Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hello peoples!!!
ah yes, yesterday we had the first rain of spring.. I loved it ^_^ I just really like the smells that the rain can set loose. it's kinda hard to explain, but I really do love it ^_^ plus, after it rains in spring everything looks so refreshed and ready for anything.. in the winter things just look really sad when it rains.. ow well, all I wanted to say was YAY for rain ^_^
other than that, my yesterday wasn't all that great.. I was told that my parents were going to some relatives and that my brother was going to a party at his university.. so I had my mind set on a nice quiet morning (all the other people in the house work on friday mornings and I don't have school on fridays) and a really nice quiet evening on my own. but when I first came out of my room yesterday, it turned out that my mom was sick.. so I spend the day taking care of her.. *sigh* I don't really mind doing things for her cause she's sick, but I just wish she showed at least some gratitude.. all I get is yelling because I don't react within half a second from her call, yelling because I do things wrong, yelling because I'm not helping enough.. I was doing the best I could, but I couldn't help being a bit rude whenever I gave her something..
ow well, I skipped studying alltogether yesterday. I just really didn't feel like it hhe ^_^ I can't help pushing it back hehe ^_^
instead I spend some time on drawing hehe ^_^ I'll try to get some drawing scanned today and then I'll try to get them in the fanfiction section ^_^
hmz.. I'll be spending today with my BF ^_^ YAY!!! we're going shopping cause he needs new socks.. don't we sound like a nice old married couple ^_~ ow well, I hope we can pick up some anime or manga on the way hehe ^_^
hmz.. maybe I can force him to watch Ranma 1/2 with me for the rest of the time hehe ^_^ although I don't think I really have to force him..
my cat slept in my room last night.. she was acting so stupid.. at night she always acts like she has never been in this house before. so she starts sniffing at everything, crawling into things and tries to open doors.. but of course, she throws lots of things on the floor or she just moves them.. so you keep hearing things.. ow well.. after a while she finally settled down and I could sleep.
but this morning she got a hold of my hamster's candy drops.. I was still half asleep and all of a sudden I heard something fall, but I just thought I was dreaming or something. but then I heard eating noises and I suddenly realised that the cat really likes to eat the hamster candy and that I didn't put them somewhere where she couldn't get them. so she had thrown the box on the floor and was happily eating away.. *sigh* baka neko!
well, I've send an application letter, for that job I was talking about earlier this week, yesterday ^_^ so i hope I'll hear something soon ^_^
ow and the whole me not being able to load sites properly.. yeah that problem just started with theO and later on it was getting hard to load any sites.. but it was because of our modem.. but we reset it and now it's working like a charm again ^_^
hmz.. I think that's about it for today ^_^
so here's the greeting of the day:
I love Hatsuharu ^_^ especially his black side hehe ^_^ (I don't know if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about but that one episode where Hatsuharu and Momiji just got into the same school as Tohru and the rest.. I loved it when 'Haru had to prove to the student president that it was his true hair color ^_^ my first reaction was actually the same as Tohru's hehe ^_^)
ow well.. that's enough useless information from me for today ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
ugh I'm so busy, just thinking of the things I still need to do fills my day.. I'm so busy, I get nothing done hehe, that's my excuse for slacking off ^_^
ow well, it's really not that much.. all I need to do is study for my midterms (yup, I know I just finished the other ones, but every ten weeks or so, I get new ones -_-'), ow and I still need to make a time schedule for studying.. I kinda promised my tutor that I'd start in time and follow a time schedule.. but I can't!! I'm used to starting the weekend or night in advance, before that I'm way too busy with the other stuff the needs to get done..
like that stinking group project.. but hey! that's all done and handed in ^_^ all that needs to be done about that now, is give a presentation and I'm not the sucker who's going to do that muahahaha!! I had to present the group project last time, but that was a project I actually liked, so it was easy to give an enthousiastic presentation ^_^
is anyone else having trouble with getting theO loaded? it takes my laptop like ten minutes, and half the pictures turn into those nice little red crosses.. *sigh* I hope it's not my comp.. but all the other sites load like usual so... I was just wondering if you guys had the same problem..
well, since I'm already asking you guys questions. I'll throw in another one...
What do you guys think of being an organ donor?
ar you in favor or against.. let me give you some context: I got this letter yesterday telling me I have to decide weither I want to be an organ donor or not.. and somehow, it's a really tough decision.. so I just want your view on the matter ^_^
hmz.. yesterday was alright. I had to stay at school pretty long, cause I and a guy from my project group were the ones that had to print the thing out and hand it in, but we had to wait for someone else to make the last part.. and it took her about two hours to get it done.. (all she had to do was translate a summary from dutch to english, how can that take so long?) but after that I could finally go home ^_^ I was only just in time for the bus, and I was lucky I already went to the bookstore that morning. ow yeah, I got instruction books on Shoujo, Techniques and Digital Manga ^_^ now all I've got to do is get the hang of Photoshop hehe ^_^
gosh I'm sleepy.. aw man, I still haven't written that application letter.. hehe, I'd better go and do that first ^_^
I'm looking for a greeting of the day, but man, this is going waaaay too slow...
well, I found two with texts I like, so here ya go ^_^
hello peoples!!!
well, yesterday wasn't that bad.. just another boring wednesday.. nothing happened in school and nothing really happened at home.. my parents are bugging me to get a job again.. but they did find me a good one to apply for.. it's in this garden centre (what do you people call it?! it's where you can buy anything for your garden/animals/plants...but anywho) for the pond department.. meaning I'll have to catch fish for the costumers and stuff.. it sounds like a nice job, so I'll be trying to write a good application letter later today.. thank goodness I was obliged to make a CV for school or I'd have to do that all over again.. I'm actually a bit exited about it, so I guess I'll be trying really hard to get a job again soon... I need the money, or else I'm really going to have to use the money from my savings for the anime con... but if I don't have enough money by then, I guess I will use it hehe.. I don't need a driver's license yet, I can ride the bus for free during the week and my BF can take me anywhere I want in the weekends hehe ^_^
ow about the title.. don't worry ^_^ it's just that that stupid pain in my chest while I breath is acting up again.. I know the doc said that it's completely harmless, but it scares the hell out of me.. last night it got really bad and I could hardly sleep because of it.. but when I woke up this morning it was pretty much gone thank goodness ^_^
*sees something blue on palm of hand* *looks* ow yeah.. I still need to put that in my agenda.. hehe.. I always write things on my hands.. helps me remember ^_^ until it's all washed off that is.. whenever I make an appointment, I write it on my hand instead of in my agenda.. just like phone numbers, e-mail adresses, things like that ^_^
well.. erhm.. I've drawn a new pic and I'm actually kinda proud of it.. it's my very first original character ^_^ but since I don't have a scanner at home, I'll have to wait for the weekend to submit it.. I've actually been working on her for quite a while now, trying things out, practising.. but I think I finally got her like I want it ^_^ she remaines nameless for the time being, but maybe you guys can give me some advice on that when she makes it to the site ^_^
I'm going to buy myself some books on learning how to draw manga.. I really need to improve if I want to keep doing this hehe ^_^ and I saw one about how to use the computer for drawing manga and I think it will be very usefull ^_^ so I'll be spending some money today muahahaha!!!
well, it's time for me to get ready for school... so here's the greeting of the day:
I'm outta here.
hello peoples!!!
hehe yesterday was.. well.. different ^_^ it was quite a weird day actually.. nothing much happened in school, except for the fact that I and some other people got stuck in the elevator... but after about thirty seconds we found out that a friend of mine was pushing the stop-button-thingy with her backpack.. so then we got it to work again ^_^ we were lucky another one of my friends wasn't there, cause she would've gone into an instant panic attack hehe.. some people in my class are scared to death of elevators and yet, they don't take the stairs.. I thought it was pretty funny, and I wouldn't have minded if we had been stuck longer hehe ^_^ I'm weird like that...
my finger hurts.. when I was walking up the stairs yesterday, I got a splinter in it out of nowhere... at first I got half of it out, but then it broke and it took me about twenty minutes to get the other half out.. but I wasn't really careful while removing it hehe, so now it hurts because I pretty much ripped my skin open to get the splinter out hehe ^_^ it feels weird...
*sigh* I'm updating in school.. just had one class and I wanna go back home already.. ow well, I just need to hold on until 1.00pm and I'm free to go until tomorrow ^_^
thank goodness we finished almost all of the group project ^_^ our leader doesn't really know what she's doing, so she just bosses us around and tells us to give her more ideas and be more active.. bleh >_< ow well, we're just finishing up, dotting the i's, crossing the t's, so to speak ^_^ and I don't have much to do anymore so YAY.. although... they make me do a presentation tomorrow T_T and they all know I hate presentations.. ow well, it'll be another ten minutes of my life spend on something I don't really like.. I'll survive ^_^
erhm.. I don't know anything else.. or do I...
I've been watching Ranma 1/2 again ^_^ I just love it so badly ^_^ and today my BF is going to order some more manga for the both of us ^_^
if I remember correctly, he's going to get me: Ranma 1/2 volume 26-28, Fruits Basket volume 6 and 7 and Full Metal Panic volume 1 and 2(correct me if I'm wrong hon ^_~) so YAY more reading material ^_^
ow and for all of you guys wondering: yes, Silvereagle is my boyfriend ^_^
well.. erhm.. I'm going to visit some sites before the next class... ugh.. it's time for a friday...
I just really like the text on this one ^_^ "the only way out is through" ^_~ it's true, very true ^_^
and just because it's fun, another one ^_^
my thoughts exactly...
I'm outta here
hello peoples!
well, yesterday was ok, nothing much happened. I had to finish my part of the group project (making a budget for three years, which is more work than it looks like) but for that I had to call this guy in Belgium (O_O I said Belgium! >_< now I said it again.. for all of you that know the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this should be understandable ^_^) to get some of the costs for some computere software thingy (I don't wanna bore you guys with the details hehe, my BF almost fell asleep this weekend when I tried to explain it ^_^' ) but anywho... he was busy.. so theorethically I couldn't make my homework.. but I did get his e-mail adress so I sent him an e-mail with the questions I had and he replied last night, so I still had to do everything last minute.. well, it was 12.45 am when I was done and I was exhausted.. it did mean that I didn't wake up as many times during the night as I used to ^_^ so YAY for being totally spend ^_^
we had to take my cat to the vet last night too... she's was biting her back all the time and now it has almost no hair on it anymore... but the vet gave her some injections and she should be fine now ^_^ but she didn't really like going to the vet hehe.. there were two little fluffy saint bernhard puppies in the waiting room and one of the decided to take a look inside Quinty's basket.. hehe, he almost lost his nose trying that muahahahaha serves him right for annoying my cat *huggles Quinty*
erhm.. yeah.. I don't like dogs that much... except Shii-chan of course ^_^ he's the best *glomp*
lets see.. I should read some things now... for homework.. but I don't wanna.. I'll read them in the bus hehe, I've got lots of time there ^_^
when I woke up I thought it was saturday.. once I realised that it's only tuesday, my day kinda started being crappy... tuesdays aren't all that bad, but I hate wednesday, cause of my timetable... I have to get up at 6.30 am... and get into the bus at 7.30 am.. and then, at school, I have to wait abot half an hour, but if I take the next bus, I'll be late for class... so yeah.. that sucks... but hey, thank god it's tuesday and not wednesday ^_^ ow wait, on tuesdays I have to be at school until 5.30 pm and on wednesdays until 1.00 pm... hmz... nevermind ^_^
I'm just rambling now >_< sorry, bout that...
well, I guess I'll just have to go with the game that PaganAngel started *gies all credit to PaganAngel*
from the anime you listed in your favorite anime thingy in your profile, you have t list the characters that are your least favorite, most favorite and that you're most like.. if everyone does this in his/her next post, maybe we can get the whole myO community to do it.. wouldn't that be fun? ^_^
so, hereI go:
Ranma 1/2: favorite: Ranma (dah, he's cute ^_^ and funny ^_^) ow and Ukyo, I just like her ^_^
least favorite: Happosai, he annoys me so bad.. stupid old perv! ow and the principal, he's nasty..
most like: erhm.. I guess Akane.. cause I can be a tomboy at times..
Tokyo Mew Mew: favorite: KISH!! just cause he's an evil cute alien wanting to take over the world muahahahaha
least favorite: fat cat, he's icky
most like: hmz.. Ichigo, cause she's a clutz just like me, but very enthousiastic ^_^
Fruits Basket: favorite: Shigure-san, he may be a pervert, but he's a funny pervert ^_^ I lovewhen he plays tricks on people or manipulates them ^_^
least favorite: Yucki-kun!!! hehe otherwise known as Yuki, Yucki-kun is just annoying...
most like: Uo-chan, I may not be in a gang, but I would do anything to protect my friends and ensure their happyness ^_^
Rouruni Kenshin: favorite: Sano ^_^ he's got a huge... sword ^_^'
least favorite: erhm... Misao, she annoys me...
most like: Kaoru, I can't cook either hehe
Inu Yasha: favorite: Miroku.. once again a perv, but he's cute ^_^
least favorite: Naraku, does that need any explaining?
most like: hmz.. Kagome.. I think.. dunno why hehe ^_^
Ah! My goddess: favorite: Urd, just casue she's nice and manipulative ^_^
least favorite: erhm.. those guys from the motorcycle club thingy.. just cause they have annoying accents in the manga
most like: Skuld.. although I'm not that much of a mechanic.. but I can be just as childish as her
Trigun: favorite: Vash, dah
least favorite: erhm... dunno
most like: Vash, I may look cute and fuzzy, but once I get angry there's no telling what I might do muahahahaha
Fullmetal Alchemist: favorite: Ed, cause he's short and funny ^_^
least favorite: erhm.. Ed and Al's mom after she's was transmutated hehe IEW
most like: Rose, I'd do anything to get my true love back if I had lost him...
Full Metal Panic: favorite: Kurz ^_^ why do I keep naming pervs? ow well, he's a cool guy ^_^
least favorite: Gauron, DIE you bastard, DIE!!!!
most like: Chidori *looks around for paper fan*
Tenchi Muyo: favorite: Ryoko, cause she's evil but friendly ^_^
least favorite: Tenchi's granddad.. dunno why..
most like: Mihoshi, cause I can be a huge clutz at times hehe ^_^ but I'm also kinda like Ryoko.. cause I can be evil hehe ^_^
Chobits: favorite: Hideki, just cause he's a nice guy ^_^
least favorite: Sumomo, she's so darn preppy AAARRGGHHH
most like: hmz.. Atashi.. I can be a loner at times...
let's see, that makes how many pervs as my favorites? hehe, ow well, what can I say... I just like pervs hehe, as long as they're young and cute that is ^_~
ah thank goodness I didn't put any more anime in my favorite section ^_^ well, that sure was a good filling for my post hehe ^_^
let's see.. ow yeah homework.. yeah yeah, I'm working on it
I'm outta here ^_~
Hello peoples!!
A new week has begun and I'm finally starting to worry.. I still need to start studying for my midterms next week and we have the group project that needs to be finished this week.. And I stayed at my BF's house all weekend not thinking about any of that ^_^ It felt great though, it's so nice to see how one person can take away all my doubts and worries.
Well, I'll just start with saturday.. It was good ^_^ my BF picked me up in the afternoon and we went to the city. I wanted to buy some Bleach manga for him (I allow him to get it, as long as he lets me have Full Metal Panic.. It's a fight everytime we discover a series we both like hehe) cause I still owe him money.. But they only had volume four and twelve or something.. So we bought nothing. Then we went back home and ate chinese food MJUM!!! And after that we watched some tv (Adventures of the Mini-goddess on DVD wOOt) and then it was time to go to the party. It was pretty fun, although I couldn't help but feeling out of the loop.. The only one I really knew there was my BF.. But he didn't know that many people over there either. Ow well, it's just easier for him to connect with people he doesn't know.. I'm kinda shy when it comes to that hehe (who would've guessed ^_~) Ow well, I enjoy looking at people from a slight distance, see how they interact, see them smile because of what someone said or did.. Guess I'm kind of an observer.. Ow well, later on we were split into two teams and we played a movie-quiz, which consisted of listening to themes and the team that guessed the right movie first got points. And sometimes a bonus question.. I wasn't much help for the themes but I did answer the bonus question about Indiana Jones correctly ^_^ But most of the time I was just a second too late with getting the movie that went with the theme, ow well, most of the movies they had themes for I had never seen hehe... Our team lost with a difference of ten points (for each correct answer you get five points)
It was fun after all ^_^
And when we got back to my BF's house,we went to sleep. At least I tried.. But as you might know, I sleep like hell in any other bed than mine.. So I didn't get much sleep at all T_T
And on sunday we didn't do much.. Watched some tv, more Adventures of the Mini-goddess, and of course, I fell asleep in the middle of the DVD >_< It's like I need a cough and my BF's shoulder to sleep instead of a bed.. *sigh* ow well, I'll have to watch the last few episodes myself hehe.. And later we ate and we watched some Ranma 1/2 ^_^
Ow, and I squeezed some homework in between the having fun ^_^ I had to hack into an unprotected wireless network to do it though hehe.. I can't get into the network at my BF's house with my laptop, but there are enough other connections flying around for me to erhm.. 'borrow' ^_^
Let's see.. We also put some more music on my MP3, now I've got a lot more anime music ^_^ And then it was time for me to go home again..
And I barely slept again.. I don't think I got any more than five hours of sleep every night for the past two weeks.. And it's finally starting to get to me, just at the time I need to be most awake and alert.. I'm so sleepy... But maybe that's just because I just woke up hehe ^_^'
During the little while I did sleep, I had this weird dream.. I went to the AnimeCon with a friend of mine (who hates manga and anime by the way..) and we both forgot our tickets.. But we still got in. And the dealers room was more like a flea-market.. And that was all there was at the Con.. It was so weird, cause my friend really seemed to enjoy herself and I was like: WTH?!
Ow well, that's just useless information hehe ^_^
My throat started hurting yesterday morning and it still hurts >_< I sure hope I'm not getting sick again, cause I can't be sick, I don't have the time to be sick.. Ugh, stupid body.. Can't even take a little bit of stress and exhaustion FEH!
Well, I borrowed Inuyasha volume 8-11 from my BF, so I've got something to read during the bus drives this week ^_^
I actually like driving around, even if we're not going anywhere.. I had so much fun on saturday hehe, we had to pick up a friend of my BF and after that we would go to the house where the party was. But we kinda got lost while trying to find that house hehe ^_^ And it was all dark outside.. I love driving through the night even better than during the day ^_^ It's kind of calming for me I guess.. I like looking into the cars we pass by, getting to see about two seconds worth of some one else's life and then disappearing from it as fast as the car is going ^_^ Yeah, I know, I'm weird ^_^ But I like it that way ^_^
I think that's enough rambling from me for today ^_^'
But first:
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
Ah, yes it's saturday.. But I've still got to do my homework... Hehe, I didn't do anything yesterday...
Well here's what I did do:
I stayed in bed until 4 pm
Put the music from Bleach on my MP3
I watched lots of tv
I read FMA volume three
I downloaded the first ten episodes of Bleach
I watched the first six episodes of Bleach
I played with my cat
I thought: 'hey, I should do some homework'
Played some online games
Stared blankly at the screen
Talked to some friends online
Went to sleep...
Ow and in between, I ate.
So, yeah.. That's my life at the moment. And I should be studying for those stupid midterms.. But I always start the night before.. Talking of midterms, I keep forgetting to tell you guys that I passed my make-up test ^_^ So YAY for me!!
Ugh... I'm really tired.. I've slept way too little this last week. But that's my own fault I guess hehe. Ow well, maybe I can get a little nap at my BF's house.. Aw man, we gotta go to this party tonight... I'm sure it'll be fun but I'm not looking forward to it right now..
well, at least I'll be getting the rest of my Ranma 1/2 present ^_^ I can't wait hehe ^_^
Lately I've been playing Zoo Tycoon again.. (this is all just going to be an attempt to filling this post so it might not make any sense. But then again: do I ever?)
I love taking care of those little animals hehe.. But I hate the scenario's cause I can never beat them *sigh* I always runs short on time and money.. And then the guests start complaining about how they want more food and toilets and benches.. And then I just stop playing and start a new park hehe ^_^
OMG, I'm just browsing through the greetings and the cards from Azumanga Daioh are just too cute... Look at all the little kitties!!!
Talking of kitties.. My mom just got back from doing the grocery shopping and when she opened the door, this cat from a few houses away barges in. But our cat doesn't like him that much hehe.. So my mom was yelling at the other cat to get out of our house and he just ignored her and walked up the stairs hehe ^_^ But then he saw me getting out of bed to see what all the noise was about and he went back downstairs and outside. And my cat? She was just peacefully washing herself on the huge white fluffy pillow on my bed ^_^ She never even noticed hehe.
Well, I hate to disappoint the people who like my long posts.. But I really can't think of anything anymore..
Ow I'm probably not going to update tomorrow, seeing that I will be staying at my BF's tonight and that I won't be home until Sunday. So I might not visit that many sites either this weekend. Very sorry, but sometimes even I need time off hehe ^_~
Well, to make it up to you guys, I'm going to give you some greetings with cute kitties ^_^ Enjoy
Well, I could get lots more, but I'm going to save them for the future ^_^
I just realised that I start a lot of sentences with Well... Hmz...
Whatever ^_^ I'm going to watch some more Bleach before getting some of that homework done.. It's a pretty cool series and the animation looks great ^_^ I usually don't mind but this one is very well done ^_^
I'm outta here
the illusive present story comes to an end (finally)
hello peoples!!!
well, it's finally friday ^_^ I've got the day off, although I got some group project homework that needs to get done... ow well, at least I can spend my day not hanging around with people I don't want to be with... so YAY ^_^
I've downloaded the music from Bleach yesterday.. I've never seen the series, but I've heard a lot about it lately.. and the music sounds pretty cool ^_^
ow well ^_^ yesterday wasn't all that bad, I had a group meeting about the project (I hate doing group projects by the way.. they suck.. I hate having to rely on other people to get things done...) and then I had to go to a consult about the project.. all very boring.. and after that I should have had Portugese... but when I got to the classroom, no-one was there.. and I was late already cause I just came from the other building. our school consists of three buildings, and we have most classes in two of them, but since there is no time between classes, you come in late when you have to go from one building to the other... anyway.. then I remembered something about a change in the classrooms.. which meant I had to go back to the building I just came from. So I went back.. and no one was there either... so called a friend of mine who also takes that class to ask where she was.. turned out she went home sick and didn't know the correct classroom either.. so I went back to the other building to see if there was a note on the door of the classroom, saying where we should be. but there wasn't one and still there were no other people in sight, let alone my teacher -_-'
so then I thought, maybe he is sick or the class is cancelled.. if so, it should be on the school's site. so I found myself a computer and checked on the site, the time table, the announcements, my school e-mail.. but there was no sign that the classroom had been changed or that the teacher was sick.. at that moment I was already over half an hour late.. so I decided to finish an assignment I still had to do, hand that in and go home. hey, I did all I could, there was no way of knowing where the class was being held, so I skipped it. I did the best I could, I have no regrets.. hey, that's what those people from that one part of the pokemon game always say when you beat them... hehe, nostalgia ^_^
other than school, nothing much went on yesterday..
*shivers* it's pretty cold.. but the sky is blue again and the sun is trying her best ^_^ so I guess spring is coming soon ^_^ I love spring, although I like fall better hehe ^_^ summer and winter.. meh, I could care less.. I just love to see the new life in the spring and the colors of fall can not be created in any other way ^_^
(I'm listening to Shimpainai Oneesan now.. it's funny ^_^ I'll see if I can download some episodes later, there seem to be a lot on the site where I got the music ^_^ ow that's: Bleach Portal )
now, I bet you are all wondering about my present..
well, just for the people who haven't followed the whole story: my BF got me a Ranma 1/2 DVD package for my birthday (including the OVA and all seven seasons of the series ^_^) so that means all Ranma 1/2 anime (except for the movies)
but.. we waited for over two months and it still didn't get in.. and when he finally received a package, it only had two boxes in it (in total, the package should have been five boxes).
and now after a whole lot of waiting some more..the other three boxes have come in ^_^ they had to be shipped from the US to over here and apparently, the package was opened at customs for a drugs control.. -_-' and then the stupid people thought:'hey! we can make them pay taxes over this!!' so my BF had to hand over ten more bucks, just to get it.. poor honey *hugs* but to make it even more stupid.. those people haven't been very careful with the cover of one of the boxes.. I hate them!!! I haven't seen the damage, but my BF said that it wasn't too bad.. but still, they have to be careful with other peoples stuff! whether they think there's drugs in it or not! *sigh* but anyway, it means I will get to see the anime from the beginning ^_^ I'll get it tomorrow when I go over to my BF ^_^ so YAY *does happy dance*
well, it looks like I'm back to my old self ^_^ sorry 'bout the long post everyone.. but for sticking with me and reading the whole thing (and even if you didn't read everything, that's okay ^_^) I will give you all two (count 'em TWO) greetings of the day... well I just really liked hem both, so I couldn't choose and they're both Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket (aka Furuba sorry for confusing you all)
hehe, I like the last one best ^_^ sounds like something I could say with exactly the same face hehe ^_^
well, enjoy your friday everyone!!
I'm outta here
well hello peoples ^_^
thank you all for coming to read this probably extremely short post from me.
yesterday was okay, had two classes right after each other and got to go home.. made some homework, watched the last of the taped CSI episodes, watched some Furuba.. and talked to people online and that's it >_<
my life is too boring...
ow I wanted to thank you all for the great comments ^_^ you guys are the best *hugs everyone* there were twentytwo of 'em!! I never got that many before so YAY!! *sprinkles confetti*
yeah, I'm kinda weird but that's cause I'm still half asleep.. I just woke up and I don't have to go to school until 11 am.. (it's now 8.30 am over here (that means 2.30 am on the site-clock)) sooooo....
well, I guess it's about time I start looking for the greeting of the day ^_^
more like post-writer's block.. ow well, have a good day everyone and hang in there, it's almost friday ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
hehe, I thought this title would be very good for my posts... cause it's true!!
well, yesterday wasn't exactly my best day ever... my so called friends make me feel like a piece of sh*t (look at me, keeping my post all clean and stuff *proud*)
let me explain: as you all know, I've got a boyfriend. and I've got some friends in school. these friends in school see that I look at other boys (mind you! I only LOOK, with my EYES, nothing else!) okay, sometimes I talk to other boys, because they are my friends (I repeat: FRIENDS) and then my friends say this: "you are hurting your BF's feelings. you are the worst person we ever met. you play with peoples feelings" AAAHHHHH I don't do that, leave my private life to me!!!! apparently, these 'friends' think they know everything about the relationship between me and my BF and they think that they are entitled to make the rules for it.. but they don't even know my BF.. we've been together for 33 months now, and I've known him even longer and I would never even think about cheating on him! we talked about it and we both don't mind if the other one looks at someone else. we both know we would never go further than that..
but it's a rather confusing situation for me, because my friend-people all act like they've seen me do something I can't remember.. and they don't want to talk about it any further.. all they say is that I'm a bad person and that they don't want to hear any more about it...
well anyway.. I walked home from the bus with a friend of mine (yes, it's a boy) and he just said that they're probably just jealous: one, because I can easily talk with boys, two, because I have a boyfriend and three, because they don't have one ^_^
later I talked with another good friend online(not sure if he minds if I put his name on here, but you know who you are *glomp* ^_^), had a good cry and talk and he made me feel a lot better too ^_^ plus, all the posts from you people make me laugh a lot, so you all helped *glomps everyone* thank you so much ^_^
well.. erhm.. that's enough ranting about that ^_^ let's see... I watched some CSI while I ate dinner yesterday.. and later I watched another episode ^_^ yup, CSI is the best hehe ^_^ next to anime that is ^_~ other than that, nothing much happened yesterday...
I should've been at school by now.. but I'm not because my tourism class got cancelled ^_^ which means I can take the bus two hours later than usual ^_^ and today, I only have two classes and then it's back home again ^_^ YAY not much time with the annoying people!! wOOt!! ahem.. yeah..
one of my fish died T_T I hate it when they do that.. I just don't get why.. maybe they're just old... yeah, I guess that's it
erhm let's see.. what else ^_^
ow, I don't think my parents really mind about me talking to people online (I could tell you this little fairy tale about a little girl that met the love of here life online, but I don't think you guys want to hear it hehe..) they know I can defend myself and I'd never give out my name and address to people I couldn't trust. and then again, there are lots of people you can meet in real life that turn out to be evil. or you can walk out of your house and get run over by a car. or you could fall down the stairs, land really bad and die.. if you're going to think about everything that could be dangerous, you'd never get around to doing anything... but that's not really the issue here... I think they just say things like that, because they think I don't get enough sleep, but I always make sure I sleep earlier if I have to get up early ^_^ well, I guess it's just the mystery of being a parent that makes them act like this ^_^
I want spring to come.. I'm getting sick of the wintery stuff, but they said on the weather report that spring will be arriving about a month later than it did in other years.. so.. Bleh!
ow I've been in kind of a Furuba-fase lately (I hope I don't confuse people by saying Furuba instead of Fruits Basket... it is the same but I hate typing out the complete title ^_^) and I'm very proud to say that I bought volume 4 and 5 myself ^_^ yes with my own money ^_^ but I've read those already.. now all I have to do is watch the last two dvd's and then I'll get back to watching Ranma 1/2 ^_^
well, I think I have been annoying you all for long enough now ^_^ YAY I'm really back now, cause this post is ridiculously long hehe ^_^
greeting of the day:
muahahaha I guess you all know why I put this one up ^_^ if not, read the first part of my post again ^_~
I'm outta here