Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hello peoples ^_^
Yeah, I guess I did get sick hehe...
Yesterday as ok, went to school, skipped Spanish and got home nice and early. Hehe, we don't do much in Spanish class anyway and I really got sick of those people bringing me down all the time...
Of course, my mom believes that the class was cancelled...
I took a nice relaxed afternoon off and in the evening I talked to some friends from theO online ^_^
But this morning I did something rather stupid...
'What's that?' you ask..
Well, I told my mom I was going to go to school for one class and come right home after that.. And of course, this was a great reason for my mom to start preaching about staying on the internet for too long, and that I should've gone to sleep earlier and that I wouldn't feel like this if I had.. -_-'
It's no use, my parents are going to keep using this as an excuse for everything, making it look like everything is my own damn fault..
Well, screw it! I needed to talk to some friendly people for a change and if that's only possible late at night, so be it!
Well, this morning it snowed, and as you all know by now, I hate snow more than the black plague.. We had to go to school in a touring car, and apparently, they don't steer that well when the road is snowy... So I was kind of scared to death in the corners hehe...
Plus, it was really busy on the road, so the bus driver had to hit the breaks about every three feet.. When you have a half-flue and your neck feels like it will snap any second, this isn't fun.. Like obligatory head-banging...
Let's see.. In school we got all the information about our trip to Kopenhagen ^_^ I'm really looking forward to it, and they even have internet at the hostel, so I might be able to do a quick update.. Visiting sites will have to wait until I return though...
Since I had to wait for the bus on the way back, I decided to go and check out the anime section at a store nearby the bus stop. I saw the same Kenshin DVD I tried to buy for my BF a while ago (they only had the box and not the disk at that time.. This was the same store by the way..) so I decided I'd buy it for him this time, assuming that they would have the disk, seeing that the box was back on the shelf...
Apparently that makes sense to me, but not to the store.. At the register I was told for the second time that they didn't have the disk in store... So this means someone just put the box back on the shelf.. How stupid can you be.. Unfortunately, I wasn't helped by the same person, but this time I was promised that they'd really send it back and not put it back on a shelf... *sigh* I can only hope they do...
Well, things haven't been too good for me lately..
I just hope some sleep will at least take care of this flue thingy ^_^
Ow, almost forgot the greeting of the day (of course I didn't, but I've got no introduction for it today..)
I'm outta here
PS: while typing this post, the power went out...
AAAHHH!!! This world is against me!!! ^_~
Hello peoples ^_^
Well, I guess that the title is rather confusing...
I'm still not getting sick (meaning my coughing had gone from bad to worse and my voice is slowly disappearing) So I'm going to school today ^_^
I really have to because we got about ten thousand group assignments, plus the project and I really can't let all those people down... Even if I was getting sick, which I'm not!
The coughing, sneezing and all the other crappy feelings I can live with, but there's one thing that has been driving me crazy since sunday...
When I get a cold like this, my ears start itching on the inside (!).. And it's killing me!!! It really is the second most annoying feeling in the world for me.. 'What's the first then?' you ask. Well, do you know that tingling feeling in the tip of your nose, when you just come from a wintery outside into a nice warm home and your face starts to defrost?
That's it! I really hate that!!!
Ow well, yesterday was ok, went to school, got bored to death, got put down by my friends casue they of course were all but bored and I was annoying them(for some reason they feel like they need to make me feel really bad about myself when I'm bored.. Or they just like it when I feel bad about myself...), got home again, got bored out of my brains at home too, watched some Ranma 1/2 and talked to some friendsfrom theO (=No more boredom, I don't know where I'd be without you guys..*hugs*). And then I went to sleep way too late and got woken up today at 7.30 am...
I can't even remember the last time I actually got eight hours of sleep..
But if I did get it now, I'd probably get exhausted from too much sleep, my body got used to four to five hours a night...
So that was my day...
I feel very loved by the way ^_^ 16 comments ^_^ the only time I had that many was when it was my birthday ^_^ Thank you all *hugs everyone*
Greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
hehe... yeah I'm really not getting sick!!
well, my throat hurts and I've been coughing but I really can't be sick.. I'm too busy to be sick... plus, if I'm sick next week I've got a huge problem...(meaning I can't go to Kopenhagen...) so, I'm not getting sick...
you must all think I'm crazy but keep repeating that you're not going to get sick is a perfect remedy.. that, and going to school with a high fever.. just ignore the sickness and you'll be healthy the rest of your life muahahaha
and yes printers are very very evil...
I always have things I have to print right at the last minute.. and just at those moments, the printer decides to give up on me...
last night, I suddenly remembered I had to print some stuff for school today.. and it's a good thing I actually did it last night, or else I'd be in trouble now.. cause the paper was all gone and I couldn't find any more..(thank goodness my dad was at home and knew where it was,but if I was going to print it now, I'd be searching forever...)and then it decided to only print half of the pages... it was just trying to drive me crazy I tell you...
but I'm acting kinda hyper right now... let me explain: I have to be at the bus stop at 10.40 am.. I first woke up around 7.45 am and thought I had lots of time.. and then I suddenly woke up at 9.45 am and had to hurry... I hate hurrying.. it always makes me forget lots of stuff...
and now I'm getting calm again, cause I still got half an hour and that's more than I need hehe...
MUAHAHAHAHA I see I made a lot of people jealous yesterday hehe.. ^_^ I just hope the rest of the present comes in soon..
well, yesterday was a good day, did some homework and after that my BF came and we watched some Ranma 1/2 ^_^ hehe.
and that's about all we did, plus watching the Mythbusters(once again: I love that show ^_^)
ugh, monday is back and so is school.. I just hope this week flies by.. and I hope we'll get some info about the trip.. o_O cause we still didn't get any...
I'm kinda mad at myself for falling asleep again...cause I was planning to watch some more Ranma before school.. ow well, guess that'll have to wait until tonight..
*coughs* aw man, I feel crappy..
erhm.. I'm sure I wanna annoy you guys with more useless info, but I don't know any anymore... AAAHHH!!!
well, I'll go look for the greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
Ah, yes some things in life are just plain evil hehe ^_^
Please allow me to explain...
My birthday present, the one I got from my boyfriend.. We thought it finally came in after waiting about two months for it to get delivered..
But when I got to his home yesterday, I started to wonder if it really was the whole package... There were two DVD boxes delivered.. But it had to be FIVE... So we're still missing three hehe ^_^
But the good news is that now I do know what the whole package was hehe ^_^
It is: four boxes containing season one trough seven, dubbed and subbed and one box containing an OVA ^_^ It's all Ranma 1/2 anime muahahaha!!!
In total, it's 22 (!) DVD's meaning 4200 minutes of pure fun ^_^ (Which is 70 hours!! And that means about 210 episodes of 20 minutes ^_^ I'm going to be sooooo busy hehe)
Too bad the boxes that came in were part two and three, so I don't have the beginning of the series, but I've got up to volume 25 of the manga(volume 34 will come out this year), so it's not like I don't know the story hehe ^_^
So YAY!!!!
Well, that's enough bragging about my wonderful birthday present from my wonderful boyfriend(who also happens to be my secret stash of money when it comes to anime and manga ^_~ so no Magnus, you can't have him!!!)
Well, yesterday was a good day ^_^ We did absolutely nothing except watch tv and browse the internet for a bit ^_^ It may sound weird but I really love those days ^_^ We watched this really hyperactive comedian ^_^ He's funny...
Ow and I need to go shopping soon...
"Why?" you ask? Well, because I'm desparate for replacements for my shoes.. I've been walking around on the same Skechers for about four years now and they're starting to fall apart O_O" (NOOOOOOOOO!!!) I love those shoes... They fit so well and never hurt my feet.. Until last week, so I guess they're starting to be too small too... T_T And of course, there are no stores anywhere near me that sell those shoes.. Ow well, I'll just have to look for new ones I guess ^_^
I think that it's enough ranting from me for today ^_^ So let's get on to the greeting of the day (yeah, I'm going to look for that now hehe)
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
Well, the actual weekend is here.. I should do some homework, but I'm not gonna.. That'll have to wait till tomorrow hehe.. Today, I get a day off from myself ^_^
Although I do need to clean my fishbowl(with the little fish) and my hamstercage...
As for pets resembling their owners.. You might be right hehe.. I can be pretty psychotic.. And if I want something from my BF, I won't stop following and nagging him until I get it muahahahaha ^_^ Or until he tells me to stop it, cause I'm annoying...
Talking about my BF and getting things I want: RANMA!!!!! Yup, today I will finally get my belated birthday gift and I can't wait hehe ^_^
I had a pretty weird dream... I was going on vacation with my BF and just hree hours before the plane was going to leave, he came to pick me up and I still had to do all my packing... It was really stressful... But it does seem to make clear what kind of person I am.. I push everything back to the very last minute and then I stress out over all the things I still have to do...Hehe*looks at homework* But mostly dreams mean something completely different from what they seem to mean ^_^ *pushes schoolbooks out of sight*
Just one more week and I'll go to Kopenhagen ^_^ That is, if we ever get more information.. Cause we still haven't heard anything about it...
Let's see.. Well, no anime night for me.. But it is stand-up comedy night so I'll be more than happy ^_^ To everyone who does get anime-night: Enjoy ^_^
Erhm.. Anything else...
Nope, don't think so hehe ^_^
Well, I'm getting Chnese food again tonight ^_^ Yummy!!!
And erhm... No that's really it hehe ^_^
Hello peoples!!!
Hehe yesterday was ok ^_^ I went to school, found out while in the bus that the first class got cancelled(one down three to go), and that meant we had to wait about two hours at school for the next class.. We decided to get a computer, got bored within ten minutes and started googling people from our class... Weird sites come up when you do that hehe ^_^ Thank goodness there are other people with the same names or else some of my classmates would have some explaining to do hehe..
And no, my name doesn't bring up any sites hehe ^_^ My nickname on the other hand does, like myO..
And while we were on the computer I decided to check out some things for school (cause that's what you do when you're bored) and I found out that portugese also got cancelled (two down two to go).. The last two were right after each other and then I got to go home early ^_^
I did my homework (yes I actually did it right after coming home!! I was amazed myself) and then I got to watching Full Metal Panic! again ^_^ I've now watched all the DVDs, so I've got an anime-free day today T_T
But all is not lost!!! It may not be anime but my brother brought me Gone With The Wind!!! It may be almost seventy years old (it's from 1939) but I loooooooove it ^_^ If you ever get the chance to see it, watch it ^_^ I always get swept off my feet by Rett Butler (in real life known as Clark Gable) *dreams off*
Ow well ^_^ I can always watch that.. Or I could continue reading Deception Point, cause I read a few chapters last week and then I put it away to watch FMP! and read Inu Yasha...
I should be really careful.. Seeing that I've been keeping a low profile at home and one of my friends returning from vacation (I think you all know who I'm talking about), I thought I'd give staying up a little late behind the computer and AIM a shot... Well, my mom started complaining around 12.15 and my dad got pretty mad again around 12.45... So I'm not safe yet I guess... But I really don't get their point.. I'm not harming anyone, not keeping anyone out of his/her sleep and I've got the whole day off today and tomorrow... So from my point of view there is nothing wrong with talking to my friends until 1.30 or maybe 2.00 am.. If I had to go to school the next day it's different, yes, but then I also make sure I get to sleep in time... Ow well, guess I'll never understand...
ranmaranmaranmaranma.... I'll get my present tomorrow ^_^ yaydeyay!!!
My cat woke me up this morning.. Well, actually it was my mom telling the cat to be quiet... Quinty escaped the kitchen and she just goes to my room and sits in front of the door meowing until someone comes to open it for her.. But when my mom did, the cat just jumped up onto my bed and started meowing in my ear... Just to get my attention...It's such a weird creature...
She's begging for my attention again right now and looking at the screen while I type this.. She just looks like she knows I'm typing about her hehe...I just hope she doesn't decide to sit on my keyboard again...
And now she's going around my room like she's never seen it... And trying to get into my closet... And eating my ficus...
My ficus is called Hans ^_^ It's really a long story that I can't remember... But it's a pretty big ficus and my mom keeps trying to convince me to throw it away.. But I don't wanna cause I love Hans ^_^ He gives me oxigen ^_^
(imagines your faces while reading this LMAO)
.....She did it again.....I can't type with a cat on my keyboard... I'm just glad she can't find the delete button, or I'd have to rewrite my entire post...
And now she's trying to eat the dangly thingies on my cellphone...AAAHHH she's driving me crazy!!!!
Ah, thank goodness, she's back on the white fluffy pillow and acting normal again...
Now that I've described the complete day of my cat (yes this is what she does all day, plus chasing invisible chibi-ninjas and sleeping and eating) let's go on to the greeting of the day:
Now I'm going to turn the house upside down to look for some breakfast...I'm starving hehe
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
don't worry, the subject sounds more depressed than it is...
yesterday at school two of my classmates got into a pretty bad fight buring economics class.. thank goodness the teacher got them to break up but it was pretty intense.. they're always in some discussion and this one was just too much..the whole class was like: wow... we want to get out of here...
then the teacher said we could go cause we were all too shocked to get more work done and he decided to talk with the two classmates..
and in the hallway I just broke down... I started crying my eyes out hehe... and I still have no real clue about the why of me breaking down.. guess I couldn't handle the situation...
and when the rest of my class saw that I was crying, everyone was going like: 'Why is Lydia crying about that?! what's going on?'
later on some of my friends told me that they really didn't expect me to cry about that because I always act so tough...
it is true.. I'm more sensitive than I'd like to be, so I act like nothing can get to me...
ow well, I'm fine now ^_^
I ended up being bored to death while waiting for my test.. I had to wait about five hours by myself... so I played some Mah Jongg to kill time...
and of course, I should've known, the cafeteria was CLOSED!!!! of all days, just the one day that I have to eat in school, they close it for no particular reason...
so I survived my test on an apple and some licorice(how dutch ^_^)
thank goodness my dad picked me up, so we went to the mcdonalds and got me some nice chicken nuggets and fries(that's actually the only thing I ever eat at the Mac, cause I hate hamburgers...)
and no, I don't know if my test went alright.. it was multiple choice and I either suck at it or it makes me look like a genius... it's so hard to tell if an answer is right.. especially true-or-false-questions, I hate those...
other than the things listed above, nothing special happened at school yesterday...
well.. I'm just glad Grifter99 commented late yesterday hehe... cause he was the only one who knew what I got for my birthday ^_^ yes, it are RANMA 1/2 DVDS!!! actually it's a dvd box with about 40 hours worth of fun ^_^ if only I could remember what series were on it.. I think it was at least an OVA.. but I'm happy anyway!!!!
I'll watch all Full Metal Panic! first because I won't get my present until saturday, when I see my BF again ^_^
ugh, I'm glad it's thursday.. this means I only have to get through one more day at school and then I'll have some free time ^_^ I don't have that much homework, so I should get a nice free weekend...
I just realised that in less than two weeks, I'll be in Kopenhagen!!!
but we haven't heard anything about the way we have to pay, when we'll leave, where we'll stay... we haven't had any information yet.. aaaahhh!!!! I just hope it doesn't fall through cause I'm really looking forward to it... I'll just have to sit and wait hehe...
well, that's about it from me today..
so here's the greeting of the day:
this one is dedicated to my dad, because he keeps bothering me, telling me I have to find a job... I don't want to yet... I mean, I will eventually but at the time I'm just too damn busy with all the things that are going on in my life... but he'll never understand I think.. he's kind of a workoholic that thinks you're not a complete person if you don't have a job.. he must think I'm a disgrace for the family hehe.. but hey, I'm nineteen and I want to have some fun before I start working my ass off ^_^
that's really all I have to say today ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
once again, I'm at school way too early.. my class starts in half an hour, so I thought I could update ^_^
well, it is going to be a long day for me... I've got my make up test tonight, so that means I'm going to have to wait about five (!) hours between my last class and that test.. *sigh* ow well, it gives me the time to study some more and make some homework hehe ^_^
nothing much happened yesterday..
it was just another day at school and no really special things happened...
I have to eat in the school cafetaria tonight.. *suddenly wonders if I took my wallet with me* *checks* good, I did hehe.. if I hadn't I would be starving during my test hehe...
erhm.. let's see....
Grifter99 is back from his vacation YAY *does happy-dance* I'll have someone to talk to again at night (yeah, my boyfriend is also here to talk to, but I mean someone else to talk to ^_^)
YAY!!! I will get it this weekend, but I already know what it is ^_^
I'm so happy!! but I'll have to watch all Full Metal Panic! first ^_^
ow, maybe that makes more sense when I tell you guys what the present is.. nah, I'm going to let you guys guess!!! ^_^ ain't it fun?!
so tell me: what do you think my boyfriend got me for my birthday? (and no peaking at Silvereagle's site you guys!!!)
well, that's a bout it from me today
greeting of the day:
nice and sarcastic ^_^ just like me hehe (man these computers have crappy keyboards...they type like shit hehe)
well, I'll visit sites tonight (for me that is, for you guys it means afternoon)
I'm outta here
hiya peoples!!!
well, that homework yesterday did turn out to be a pain in the...
hehe, I'm at school and I'm way too early for class.. I took an early bus that I didn't have to take...
so now I'm updating ^_^
well, I forgot some things yesterday.. like how one of my teachers killed an overhead projector and then we had to go and find another classroom that had one that worked... hehe, we had to wait half the time we had for the class...
erhm and I forgot something else, but I can't remember it now either...
well, I did my homework yesterday and then watched some Full Metal Panic! again ^_^
it's just so funny ^_^ I reccommend it to all of you ^_^
let's see, whatelse can I tell you guys...
my cat is so annoying... she keeps following me around the house, never stops meowing and whatever you do, you can't get rid of her... plus, when she isn't following anyone like crazy, she running around the house trying to catch things that don't exist...
she was sitting under the table last week, staring at the ground and all of a sudden she jumped onto... absolutely nothing.. and then she started looking under her paws to see what she caught -_-'
ow well, hehe...
I've noticed that since I take those disgusting vitamine pills, I've been sleeping better ^_^ so YAY they seem to have some sort of effect ^_^
let's see, what else...
people are looking at me... how annoying.. well, at least their not reading over my shoulder..
I sure hope that the people at school don't bann me from the internet for updating over here... nah, they're not that bad hehe.. lots of people just play games on the computer when they have some free time... plus, I can always defend this as English training ^_~
well, it's getting busy in here... and I hate it when other people can look at my screen...
so here's the greeting of the day (very good for the feeling I have right now...)
*shivers* I'm outta here
well, hello people
here goes my fourth try to post today... I sure hope the site works this time...
well, school wasn't all that interesting.. it was just.. school...
yesterday was pretty good ^_^
I've actually got some homework done and I've watched tons of Full Metal Panic! ^_^ I really fell in love with it ^_^ it just has everything, romance, humor, action and huge mechs ^_^
and if I fell in love with one character it has to be Sagara Sousuke ^_^ he has no people skills whatsoever and is completely dense ^_^
plus, he's really cute and knows his way around a M9 hehe
and Kurz Weber is at least as cute hehe ^_^
sorry, I'll stop rambling now...
well, I've got to do some homework, and I'm afraid it will turn out to be a lot harder than I thought, so...
I'm outta here