Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hehe hello peoples!!!
I'm back ^_^ wow I haven't been here for two days and a lot of you guys have updated... I will go to all updated sites today I promise!!(from friday till now that is...)
that broken server is the reason really!!! and when it got fixed I was with my BF so it wouldn't be very nice to go visit sites all day hehe ^_^
well, a few crazy things happened out here...
on friday the washing machine flooded the bathroom.. I was LMAO but my mom was a bit less happy hehe... as it turned out, she tried to fix the thing a day before and didn't put the filter back in the right place.. and then the ceiling of the hallway started leaking water.. so I put a pan under it to catch the water and Quinty was going like: hey what's that? and put her head in the pan to see what it was.. right when a huge drop came from the ceiling hehe ^_^ I've never seen my cat so scared hehe ^_^
and that night I went out with my friends. it was pretty fun, but I just as much like a nice couch, a cool beer, some background music and talking to my friends.. we went to this pretty small and loud and busy bar and we had to yell really loud to understand each other, so my throat kinda hurts... but still it was fun ^_^
erhm.. yesterday I went to my BF and I finally got my Full Metal Panic DVD box ^_^ the full first season!!! we've watched the first DVD already ^_^ (for those who don't know FMP, look at my theme hehe ^_^ and put some mechs with it)
we also went to the city with a friend of his and I got Fullmetal Alchemist volume 4(manga), a DVD of my favorite stand-up comedians and those soft black thingys for my earplugs cause I keep losing those ^_^
that night we watched some stand-up comedy like usual on a saturday (I love saturdays!)
and then he brought me home...
erhm let's see... I've actually done some of my homework on friday *proudness* and I'm going to do more today... I actually want to watch more FMP and InuYasha but I'm going to have to do some of my hw first (bleh) ow well, what has to be done, has to be done..
and now, just to be completely obnoxious, I'm going to put a list of the manga and anime I own up here!! muahahahaha, read 'em and wheep!!!
- Ranma 1/2 volume 1-25
- Tokyo Mew Mew volume 1-7
- Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode volume 1 and 2
- Cardcaptor Sakura volume 1
- Di Gi Charat Theater Dejiko's Adventure
- Fruits Basket volume 1, 2 and 3
- Trigun animanga volume 1
- Fullmetal Alchemist volume 1,2 and 4(still need to order volume 3)
- Ranma 1/2 the movie 1: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China
- Ranma 1/2 the movie 2: Nihao, my Concubine
- Fruits Basket volume 1, 2 and 4(still waiting on 3 to show up at the store..)
- Spirited Away
- The Cat Returns
- Ah! My Goddess the Movie
- Tenchi Muyo OVA DVD box
- Ah! My Goddess OVA DVD box
- Full Metal Panic first season DVD box
muahahahahaha I love em all!!!
hehe that was weird...
go ahead
I will visit sites after I've done my homework.. I'll go hide my laptop now..
I'm outta here
Hello peoples!!!
Well, I just got back from the doc..
My breathing problem is caused by the syndrom of someone who discovered it a very long time ago (of course I forgot the name of this person within five seconds...) and it has something to do with irritated cartilege in my chest(the bone my ribs are connected to, don't know the right word for it, sorry.. *kicks dictionary 'you're no help either!!!'*) But it's completely harmless and will go away eventually.. Unfortunately I'll have to stick with the pain for a little while...
And then there was the thing with me getting all depressed again.. I say again cause this happens to me every single freaking year.. *sigh* It's a winterdepression.. And I asked the doc what I could do... (last year it got really bad and I've had some trouble of my own... went through therapy which didn't help a single bit...) He said we'd just have to wait for a while and see how it turns out -_-' But!! there is one thing I can try: vitamins!!!
So I went to te store and myself some vitamin pills, yeah you heard me correctly PILLS!!!
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?
What's funny is that I just opened the bottle and inside the cap it says: "DO NOT EAT" I just hope they mean that I can't eat the bottle... Cause it's pretty stupid to sell vitamine pills that you can't eat...
This is my own experiment hehe.. I just hope it works ^_^ Ok here goes nothing *eats one pill* UGH these things are gross *makes funny face* Well, as long as it works...
Ok, my day yesterday was ok, had two classes and I even got to go home earlier because we were all done with portugese for the week ^_^
Some people were wondering how many languages I'm planning on learning, well, here's a list:
I know how to read and understand French and German (I just don't know how to say anything back or write it...)
I know how to read, speak, write and understand English (well, dah, or else this site would be a lot less interesting for you guys) and I still got english classes
I'm currently taking classes in Spanish and Portugese (I started those this year)
And of course I can speak, write, read and understand Dutch(now don't you all go like: WOW you can speak dutch!! it says in my vitals that I'm from the Netherlands ^_~)
And today is going to be a boring day.. I've really got to do some homework cause the pile got dangerously big hehe ^_^"
But tonight I'm going out with some old friends of mine ^_^ I've never done that before.. I mean I've been to bars but never with those people.. I mostly go there with my BF, have a drink and then we go see a movie... Well I hope it'll be fun, but it probably will and if not, there's always booze hehe ^_^
well, that's all from me today ^_^
I've heard that a lot of people on theO are getting sick, so the greeting of the day is dedicated to y'all ^_~ *hands out vitamin pills*
I'm outta here
hello peoples ^_^
ugh, is this week over yet?
I'm so sick of going to school on thursdays..(the first part of the year I only had a three-day school week, but they changed my timetable grrrr) it's not that I got a lot of classes (just two today, project and portugese) but it starts at 12.15 pm.. and I get home around whole day just disappears...
well, I started reading Deception Point, but I'm also still reading Inu Yasha, cause I really want to know what happens hehe..
aw man, I just realised that I will have to get to studying again too for my make up test on wednesday.. it's so stupid that I failed the easiest test...
I've started watching Inu Yasha too ^_^ it's so cool, but in the manga there's a lot more blood hehe..I've been bored beyond belief lately... I just can't seem to enjoy anything I do.. I just hang around the house all day and at school I don't do much either hehe... I've got enough to do *points at huge pile of books that is now neatly placed on the floor* but I just don't want to get to it... like I said yesterday, I'm a slacker... I'll just postpone it all to the very last moment and then I'll get stressed out cause I still have to do everything...
I think I'll go to the doctor tomorrow... my breathing still isn't all that great and I feel like crap... it's like my body is slowly breaking down or something, I don't know.. and I wish he could tell me what I can do to get more sleep... yup, I think that's a good idea ^_^
it seems like I've got my ups and downs when it comes to popularity over here..ow well, I'm not all that interesting anyway...
well, I don't have much to tell you guys so I'll just give you the greeting of the day now:
I'm outta here
hehe, would you just look at that big pile of homework..*small movements behind pile of books and papers*
hey peoples it's me hehe ^_^ you can't see me but I'm really here.. right behind this pile *stretches out arm and waves*
yeah well, I could've done it during my free hours at school.. but that wouldn't be fun now would it..
sorry bout that second post yesterday...there were a couple of things that were just too much for me at that moment and I had to get it off my chest... but I'm allright again, pushed the confusion and sadness way back into my brain ^_^
to the ones that commented Love you all *big hugs* thanks for the kind words ^_^
now all I have to do is get rid of this pile of homework and then I'll get to do the stuff I really like...
well, actually all I have to do today is type out some stuff for my projectgroup and the rest can wait until friday hehe..(see? I'm a huge slacker...)
*does happy dance* I've got the new book from Dan Brown ^_^ sooooo happy ^_^ it's called Deception Point and for all of you who are going: 'HUH? Dan Brown? Whuzzat?'
it's the writer of Angels&Demons, The Da Vinci Code and Digital Fortress and I'm addicted to his books ^_^ and for all of you who still don't know who it is... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BEHIND THE COMPUTER? GO READ!!!!
hehe, don't take that one serious... I'm just really weird when it comes to books... I like books ^_^
hehe... well, with that said... I don't remember what I was going to say next... O_O'
hmz.. well, school was allright... we had a guestspeaker from Finland to tell us some things about the country and the culture and things like that and that was pretty interesting ^_^ and then the day was over again and I got to go home.. (we had a few other classes, but they weren't that interesting)
man, I'm distracted really fast today... I just start to work on something and all of a sudden I remember I have to do something else and then I just start on that... I'm kinda doing seven things at once... AAAHHHH!!!!
thought I'd do a quick post before my homework, but I'm looking through thousands of greetings and I can't seem to be able to pick one... (hehe, yes Ada Pallas, I picked yours yesterday ^_^ it just looked perfect hehe ^_^) this isn't working.. if I go on like this, I'll never get to reading.. aw man, it's really hard to chose what I will read first, cause I've still got all that manga from my BF, but I also really want to read Deception Point... (hehe, I change subjects faster than a speeding bullet)
darn I'm starting to get hungry... erhm.. no, must,focus, must finish post and do homework... (but I don't wanna...)
well, if I want to get to sites today I should wrap this up..
I'm feeling better, not completely recovered but I'm getting there ^_^
and now for just a weird greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
no one knows the way I feel, the part of me I have to fight...
well, I just really need to get this off my chest..
if you want to read a happy post, read the one below...
I wish I could disappear into nothingness... just leave everything behind me and never worry again...
I have no friends, they don't really need me.. I'm just useful to travel with so they're not alone... I'm just filling... they got each other and I'm just hanging on the side...
sometimes I wonder what they'll say if I never showed up ever again... what if I died tonight, what will they think off me..
they'll probably be relieved, one less to worry about.. more attention for themselves...
I feel like Yuki from Furuba, I smile so that people will like me.. I can't be the real me around them, they need me cheery and happy or they'll leave me alone...
sometimes I wish I could just leave this live, burn all my bridges and try it on my own... why should I need people who make me feel like I'm nothing? why do I feel the need to be around people who ignore me... who go against everything I say and laugh at my philosophies...
I stood by the subway today and watched it roll into the station.. and all I could think was: what if I jumped right now.. how would they react? how would they feel... one less weirdo in the world...
I am nothing, I am the most useless person I know...
the world doesn't need me.. I'm just another speck waiting for my turn to die..
I am lost in an eternal battle with myself...
I've had enough of this feeling, I don't want to slip away anymore...
I'm slowly falling apart under mental warfare.. I have to be the strong one to survive this.. I have to look at the good things in my life, but they are all overshadowed by this feeling of darkness...
when will the sun break through? when will I find the rest to sleep? when will the people who are closest to me understand me? when will they finally respect my choices and let go of me? when will they see I'm an individual and that I have my own life to live?
when will I be able to show them the me I want to be...
the only way out is through...
someone once looked at me with love in his eyes and told me that there is no need to leave so soon...
I have so many things ahead of me, I can't be trapped in here forever...
so for now, I'll keep my head up high, keep looking forward and form a life of my own around me..
I will get through or all my efforts up to this point have been for nothing...
sorry bout that.. but I did warn you and told you to read the post below if you wanted happy thoughts...
I'll be back tomorrow
I'm outta here
Hello peoples, my name is Cupid Valentino and I will be your host on today's post.
*Lytjuh's walks into the room, Yells: What the Hell are you doing with my laptop!! Kicks Cupid on the head*
there, now he's all KO'd I'll really write my post...
tsk..just barging in like that...
well today's the day the people from Hallmark decided to call Valentine's day.. personally I sometimes think that it's just made up to make more money and that it's completely comercialised.. but it's still nice that there's a day to celebrate love ^_^ for friends, family and lovers ^_^ so have a great lets-think-of-a-way-to-make-even-more-money-day ^_^
or just have a great tuesday ^_^
nothing much happened yesterday.. I decided I wanted to draw again, so I started on a pic that's coming out pretty good.. but I hate to do hands and legs... they're so hard to draw... but practise makes perfect.
in school I ran into my Spanish teacher who immediately asked me in what room the class was going to be.. and I was like.. I dunno, I don't have Spanish today... hehe and he was all confused until he realised I was from another group hehe.... ^_^ he looked so funny ^_^
I'm kinda writing this post in a hurry, cause I've got to get to the bus in about thirty minutes and I haven't eaten yet...
yesterday I send everyone on my friends list a V-day card, but some people forget to clean up their in-boxes so here it is:
but some people got another one hehe ^_^ those are private ^_~
erhm let's see I got some myself ^_^
Miroku-sama 101
Lonely Vampiress
Backlash Wave
thank you all so much ^_^
well, I still don't feel much better... lack of sleep is really getting to me now.. I've got a headache and my stomach isn't much better... not to mention my neck and shoulders.. maybe I'm really coming down with something...
also lately I've been having trouble breathing.. it's like my lungs can't expand anymore and it hurts like hell... bu after a while it goes away again...maybe I should go see the doctor about it if it keeps up..
ow well... I don't have anything else to say at the moment... so I'll go looks for a greeting of the day ^_^ (don't worry it will not be another V-day card ^_^)
now that's a nice Valentine's day gift ^_^
well, I'll get to sites later today..
I'm outta here
hello peoples and welcome on this wonderful monday...
I feel a bit crappy and I'm not looking forward to going to school I said I was going to do my homework yesterday and well.. I didn't...
but I've got like three hours to spend in school doing nothing so I guess I'll catch up then...
thank goodness it's not a long day for me... just two classes... and I don't have to start that early so I got to sleep for a bit hehe... still not very good (yeah, dreaming about a zoo where it goes terribly wrong and the lions start to rip the visitors apart isn't that good for my rest... who knew?)but I blame it all on GentleEyes777 with her stupidest way to die from yesterday ^_~ you'll have to go and check that out yourself hehe ^_^
man, do I feel crappy... it feels like I'm going to fall asleep in class...
erhm.. what else to tell you... ow I got another V-card ^_^
thank you Alphonse13 ^_^
ugh, it snowed all day yesterday... but it's all gone now ^_^ thank goodness ^_^
I really don't have much to tell...
yesterday my BF came around and we pretty much did nothing.. we watched tv and erhm... that's it ^_^ but I love days like that with him ^_^
it's going to be a lonely V-day for me.. but I don't really care..I'm happy that I get to see my BF in the weekends.. I'd rather see him every weekend than just one 'special'day in the year.. ^_^
man.. I realy don't have anything to ramble about today.. maybe I'm getting sick... *feels forehead* nah I'm good ^_^
well, I should get something to eat before I go to the bus...ow and I have to decide which manga to read...O_O" to much to chose from... I'll take... Inu Yasha ^_^
well, here's the greeting of the day, have a great monday and I'll try to get to all sites ^_^
I'm outta here
hehe hello peoples ^_^
well, let me just tell you about my day yesterday...
my BF and me went to see Fun with Dick and Jane and I loved it ^_^ just a great good old Jim Carrey movie hehe ^_^ and we didn't really do anything else.. we ate chinese food (MJUMM!!!!!) and watched some stand-up comedy ^_^ and then I had to go home again...
ow and about me not sleeping very well.. nerves? about what?! going out with my BF who I've been with for almost 32 months now (thank you very much ^_^), I don't think so hehe ^_^ I always get this at the end of winter.. the doc said it has something to do with lack of sunlight... but I will never take anything like sleeping-pills.. to tell you guys the truth, I hate pills... they make me feel uncomfortable.. this may sound weird but it's true hehe...
as some of you might know I had some trouble with my parents lately... but as the title says *points up* I've had my fun too *evil grin*
it's just soooo easy.. hehe
my mom accused me of never having my cellphone on.. but she has one that she can't even use and forgets to put it on all the time.. so when I got home early last week she was all confused going like: I didn't know you would be home so soon?!
so what was my reply you ask? "well, I would've send you a text message, but then I remembered that you never have your phone on."
one down, one to go...
my dad, telling me that I can't stay up late behind my laptop...
I went to sleep a few days after that happened and my dad was still behind his laptop... so I asked him if he wasn't going to sleep too late and that he shouldn't stay behind the computer for too long... he replied that he wouldn't..
next morning: "Hi dad, so how late was it when you went to sleep last night?" "about twelve thirty.." (reply from mom)"ow really, cause at twelve fourty you still weren't!"
"is that right dad? so you stayed up really late to surf the net huh?" *end of conversation*
bullseye.. muahahahahah ow well, it might not look like much of a revenge but it felt great hehe ^_^ it's easy, you can do it too, just remember the things they accuse you of and then find the same things in your parent's lives!! try it ^_^ but remember to be subtle!!!
well.. I thought I'd be bored the coming week, seeing that one of my friends is on vacation and that my BF has the nightshift, so I decided to borrow "some"(=huge understatement) manga ^_^
wanna know what?
lets see...:
- Inu Yasha volume 1 through 7
- Gundam (Wing) SEED (allright allright, I'm sorry mister perfect...*hugs Silvereagle*) volume 1 through 5
- Shaman King volume 1 through 8
- Gundam wing endless waltz (manga from the movie)
and of course I got my own FMA volume 2 ^_^
there, that should keep me busy for the nights this week ^_^
other good news: the tickets for the Anime Con were delivered ^_^ yayayayayay!! *does funny dance* they're so pretty ^_^ yes I am crazy, but I'm also just really looking forward to it hehe ^_^ now all I have to do is get the money to pay for it hehe... but it's still pretty far away (end of june) so I've got time ^_^
ugh.. back to school tomorrow.. I don't wanna!!!
I've got a pile of homework I still have to do and I still have to visit a whole lot of sites today cause I didn't go to that many yesterday... but I'll get it all done eventually!!!
I wonder how I will ever survive the trip to Denmark.. a whole week without my laptop and without theO... O_O" maybe I should stay home hehe ^_~ nah, I want to see Kopenhagen ^_^
well, this is starting to become a pretty long post again..
I'll just give you the greeting of the day (it's taking up a lot of time to sort through the e-cards to find what I want.. but I do it all for you guys ^_~) and then I'll be on my way to visit sites ^_^
I'm outta here
hello peoples
well, it seems like my fifteen minutes of fame on theO are all gone for me hehe.. only four comments... ow well, it's sort of my own fault for forgetting to go to lots of sites... I'm so sorry T_T
not much to say yet, it's only 8.15 am...
but I just felt like doing a little update...
tonight I'm going to see "Fun with Dick and Jane" with my BF and I'm looking forward to that ^_^
I'm feeling a bit crappy today though... maybe I should get some more sleep hehe... I hardly slept all week.. just can't seem to be able to close my eyes and relax... don't know what's up with me but I'll probably be fine in a few days ^_^
well, I hope you all have a great weekend ^_^
here's the greeting of the day:
I'm outta here
hello peoples!!!
YES it's Friday today ^_^ I've got the whole day off, but I've been busy as hell already ^_^
I've ordered some schoolbooks(they keep coming up with new books to order each semester...o_O) including the book for portugese ^_^ it's so much fun to learn new languages... but it's hard at times... we had to order the book from some site, but I decided to see if my local book store (the one that I worked at) could also order it.. from the site it would take 2-3 weeks for the book to come in.. from the book store it will take about 5 days!!! hehe I'll be one of the first in class to get the book muahahaha!!!!
I've also bough a little dictionary for my trip to denmark ^_^ I think it's very important to know at least a few words of the language when you go to another country..
and after that I cleaned my fish bowl(man that thing stank pieuw!!!) and my hamster cage...
pfff... I've only been up for about three hours and already exhausted hehe
well, after this post I''ll go watch some Inu Yasha ^_^ I was delighted to see it's also on YouTube ^_^ I just hope my FMP box will get delivered soon... well, I guess I'll get it next weekend, cause my BF ordered it for me ^_^ so happy(yes I send the money this time ^_^ I promised to pay you honey ^_~)
tomorrow my good friend Grifter99 will go away for a vacation... T_T *sniffle* I'll be so bored at evenings hehe... and on top of that Silvereagle got the night shift.. what to do hat to do... ow well, I guess I'll just save the manga and anime for next week.. I'll probably won't have much time to read this weekend anyway.. still got some homework to do bleh...
well, I just want to take this space here *points at post* to wish Grifter99 a very nice trip and to wish for his safe return ^_^ *hugs* have fun ^_^ ow and don't get lost ^_~
erhm.. what else what else.. there must be something else....
ah yes.. I'll have to do some editing to my friends list... there are so many people that don't update or come by, and I keep forgetting who I visited allready, so I miss out on a lot of things that go on in my real friends lives... so some people will be deleted muahahaha!!! I just hate the time difference.. when I go to sleep, many people haven't updated and when I wake up I can't see who updated yesterday and then I just forget to stop by sites... I can't visit them all anymore.. but that's my problem hehe
and now.. for an overly dramatic greeting of the day... (this one's for you grif ^_~)
hehe nah just kidding ^_^
here's the real one ^_^ (tip number 739 on how to make your posts even longer ^_^)
hehe ^_^ just thought it was funny ^_^ well, it took me about an hour to write this post.. including searching through hundreds of e-cards to find one that reflects my mood..and it got even harder to find one thanks to database errors... ow well ^_^
great, now I'm hungry.. I'll eat before I go watch Inu Yasha hehe ^_^
have a great friday people, and don't drink too much ^_~(if you don't, I won't ^_~)
I'm outta here