Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys!
I hope you are all doing well and had a good week.
Mine hasn’t been the most lovely of the batch I’ve got through in my life, but then again, I think I’m at an all time low at the moment..
Though getting out of the project has given me some time to relax, I still got work and my mental issues to worry about.
I went to the mental care/help person yesterday and he’s sending me through to a therapist outside of the organisation that’s ignoring me ^^ I’m actually quite looking forward to that, since it’ll be the most help I’ve got since this depression started for me. When I told my mom, however, she was able to rain on my parade as she always does, by immediately asking me if I told those people honestly that I (and I quote) “Lie in bed all day and don’t go out to do anything.”
The facts that I’ve got a loving boyfriend who I see every weekend and some weekdays and that I got a job that take up a big part of my week, seem to slip her mind every time we discuss this issue.. *sighs* oh well, I’ve learned to live with it and it’s something to talk over with my therapist *dances* maybe it’s wrong to get so excited by this fact, but I’m actually going to get some serious help and guidance ^^
Ok, in order to keep this post on the happy side, I’m going to talk about my anniversary!!
Yep, it’s been two years since I’ve joined this wonderful world already. And I say already, while I actually think ‘just’. It feels like I’ve known some people on here for forever already and I mean in the good way ^^
I’ve had fun, fights, love and tears and I wouldn’t change a thing if I was able to go back in time to do so. Without everything that happened, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
In a bit of a sentimental mode, I want to thank you all for your support, advice, words of wisdom and sharing your own experiences with me, whether it be through comments or posts of your own.
I’d especially like to thank some people who have been here for me through good and bad times, and to whom I feel like I owe special thanks. Now, if you’re not on this list, don’t think I don’t appreciate you as my friend! Cause I do!! These are just the people that have won a very special place in my heart over these two years ^^
So thank you: Silver-sama, Magnus-ojou-sama, Yensid-sensei, Kikyo-chan and Grifter-san. Not to forget about Shishou-chan, who comes around whenever she can ^^ and of course LS-san can’t be left out, since he can always make me smile ^^
I love you all, every one of my friends and you’re all very dear to me ^^
I wouldn’t still be here if it weren’t for you. And I mean that in the sense of TheO, but also of this world. I don’t think I could still fight without you guys.
I would also like to thank everyone here for the chance to share some of my creative moments, my wallpapers are doing pretty well if I say so myself and of course my articles are still there to enjoy if you’d like to read them ^^ heck, this site even gave me the chance, the opportunity to write a little column for the ImagineFX magazine, which got posted in the.. June issue of the mag (if I remember correctly ^^”)
Well, I’ll leave it here. Have a great weekend everyone and I’ll see you guys around. On to the next year ^^
I’ll be celebrating this highlight of the week by drinking the huge bottle of beer that I still got standing in the fridge.. all by myself.. yeah, cause Silver-sama is headed out for a WWF event in Belgium today. (have fun honey!!)
Postly LOLcat (there are multiple today, I love them all ^^)
Katharine Whitehorn Leicester University Magazine January 1965
Hey guys!
I hope you all are doing alright and have had a good week so far.
me, I'm doing.. meh, could be better, but could be a lot worse too.
I quit the project. cried my eyes out in front of my groupmates, but they understood. we talked things over and now it's settled. my teacher was there too and told me to make an appointment with the school's mental coach person ASAP. I'm going there tomorrow morning. it should be good for me, since I still haven't heard from the therapy people.. not really trusting they will get back to me anymore anyway.
I still have to make appointments with the two other teachers to see how we're going to solve the problem of my five lost study points. my teacher told me not to worry about it. most likely, it will be an individual assignment next block, but I think it's also likely that I can be granted the five points.. we'll see and I'll keep you all posted.
in other news, nothing much.
I'm slowly getting less and less work hours, which all helps in my relaxing time and working out some stress. though I feel like I'm useless and unproductive, I do feel that this free time helps with my mental state.
this week I got three days of work, well, two days and one evening. next week it will only be one evening and one day.. I am afraid that this will severely cut into the paychecks though.. I've been working too much lately, but man, does it ever pay well ^^
today I'm going to see Silver-sama ^^ just a bit of the afternoon and evening, but since he's going to a wrestling event on saturday, I won't get to see him again till sunday. so yeah, today proved to be a good day to go see him ^^ we'll probably just relax, watch House anyway ^^ and maybe we'll watch some Hellsing ^^ can't wait till this afternoon ^^
when I'm done here, which means: with posting. I'm going to actually get dressed and go to pick up my passport ^^ yep, it should be all done today.
then it's off to rummage around in my room to find all the stuff I'm sending off to England ^^" Magnus-ojou-sama is borrowing half of my manga/anime collection, it seems ^^"
and there are some comics that are going to her brother.. man, the shipping costs are going to neck me ^^"
I have to send it all today though, since the post office over here is closed.. so I got the chance to send them off while in Silver's town ^^
nothing much more to report.
I'm not visiting much, I'm sorry to say. I don't have the energy at the moment..
my two year anniversary on here is getting closer. it'll be on saturday.
I think I'll write a post then, since I've got the evening to myself..
well, your postly LOLcat:
ok, so maybe I'm going to take a little nap before all the other stuff.. yeah, sounds good ^^
MCL, I'm outti
hey guys!
hope you are all doing well and had good weekends ^^
mine was very good, seeing how it was spent with Silver-sama and at work like usual.
also, Silver came by on friday and we had a little shopping-spree and then a movie night ^^ much fun for me ^^ (and him for that matter ^^")
lets start with friday then, shall we?
in the morning I had a lecture about Art History, which turned out to be more interesting and fun than I thought it would be.
when that was over and I headed home, I let Silver know that I was on my way and he came over to my place. I just beat him there hehe ^^
then we went around the shops in my town, cause Silver still hadn't really seen the new mall. he bought me some earrings to fit with my new shirt (don't worry, Kikyo, it's a green blouse, I doubt it's what you bought for me ^^ still very curious though hehe ^^")
after that we went to the big hardware store where they also happen to sell fish ^^
they got a new load of pufferfish ^^ and they're so big and round and yellow ^^ I really want to get me one again, though I'm a bit afraid that it will end up the same as my last one did.. dead within about two months.. oh well, we'll see what happens.
after me drooling at the fishies (I've decided on some fish I want for my aquarium, I just didn't buy them yet)
we went to the wonderful city of Rotterdam! YAY! it's only wonderful because it's got the huge bookstore and the comic shop hehe ^^"
Silver-sama bought me the DVD of Night at the Museum and the box of the series Surface, which I've never seen or heard about, but it just looked too good to put away ^^"
he also bought me loads of manga (two ^_~) but then again, the huge order also came in, so I'm set for a couple of weeks again ^^ I'll include a list of the new manga at the end of this post.
I also bought some mangas and the bundled version of WildCATS: Battery Park.
after the shopping we ate at good old MaccieD's and then headed over to the movies ^^
we were initially just going to see Rush Hour 3, but I really wanted to see 1408 too. so we decided on a double feature ^^
Rush Hour 3 was good. as to be expected from the series, lots of jokes and stuff, but I especially like the movies because of the choreography of the fights. it's like they're dancing ^^ too bad about the one-liners from Chris Tucker's side while Jackie Chan is fighting, but if you tune them out, it's soooo good to watch ^^
then came the horror that is 1408.
now remember, I love horror-movies, but I usually watch them in the safety of my own home, with a light on and no surround-sound.
this time, it was in the theatre, completely dark, and hearing everything around you..
man, did this movie ever scare me! I jumped up a good couple of times, making Silver jump because of my sudden movements ^^"
I won't tell too much about it, but just know that this movie actually gave me nightmares. 'nuff said, you all know that it's really good now ^^
saturday was work, then I hitched a ride with my boss again and got to Silver's.
we had a nice easy evening, not doing much but watch tv and going to bed early.
on sunday I made some homework and we watched more tv ^^ I also slept a lot again.. I've been so tired lately..
nothing really special happened, we just enjoyed each other's company and had fun ^^
today is going to be a rough day for me..
after the exchange of some rather.. well, unfriendly emails between me and my group-members, they have decided they want to 'have a word with me'. I have no idea what to expect from them. I do know that I'm going to do something I haven't done in a very long time.
I'm going to give up.
I'm going to ask the teacher if it's possible for me to just flunk the project now and do a different assignment. I just can't work with those two girls. they're making highschool drama and I'm too old for that shit. besides, in my current mental state, which is being made worse by the stress caused by this whole ordeal, I don't think I'll be of much use to them.
so yeah, I'll see what today brings.
to end this post on a happy note, I noticed a lot of people are quite jealous of me going to Marrakech ^^" I have to admit, it's the furthest I've ever gone from home. I've been to:
England, Belgium (OH MY GOSH!! I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!!!*read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy if you don't get this*), Denmark, Finland, Sweden and France.
I also have to admit that I'm lucky for living in the Netherlands in this case. it's easy and cheap to get to another country, I understand that it's quite hard to get to another country if you live in the US.
but remember, some of you are going to get a nice little souvenir from me ^^ *winks to Kikyo, Yensid and Magnus, oh I almost forgot Silver ^^"*
and of course I'll share the pictures I make with all of you ^^
well, I'd best end it here. I'm going to catch a little nap before getting ready for college ^^" I need all the rest I can get at the moment hehe ^^
wish me luck guys. I'll let you know how things end up ^^
your postly LOLcat:
MCL, I'm outti.
here's the manga list, for all to enjoy ^^
Yurara 2
My-HiME 3
School Rumble 5 and 6
XXX Holic 10
Sensual (Kaikan) Phrase 7 and 8
Chrono Crusade 5 and 6
The Outcast 1
Hana Kimi 6 and 7
Venus vs Virus 1
Loveless 6
He is my Master 2
Archlord 3
Gravitation 2
2nd Gravitation novel: Voice of Temptation
1st Full Metal Panic novel: Fighting boy meets girl
DVD Adventures of the Mini-goddess: Belldandy files
figurines: Lumiere and Eclaire from Kiddy Grade ^^
well the past few days haven't been all that great to me.. like I told you all in my last post, I had a feeling this week was going to suck.. so far, it's been half and half.
monday was actually a really good day ^^ when going home, I just made it to the subway in time and also JUST got on the bus, since it was slowly driving off when I came running and it ACTUALLY STOPPED!! it was the first time in MONTHS that the bus didn't drive off in front of me..
but tuesday.. *shudders*
it started alright, though I was looking for that shirt I've been wanting and couldn't find my size anywhere.. I had been told at the store that they could order it for me, but I decided to look around first.
I ended up buying manga (some new series: Hayate the combat butler volume 1 and 2, Rose hip zero volume 1, Gentlemen's alliance volume 1 and the ever so lovely Battle vixens (volume 4)) and headed for college.
my lectures weren't too bad, but then came the group project..
long story short, I get to do basically all the work on the project, since the other two believe I'm not doing nearly as much work as them *shrugs* maybe it's true.. but still, they didn't need to be so.. high and mighty about everything.. a very big "we're better than thou" vibe shook me off my feet.. so a lot of stress has come down on me again.
in the evening, trying to actually work on this homework, my internet decided to die. several times.. in the meantime, I had two panic attacks, complete with hyperventilating.. not fun.
Silver called me to calm me down, then my cellphone battery went flat.. so he called my home number, after a while that phone decided to die..
I think you can all understand that things weren't starting to look up for me.
eventually, after rebooting the modem several times, internet worked again so I got some time on MSN with Silver after all ^^
wednesday.. wednesday was really meh.. oh, tuesday evening, I went back to the store where they told me they could order the shirt, turned out they aren't allowed to order below 50 bucks.. >_<
wednesday was work, which was alright, though I was tired as hell and not feeling myself. even my co-workers noticed..
in the evening, I got to chat with Matty and Silver again, which is always a good thing.
at the end of the evening, I cried my eyes out, just having a little nervous breakdown.. it did me good though, made me real tired, so I got some sleep. at first, that is. I was awake for most of the night.
today has been alright so far..
I went to the next town over with my brother and actually found the shirt in my size ^^ so I'm pretty pleased with that.
I also had pictures made and requested a new passport, since I REALLY need that *mystery music*
I was planning to work on the project, but I need the info from the other two, who walked the route yesterday. fortunately for me, they still haven't send me anything, so I got something to use against them.
now, on to happier things ^^
tomorrow morning I got a lecture, but after that I'm getting to see Silver YAY ^^ we're going shopping and we're going to see Rush Hour 3, so it should be a really good day ^^
also, the reason I need a new passport: I'm going to MARRAKECH, BABY!!!
now, for everyone going: "who's mother?"
Marrakech, Marrocco ^^ another studytrip in the next block. I'll be there from the 25th of november till the 2nd of december and I can't wait hehe ^^ even though I'm going with a bunch of people I either don't know or don't like, I'm still getting to see another part of the world and I'm really excited about it ^^
well, I should be off, got a bit of a headache..
I don't think I'll visit much, sorry guys.. it's just that I can't really concentrate on posts at the moment.. so all you'd get is crappy comments.. so yeah, I don't want to disappoint you all *hugs for everyone*
oh, made a new wallpaper on a whim last night. trying to keep myself positive hehe ^^"
I'm not going to submit it to TheO, since it isn't anime or manga related.
but let me show you guys anyway:
I just combined the two pics, but it still looks pretty good to me.
to anyone who's wondering where I got the "Failure" pic, check out Dinosaur Comics it's rather.. well, weird really.. kind of like XKCD
yeah, I stumble upon many a great webcomic just by following random links on sites I visit ^^"
that's how I learned all about TROGDOR!!! but that's another story.
hey guys!
well, as some of you might have noticed, I've taken some time off the internet.
matter of fact, I also took three days off work.
I gave in to me being sick and decided I was, well, sick and tired of it ^^"
I litterally struggled my way through work on wednesday, much to the happyness of my co-worker though, since there were only three of us and it was busy as hell >_<
but at the end of the day, there wasn't much left of me.. thankfully, my other co-worker could fill in for me on thursday and I told them I could probably come back on friday.
but then thursday came and my cough got practically unbearable.. you know that kind of dry cough, trying to get the slime lose, but instead burning your lungs trying? a little worse than that one and you got mine. breathing actually hurt my lungs and they constantly felt like they were burning up.
so I called off work for the weekend too.
I stayed in bed till saturday afternoon, then got dressed (forced by my mom) and on sunday I was actually dressed the full day.
by now, thanks to loads of cough-meds (to anyone who I've commented to these past few days, this might explain why it didn't make much sense ^^') my cough's almost gone and I'm ready to hit life again. so I'm going back to college today, even though I've got a bad feeling about this week.. like nothing good will come of it and I'm better off staying in bed.. might also just be my lazyness kicking in after a few days that were spent mostly sleeping (oh, how I've caught up on my sleep this weekend ^^ and yet, I'm still tired..)
now don't think that I went through all this agony alone (yes, I know, I'm a dramaqueen ^_~)
friday afternoon Silver-sama came over to take care of me for the weekend ^^ his job was to make sure I didn't do too much and didn't feel too guilty about not going to work. he did rather well, if you don't count me cleaning out my three fishtanks (well, a plastic one, a fishbowl and an actual fishtank) on sunday ^^" my fish are happy and visible again though ^^
speaking of my fish, one of my favorite fish, one of the huge black alge-eaters, died. so now, Zaphod is all alone and missing his old friend Ford.. I'm thinking of maybe buying him a new friend, but I'm not sure yet.. I've been wanting to buy new fish anyway, since I've only got one black molly left and only one striped fish of which I can't remember the official name (to me, it's fat-fish hehe)
but Silver-sama got the day off again on friday and I only got a lecture in the morning and no work and we're supposed to go shopping so I think we'll hit the pet-stores too ^^
by the way, anyone who can figure out where the names for my alge-eaters came from (Silver, you're excluded honey, you know ^_~) gets a shout-out in my next post ^^
well, that's about all the news I've got.. yeah, I know it isn't much or all that interesting.. I did get to catch up on my manga reading while I was in bed. I finished reading Saikano, which was very sad, but I still recommend it to the older readers amongst us. it's really not something for the younger audience (that's why it's rated M(ature)) but it's still a great read if you're up to the emotional challenge.
I also read Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion, which was confusing at times, but still good to read. it has loads of action and some really well done characters, so it's another recommendation from me ^^
now it's time for me to read Oh! My Goddess. I've got the first five volumes of the new edition so I've got some reading to do ^^
still holding off on Sensual Phrase though ^^" but then again, I ordered two more volumes with our new huge order so they should be coming in this week ^^ (Silver and me ordered a huge list of manga and anime ^^)
yep, it's time for me to go, get a little nap and maybe even check out the stores before going to college. I've seen a shirt I decided I really want ^^"
but you all know I won't leave without giving you your postly LOLcat:
that's me, still needing that disgusting cough-syrup >_<
and here's one just to make up for me being gone, I love the look in this little guy's eyes ^^ no wonder though
hey guys!
I hope you are all doing better than me, cause I'm sick >_<
I feel like crap and, like usual, I can't afford to be sick. I do think I'm only going to go to college today for some groupwork and then head home again to get some rest.
the problem is that I HAVE to be able to work tomorrow since we're missing three of our people already (no, they haven't come down with a bad case of vadge badgers, poo roosters or anal lemmings) two of them have exam weeks at school, and this apparently means they can't work.. never stopped me *shrugs*
the other one is on holiday for crying out loud >_<
so nope, I can't afford to be sick for even one day..
in better news, I spoiled myself again hehe ^^ I bought the bundle of Wild CATS: Nemesis. and I plan on ordering some manga AND the pvc figures of Eclaire and Lumiere ^^
plus, I'll still be able to put about 100 bucks back into my savings account so that the amount on there can grow again for lesser times ^^
(hold on guys, Quinty is begging for attention, meaning she's sitting on my lap, almost preventing typing)
*a good ten minutes later*
I also bought new shoes (again, last week I bought boots and shoes) I figured I wanted better shoes to work on instead of my worn-out Vans. so I bought pretty cool looking skate shoes of a lesser brand (whaddyaknow, from my own store ^_~) so I'm pretty happy with that ^^
as for my work *glares at JD-kun*(naw, it's alright, I see the humor. also know that it's hard to find a pic that says: "whut you mean I has vadge badgers?" ^_~) this is in respond to Grifter-san's and Yensid-sensei's comments:
yes, I do know that this is exactly what shoe sales persons do. cause I am one. it just seems to be the common assumption that we all work like Al Bundy.
and we do give service. we just don't put the shoes on the feet of the customers, we assume they know damn well how to do that ^^" (unless this person is disabled, I have done it before on a lady who had to ride one of those scooter carts.)
your postly LOLcat:
by the way, sorry for freaking some of you out with Hoovercat *chuckles*
well, I don't have much more to say *cough* so this one actually makes up for yesterday's post ^^
I'll try to get to sites, but don't know how much I'll be able to. I'll probably read all the posts, but maybe I'm not able to comment. forgive me for that ^^"
hope you are all doing well and had an amazing weekend ^^
I don't have a lot to say today, but that's alright, last week's monster made up for that in advance ^^
my weekend was alright. work was exhausting, but at least I managed to steer clear of the most annoying customers. my boss however was having an increasingly hard time.. she's got a really bad cold and should be in bed.. I think I've caught her cold too, so I'm trying to take things a bit easier this week.
on friday though, we were missing 50 bucks out of the register.. now that pisses me off, cause I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong.. but still, you start to doubt yourself.. luckily on saturday, when it had been pretty darn busy and I was working the register all day, there wasn't anything missing, which made me feel a lot better again ^^
just for the record, two other girls had worked the register too on friday, so it might as well've been their fault, we just don't know ^^"
despite some backlashes and a lot of complaining customers, we are getting a pretty good turnover. in fact, it seems like we're giving away the shoes for free and that everyone in and around my town hasn't been able to buy any shoes for years >_< it's been busy EVERY DAY.. right now, we're just preparing for a very slow time when everything calmes down and the people have enough shoes..
also, just for the record, I am not a shoe sales person like in America and on tv.. what I do is look up the right size for people (on the boxes, cause apparently, people forget how to do anything themselves once they walk in), show them where to find mirrors, show them where to find certain shoes from the commercials and last, but not least, help parents with little kiddies find the right shoes for their offspring.
so no measuring old people's feet and having to fit the shoes on them. they can all do that themselves, thank goodness ^^
other than work, I also had a weekend ^^
my boss dropped me off right in front of Silver's house ^^ at first I was nervous about driving along with her, but everything went alright and we just chatted and laughed and talked about things in the store and what we might expect in the near future ^^
so anyway.. I got at Silver's, showered, we went to get food from good ol' MaccyD's. then we played some We <3 Katamari and then we went to the birthday party of a friend of Silver's ^^
the party was fun, it was outside around this big, warm fire ^^ I ended up drinking too much after all, though I was a nice little girl and only drank beer ^^ 'twas still too much though..
had fun talking with several people ^^ especially with the birthday boy, since he has an aquarium full of.. *dun dun dunnnn* (Magnus, you're going to love this!) PIRANHAS!!! they were soooooo cool ^^ so was the fishtank by the way, it was HUGE ^^ *secretly jealous*
either way, we both had fun and were the last ones leaving the party.. we basically got kicked out cause the host wanted to get some sleep ^^'
sunday was alright. if you don't count the ginormous hangover I had (somehow, I only get them from beer.. oh and too much tequila, but that's a different story ^^") and the fact that I'm getting sick..
we played more Katamari and then headed over to my house. then it was time to eat (we spent most of the morning sleeping and just being in bed ^^") and after that, we watched tv. I taunted Silver with my Hellsing DVD box for a while, since he really wants it hehe but I'm the one who bought it so, muahahahah!
I get to borrow Silver's PS2 for a while \^_^/ YAY!!!! I also borrowed four games, or else it wouldn't be of much use.. I got We <3 Katamari, Red Ninja, Tenchu and Dynasty Warriors ^^ so I'll be able to get some relaxing in this week hehe ^^
we played more Katamari and then Silver had to head home, since I was feeling more and more crappy..
when he left, I got online for a bit to wish Matty good luck, he's got a job interview today *crosses fingers* and before I knew it, it was past twelve already.. I don't know what happened, but time just flew past and I had to get some sleep! I had taken two sleeping pills, so the sleeping part went well ^^ in fact, I'm going to take another nap after this ^^
let's see.. nothing much more to say.. except maybe for the fact that I've suddenly got a huge amount of money on my account, that I can't really place.. I tried to calculate my pay for last month (I get paid a month later, due to provision calculations) and it was less than what had been added.. but it couldn't have had my government-scholarship money either, cause that would've been way less than usual.. *shrugs* guess I'll have to wait and see when my receipt thingy comes in next week ^^"
in the meantime: I'm rich, YAY!
well, this is turning out long after all, so I'll end this with your postly LOLcat. it's in reply to JD-kun's comment, of which I'm still not sure whether to be offended by it..
and I'll throw in another one, just for the heck of it ^^
have a great day and I'll see y'all later *hugs for everyone*
Much Clown Love, I'm outti.
hope you all had a great week so far and that you'll have amazing fridays ^^
the end.
naw, not really ^^
my week has been hectic to say the least. not so much college, which is going by without a problem at the moment (still sitting alone during lectures: not minding it, just having to spend a few minutes with my group members before we go our seperate ways: loving that..)
it's the work that's getting to me. worked almost 32 hours last week, it'll be 30 hours this week, next week, I get to take a breathe with only25 hours of work. unfortunately, I do have an extra lecture on friday, so it still doesn't make much of a difference.
the week after next week should be hectic too, since one of the part-timers is gone for holiday that week.. then everything should calm down a bit and return to normal..
the work itself isn't too bad, really. it's the customers that make me want to attack random people in the street to let off steam ^^"
it's like all they come in for is to complain, exchange or bring back the goods they bought, or try to haggle their way into a bit of a discount. they examinate the shoes for as long as it takes until they find the tiniest thing wrong with it and then demand a discount.. they come back with slippers because some of the seams have let go..
maybe I'm too simple with things like that, but I say: pick up a needle, a bit of thread and FIX THE DAMN THING!
*shrugs* my bosslady feels the same, she asked me if everyone in my town is a nag ^^" I replied with the fact that I'm born in the next town over, so that's why I'm not like them at all, thank goodness^^
what really sent me over the edge yesterday was a lady that came back with a pair of shoes. the pricetag on the shoes said 44.90, but the register says 49.90. alright, no problem, lady was in a hurry when she bought the shoes, we discovered on wednesday that there was a problem with the shoes (lady bought them on tuesday.. actual price IS in fact 49.90, bosslady changed the prices on the shoes as soon as I told her this story)
alright, so I say, no problem, we'll make it an exchange and lady gets 5 bucks from me. "easy as can be"
now, I shouldn't have said that.. cause she went off at me >_< "it's not easy at all! if I hadn't been paying attention I would've paid more than I had to and you have to change it in the register for other customers and BLAHBLAHBLAH"
this went on for a while, with me trying to keep my most polite smile on.
finally, lady was done ranting. so I gave her the five bucks and said that I had to keep the original receipt for administration.
wrong again. "And I need that receipt! what if I want to bring the shoes back or exchange them?!"
*snap* "oh really, you want to exchange them eh? you might as well do that RIGHT NOW, while we're at it!"
*silence* I handed her back the receipt and the shoes and stormed off before anyone else could annoy the crap out of me. went to my bosslady to vent and she changed the prices on the boxes and the shoes.
luckily, before I could attack any paying customers, my lazy co-worker came in. now, we were with four girls (including my bosslady, who really IS one of the girls ^^) and one lazy ass guy. so we all decided to sick him for the rest of the day, letting off steam and not mutilating anyone who could actually sue us for doing so *chuckles*
now, before I scare of Lord Sessh', with my annoyance of the lazy guy, let it be known that this guy is not only lazy, but arrogant and annoying to boot. he's like a tiny package of all things I hate in people. tiny, because he's like.. a dwarf *chuckles*
well, I got more work today. I hope things will be a bit more quiet again and that there aren't too many complaining customers. my bosslady keeps having me work the register and she's actually teaching me how to start up and lock up. I feel very responsible ^^ even though she said she's gonna teach everyone how to do it, I'm still the first she's teaching it and not one of the part-timers hehe ^^
she's also giving me a ride to Silver's on saturday ^^ she lives in the same city as him and she told me that I could just ask her for a ride a while ago.
so yesterday, I asked and told her that she could just bring me to the trainstation. then she replied that it was close to where she lived and that caught my attention. a short chat with a lot of laughs later, it turned out that she lives about five to ten minutes from where Silver lives! it really IS a small world after all eh? so she's going to drop me off at his house this saturday ^^
in order to make this post also about something other then work, here's something else I did yesterday ^^
I had a chat with my fantastic ojou-sama Magnus! it's been ages since we've talked, mostly due to my lack in communicative skills and inability to keep up with emails and PM's ^^" but it was so great to talk with her again ^^ *massive hugs go out to you, Steph, if you read this ^^*
it really cheered me up and I went to sleep tired, but not as frustrated anymore ^^
Quinty likes to sleep with me. she especially likes to crawl onto my pillow and cover half my head while I sleep >_< so for the second day in a row, I woke up with a cat on my head..
she's sweet though, sat on my lap again for a while this morning and decided to take a few walks on top of my laptop.. once again made it difficult for me to type though ^^"
this weekend should be good. going to Silver-sama, as said. we're going to the birthday party for one of his friends. I'm looking forward to it, but am still a bit afraid of the precense of alcohol.. I'll just try to keep Silver close to me this time so he can bat the drinks out of my hands *laughs* like he did with the cigarette last time ^^"
I also finally remembered to call my doc about the bloodwork (thanks to a reminder in my cellphone hehe ^^")
of course, the result wasn't very surprising: bloodwork looks fine.
so now, I have to make another appointment at the doc's to see what we will do next. since I still haven't heard from the therapy-people, I think I'll ask him if he knows of any other therapist he can send me to.. I'm not putting much faith in the people over at the therapy-thingy that 'helped' me last time..(and who the doc is sending me back to now..)
I'll keep you all posted ^^
and now, for your postly LOLcat:
and lastly, I want to give another quick shout-out to Two Lumps which never stops making me laugh ^^ check it out, I promise it's worth your while ^^
much clown love people, have a wonderful weekend and I'll probably be back on monday ^^
I'm outti
well, this shouldn't be too long hehe ^^" but then again, I remember saying things like that and then writing the longest post in ages.. oh well ^^"
I hope you all had an alright monday, as far as mondays can be alright.. mine was ok, I've been feeling pretty damn depressed again and to add to the fun, I think I'm getting sick again *sigh*
I'm trying to get enough sleep, but it's hard when you've got a kitty that likes waking you up in the middle of the night/early hours of the morning, in order to cuddle with you ^^" Quinty is still my little darling though hehe ^^ she likes to crawl under the blankets with me, especially now it's getting colder again. too bad she sneezed all over me *laughs*
she's been so sweet to me all morning ^^ she even decided to lay on my lap for a while, even though it made typing hard (I was visiting sites *gasp*) it was so sweet ^^
right now, I could go for a little nap, but I actually need to make some homework..
yeah, I kind of neglected that yesterday.. well, I did the biggest part of it, but then I decided to take a break that took a bit longer than it was supposed to ^^"
some good things happened too ^^ well, not exactly things that make you go whooptyfreakingdoo, but still, I was able to cheer myself up a bit yesterday ^^
I watched the first DVD of Di Gi Charat Panyo Panyo ^^ so cute ^^
I've also started reading the second book of the Vlad Taltos series, Yendi (by Steven Brust) really good reading ^^
and, last, but certainly not least, I've changed the theme on my site ^^
it's now Ergo Proxy, an anime I've been wanting to see since summer, but still haven't been able to.. I think I'll wait for a boxset to come out, as usual ^^ I did buy the Hellsing boxset recently, but I don't think watching it alone in my current mental state will do me much good ^^" much like reading the last two volumes of Saikano, which I still haven't done either.. oh well, I can keep myself busy ^^ (especially with all the work I'm doing at the moment hehe)
speaking of work, I think I'll see how this week goes and if it leaves me too exhausted, I'll ask for less hours.
as you can all see (after a slight detour, I'm back at the new theme) it's pretty dark ^^ but it's really fitting for me at the moment, mostly because Re-l looks like she's going to fight the dark with all she's got ^^ now there's the spirit I need to get again!
I also included Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata at the start of my posts. you can choose whether or not to listen to it, but I recommend it to you all. it's really my favorite classical piece and it's just so well done ^^ I really like this version because of the thunder in the background, it once again brings my feelings through, the Storm in my head raging and all..
I hope you all enjoy my theme, cause I sure do ^^ and I hope to see this anime rather sooner than later ^^ (it's been recommended to me at the AnimeCon this summer, been wanting to see it ever since)
well, here's your postly LOLcat, and yes, it's actually a cat today ^^ so cute ^^
here's another one ^^ also cute hehe
I could go on forever, since a lot of cute and funny ones have popped up, but I won't ^^ I need to keep something for my next post hehe ^^"
oh, as for everyone concerned about my eating (which was everyone I think ^^") I've had my first decent meal in a while yesterday ^^ also, I've decided to take my disgusting vitamin pills again, maybe that'll help me through the tough weeks ^^
take care everyone, and once again, sorry for my mindless rambling ^^'
hey guys!
well, I'm trying to get to sites, but it's been hell for me..
let me explain ^^
I've got two days of lectures at college, mondays and tuesdays. these are pretty relaxed days, as long as I've had some decent sleep.
then there's work, the new shop opened and man, was the first weekend ever a blast *sarcasm* more on that later. so I work on wednesdays, thursdays, fridays and saturdays.
and on saturday evening, Silver-sama picked me up to go to his place. and I slept away pretty much all of sunday, simply because I was too damn tired to do anything.
yeah, maybe I just need to get into the rythm, or maybe 32 hours of work a week AND college really is too much for me.. I don't know..
I do know that all this work is distracting me greatly from any depressed thoughts, since I simply haven't been able to think anything ^^"
so, opening weekend. it was so damn busy!
we were doing much better than expected, but I sure hope that things will quiet down this week.
I got to work the register on saturday, which has been ages ago for me and it is a whole new system. in the morning, it was pretty calm, so my bosslady thaught me how to work it.
but in the afternoon things just went crazy! loads of people came to return shoes they bought or exchange them for another size or different shoes.. and all that had to be settled using the register and filling in a whole lot of stuff.. while the row kept growing >_<
it was so busy that at one point, I was litterally shaking in my boots. it looked ridiculous and my co-worker noticed and told me that it was alright, that she had had the same a few hours back ^^ I felt pretty weak at that moment though..
friday was insanely busy too, we had a turnover of over double the amount my bosslady was counting on ^^ very proud of that hehe
like I said, Silver-sama picked me up on saturday evening. he told me that his cousin had a house-warming party that day and I thought it would be fun to go, despite me being exhausted from all the work.
we ended up not going, cause well.. I fell asleep >_< I just wanted to lay down for a little bit, but almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was gone ^^" guess I really was more tired than I thought..
maybe it was just as well that we didn't go, cause I think I'm going to listen to the advice of the wise Yensid-sensei and stay away from alcohol for a while ^^ better not get myself fucked up again.
later that evening, we watched Octane, a thriller which was pretty good, though disturbing and confusing..
sunday was fun, even though I slept during most of the day. we got to eat chinese take-out, which was yummy ^^(my diet since little over a week ago exists of rice, meat and bread ^^" haven't been able to get a normal meal in)
in the evening we tried to watch tv, but there was nothing on.. eventually, I remembered my desire to play Katamari (I've been wanting to all week ^^") so we played that until I had to go home.
and now I'm home again and starting everything all over. my homework for college got sent into oblivion and I don't know how I'm going to explain that to my group.. oh well, I can't really care at the moment, cause I'm still tired and don't want to stress myself.
well, this must've been one of my less sense-making posts.. sorry for the incoherent rambling, it's because I'm tired.
bottom line: I go to college, work and Silver's and don't get enough sleep. I'll try to visit sites, but won't promise anything.
hope you all are doing alright and had a good weekend. good luck this week (that is, if I don't return this week for another post) and I'll see you guys around.