Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hey guys!
well, it's been a while again and yet, I don't have much to post about..
let me see..
work is alright, the hours really have been cut down for me, but I hope with the holidays coming I'll be scheduled in some more ^^"
college is alright too. the project is actually fun and the bimbos are no-nonsense when it comes to getting some work done. so I'm pretty glad I teamed up with them.
I'm getting nervous for Marrakech. on the one hand, I'm really looking forward to it, but on the other hand, I realise that I still haven't really made any friends in this class, so I'll probably be on my own a lot..
I'll have to wait and see.
the weekend was spent well and basically completely in Silver's bed. oh, it's so comfy ^^
we didn't really get up to much, just watch tv and rest and enjoy each other's company.
I'll sure miss him loads next week, but before I go, I got some days to spend with him ^^ so YAY!
I bought the latest Harry Potter book. the first one came out when I was.. I dunno, twelve or something? I really don't know, but it was a long time ago. so I kind of grew up with the books and now I want to know how things end. please, no spoilers, I've only just started reading it ^^'
I like the way the books seem to grow up together with the audience. the themes get more serious (and occult for that matter..) I don't know if it's just me who sees that or that there are others like me out there. all I know is that I enjoyed reading the books and that I'll probably enjoy reading this last one too.
in other news.. yeah, that was kind of it, really ^^"
I'll try to update before going on my little study trip. I should be able to ^^
I cleaned out my friendslist for a bit. was shocked to see all the blue bars in my backroom, but then remembered that there are only about 20 people left in the list.
oh, I got so caught up in watching LOLcats, I almost forgot I was posting ^^"
here's your postly LOL:
well, I had to, Silver won't let me near cigarette lighters anymore *pouts*
by the way, the presents are coming in *excited* I just love Christmas shopping ^^
waking up is hard to do, but sleeping's impossible too...
hey guys!
I hope you all had a good week so far and are doing alright.
me, I'm doing.. meh, could be a lot worse ^^
my days are being spend in relative calmness. mostly sleeping right after I get home from college ^^" I can't seem to get any rest at night, so I nap.. much to the chagrin of my mom, but still. I decided to think 'fuck it' and just not be bothered by her anymore ^^
college is going alright. the bimbos aren't too bad to work with, since we seem to be agreeing on the project. they still don't make much sense to me in general, but at least we can get the work done way before deadline ^^ (an action plan had to be made this week, before friday. we handed it in yesterday ^^)
work has gotten quiet. which is a good thing, cause now we can finally try and see a pattern in the people's visits and spendings. we still make the target almost every day, so we're doing alright ^^ just too bad that I can't make too many hours anymore..
what is a good thing is that my boss-lady called me her most experienced worker ^^ *proudness*
I'm trying to find an internship. it's hard, but I hope I manage before februari.. I'm afraid I'll have to go with the flow and join some touroperator instead of the wanted museum or zoo.. beggers can't be choosers eh?
my autographed cd of the Insane Clown Posse came in ^^ it looks so cool, though you can hardly make out Violent J's signature.. Shaggy 2Dope's is very clear though ^^ I just love it hehe ^^
as for the new feature on my site, check out the banner thingy above my post ^^
it's called 'Pick of the Litter' and will feature anything I find worthy of mentioning for a limited amount of time. I know the banner says about a month, but it could very well be two weeks or more than a month, depending on my time and mood.
whenever it's a site, the picture will be a link to it ^^ handy, ne?
also, if you've got any ideas on what should be featured there, feel free to PM me about it, but please, do include a bit of information ^^
it can be anything really, from a site to an anime, a movie to a book, even objects can be featured. as long as it's good, interesting, weird..
anywho, you'll have to wait and see how things pan out with it, cause I'm still not completely sure how I'm going to do it. I'll probably start before going to Marrakech, or right after I get back.
the picture stays though ^^
yesterday was good, I got to see Silver-sama ^^ we went to the surprise birthday party for my cousin, which was alright ^^
ate my weight in cherry tomatoes, oh how I love those ^^
well, since I haven't been around to sites much lately (I think this week I've only commented to one >_<") I'll promise I'll try and get to commenting again soon. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I will be back ^^
for the time being: sorry for my absence, know that you all are in my thoughts ^^
hey guys!
I feel the desperate need to post, even though I've hardly been around lately..
my weekend has been great, spent a lot of fun time with Silver-sama ^^
the start of my week wasn't the best.. mostly filled with preaching from my mom..
at college, a new block started, which means a new group project. surprise: we had to make groups ourselves.. now that's all fun and games, IF you got someone you know/like in your class.. I decided to pair up with some of the greater bimbos in my class, simply because I had already made an assignment with them last block. they ain't so bad ^^
yesterday was mostly spent sleeping through the afternoon (had one lecture in the morning)
and the evening was spent doing early Christmas shopping ^^
thanks to my neverending curiousity and ability to follow random links, I found out about this amazing site with all sorts of handmade, one of a kind gifts and knicknacks, I love it ^^
here's a link for anyone interested: Etsy
they've got lots of vintage stuff and the silliest plushies. I mean, who's ever heard of a Chupacabra plushie?
they got it:
or for that matter, a killer tomato plush?
they got it:
anywho, I managed to find gifts for Yensid-sensei and Kikyo-chan, so you guys got something to look forward to ^^
another surprise for me: Top Gear was featured at Cute Overload ^^"
if this doesn't strike you as weird, remember that CO is a site dedicated to the cuteness of the world, mostly caused by different species of animals..
well, I should be getting ready for college, even though I have no energy for it whatsoever.
Quinty has taken up the job of sleeping next to me and waking me up every time I fall asleep, or do something naughty right before I'm about to fall asleep.. she's cute and all, but I need my rest >_<
postly LOLcat:
made me think of playing Dynasty Warriors with my sis Magnus.. ah, good times ^^
yeah, I'll try to be around more in the near future.. got a new feature for my site in mind, just don't exactly know how I'll put it up.. you'll have to wait and see ^^
hey guys!
I hope you all had a good week and didn't miss me too much while I wasn't around ^_~
me, I've had ups and downs this week.. the downs mostly being cause by the eternal rain on my parade: my mom *sighs*
let me explain.
remember that Nightmare Before Christmas dress I'm totally in love with and bought and look great in?
I told her about my new clothes. later that evening, she wanted to see them.
she took the dress out of my closet and looked at it for a while.
then she said that it's a nice dress, just too bad about the pictures that are on it. namely a teeny pictures of Jack's face and a full pic of Sally.
I simply told her that they're movie characters, hell, they're clay puppets!
but she pointed at Jack's face and asked me: "aren't you the least bit bothered by this then?"
as I replied with a simple no, she told me (and I QUOTE) that I am "DUMBER THAN SHE THOUGHT I WAS".
gee, thanks mom, I love you too >_<
she then told me that I just shouldn't wear it around the house too much (where the heck else can I wear it!!!) and it'll be ok.
I'm just glad she didn't take out my Alchemy Gothic top, she would've burned that right away ^^" it's safely stashed at Silver's house now, so I can wear it when I'm around him ^^ at least he likes my taste in clothes ^^
as far as the dress goes.. I wore it yesterday and my mom admitted with a clear look of defeat on her face that it does look really good on me ^^ so HAH!
in other news.. my butt hurts.
yesterday I had to get my shots for Morocco (hep A and DTP if that means anything to you guys ^^") and luckily, one of them could go in my arm, which really isn't too bad, even though it's a bit stiff at the moment.
but the other one had to go in my bottom *pouts*
to say it in the words of Edge: "NOT THE BUTT! anything but the butt!!"
lets see, what else.. well, I went to see Silver-sama yesterday. we went into town and got soaked since we didn't have an umbrella with us.. I bought some more charms for my bracelet, which is filling up pretty nicely ^^
and we ran into my old study Coach. it was great to see her again, since she was laid off last summer and was one of the very few teachers I liked and could talk with..
I've been reading my weight in manga the past few days.. I'm almost through my stash I still had to read.. man, I need more money *sobs*
and then there is just something I found so special that I can't keep it from you guys.
I frequently visit the following site: Cute Overload
basically, it features pictures of the cutest animals you've ever seen, with fun captions and back stories.
but this case was really special. someone asked his girlfriend to marry him, through the site ^^
and she said yes, also through the site ^^
it just struck me as totally romantic, since I'm really not the type to sit down in a fancy restaurant or anything ^^
well, I should keep it with this. I want to take a little nap and then read some more manga before having to get to work (I have work from 5-9 pm today *laughs*)
your postly LOLcat before I leave:
and one for the road:
hey guys!
I hope you all are doing alright and had a good weekend! I know I did ^^
but let's just start at where I left off ^^
thursday morning, I had a little too much time on my hands and didn't feel like getting ready for work yet.. so I decided to mess around with Silver-sama's site, since he hardly comes around anymore *chuckles* gave him quite the scare a day after Halloween: I turned his theme into Hello Kitty ^^
too bad only Kikyo-chan got the chance to see my work in full, since he changed it back asap ^^"
but it sure gave me a good laugh early in the morning ^^
I was nice enough to save some codes, so that his colors are all like they used to be again ^^
and I had to promise not to do it again.. next time I have time on my hands, I have to play Katamari or read manga ^^"
friday was the start of our long weekend together ^^
Silver came to my place in the morning and we went to buy fish ^^
he got me a new pufferfish, named Big Baby Sweets, and a bunch of bees, which are tiny black and orange striped fish with suction caps on their tummies ^^ unfortunately, three of those have already gone missing *pouts*
after we got the fish in the tank, we went out to Rotterdam to do some hardcore shopping ^^
Silver spent way too much money on me, but at least I was able to give him a present too: a Gundam game for the PS3, he'll be buying the system in a few weeks.
he got me much more though..
a pair of jeans
a new bracelet, where you have to add the charms/beads yourself
a bunch of beads for the bracelet
Shakugan no Shana volume 2 (manga YAY)
and I think that's it for friday.. more was added on saturday ^^"
I bought myself another pair of jeans, the DVDs of Pan's Labyrinth, Feast and The Host and some mangas (Cherry Juice volume 1, Psycho Busters volume 1, Rose Hip Zero volume 2 and 3)
for my mom I had to pick up the DVD of the Good German and the Il Divo Christmas CD.
after the shopping we went to Silver's house.
we ate and got ready for a night out with some friends.
I ordered some clothes online and they arrived, so I was able to wear my Nightmare Before Christmas dress ^^ (not me, a model)
also, my Alchemy Gothic top arrived front back
we were going to the poolhall and one of our favorite bars.
I had some good fun, even though it might have been annoying to some of the others ^^"
a very interesting action from me: cheating with pool, without being noticed *laughs*
basically, Silver and me formed a team and we were playing against two of the others. they were talking all the time and I was pretty bored of missing the pockets.. so I decided to just roll in a ball when they weren't looking ^^ it succeeded not one, not two, but three times! and that isn't even the best part. with the fourth shot, they were all looking and I.. actually got the ball into the pocket *laughs* so yeah ^^" needless to say, Silver and I won that game hehe
unfortunately, I did let myself go with the alcohol again.. too much beer ^^" on the way home, I kind of passed out in the car. went straight to sleep at home and woke up with a nasty hangover ^^"
good thing I recover quickly.. well, that's not true.. when we went into town to do some more shopping, I still felt groggy >_<
Silver got me some more beads for the bracelet ^^ and we were able to find a copy of The Nightmare Before Christmas! (took us two days of shopping to get it, the last store we looked at had it ^^")
I found a sweatshirt I want as soon as I got some money again ^^"
before heading back to the car, we decided to stop at the ice salon for some icecream ^^
the weather wasn't great, it had a little drizzle, but there was this couch in front of the store, just out of reach of the rain. so we sat there, eating our icecream, watching the people as they passed by and just having a wonderful view of one of the busiest streets in the city. right in front of us was this wonderful big tree, in full colors of autumn.
people kept looking at us, but I couldn't care less. I was busy having a feeling I haven't had in a long time: ultimate, true happiness.
(I had a few more of those over the weekend, but those are private ^_~)
in the evening, we watched Pan's Labyrinth, which was so amazingly good!! not a happy family movie, but just so wonderfully done and exciting and whoa! ^^ I was especially freaked out by The Man With Eyes In His Hands. man, that was well done ^^
after that one, we wanted to watch another movie, but I decided against a scary one ^^" yeah, I'm a wuss hehe
so we watched Shrek the Third, which was alright, but I do hope they stop making sequels now..
sunday, I mostly slept like I usually do on sundays.. for some reason, I just get really tired on sundays..
Silver played WOW a lot and when I woke up, I decided to watch some tv. got surprised by the fact they were showing Spirited Away, so I watched that ^^ after a while, Silver joined me too ^^
in the evening, we watched some of our favorite programs and then it was time for me to head on home..
and here I am, posting again from the warmth of my own bed, not wanting to really wake up and get ready for every day life..
I got to work this afternoon. not really feeling like it, but I think it will be alright once I get there. since it's monday, it shouldn't be too busy of a day. and to be honest, I need all the hours I can get to make up for last weekend ^^"
I hope you all have a good monday and I'll see you guys again when I return. don't know exactly when this will be.. I don't have college this week, but I do have work today and on wednesday, friday and saturday..
oh well, we'll see ^^
It just takes..A head of a newt, a wing from a bat, A tongue from a snake, a tail from a rat, A neck from a chicken, an eye from a crow, And a little itty bitty little drip of psycho!!!
Happy Halloween guys!!
I am going to try and make this a normal post, but since I don't have much time, here's something for all of you celebrating Halloween (not me *pouts*)
some animal costumes:
and here's a Jack-o-Lantern, just for LS ^^ (it's dubbed a "Chipmumpkin")
well, since I live in the Netherlands, I've never gone out trick or treatin'.. I really feel like I'm missing out, since I LOVE anything spooky hehe ^^"
to make up for this lack of good holidays, I think I might force Silver to a cheesy horror/monster movie marathon on saturday..
we got a long weekend together coming up ^^ we're both free from work on friday and saturday, so after I've gone to the dentist on friday >_< he's coming over here ^^
and we've got a full weekend coming up! he promised to buy me a new Pufferfish *dances* and I can't wait!! fishies always make me so happy ^^" Silver can vouch for that hehe. I think I might actually glow when I get new fish..
speaking of my fish, some of them have been dieing *sobs* one of my oldest fish, Fat Fish, died yesterday.. he's been in my aquarium since the very first batch of fish, so I guess it was his time ^^" though I do miss him, since the variety in my tank is decreasing quickly.
I wonder if I need to mention Otakulypse 2.0..
I wasn't surprised by it to be honest. since the mainpage of TheO is my homepage, I check out the news every day and a maintenance time-out was mentioned there. it just took a lot longer than usual ^^"
though for me, TheO is now working a lot faster and better. unfortunately not for everyone *hugs go to Yensid-sensei* (maybe it's your WiFi, mine likes to mess with me too...)
my grandma is in the hospital.. I'm worried about her..
I shouldn't though, she's doing fine ^^
she's got some sort of bacteria in her knee and is in a lot of pain. so now she's getting bunches of anti biotics. but it does mean she has to stay in the hospital for six weeks..
I guess I just don't like the idea of her getting old.. I've never been a real family person, but I dunno..
I had a test yesterday. actually it was my only exam for past block. I think it went alright.. came in last and was done first.. *shrugs* it's the way I work hehe ^^"
I'll let you guys know about the result once I get it.
today I just need to go to college for an assignment and then I got work. tomorrow is another full day of work and then it's the dentist and a full weekend for myself and my honey \^_^/
oh, I almost forgot to lay out the plan for the weekend from the fishies on..
after we buy new fish *squeel, YAY*, we're going shopping in Rotterdam ^^ I'm trying to get a hold of a pair of jeans I really want, but I can't find it in my size.. it's the blouse-saga all over again *laughs*
and in the evening we're going to the poolhall with some friends ^^
saturday we might go shopping in Breda, so lots of shopping and spending money is coming along ^^
I'm not sure if I'll have time to visit or post the rest of the week, so I hope you all have a great week and weekend!
have a happy and safe Halloween ^^
hey guys!
another quick sign of life with some good news.
here's the good news for starters: my contract is being renewed ^^ I asked my boss yesterday and she told me not to worry about it cause I would've known about a month ago if it wasn't going to be ^^
more good news: the ICP cd is shipped already ^^ YAY for me getting Shag's and J's autograph \^_^/!!!
today is a bit of a more quiet day for me. no work for a change ^^
instead, me and my mom are going to play tourist in our own country again. we're going to Madurodam (hehe instant english site, saves me a lot of explaining ^^)
basically it's a park with Dutch landmarks on a 1:25 scale.
now that I think about it, it's pretty cool that we're going there, especially since we're right smack dab in the middle of the 'Miniature Killer' episodes of CSI ^^" funny context..
anyhow.. that's about it from me today.
except of course for your postly LOLcat:
doing a little bit better. had a good weekend with Silver-sama and got some time to relax today.
I've got a week off from college, though not from work.. got two full days coming up, tomorrow from 9.30 to 6 and wednesday a whoopin' 9.30 to 8.30!
yeah, one's gotta love 11 hour days >_<
good news: a new ICP (Insane Clown Posse) CD is coming out soon. well, not so much new as it is a "best of", but fuck that, I preordered myself a copy with an autographed booklet ^^ I'm pretty damn psyched about that ^^ Silver's giving it to me as a gift, the sweetheart ^^
special thanks go to Kikyo-chan today, for her comment to my last post. *massive hugs to you, girl!* that really lifted my spirits, I have to be honest, tears shot to my eyes when I read it.. it's so sweet of you and it really reminded me that there are people out there who care about me ^^ I tend to forget that too much..
horrid thursday: I'm going out with my mom for a day.. oh well, maybe it isn't so bad..
got some more nerves coming up.. my contract needs renewing. now, this wouldn't be too bad, but last time I had a contract that needed to be renewed, I got fired.. so yeah, I'm nervous and it's probably about nothing, but oh well ^^" wish me luck guys.
nothing much else going on.
I watched the first two disks (7 eps/15) of Surface. damn, is that ever a good series ^^ I knew I had good taste *chuckles*
well, I'm off, don't have anything else to say really ^^"
here's your postly LOLcat:
now where was this guy a few days ago?
one more for the road ^_~
hope you all had good weekends and mondays. I'll be back sometime ^^"
MCL, I'm outti.
ps: who the heck calls his cat: Ollie Mcugleston Stinkerpants?! I wish I thought of that one...*pouts*
I hope you are all doing well and feeling alright. I apologise for my lack of visits. just haven't had the energy for it. plus, I'm still being plagued by terrible headaches, which start at the base of my skull, work their way through my head to the front to make it feel like something is pushing my eyes out.. not a very nice feeling.
well, I haven't been doing too good lately.
I don't like to be at home, I feel uneasy and anxious. been having more panic attacks, this time including me digging my nails into my own arm to make me concentrate on something. in this case, the pain..
I'm also not feeling very wanted at college. I discovered I'll be missing out on ten points instead of five, so it's going to be a bit more stressy for me next block.
then there's the case with me and Silver's mom.. I kind of can't stand her lately and apparently, she can't stand me neither. Silver explained my situation to her and now she wants a closer bond with me.. I'm not too sure about that.. I'd be fine with her getting off my case and letting me enjoy my time with Silver.. *shrugs*
at work, I feel a little better. if you don't count the one coworker who likes to throw stuff at me.. and the lazy one, though I hardly ever see him anymore anyway ^^ it appears that he's had his final warning already and needs to be careful not to get fired..
while walking home with my boss today (I always walk with her to her car, since it's on my route anyway) we were just talking and I almost wanted to ask if I could just come with her.. I REALLY didn't want to go home..
I feel like I'm being in the worst place I can be. I'm at the stage where I don't really want to come out of bed anymore.. and that's a stage I had hoped I could stay away from..
like I said, college is sending me through to a therapist. I need to make my own appointments and it could very well last a few weeks before it's my turn. so I'm not really holding my breath for it.. *shrugs again*
well, I hope to feel better next week, when I'll be back and will hopefully be visiting again.
your postly LOLcat before I leave:
ok, it's a LOLsloth.. I'm usually digusted by these creatures, and they scare me to death being able to give me nightmares.. but this one is just funny ^^
here's a kitten to make the scare go away ^^ (just in case there are people like me out there ^^")
in other, quick, news. the design for my next tattoo is getting selected. here are the current favorites for my shoulder:
and the one who I'm rooting for right now (I fell in love with it just a few minutes ago when Silver showed it to me)
well, I could put up a huge post about what's been going on in my life lately.. but it really isn't much to talk about ^^" (read saturdays post if you'd like, it's got some sentimental shit and some good news in it ^^)
Silver came over on sunday and we had a great time, just being together, watching tv and playing we <3 Katamari ^^ though it was short, it is always nice to be together ^^ makes me feel at easy and happy ^^
saturday night was weird. well, unusual anyway. I wanted to drink that big bottle of beer, remember? well, nothing came of it, cause I was exhausted, went to bed at nine pm, finished reading the first volume of Hayate the Combat Butler and then went to sleep at ten pm. only to wake up again at ten am the next day! I've never slept that well ^^"
well, at least not for a looooong while ^^"
my latest wallpaper is doing way better than expected. I like the autumn-y feel it's got and I fiddled with the colors for a while to get it the way I wanted it..
check it out if you'd like: Hosted By