Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hello peoples!!
I thought it would be great to get back home and live my own provate life again.. but now I also see the benefits of hanging around on my own and with friends, without my parents yelling at me what to do... once again, my father is complaining about me talking to people online at night.. I still don't get it, sure they want the best for me, but I'm not keeping anyone awake but myself.. and the next day I feel fine, sometimes even better than the day before, because you people can really cheer me up ^_^
well, yesterday was okay ^_^ I only had one college and after that I could go back home again. I read some Furuba (I'm at volume 5 right now) and I've watched some CSI ^_^ Warrick got married O_o!! (they're airing the fifth seson over here, I don't know how far you guys are in the US)
then I ate, watched some Furuba and then I watched some more CSI ^_^ and of course, I talked to some friends YAY!!!
I really missed you guys.. weird huh?
ow well, today is going to be a long day.. I've got school from 10.00 am until 5.30 pm.. with about four hours of doing nothing inbetween... it's such a drag, if only I had something to do... ow well, I'll just have to pull myself through it I guess ^_^
let's see... my posts are unusually short lately.. but I really don't have anything to say..
except that my mom just went on for about 15 minutes about how she lost a sock of mine in the washing machine... and I was like:
it's way too early for stuff like that.. and I really didn't care..
but now I've got to hurry, cause I've got 15 minutes to get dressed and eat and run to the bus...
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
yup, back to the normal, real life of getting bored to death in school... I really don't want to go... but I guess I'll have to.. ow well, today's a pretty short day for me ^_^
yesterday was good ^_^ I went to my BF's house and we watched Furuba ^_^ and of course, I fell asleep during the third episode and we had to watch half of the first DVD for a second time hehe ^_^' but it's really stupid, cause the first DVD doesn't play on my DVD player, but it does perfectly on the one from my BF.. and the other disks do work on mine... AAHHH!!! it's driving me crazy.. guess I'll have to get a new DVD player.. but I don't have money..
hmz.. it seems I'm going to look for a job again soon, because I am once again starting to see the benefits of having money hehe ^_^
let's see.. other than watching Furuba we didn't do much.. he downloaded some songs for me and we put those on my MP3 ^_^ now I've got the themes from Furuba and FMP!! and from all the CSI's ^_^ I'm so happy *glomps boyfriend*
erhm.. nothing else to report really.. I've been reading Furuba and I think that's just what I'll do until I get to school.
greeting of the day:
I got a headache...
I'm outta here
hello peoples
well, I can sure tell I'm back home again..
after being critisized by my so called friends all week, I got yelled at by my parents already.. ow well, that's life hehe ^_^ I'll survive cause I know I just have to ignore it all..
(at this point they're making threats about taking away my laptop, but I know they won't.. I'll still have to keep a low profile though, just to be sure hehe)
well, yesterday was great ^_^ I saw my BF again after missing him pretty badly last week (which is weird, cause I'm used to not seeing him all week, but then again, usually we are able to call or talk online..)
we went shopping YAY! I had to go and look for shoes.. but I didn't hehe, I really don't want new shoes I guess.. I'll just wait until my shoes literally fall apart into dust on my feet and then I'll start thinking about getting new ones ^_~
I did buy Furuba volume 4 and 5 though ^_^ once again, my BF was the one who pointed them out to me, or else I'd never have seen them O_o!! and I got FullMetal Alchemist volume 3 from him ^_^ so I've got plenty of new manga to read hehe ^_^
I wanted to watch Furuba last night, but the first DVD won't play in my DVD player O_O it does start up, but then it just jammes.. but in the DVD player of my BF it does work.. it's so weird.. but it means I can't watch it at home T_T
well, I'll just have to force him to watch it with me today hehe ^_^ I'm going over there in a few hours ^_^ but I don't think he'll mind hehe
well, later last night he went home again and I had to go to a birthday of an old friend.. it wasn't much fun and I was still pretty tired from last week, so at least I had a good excuse for leaving early hehe ^_^ and when I got home I read some Furuba (I started at the first volume again) and then I went to sleep.
I just got back from church.. man, it has been a long time since I've been there... next week I won't be able to go, because I will stay at my BF's after a party.. and I didn't want for my mom to start complaining on how I never go anymore.. but it was okay, I feel pretty tired though, why does it have to be so early.. ow well ^_^
let's see, I still got some homework for tomorrow (not feeling like doing anything though...)so I guess I'll see what I can get done before I go to my BF's ^_^ ow and I will get to sites too ^_^ good huh?
greeting of the day(ugh, I still have to look for it.. give me an hour ^_~):
I'm outta here
ow! I almost forgot to tell you guys about the girl that got caught on fire on my trip.. one of my friends has a coat with a little fur thingy on it.. and in the restaurant on thursday, we were all talking in front of the bar before we were leaving... and we were all like: "is something burning in the kitchen? it sure smells bad.." and all of a sudden another friend of mine starts hitting the other girl with her gloves.. turned out that the little fur thingy got too close to a candle and caught on fire hehe ^_^... when it was put out we were all laughing like crazy.. it was soooo funny ^_^ but we were really all just very relieved that the fire didn't get to her hair or something ^_^
ow and I'm really sorry if I don't react to pm's very soon.. my inbox is driving me crazy, I keep receiving pm's a week late or I get messages that I've already deleted again, or I get double messages.. I don't know what's going on and I don't think my pm's are really getting through.. so now you know why.. really sorry, but it's not my fault...
now I'm really outta here ^_^
hello peoples!!!!
you I'm back home again!! did you all miss me? I sure missed you guys although I got in touch with some of you thanks to the free internet ^_^
just a quick post to tell everyone who wants to know the details to my trip: read the post below.
for all of you who hate really long posts: my trip was fun. I missed my privacy and my realy friends, but the city was lovely ^_^
today, I'll see my BF again and I've got a birthday party to attend.. man I'm going to be even more exhausted... I slept way too little (maybe in total between 15 and 20 hours in four days.. not fun!)
well, I think I'll drag my BF to the city today.. I feel like buying cd's for some reason.. let's just hope I've got enough money...
I read my Gravitation novel on the trip and I totally loved it ^_^
well, I'll just give you guys the greeting of the day now ^_^
yup that's me ^_^ I got to all sites that updated after I left already wOOt!! I'm so proud hehe.
well, I'm otta here
Road trip: the thoughts of an insomniac on a sugar high.
Day one:
Ah, the first day, filled with excitement, nerves and candy. I woke up at around 4.30 am, got into the car around 5.30 am and the bus left around 6.20 am.
At first I loved it. I really like travelling. It’s spreading my wings and seeing another part of the world. I love leaving when it’s still dark outside and watching the landscape slowly light up. The sun breaking through the night, painting bright red streaks across the greyish blue sky.
It was snowing like hell. (That’s probably not possible, seeing that it’s pretty warm in hell but still..) Sure, it looked pretty for a while, the pure white fields, only interrupted by a farm every now and then. Not to mention the bright yellow and red McDonalds billboards… (Every five minutes..)
There were lots of wild rabbits and deer out, which is a rare sight for me, seeing that I live in the most urban part of the Netherlands. And then, as if they appeared out of nowhere, the mountains… Just across the border to Germany, they were there. It’s funny, there’s a saying that says that God created the world, but that the Dutch created the Netherlands. I’d almost believe it when I see how flat my country is and how many mountains and hills can be found just across the border. I love mountains, they look so beautiful. But I love the sea and beach more hehe.
After a few hours in the bus, I started hating the snow. Those perfect white fields with nothing disturbing them. I wanted the bus to stop, to let me out so that I could runs through that perfect picture, trample the snow, kick it, destroy the serenity. I couldn’t take the complete perfectness. The way the snow covered up the dirt like there was nothing other than perfect white. I wanted to uncover the ground beneath, to show that it was still there and that some white, frozen water could not make it go away.
I guess I hate the snow for making the world look better than it is. But this is completely beside the point.
Twelve hours in a bus, surrounded by sleeping classmates gave me the chance to think of things I didn’t really want to think about… After a few minutes it was enough for me, no more gloomy thoughts on this trip! I promise. Or at least, I promise I’ll try.
They showed Scare Movie 3 in the bus. One word: lame.
We had a grumpy bus driver, so that wasn’t much fun either, but yeah.
Then the ferry. Ow, I love going on boats hehe. I love the water, the soft rocking.
Then another long bus drive and there it was: Copenhagen.
It really kind of looks like a big city in the Netherlands, until you try and read the billboards.
I was exhausted. I can’t sleep while driving, so I had been up for over 14 hours, with only about three hours sleep before I left. I hardly slept in the hostel either, cause I need time to adjust and get used to a strange bed.
The hostel wasn’t that bad, I heard some bad things about it, but I thought it was alright. At least everything was very clean and the showers gave enough water ^_^. I had to share a room with 13 other girls and one guy… (Long story, to sum it up, he is the only guy in our class and he didn’t want to sleep with the guys he didn’t know, so we kindly took him in)
There was a nice lounge and the beer was cheap, which is great because alcohol is really expensive in Denmark.
We walked through the city for a while, got almost frozen to death and ended up eating in a McDonalds… I lived of off fast food for a week…
Day two:
Yup, not much sleep as was expected. The beds are alright, but the pillow is just too small… Ow well, I just looked forward to sleeping in my own bed again.
We had to work on a project assignment and we got done with that in a few hours. After that, we explored the city for a bit. The weather was wonderful. It was freezing cold, but with a bright blue sky and a nice warm sun. We shopped for a bit (I bought some t-shirts and some souvenirs) and then we went to the ‘Ripley’s: believe it or not’ museum. I loved it! I like to see those crazy inventions of men and freaks of nature. I especially liked the section with weird animals. (A fish with fur, a cow with two head, a goat with eight legs) I don’t care if it’s all a hoax and the creatures are sown together, it was great fun to see. After that, we went back to the hostel, freshened up and relaxed for a bit. Then we went back to the city to get something to eat.
While we were walking through the streets, some people decided they wanted to get some souvenirs. The store was still open and they went inside. Some others and I waited outside for them, talking about absolutely nothing but nonsense. And all of a sudden this guy walks up to us and starts talking in Dutch. It’s really weird to hear someone you don’t know talk your language in a strange country. He said his name was Giel, that he was there on a business trip and that he wanted to know what we were going to do. When we said that we ere going to get something to eat, he asked if he could join. Sure, the more, the merrier, so he went with us to this nice restaurant. The food was too yummy. (I had a grilled steak and a baked potato myum!!!)
After dinner, which took the whole group about two and a half hours, some of the people decided to go back to the hostel, but the others, including me, wanted to have some fun. (We’re young, we’re free and in a foreign city, we want some of the nightlife!)
We went to this nice English pub with great music and Giel went with us. He turned out to be a pretty cool guy, 23 years old.
I hate to admit I had a bit too much beer that night. I like drinking but the beers have the size of about two and a half Dutch beers.. (I had four, so you do the math) Ow well, we had fun and got back to the hostel around 3 am.
Day 3:
After just four hours of sleep I woke up with all the symptoms of a hangover. Great… We had to do a walk through the city around 10 am, so I had to sober up. A nice shower and breakfast did the trick and we were on our way.
It turned out to be more of a run through the city, but we did get to see lots of the sights. We went into this lovely church (I love visiting churches in other countries), the royal palace and of course, the little mermaid of Copenhagen. (It’s a statue)
After all that running, we had lunch and then we were free to do what we wanted. Some people wanted to visit more sights, but I decided to go back to the hostel. I was exhausted when I went on my way, but the nice walk all alone in the sun with my mp3 shouting in my ear through a beautiful city really refreshed me.
There had been a little uproar at breakfast, because apparently, an intruder got into the hostel the last night. Some people say they had seen him in our room, but he didn’t hurt anyone, or take any stuff and I didn’t notice a thing. People tend to blow things out of proportion I guess.
We got something to eat later on and stayed in the hostel, playing some pool and card games.
Day 4:
Once again, little sleep. A girl was taken to the hospital at night, because she really went overboard on the alcohol. You got to know your boundaries, very important!
We had the morning off, so I did some packing already and just relaxed.
And in the afternoon, we went to a brewery house. It was fun to see how beer was made, but it was even more fun when we got the coupons that allowed us to get two free beers hehe ^_^. So we tasted some and it was great. They have really good beer in Denmark, and I must say, I’m not quickly pleased when it comes to alcohol.
That evening we went to a restaurant with the whole group, where we had a vegetarian cold buffet. (I hated it, my dinner has to consist of warm food with meat somewhere on the table)
And after that, we went with a smaller group to a karaoke bar. We had so much fun… hehe, singing Lady Marmelade with a few beers and lots of friends is great ^_^.
I went back to the hostel with another girl around 11 pm, because I knew I had to get some sleep. Like I said, I can’t sleep on busses and if I didn’t sleep at all, I’d be completely broken.
But of course, the others in the room didn’t wan to sleep and one against 14 is pretty weak… that as when I started hating the trip. I’m pretty fond of living my own life, without have to keep others into the account. I had gone with the group the whole week and I just wanted to get it my way once…
Day 5:
Ow well, I eventually got about two hours of sleep. And at 4.30 am I woke up again. We had to get ready to leave, so I packed the last of my things, got freshened up and got some breakfast. After that, we left for the bus again, and we went back home.
The drive home was pretty calm. Most of the bus was asleep and I sat next to a guy that couldn’t sleep either. So we made fun of the sleeping people hehe.
And when we got back to the place the bus had picked us up on the way to Denmark, my dad was still somewhere in a traffic jam. So I had to wait. Thank goodness he said I should wait in a hotel a few roads down, where my best friend (who had pretty much ignored me the whole week) and her boyfriend dropped me off.
So I just sat there in the lounge, had a quick conversation with this really nice French guy and then my dad was there to pick me up.
So now I’m home again, had a great rest in my own bed and I’m typing this post for everyone who wants to know the details of my trip.
Overall, it was a great experience, but I would much rather go back on my own or with just my boyfriend to look at things without a whole group of people who want to do something else.
hehe, hello people, just a quick post from me.
this week is going pretty good so far, but I will make a really long post when I get back, describing every single day into detail.. well, not all details hehe...
ow well, I am sooo tired right now.. and this keyboard is all messed up, too annoying.. I can not find any of the thingies... yeah I do not know the name for it, but it are thingies that enable me to make abbreviations.. even though I hate them hehe...
well, I will just say that I miss you all pretty bad and that I did visit some sites.. hehe, but I will get to all of them when I get back, I promise..
*glomps everyone*
I will see you all later
I'm outta here...
hey, so there they are.. ow well, I typed the whole thing now already ^_^
hello peoples!!!
yup, in about erhm.. *looks at clock* 17 hours I'll be on my way to Denmark!!!!
I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm also quite nervous.. seeing that I'll be spending the week with people I've only know since september.. and we will hear who we have to share a room with on the bus.. ow well, I'm sure we'll have fun ^_^
I'm probably going to miss you all like crazy hehe... and don't be mad cause I won't visit anyone the whole week.. the hostel appears to have an internet connection, but hey! it's a place I've never been to, I'm not going to spend my free time behind a computer!!
I'll be back on friday night (which is probably morning/afternoon for you guys) and I'll post about it as soon as I can ^_^
yesterday was a good day ^_^ no stand-up comedy, but that was ok, we watched scooby-doo the movie (the first one hehe ^_^)
and of course, we went shopping!!! I was looking for shoes.. I actually fitted on one pair.. and I bought none.. I really don't want to replace my trusty skechers...
and I didn't buy any clothes either...
here's what I did buy (or rather: got from my BF ^_^)
-Fruits Basket DVD volume three (yup, now I can finally watch the whole series ^_^)
-the Aniway (as I said yesterday, a dutch magazine about manga, anime and games)
-the Shojo Beat (I figured I needed something to read on the bus and I'm going to try that one out ^_^ my BF bought a Shonen Jump a while ago and it was pretty fun to read parts of manga I don't know yet)
-The adventures of mini-goddess (the Urd files) DVD
-another DVD my favorite stand-up comedy duo
-and last but certainly not least *drumroll*....
Gravitation The Novel *does happy dance*
actually my BF pointed that out, or else I would never have seen it!! *hugs BF* where would I be without him? *looks at bookcase* well, my manga and anime collection would be a lot smaller...
I actually only paid for the Furuba and the Aniway myself... shame on me...
my secret stash of money is now rapidly disappearing.. I'm really going to need to get a job or I'm, well, screwed.. it's really hard not to use my savings money.. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's for my driver's license.. but if I still don't have a job before the Anime Con, I'm going to have to take a part from it...
well, I'll be visiting sites today, I'm very sorry I didn't go to many yesterday.. I visited some that had updated in the morning and then I went to my BF's house, so I didn't have that much time.. and when I got home (around 1 am) I was totally exhausted so I went straight to bed..
let's see.. I have to pack!! what to take with me, what to take with me... *puts together a huge pile of manga* hmz.. I'm afraid I can't take that with me... I'm going to miss my manga and anime T_T I wanna watch Ranma 1/2 on my trip!! and Furuba!! well, I guess I'll take the Aniway, Shojo Beat and Gravitation with me for the bus drive... I guess I can take Deception Point too.. not sure if I'll read that, but it's mostly to annoy my mom, who was planning on reading it while I was gone muahahahaha!!!
well I'm gonna pack, here's a very apropriate greeting of the day:
ow and feel free to send me pms while I'm gone I'll answer them all when I get back and it makes me feel very loved ^_~
I'll see you all friday
have a great week everyone!!!
I'm outta here
NOOO!!! why did they take stand-up comedy night from me!!!!???
hello peoples!!!
this will be a quick update, cause nothing much happened...
the snow is starting to melt, thank goodness, but of course when my mom and I were walking back from grocery shopping, we ran into some people we know.. and they like the snow... and they like throwing the snow at people that are walking away from them.. and nothing ruins my mood like snowballs just missing me from behind.. well, it's a good thing they don't have good aim or I'd be steaming by now...
ow well, I did see that there's a new issue of the Aniway (the one and only dutch magazine about anime, manga and games ^_^) so I'll have to get that later (I didn't have any money with me) ^_^ but YAY, this means I'll have something to read in the bus on monday ^_^
and I don't care that people will be looking like: tsk, look at her with her crazy manga... FEH! screw 'em, it's my life ^_^
let's see, yesterday, nothing much happened, I got out of bed, watched some Ranma 1/2, decided I was going to make some homework, turned on the tv and fell asleep... and all of a sudden the day was over hehe... ow well, it's only searching the net for some info, it can be done later... stupid thing is, it has to be done on sunday hehe ^_^'
and in the evening I did what I always do, talk to people from theO and watch tv ^_^ ow and more Ranma 1/2
other great news: the third DVD of Furuba finally came in so I'll be picking that one up this afternoon ^_^ finally I'll have the anime complete hehe ^_^
and since we're going shopping anyway, I'll be looking for some new shoes and maybe a nice outfit to take to Kopenhagen hehe ^_^
other than all this, nothing much is going on..
no really, cause I can't think of anything else..
ow yes the subject.. hehe, yeah there's no more stand-up comedy on tv on saturdays... why do they always do that once I get used to it.. it wouldn't be too bad if they'd replace it with anime but nooo, they need crappy shows.. ow well, maybe we'll find a good DVD today, so we can watch that hehe ^_^ and with we, I mean my BF and me of course ^_^
ah, I hope the tape recorder works next week or I'll kill my parents when I get back.. they're airing new episodes of all three CSI series, so that has to be taped!!! I just wonder when I'll watch it hehe... I'll just have to make time ^_^
hehe I'm looking for the greeting of the day.. and I found great ones for tomorrow and when I get back... now I just need one for today ^_^
ah, there it is:
people like Miroku and Shii-chan are always welcome to join my world hehe ^_^ what can I say.. pervs are cute ^_~
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
Oof.. I think I haven't slept this much since.. Well.. The last time I was sick.. I wanted to watch Mad Jack the Pirate yesterday (don't know if you guys know it, but it's pretty funny ^_^) but I slept right through it.. Ow well..
I'm feeling a lot better today, thank goodness, cause I've still got a pretty nice pile of homework...
Hmz, monday is the big day ^_^ I have to leave home at around 5.00 AM!!! Maybe it's best if I don't go to sleep at all on sunday hehe.. Nah, that would break me, cause I can't sleep in busses...
Let's see, yesterday was allright.. Like I said, I slept a lot and I've watched lots of Ranma 1/2.. That show makes me so happy ^_^
And I must say that I don't like Ryoga much in the manga, but in the anime he's almost as cute as Ranma ^_^ Of course, no one beats my Ranma when it comes to cuteness hehe *glomps Ranma*
And in the evening I watched a new episode of CSI:New York ^_^ yeah, I'm addicted to CSI hehe.. So my parents are going to have to tape it next week hehe
And after that I talked to some friends from theO as usual ^_^ That was fun hehe ^_~
It snowed pretty bad yesterday and last night, and now there's a pretty big layer build up on the road.. And my mom keeps trying to convince me that it's a beautiful thing, but I just can't help hating it... And don't try to make it better by throwing snowballs in my face, cause that's exactly one of the reasons I hate it.. (you can consider yourself warned Grifter99!!!)
It's all fun and games until some one gets hurt... muahahahaha
Erhm.. Yeah, today I'm going to get out of bed.. I need to find out what things I want to take with me to Denmark.. Well, I know one thing: my Hamtaro plushie!! That's definetely going with me!!! Hehe ^_^
Well, that's it from me..
I kinda picked the greeting of the day because I really like the picture.. It's Ranma ^_^ *glomps*
I'm outta here
PS: AAAHHH I just took the otaku-level quiz again (it's somewhere all the way down here, so if you scroll down you can see what I got the last time..) And it said my level is.. ZERO O_O" All of a sudden I don't know what anime is anymore... AAAHHHH!!!! That can't be right!!!
-_-' well, at least now I know that quizes aren't always correct hehe ^_^
And I'm gonna...
Hello peoples!!!
Erhm.. Yeah, I got really sick... I hardly slept all night and now I feel like crap.. But it does mean that my mom lets me stay home without a long speech ^_^
Good thing I got those Ranma 1/2 DVDs or I'd be bored out of my brain *sneezes*
Speaking of Ranma, I'd love to be in one particular episode right now.. Hehe.. It's called: 'Sneeze me, Squeeze me, Please me! Shampoo's Recipe for Disaster'
My BF is probably shaking his head laughing right now, cause he knows exactly what episode I'm talking about..
Basically the story is: Shampoo makes magic pork buns.. When Ranma eats them, Shampoo orders him to Hug and a cat Sneezes.. To make a long story short, everytime someone sneezes, Ranma's body can't help but hug them.. ^_^
*sneezes* Yeah I hope you all get the idea muahahaha ^_^ Hehe, he'd be glomping me every five seconds *dreams off into own goofy world*
Well, nothing much to tell you guys...Nothing really happened yesterday because I slept the whole afternoon.. It was a bit weird when the power went out.. It made me realise how much we use it hehe... There was no more internet(we have wireless thingy, so the modem needs electricity), no more tv, no more phone, even my cell phone lost its signal... Ow well, it's back now YAY!!!
Ugh.. My nose hurts... And my eyes.. And my neck.. Well, to avoid making this the longest post ever: Everything hurts...
Maybe I should get some more sleep...
Ow, no! Can't do that yet, first things first!!!
Greeting of the day:
I'm really glad you all enjoy my idea ^_^
Well, now I can get some sleep ^_^
I'm outta here