Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
what to do with world domination plans when the world is plotting against you?
hello peoples!!!
well, yesterday wasn't exactly my day either..
I went to the next town to try and find something that could fix my phone.. well, I went to this phonestore and they told me to go somewhere else where they might actually have the part.. and then I wanted to get me that copy of KH: Chain of Memories..
not much luck in that department, none of the stores had it and the store where it was actually on sale was demolished.. litterally.. they tore it down for some new mall of something, I don't know...
so then I figured, no game? I'll get myself some manga.. so I walked over to the comicbook-store just to find out.. that it's closed on mondays...
ow well, today I will try again, because I'm going to try and get me Harry Potter4 on DVD (it just came out today over here) so I'll get the chance to go by the comicbook-store again and see if they have something I want hehe...
and if all else fails, I'll erhm... I dunno, I guess I just won't buy anything again..
the rest of yesterday was ok.. not much happened..
ow yeah to get to the store where they might have the part for my phone, I needed a car, meaning I needed my dad.. so when he got home from work my mom told him about it and then she told me that we could go right away if we hurried.. so we went.. and at that store the nice *vomit* man (I really didn't like him.. dunno why, he was just so.. *shivers* yucky...) told me that it could be repaired, but it was going to cost me 90 bucks!! WTF!!!!!!! 90 bucks for a lousy half inch plastic thingy?! ould be me, but that's a ridiculous price if you ask me!!!
all I really wanted to do was kick his ass and tell him to just get me another part from a dummy-phone (the ones they use in the stores, they're just the same but they don't really need that part seeing that they can't be turned on...) but I guess that it will be too simple of a way to fix it...people like to make it as difficult as possible so that it will be nice and expensive... *sigh*
but (yes there is a but) my dad says he knows someone whos dad works for the Samsung company.. and that he might be able to get me the part I need.. I think he feels kinda bad for treating me the way he did.. deep down, he's not really a bad person, he just doesn't really know how to behave in front of other people I think... he's still my dad and I love him and he has many connections hehe ^_^ so I just hope that it'll all turn out fine.
and if it doesn't, I'll still have to duct tape it, although RavenFire93 has a point with the stickyness, so maybe Scotch tape will be better indeed...
ow and if you got the time, please visit Omegasnake16 ^_^ he's a friend of mine and he would like new friends ^_^
well, I think today, I'll also clean my room up a little... it really needs to be done and since I got two weeks off.. I might as well do it as soon as possible, so I can relax the rest of the time ^_^
tomorrow I'll actually have to go to school.. bleh, presentation of the group project.. I just hope it will be good, cause if we fail it, we have ten days to improve it.. that would seriously ruin my vacation -_-'
hello peoples!!!
well, thank you all very much for seeing the true me and calling me insane... but hey, if it's true, there's no reason to deny it ^_^' and yes, I make stupid sentences too, but just not while trying to impress people.. I think... ow well who cares!!!nyan!
let's see... yesterday wasn't all that bad at first.. I slept until 8.30 am, posted, went back to sleep, woke up around 12.30 pm and decided I had to get out of bed or my day would be wasted..
my BF came around and we pretty much did absolutely nothing.. well, we watched Trigun and some stand-up comedy (YAY ^_^) and we read some manga.. but that was just because I really wanted to finish Inuyasha volume 12,13 and 14 hehe ^_^' but I had some Oh! My Goddess he still had to read so we were just sitting there reading..
it's pretty fun to do nothing together ^_^
but when it was time for him to leave, I threw my cell-phone towards my bed (cause that's where it usually lays) and it was supposed to stay there.. but it bounced off, crashed to the ground and fell apart.. now the thingy holding the battery in place is broken and my phone can't stay on. it's one of those phones you flip open, but everytime I close it, it goes off T_T
when I told my dad about it, all he said was: "Well, you probably did something stupid again. You'd better start saving up for a new one."
geez, thanks a lot dad, like I didn't feel bad enough about my phone breaking, you had to go and make me feel like crap.. he just said it in this tone of voice that sounded like the thing he wanted to say was: "Well, you always do stupid things so it's all your own stupid fault. By the way, when will you get another job, cause you're a worthless piece of shit, the shame of the family."
so I yelled some random things at him, went to the hallway, chrashed down on the stairs and cried my eyes out while being comforted by my BF.. I was so happy he was still there..
but after he left (yes, he still had to leave.. he has the morning shift this week, so he had to get up early this morning and when he left it was about 11.45 pm..) I just went to bed, read some Full Metal Panic, that cheered me up a bit, thank goodness, and then I just went to sleep.
and after a good night's sleep, I'm feeling a bit better.
today, I will be going to the next town to visit some phone-stores, to see if I can get a loose thingy-that-holds-the-battery-in-place.. and if not, I'll just have to ductape my phone back together, cause I don't have the money for a new phone (those things are insanely expensive nowadays..)
ow well, I'll see what happens.. other than that I won't be doing much.. I probably need to do the grocery shopping because my mom is still sick, but I don't mind.. I actually find that kind of chores pretty fun ^_^
and, seeing that I will have to go to the stores anyway, I'll see if I can buy myself a copy of KH: chain of memories, just to cheer myself up.. they're supposed to be on sale, so it shouldn't be too expensive ^_^
well, that's all from me today..
I'll give you some nice greetings just for fun ^_^
well, the voices in my head are saying that that's enough for today ^_~
so I'm outta here
Hail the Chinese people, for they are the ones who invented their food!!
hello peoples!!!
oof.. I sure was busy yesterday morning and a bit of the afternoon...
but let's start with friday shall we?
it was a good day, after screwing up my portugese midterm, I spend the first free time of my spring break (well, I think you can all guess it...), yes, sleeping -_-'
other than that, I didn't do much besides watch tv and read some manga.
and yesterday.. well, just to give an impression of how tired I was around 6pm.. fridaynight, I went to sleep around 2 am, saturday morning I was woken up at 8.30 am to go grocery shopping with my dad. which I must say is pretty much an impossible task.. seeing that my dad stops at almost every product on sale and asks if we need it.. plus, he's just distracted very fast and he has no sense of direction when it comes to shopping.. if we would've taken his route to get all the stuff we needed, we'd still be wandering through the stores...
after that we went to a garden centre (or actually two because we couldn't find what we needed at the first) to buy some new waterplants for my aquarium. and since we were there anyway, I got a new male black molly, seeing that my other one died recently, and I didn't like the idea of my female one being all alone..
it's so much fun to ask those nice guys for their help.. then seeing them try to make an impression on you by making the most stupid jokes you've ever heard that make you wonder: "maybe they're not able to hear themselves speak.."
for example, I asked this (probably seventeen year old) bloke to get me a male black molly and what does he say? shall we take one of the black ones? *slaps own face and drags hand down slowly* what kind of sentence it that?! of course I want a black one, if I didn't I would've asked for a goldfish or something!! ow well, I'm a nice, polite, little girl *holds hands in front of horns so no one can see them*, so I decided to go with it by saying: "yes, I'd like that, cause then it will fit in nicely with the one I already have."
after all that, when we were headed for the register, we passed by the rabbits.. so I decided to annoy my dad by asking if we could take one with us (we used to have rabbits, but we haven't had one for a long time and I would like one again.. unfortunately, my parents don't)
"aw dad.. can we take a rabbit?" 'no we can't.' "but why not, we're here now anyway?" and that sentence put a smile on the face of the guy we were just passing.. I decided to give him one of my weirdest funniest looks to show that I wasn't really begging for a rabbit and then a nice smile to top it off ^_^ I know, I'm very weird...
after finally getting home, I started to drain my aquarium (I don't have a filter for it, so I have to clean it every once in a while) but when I was halfway done, I realised that I hadn't bought a new bag against the green stuff that gets into aquariums after a while *kicks dictionary for not having the dutch to english translation for "alg"*. so I asked my dad to go ahead with taking the thing downstairs (I had to clean it in the kitchen, like I always do, but the thing is pretty heavy..) while I go and get that bag from the store.. when I got back, I heard the microwave was on.. so my first reaction was:"what the hell did they put in the microwave?" as it turned out when I entered the kitchen, my dad was microwaving the pebbles from the bottom of my aquarium... O_o 'why?' you ask? simple, to kill the snails that ruin my waterplants all the time ^_^'
after that, my dad stuck around to 'help' me. when my dad helps me, he pretty much walks in the way and gives me critique on how I do things.. I know he means well, but eventually I just wanted to yell at him to 'get the hell away from me and let me do my work!!' but I didn't ^_^ YAY for self control ^_^
and after finally getting done with cleaning my aquarium, it was time to get the fish back in.. well, that sounds a lot easier that it really is actually..
my guppies and black molly and the striped fish I don't know the name of went in pretty easy. but then it was time for my "alg"-eater thingy (yup, still don't know the right word hehe) to go in.. this is my biggest fish and he's hell to catch, but he actually got into the net pretty quickly.. and then I got to the hardest part of cleaning my aquarium.. I had to get my snake-fish to go back in.. yes, I have snake-fish and I love them ^_^ they're like little coloured eels ^_^ but they're fast as light and slippery and thin, so they keep getting through the tiny spaces between the net and the bucket they were in.. so finally, with use of my hands and lots of "sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you little fishy.."'s I got them both in after well.. I think it was about twenty minutes to half an hour..(it's easier to get them out of the tank, because they live in this seashell I put in it, so all I have to do is pick up the shell with the net and drop it in the bucket, turn it upside down and the fish are out without a problem)
and after all that, I still wasn't done yet.. I quickly posted, because I really wanted to use that greeting ^_^
then we ate lunch (this was the first time that I actually sat down after getting up yesterday and it was the first thing I ate.. beside a cookie that is)
and then I cleaned the fish bowl of the little fish.. I actually put five of them in with the big fish, cause they were getting pretty big themselves already.
and just when I was finishing up on all this, my BF came to pick me up.. I spend almost an hour looking things up to take with me while screaming "chaos"(I like doing that when I'm really busy, and I have to say, I really enjoy that chaos ^_^)
when we finally got into the car, we drove straight through to the city, cause I had the urge to shop again.. (I really need to surpress those feelings, cause I'm pretty much broke..)
I bought Ranma 1/2 manga volume 33 and a cd of The Who for myself and my BF bought me:
Trigun DVD 6
Fruits Basket manga volume 13 (even though I'm still at volume 6 with reading hehe) and
Please (Onegai) Teacher DVD 2 (now all I need are the first and third DVD to complete my collection ^_^)
but I swore I will pay him back for the Please Teacher ^_^ and to make sure both of us wouldn't forget, we made a nice I.O.U for him back home, including the tickets for the Anime Con and the costs for the hotel we will be staying at.
our order of manga also came in last week, so I was able to go home with all the stuff we bought and:
Ranma 1/2 manga volume 5 and 26(I did own a copy of volume 5 already, but it was a misprint.. it jumps from page 112 to page 145.. from there it just continues the story to page 160 and then it jumps to page 129 and then just continues the story to the you can see, I was missing a few pages and the story makes no sense whatsoever like this)
Fruits Basket manga volume 6 and 7
Full Metal Panic manga volume 1 and 2
plus, I borrowed volume 12, 13 and 14 of Inuyasha from my BF ^_^
so at least I'll have something to do the coming week ^_^
after the shopping we got home around 5.30 pm and I was finally able to sit down and relax.. my feet were so tired and I was exhausted..
but we had to go get food ^_^ which I didn't really mind, cause we were having Chinese Food again ^_^ I love it so badly ^_^
and after that we just watched tv and relaxed..
he is going to order me some POCKY!!! (yes you will, you promised muahahaha!!!) I can't wait to try it hehe ^_^
*takes a deep breath* there, that was all I wanted to tell you guys I think..ow no, I found out that my mom is going to stay home sick the coming week too.. I hate it, I don't want to be stuck at home with her for a whole week(usually she works every morning, so I got the house to myself) ow well, I'll just stay in my room and out of her lign of sight and I should be fine, if I don't survive.. I love you all *overly dramatic hugs for everyone*
*thinks* yup that's really all I wanted to say ^_^
I'll go look for the greeting of the day now ^_^
I just thought it was funny ^_^ and I spend almost 45 minutes writing this post, so I wasn't really feeling like going through e-card for half an hour ^_^
I'll try to visit some sites today, but I can't promise anything, since my BF is coming around later today, so we'll behanging out and I won't be on my laptop for a change hehe ^_^
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
I'm freaking busy today, so it's just going to be a greeting ^_^
I hate april fools day...
I'm outta here
PS: expect a long post tomorrow ^_~
PPS: sorry I didn't visit anyone...
hello peoples!!!
well, that was just slap-you-in-the-face,kick-you-in-the-crotch-FANTASTIC!!!!!
yeah, I think I kinda screwed up on my portugese test... *sigh*
it was a really stupid test though.. we had to translate 13 sentences from dutch to portugese.. but since we have an all-portugese textbook we only practised assignments where you have to fill in the right word.. so half the words we had to translate, I didn't know...
meh, screw it, I'm finally done with all those stupid tests for a while ^_^
no school for a while YAY!!!
I'm pretty tired, so I think I'll fall asleep again this afternoon when I watch tv hehe...
ow well
yesterday was pretty good.. I watched the last few episodes of Onegai Teacher. the end was.. different... ^_^' but I liked it ^_^
and then I watched a completely useless episode of Chobits.. ow well, it was fun anyway ^_^
I didn't do much else really.. besides studying for my test today and making that stupid assignment.. but that's all over now ^_^
and today.. well, I had a fight with my umbrella at the busstop...
it was raining pretty hard and I hate being all wet in the bus and in school, so I took my umbrella with me.. but I didn't take the wind into account hehe ^_^'
well, I lost the fight horribly.. the stupid thing hit my head pretty hard twice and then the bus finally came so I could put it away.. but I think I'll get a bump on my head where it hit me..*rubs head* it smarts a little...
now.. what to do with all this free time I suddenly got on my hands..
hehe, I think I should give my room a good spring-cleaning and tidy my closet.. maybe even clean my aquarium.. read all the manga I can get my hands on (I'm going to borrow some from my BF hehe), watch lots of anime (I'll finally really be able to watch all that Ranma 1/2 that's been burning a whole in my bookcase ^_^) and erhm.. ow yeah read the Delta Deception... still need to do that hehe ^_^'
well, that's it from me today.. I think...
here's the greeting of the day:
nothing, I just put up another one for the heck of it hehe ^_^
I'm outta here
hello people!!!
well, I'm done with my test for today hehe... once again I was the first to finish and that really sucks...
let me explain: todays midterm was a test where you had to put your theorie into practise.. this means lots of writing and explaining and searching for things. (we can keep our books with us to look things up since 'in the real businesslife you will also be able to look things up for similar problems') well, for most of us that is.. not for me hehe ^_^ somehow I'm able to write 4 A4 papers full of BS and still get a good grade.. well, that's not completely true.. but I just write down what I know from classes and make up a story as I go. this, however, always results in me being the one that finishes first.. so everyone else starts freaking out, giving me looks like 'why is she done already?! why aren't I done yet? how does she do that...' which makes me get the feeling that I must have missed a page with questions or something...
well, at least the classrooms where we have to make them aren't that big, so I get out quickly.. with my final exams in highschool, I was obliged to sit all the way on the other side of the huge hall where the exams were being held.. so I had to walk past all the tables where people were going like: WTF!!!!????
ow well ^_^
well, yesterday was good ^_^ after my test, I pretty much spend the day watching Onegai Teacher. just three episodes left and then I'll get back to Chobits ^_^ or maybe Trigun.. or Ranma1/2.. can't decide >_<
besides studying and watching anime, I've been living like my cat lately.. meaning that I find the last piece of my bed that still has the sun on it, curl up into a little ball and fall asleep -_-' of course, I don't intend to fall asleep.. it's getting quite annoying really.. I was so sure I was watching Jamie Oliver the other day and when I opened my eyes again, there was some kind of soap series on.. *sigh* ow well, at least I got some sleep ^_~
ugh, I'm hungry, but if I eat now, I'll be hungry again in about two hours... hmz.. maybe I'll get me some nice grilled chicken wings for lunch.. yumm... yeah, that sounds like a plan muahahaha!!!!
*sigh* I have to hand in some stupid assignment too tomorrow.. ow well, guess today is going to be more about homework than the past couple of days ^_^
but I want to read the new articles and watch the last episodes of Onegai Teacher...
ow well, I'll survive ^_~
well, here's the greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
hola peoples!!!
well, I got through Spanish hehe... I don't think I put any Japanese or English in my answers.. I might have used some French though.. ow well, it all looks alike to me hehe ^_^ besides only half the test ws writing, the rest was reading and answering multiple choice questions, which was pretty easy ^_^
ugh, I'm so tired today.. I went to sleep about two hours earlier than normal (11.30 pm instead of 1.30 am hehe) but when I woke up I was exhausted.. *sigh* but it does eliminate the argument from my parents that I'm so tired all the time because I don't sleep enough.. I'm probably tired because I sleep too much...
ow well, I hope I feel better tomorrow, cause then I'll have the toughest test... hmz.. just two more and I'll be free of this mess for a while ^_^ thank goodness ^_^
yesterday was pretty good.. I watched Chobits, Onegai Teacher and Oh! My Goddess and erhm.. ow yeah, I studied for a bit too ^_^
hmz.. I got kinda gloomy after the studying.. don't know why, but I spend about an hour and a half on a chair in front of my window staring at the night sky.. but I'm feeling a bit better today ^_^
I've got absolutely nothing to talk about today hhe...
my mom is still sick.. but if you ask me she's just pretending.. plus, she refuses to see the doctor.. she says she's really dizzy all the time and that she just feels sick.. something to do with her balance... ow well, all I need to do is do the grocery shopping.. or at least that's all she tells me to do..
in this house, people don't ask if you want to do something for them..they either order you to do it, then yell at you that you did it all wrong and do it again themselves right after you've done it, or they don't tell you to do it at all, they don't even give off hints that they want you to do it, do it themselves and start complaining afterwards that you never do anything.. ow and don't try to tell them that they should've asked, cause then they'll yell at you some more.. *sigh* I wanna get out of here...
ow well, just a few more years and I'll have my own home ^_^ muahahaha!!!
I'm just whining really.. guess it's because I'm so tired.. I think I'll watch some more Onegai Teacher (it's pretty good) and then I'll try to get some more sleep.. maybe that'll help ^_^
ow yeah, the greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
OW!!! I almost forgot!!!
my new fanart made it on the site ^_^ so if you wanna take a look at my very first own creations, take a look (you know where to find it ^_~), vote and leave a comment if you want ^_^
hello peoples ^_^
one down, three to go!!! yup I've already been to school and I've also returned already ^_^ that's the great thing about multiple choice hehe ^_^ ow well, I'll just have to wait for the grades to see if I've done well or not ^_^
funny how weird people can look at you when you are happily singing along with Shimpainai Oneesan in the bus ^_^' I couldn't help myself hehe
well, yesterday was good for me ^_^ I spend it reading Oh! My Goddess and watching Chobits ^_^ ow, how I adore the episode where Hideki tries to teach Chii his name and Chii spends the day pointing at things saying 'Hideki' ^_^
*points* Hideki ^_^
too cute ^_^
ow yeah, I kinda studied a bit too hehe.. just not too much, don't wanna overload my brain..
ugh, I'm living with too many different languages.. I watch my anime in Japanese with english subtitles(most of the time, there aren't any Dutch subtitles on the disks, although they do have them for Trigun.. which is pretty weird, cause I'm getting used to the English subtitles @_@), I have to talk and read Dutch at home, I write and read English on this site, I read Englis in my manga and I've got a Spanish midterm coming up tomorrow @_@ ow and my music is English and Japanese (I'm listening to anime soundtracks lately hehe ^_^)
I'm sooo hungry.. I had to have breakfast around 7.15 am and I'm not used to that anymore hehe... usually I start thinking about food around 10 am.. ow well, I just hope we'll have lunch soon...
no springbreakness for me yet people!! don't get jealous! it will be in a week though hehe ^_^ I can't wait really.. I'm gonna read some books I still need to read (got a whole stack of those, including the latest Dan Brown, which I've been unable to get further in) and then I'm gonna watch me some anime ^_^ ow and read my manga of course, cause with a bit of luck, the order will come in this week.. maybe I'll reread Ranma 1/2 again hehe that ought to keep me busy, I'm up to volume 25 now and 26 will come in with the order ^_^ and perhaps I'll even be able to get the time to finally watch Gone With The Wind ^_^
ugh.. is it friday yet? *sigh* I just got to hang on for a little while...
I've got nothing to talk about, does it show? ^_~
I'll just give you guys the greeting of the day and then I'll go visit sites ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!
well, this will be a short post seeing that nothing much is happening in my life right now..
yesterday was good ^_^ I studied for a bit and after that my BF came over. we watched tv, lots of anime (Ranma 1/2 and Trigun ^_^) and other than that we didn't really do anything hehe ^_^
ow and I'm really sorry I didn't visit many sites yesterday, but I was kinda busy hehe
hmz.. let's see.. I've got the day off and the rest of the week will be midterms for me *sigh* well, at least I'll only have to be at school from 9.00 till 11.00 am and the rest of the day I'll be free ^_^ gives me lots of time to study for the next day ^_^
and after that I'll have two weeks off so YAY!! well, during those two weeks, I'll have to go to school two mornings but that not too bad ^_^
I'm really loking forward to that, cause it'll be the first real free time I'll have in a long time ^_^ plus, I'll be going to the Amsterdam dungeons with my group of friends ^_^ I'm scared already hehe.. but one of my friends is kinda scared too so we'll be clinging to each other hehe ^_^ (ow.. erhm.. if you don't know what the Amsterdam dungeons are, you can compare them to the London dungeons.. and if you still don't know, I can't help you, cause I've got no idea either hehe ^_^')
I've ben watching way too many different animes lately... I've been watching Ranma 1/2, Fruits Basket, Bleach, Trigun and now I'm going to start with Chobits and Onegai Teacher.. I just hope I can keep them all apart in my brain hehe.. ^_^
ow well, I've got nothing else today.. so here's the greeting of the day:
just thought it was funny ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!
^_^ ever had that really good sunday morning feeling? no church, cause your mom is still not feeling well, a nice beam of sun coming through the curtains, a nice soft fluffy bed with the promise that you don't have to leave it until you want to... ahhh, this is the life people ^_^
well, as you can see, I cheered up hehe ^_^
yesterday was very good ^_^ we went shopping to get my BF new socks.. and one of his friends came with us. (the very same friend that got us both addicted to manga and anime. my BF borrowed some manga from him and I wanted to read it too of course.. and a wonderful new world opened up to me ^_~)
so we had to go to all the stores that sold manga and anime (2..) and we both just couldn't resist.. meaning I just had to buy something for myself and he just had to buy something for me because I made those cute little puppy eyes saying I don't have enough money and really really want some more ^_~
it's just a shame that they never have the first DVD of a series.. but I've decided to download the missing episodes and look for the DVDs later.
I bought:
- Trigun dvd 4
- Chobits dvd 2
- Please Teacher dvd 4
- Oh! My Goddess manga: Leader of the Pack
- School Rumble manga volume 1 (I wanted to try it out, it looked pretty good)
and my BF gave me:
- Trigun DVD 3 and 5 (I wanted six too but it was quite expensive.. until we came out of the store and saw on the receipt that the store owner only charged him for one DVD.. hehe ^_^)
- Oh! My Goddess manga: Miss Keiichi
- Oh! My Goddess manga: Terrible Master Urd
so YAY!! and next week I'll be getting even more manga, cause then the order will come in ^_^
I love getting stuff from my BF.. but now I am also hoping that I get that job.. it's great getting presents, but I want to give him something in return for a change. plus, I do not want to rely on his money for the anime con. plus, I still owe him money hehe...
yup I'm starting to feel guilty so I must get a job ^_^
besides, my stack of money is disappearing faster than I want it to. (what did you expect, when you spend money like that, knowing you don't have a job, ya dope...)
and I pretty much started feeling that it is time for me to get up and do something again. I got sick of just hanging around. I love to work for my money, I really do ^_^ it's just fun to interact with people and it gives me the feeling I'm making a difference.. or at least that I am needed somewhere hehe ^_^ I just really love the feeling that I've actually done something to deserve the money I get ^_^ (don't I sound like the perfect employee to you?)
but I was telling you guys about yesterday.. (yes, I know, I get distracted way too fast)
well, erhm..
I bought a pound of FUDGE!!
usually I wouldn't have done that.. but it just looked so yummy and it was a lot cheaper than usual hehe ^_^ so I got me some ^_^
they had different flavors, but I just went for the vanilla fudge cause it's my favorite ^_^ I'm not going to say that I like fudge better than jellie beans, but man, they're really close together on my like-list ^_~
other than the shopping we didn't do much.. we went back to my BF's house (his friend came too) and they wanted to play Tekken 5, which my BF had just bought.. well.. they couldn't cause the nice people at the store had put in Tekken 4 hehe ^_^ and that, people, is why you should always check if they put the right game/dvd/cd in the box AT the store ^_~
ow well, I guess we're going to have another trip to the stores next saturday ^_^
but they did get to play the demo of Tomb Raider we got at the same store, so YAY!
hmz, let's see.. we ate chinese again ^_^ yummy ^_^ my BF's parents were gone and his friend stayed for dinner, so we had to decide ourselves what we wanted to eat. easy choice for me hehe ^_^
and after that we watched some tv and of course, I fell asleep >_< for some reason whenever I watch tv and lean against my BF, I fall asleep.. ow well..
after a while his friend went home and we watched some more tv without me falling asleep ^_^ and then we remembered that we still had to scan my pictures, so we did that ^_^ (I still have to clean them up a bit and then I'll submit them, but it might take a while cause I just read on the main site that the person handling the submissions is away to Sakura-Con and will not return until monday.. so I think I'll submit my pics later this week ^_^)
ow!! my fish gave birth again ^_^ I now have six or seven more lovely little baby fish. I put them with the other little ones, and then I suddenly realised that the older ones have really grown a lot ^_^ some of them are starting to get those beautiful colored tails that guppys have ^_^
did everyone remember to put the clock an hour forward? yup, it's that time again..
I just thought I'd say it so that none of you will get any nasty surprises, suddenly realising that it's an hour later than you think. (yup, it happened to me a couple of times already hehe ^_^')
my dad just gave me my allowence.. *sigh* where was he yestarday.. ow nope, it's my fault, I totally forgot that it's the last weekend of the month hehe.. ow well, this just means I can pay my BF back a little more ^_^ YAY less guilt!!!
time for the greeting of the day or I'll never stop my rambling.. I actually want to do the one from yesterday again, just because it's so much like me hehe ^_^ it's really something I could say and it would be true if my horns were visible.. (hold on, wasn't I going to put the card up so I would stop rambling..)
hehe ^_^'
I'm outta here