ^_^
today I had to go to school for a little conversation with my tutor, and from now on, I really have the week off ^_^
my mom started working again today, so I've got the house to myself for the next couple of mornings ^_^ except for the fact that my brother is still at home, but most of the time he sleeps until 12 so HA!
greeting of the day:
hmz.. gives me the urge to put Nyo at the end of all my sentences nyo..
I'm outta here nyo
(my my, aren't I to the point today nyo. fact is, I want to read lots of new articles hehe nyo)
Magnus Lehnsherr (did I do it right this time nyo?):
pocky does sound yummy doesn't it nyo? I can't wait till it gets delivered nyo ^_^
I'll have lots of time left to plot nyo, it doesn't take me that long to think of things to reply muahahahah nyo.
yup, Harvest Moon is pretty fun to play nyo ^_^ I just keep pressing the wrong buttons nyo...
takoyaki power:
first off, I LOVE your avi nyo *tries to hug it* it keeps licking my screen nyo ^_____^
GIVE ME BACK MY K-SAN NYO!!! *runs after you to get him back*
glomping is fun, ne? nyo
ow, well if it only takes you three minutes to read my posts, maybe I should start making longer ones nyo.. *sees everyone protesting* or not nyo... hehe ^_^'
yup, I sure love video games hehe nyo ^_^
I've got two Spyro games, but I actually prefer RPG's nyo ^_^ but still, spyro is pretty fun to kill time hehe nyo ^_^ plus, it's a purple dragon thingy, how cute can you get nyo ^___^
well, enjoy your spring break nyo ^_^
yup friends are great hehe although I've never seen most of them, seeing that I met them on this site nyo ^_^'
sneaky again eh? nyo ^___^
Gravitation rocks my socks indeed wOOt!!!
I know you do nyo ^_~
JD Person:
Harvest Moon is pretty fun yupyup nyo ^____^ I love running around with my dog on my head nyo
HAIL Dejiko!!!!
*drools at the thought of marshmellow chicks* hmz, I need sugar too nyo.. *runs off to find something to eat*
BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!I'm going to post something... muahahaha!!!
I'm feeling really weird and hyper today... ow well ^_^
hel~lo peoples that read this!!! YAYness for you guys,you're going to get a whole lot of nonsense to start off your weekend!!!
or maybe I'll just tell you guys about my life..(ain't it exactly the same thing?)
yesterday was.. well, normal really ^_^ I read for a bit, watched tv and played my new games!!!
I'm still getting used to the controls from Tales of Phantasia.. I actually took the instruction booklet out of the box to read and discover how to do things.. normally I just start up the game, start pushing random buttons and see what happens hehe ^_^'
but most of my time was spent playing Harvest Moon.. for those who don't know the game: you're basically a little boy that inherits a farm and has to keep it running and you have to talk to people and eventually you can make a girl fall in love with you and blahblahblah.. but it's sooooo cute ^_^ when you pick something up, you hold it over your head, so it looks like you put it on your head.. and you got this little dog and I take him everywhere I go, so it's like I'm running around town with a dog on my head ^______^ it's really too cute ^_^
other than that, I talked to some friends again!! YAYness, I love talking to people online..
but I'm getting the feeling that this is one of those day that I love everything and want to hug everyone I see.. *shifty eyes to everyone* *suddenly glomps a random person*
K-SAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!hmmm *drools*
ooohh.. look at the Yaoi-ness of that pic... hmz...
I'm outta here
I'm a bit hyper and annoying today.. ow well ^_^
YAYness most people voted for the commenting on comments thing, so I will start right now!!! (and if my posts are really long, I won't do it.. I won't do it every day, so you can all rest assured ^_^) and if I do make comments on comments, they will be below the greeting of the day, just like this. so you know when the actual post is over with hehe ^_^
BlossomingLove (aka GentleEyes777 ^_^):
that is not too much pocky!! besides, I'll probably eat it all in one day.. cause that's what I'm like hehe ^_^
and the train thing.. yeah I just kind of seem to have a talent for things like that hehe ^_^
well, I couldn't really be bothered by it.. if I let things like that get me down everytime it happened, I'd nver smile again hehe ^_^'
and I don't know if pocky is delicious yet.. I'll have to wait till it gets delivered ^_^
Highwind Phoenix:
ow it was very good ^_^ thanks
so you will read it all? *glomps* I'm so happy someone actually read this BS till the end hehe ^_^ it must take you hours sometimes.. ^_^' thank you
Magnus Lensherr (couldn't you get an easier name? and you say you have trouble spelling my name...tsk):
Pocky= a snack from Japan, chocolate covered cookie sticks. they seem to be very yummy, so I ordered a lot to try hehe ^_^
nope, it's not a ploy.. most of the time I do catch my train thouh.. but I'm not really that much of the planning type.. I just go and see where it gets me ^_^ that way, my schedule can't get messed up either and I never get stressed because I'm late in doing something ^_^ it's a really relaxed and laid back life ^_^
and I answered the money thing on your site ^_~
well, don't feel so stupid, it happens to everyone once in a while.. it just happens to me more often hehe ^_^' though it is pretty funny that you actually thought: gee, would you just look at that bus hehe ^_^ cause I actually did the same with that train and then started wondering why mine still hadn't pulled into the station... D'OH!!
Magnus Lensherr (I actually wrote it completely correct the second time ^_^):
what makes you think you get to comment a second time?!! not that I mind.. well, it's more about with other people's sites.. like, they have a quiz, I'd like to take, but I also want to browse their site for a bit longer.. then the right-click thing sucks ^_^ on your site it's not that bad though ^_^
*glomps* nope I'm just going to do a comment-on-comment muahahaha!!!!
my fish are the best!!! they rule and will help me get world domination by their cuteness!!!
hmz.. maybe I could get the Yrr to help me...
our town doesn't have a train either.. I have to go to the next town with a bus and from there I can go with the train ^_^'
my town kinda sucks.. ow well, somehow I like it ^_^
yes we had lots of fun *wink wink*
nothing is wrong with my Gameboy *hgs GBA* it's my favorite gaming device actually ^_^ the only thing I can actually work with besides my laptop when it comes to games ^_^ and it has black tribals ^_^
*glomps* yeah, I just felt like doing that muahahaha!!!!
meh, once you get used to the trains, life isn't too bad ^_^ I just hope to suddenly inherit lots of money so I can get myself a trusty motorcycle.. *drools* honda Shadow...
and a nice weekend to you too, even though you have to work today muahahaha!!!
thanks ^_^ *hug*
yeah it's a great part of the show isn't it ^_^ I loved it when Tohru was sick and he made her this dish with leeks ^_^ he;s actually a nice guy hehe ^_^
too bad it doesn't work.. but I will be sure to ramble in my posts about the taste of the pocky once it gets deliverd ^_~
that's ok, I figured you were really busy, seeing that you didn't update for a while either ^_^ just make sure you send me those banners 'kay? ^_~
FEH! who needs a subject, it's the post that people come for!!!
well, hel~lo there ^______^
oh I'm so happy today ^_^ don't ask me why, I just am bwahhahaha!!!!
yesterday was gooooooooooood ^_^
I spend the morning doing nothing but read and watch tv. I'm really getting into Deception Point now and I should finish it in the coming days, seeing that I probably will be reading a lot today too ^_^
and in the afternoon I got off my lazy ass and went to my BF ^_^
that didn't totally go as planned though.. I needed to take the bus and the train (I love travelling by train YAYness, the bus is allright too ^_^)
well, at least I made it to the bus on time, but then the train just got away in front of me.. I could almost touch it and then it just drove off T_T I was just a few seconds too late...
so I had to wait for the next train, half an hour later.. but I got my book, the sun was shining, I was heading to the person I care for the most, so my mood couldn't go down and I just sat down in the sun reading..
not the smartest thing I've ever done...
why? you ask? let me tell you:
I was at the wrong platform for the next train..
and of course, I don't discover that until about a minute after I see the train pulling out of the station from the other side -_-'
so I had three choices:
1: wait another half hour for the next direct train
2: take another train to a station further and from there take the bus to my BF's house
3: take another train to a station before the one I needed to be and let my BF pick me up there..
after I called him, we decided on the last choice, seeing that that train was the first to come and it would be the quickest ^_^
so I did get there eventually YAYness!!!
we ate leeks..
yes really!! but unlike Kyo I don't get them shoved down my throat, so I put them all on one side of the plate and just ate some meat and potatoes muahahaha!!!
and after dinner, we went to this huge store with all kinds of electronic devices (from toasters to refridgerators, from dvd-players to huge plasma screens, you get the idea ^_~) but they also have loads of DVD's, CD's and Games (heaven for me) ^_^
I bought a CD of Krezip (it's a Dutch band, kind of pop/rock-music, really good, listening to it now ^_^), casings for my Gameboy games and Harvest Moon for the Gameboy ^_^ (now don't start about childish things, cause I also own and have beaten all the Hamtaro Games!! I don't care bwhaha!! it's fun ^_^)
and from my BF I got Tales of Phantasia for the Gameboy ^_^ hey, I've got another week off, don't want to get bored now, do I?
and then we went back to his home, ordered whole lots of Pocky (yes finally, I will have Pocky in 2-4 weeks.. can't wait to try it hehe ^_^)
we ordered:
-pineapple pocky
-melon pocky
-strawberry pocky
-caramel pocky
-and normal pocky ^_^
a little box of everything for each of us wOOt!!!! (if you want to order it, we got it from J-Box, jut click the link to go there ^_^)
and then we watched CSI New York ^_^ other than that, we didn't do much, watched more tv and hang around ^_^
on a completely different note: my fish are growing so fast!! the ones that I put back into the aquarium because they grew big enough are really starting to look like the grown fish. they're getting all these lovely colors on their sides (beautiful dark green and shiny yellow and green!!!) I love them!!! *tries to hug fish* that's not going to work...
ow well, before I start rambling, here's the greeting of the day:
look!! it's Cress, the head-character from Tales of Phantasia!!! what a coincidence ^_____^
well, I'll visit sites later today ^_^
ow! yes, I have seen people give comments on comments in their posts.. and I've been thinking about doing the same thing.. but since my posts are already really long most of the time.. I'll ask you guys.. with a poll ^_^ (what do you mean, I've got too much time on my hands?)
hello peoples!!!
well, my phone is very much fixed ^_^ with three parts of Scotch-tape to the back YAYness!!!
I decided not to use Duct-tape after what RavenFire93 said: "it'll get sticky." very true ^_^
and right after I fixed it, my dad came home and told me that I would probably be able to get a new backside for my phone for about 20 bucks.. but I still think it's a lot of money and since the tape is working.. I'll just keep it this way ^_^
nothing much happened yesterday.. I played some Zoo Tycoon (I kept throwing this little guy into the crocodile exhibit, but he just swam out.. T_T why won't my guests get eaten? why?!)
and I finally got further in Deception Point from Dan Brown!! I am so very proud of myself ^_^ I know that I'm not going to like it as much as Angels And Demons, but it's still 'a Brown' so it must be good ^_^
today I will go to my BF when he gets off work!!! ultimate YAYness!!! we don't get to see each other much during the weeks, since we live about 40 kilometers (about 25 miles) apart.
and we will try to find Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories ^_^ or maybe another game.. cause I want a new game, seeing that in every game I have, I'm either stuck or I already beat it.. ow well, we'll see what happens ^_^ it'll still be fun to go look for it together ^_^
other then that, I'll probably read all day ^_^ now I want to finish my book so I can get back to manga hehe..
greeting of the day:
hmmm, YAOI-ness ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
well, yesterday was pretty good.. not as bad as the start of the week hehe ^_^
KH Chain of Memories seems to have disappeared from all the stores in my area, but I will try one last time to find it on thursday.. I kinda made it my mission to find that game just to show all the stores around here that I CAN get it, with or without their help!!!
but I did get Harry Potter4 on DVD (the special edition YAYness) so at least I succeeded in one of my missions..
the comicbook store however didn't have anything I wanted and I really don't get the feeling that the woman that works there likes me.. ow well, screw her hehe ^_^
the rest of the day was spend sleeping, reading Fruits Basket 6 and watching a cat from down the street play with a living mouse..
(everyone that feels really sad for little mice getting eating by cats, or just can't take gorey details, feel free to scroll down to the next alinea ^_^)
I especially enjoyed the last part hehe ^_^ it may sound cruel but it just looked so cute, how that cat was treating the mouse.. they were in the front yard of my neighbours and it was easy to see everything from my window (well, one of my walls is al glass, so everything in the street is pretty easy to see from my window ^_^)
every time the mouse got away from the cat long enough to get to another garden, the cat would walk after it, take it in his mouth, walk to the centre of my neighbour's garden, put the mouse down and looked at it like it was trying to say: "and now you're going to stay right here, 'kay?"
my mom thought it was sad for the mouse but I was laughing my ass off hehe ^_^
eventually the cat stopped running around and me and my brother were standing in front of the window downstairs, discussing weither the cat was eating the mouse or lost it..
eventually I decided to go outside and see what had happened.. I was happy to report to my mom that the mouse wasn't sad anymore and that the cat was happy too ^_^' and that I would skip my dinner hehe.. nah, I don't mind things like that and it didn't even look all that gross.. more funny.. little bloody strings hanging from the cat's mouth hehe...
then it was time for dinner. after that, me and my brother went back to the window to see if the cat was still eating, but it was gone and there were some dark thingies laying where it had been. so I said that it were pieces of the mouse, but my brother said that it were leaves.. so we looked at each other and suddenly my brother said: "we'll see it better from your window!" so we raced to my room hehe...
but it still wasn't very clear what it was..
so eventually my brother went out to get something from the stores and we saw that it was indeed part of the mouse hehe.. YAYness for being right all the time ^_^
well, other than that, my day was kind of slow.
today has been okay up to now, had that stupid presentation thingy in school (yes I had to go to school on my break.. ugh) it all went pretty good.. my feet just hurt like hell, cause we had to be all dressed up and stuff, so that it would look professional, meaning I had to wear my high heels.. not very fond of those hehe.. ow well, I can change back into my good ol' jeans after I post ^_^
well, I've got to do some grocery shopping today so I'll go looking for the greeting of the day ^_^
I'll visit sites later today ^_^
I'm outta here
PS: the phone wil lbe restored with Scotch/ Duct tape, seeing that reapairing will cost me way too much anyway.. appearently it needs a whole new backside, just becuase of this little plastic thingy that can be easily clicked in... GGGRRRR death to the one who thinks making money off poor little students is fun!!!
ow yeah, groceries.. *runs off*