Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hey guys!!!
hope you had a good couple of days.
here's a slightly longer post about mine.
on saturday I woke up, not feeling too well. I had to work at twelve. once I got there, I had already lost my breakfast. and not in a fun way >_< they could see I wasn't feeling too well and asked if I was sure that I wanted to work. I hate calling in sick and I mostly ignore any kind of sickness until it goes away. but after about an hour of work, my chef came to me and asked if I was doing alright. I said I was, but she could see I wasn't. so after a bit she came back and told me to go home. man, was I ever glad to get back in bed ^^'
I did make a good impression at work for even showing up, even though they let me leave after about an hour of work *chuckles*
after a full afternoon of sleeping and after dinner, Silver came to pick me up ^^ (if you haven't yet, go ahead and visit his new site *made by yours truly* Silvereagle)
I can't really remember what we did on saturday evening.. watched tv and talked a lot (which we needed to do.. but it's all good now ^^)
sunday was an extremely lazy day. I mostly slept and we watched tv. oh that's right, saturday night, we also played Dynasty Warriors hehe ^^ I got Silver addicted now too ^^
can't remember what else we did on sunday.. though we did eat chinese food yumm ^^
on monday we went into the city to do some shopping ^^ I of course spend way too much money yet again *sigh*
stocked up on horrible horror movies ^^ (Piranhas, Piranhas2, Arachnophobia, The Descent, Perfect Creature and Love Actually. you guys guess which one is the odd one out ^_~)
also bought a cd of The Streets that I didn't have yet (Original Pirate Material) I've been listening to them a lot lately ^^
Silver gave me Dynasty Warriors Advance for the GBA ^^ it's so much fun hehe ^^ and he bought Backyard Wrestling for himself ^^ mostly because I suddenly shouted VIOLENT J!!!! and pointed at the game *laughs* it was funny, cause the guy behind the counter seemed to be a Juggalo himself hihi
we then walked all the way to the comic book store, only to find out it is closed on mondays *headdesk*
we then went back home and had the lovely food Silver cooked ^^ it was so yummy and I was so stuffed afterwards hehe ^^"
after dinner.. can't remember what we did. watch tv.. Oh, I know, we watched The Relic (really good monster movie, made me jump even though I knew what was coming *laughs*)
by the way, I made Silver buy the dvd of Doom, just because I liked it so much hehe ^^
on tuesday, we went to Rotterdam to *drumroll* shop ^^ Silver bought me a lot of stuff ^^" I could've gotten more from him, but I didn't want him to go completely broke.. I'm already munching too much off him ^^"
he bought me some mangas:
XXX Holic volume 9 (FINALLY)
Gatcha Gacha volume 5 (FINALLY)
Ah! My Goddess volume 5 and
Yurara volume 1
I'm still waiting for the bookstore to get the new volumes of Kashimashi, Absolute Boyfriend, School Rumble and some other series I'm reading at the moment.
I tried to find the fifth issue of Grifter/Midnighter, but the bookstore doesn't sell any single comics. though the guy did know of a comic store I had never heard of.. so we went there and it was like we went to heaven ^^ but halas, they didn't have what I was looking for and I needed to calm down on spending (the WildC.A.T.S. comics looked damn tempting though and they had a collection of manga *drools*)
I'm still on an eBay spending spree, though the shipping costs are killing me.. evil fast and insured shipping!! I don't mind the few extra bucks for the insurance, but it costs me more to have my stuff shipped than the stuff itself cost me.. and no one agrees to the slower shipping >_<
by the way, I was woken up by Tika (the kitten) standing on my chest and licking my face.. Silver forgot to feed her early in the morning, so she decided to wake us, or rather, me up ^^" it was totally cute though ^^
in the evening, we watched House and then it was time for me to go home again.
today was hell.. well, not really, but tiring all the same. got woken up by my own cat whining in front of my door to get in at around 5am. thankfully I got back to sleep.. then, at 7.15 my alarm went off and I HAD to get out.. work from 9 till 5.30. finally got to go home at around 5.45.. work was hard, had to do a lot of moving boxes and explaining for the umpteenth time to people how the two-for-one sale works >_< in the meantime, my boss was sending me from one thing to do to another, so everything had to be stopped halfway..
he also kept forgetting my name.. yet again!
and when I finally did get something finished, he complained about how it wasn't straight enough or something like that..
I wonder if I get fired if I slowly and painfully kill my boss.. *shrugs* at least I'll be with my nice chef in my own city in about two months ^^
well, I ate dinner and now I'm finally getting some time to relax. I've made some more wallpapers, actually, a full new page of them ^^" wallpapers
there ya go ^^ I'll probably make some more today, cause it relaxes me ^^
I'm also planning on making buttons for the people who visit me often, so if you have a certain preference for a picture on it, just let me know in your comment ^^
well, that's it from me for today, I'm probably going to play some DWA hehe ^^
much clown love, I'm outti.
(PS: I'll visit tomorrow, too tired to leave a decent comment right now anyway ^_~)
hey guys!!
don't fret, I'm not dead at all hehe ^^
spending my days with Silver-sama since he's enjoying his vacation ^^
this will be a quicky, cause he's cooking and I'm starving ^^"
hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I'll try to get back into the swing of things around wednesday.
quick update about me:
-got sick at work on sat, got send home ^^"
-Silver picked me up
-can't remember what we did on sunday, I slept alot
-today we went shopping and
-tomorrow we'll probably go again ^^
alright, that's it from me.
everyone, check out my dear Silver-sama's renewed site Silvereagle
he left for a bit, but he's back and better!! props, of course, go to me for the beautiful theme ^_~
I'm actually going to do this today, so this post should be a bit longer than the last one *laughs* I think I scared some people with the fact that it was only a paragraph long.. but Edge and me have worked it out: it was to compensate for his huge post ^_~
well, as I said, days have been lazy for me ^^
when I called work on monday to ask when I was next expected, I got the answer I did not want to hear: "at twelve" "yep, today"
so I had to get dressed and eat something, cause all of a sudden, I had to be at work within an hour and a half.
after a tiring and pretty much boring day of helping customers, running from one floor to another (we have two floors at our store) and moving shoeboxes around so that the new shipment fitted in, I was pretty much dead.
I didn't feel like doing anything in the evening. I tried watching Raptor, but bailed out after ten minutes. then I just decided to take my last two sleeping pills and go to sleep.
tuesday was an alright day. didn't do much at all, except for making that one wallpaper.
oh, I went to the doctor too.. [sarcasm]gee, that was one of my best ideas yet [/sarcasm] I told him that I'm afraid that my pills don't really work anymore.. I've been having more and more suicidal thoughts again and I'm restless all day. next to that, I hardly sleep anymore. I just can't sleep, but there's nothing keeping me up.
so instead of giving me slightly stronger meds, what I was hoping for, he's sending me back to the screw-ups that made me need pills in the first place. psychologist. I hope this time I don't get an old fart who is about to retire and therefor doesn't give a fuck about me anyway.. also, I hope this time they come with some real advice instead of: "it's all your own fault and you're the only one who can do something about it. there is no one who can assist or back you up in this." yeah, thanks guys! *sticks up two thumbs combined with the most sarcastic smile possible*
and as if that isn't bad enough, it might even take a month or so until I even hear from these people, since it's the vacation period. yeah, sure, my depression will take a few weeks off too! trains don't go either, right? bridges and high buildings are closed during vacation, right? knives go blunt, right?
I don't want to worry anyone with this, but I'm trying to get my point accross. I feel like I MIGHT do something to endanger my own life soon and what do I get to hear? "sorry, not now, it's the vacation period" >_< great help.
*sighs and shakes head* there, now that that's out of my system, lets get back to happier stuff ^^
I've been on a wallpaper making spree ^^ I'm having so much fun doing them hehe ^^ mostly because it relaxes me and I actually really love my own work (if I may say so) I'll post up the last five I made yesterday at the end of this post ^^
I've been downloading skins for backgrounds, since I don't seem to be able to make them myself.. but I found some good, free ones ^^
also, I've been bidding on Grifter comics on Ebay. man, that site is addictive!! I have to be careful hehe ^^" I tried to win on a Grifter statue, but that suddenly went over 20bucks, which was just too much for me (I was in the lead with 15 for a while though ^_~)
I did win on a set of 16 comics, for the very reasonable price of $10.50. I've still got my eyes on some other sets that are being offered, though one of them is just evil! it's a set of *thinks* 12 comics from 1996, which are damn hard to find.. but the current bid is already over 20 bucks and that's without shipping costs for me, so I think I won't bid on that one..
on tuesday evening, or rather, night, I chatted with Matt (Magnus' brother) which was a lot of fun and actually brightened my day a little (I was feeling really lonely..) we chatted until 4am and by that time, I wasn't able to keep my eyes open anymore *laughs* so he forced me to get some sleep ^^"
yesterday we talked again, but this time he had to leave early cause his dad needed the comp.. you'd think that it got me some sleep, but even with the sleeping pill I took, I hardly slept. woke up every few hours.
and today, I was woken up by the freaking painters.. the front of our house it getting a fresh new paintjob, but unfortunately, these people find it necessary to start at 8am and yell a lot to each other >_< so that wasn't a fun start of the day.. oh well, I'm awake now anyway..
I've got two episodes of House waiting on me, and since this time my brother isn't at home to hog the tv downstairs, I think I'm going to watch those ^^ I wanted to watch them yesterday, but my bro was watching a DVD downstairs. that pissed me off, since House is on video.. my bro has TWO dvdplayers and at least two VCRs.. I on the other hand, only have my one dvdplayer which likes to fuck things up *sigh* oh well
I'll visit later today, when it's less hot in my room.
my fingers are all tingly, which I know can't be a good thing.. feels really weird..
and on that bombshell, it's time to end the show! (damn you Jeremy Clarkson!!)
much clown love, I'm outti
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this one is in the featured wallpaper section today *proud* it also happens to be my favorite for now ^^ (next to the one from yesterday)
feel free to check them out a bit bigger by clicking on them ^^ feedback is very much appreciated ^^ I'll probably make more again today ^^
*hugs to everyone who read this far*
hey guys!
on saturday evening, I landed safe and sound back in the flats of the Netherlands. man, I miss the hills..
I hope you all had a good week without me and didn't miss me too much ^_~
well, I guess I'd better give you all a review of my week then ^^
so sit back and relax and if you can't read it all, be honest about it ^_~
after a long night awake, at six in the morning on saturday it was time to get out of bed and get ready to head for the airport. Silver had come on friday evening, so he went with me and my parents to see me off.
once at the airport, I had to wait for over two hours to get in the plane (I had to check in two hours in advance)
when I was in the plane, funnily enough, the nerves finally struck me. just before takeoff I was wondering what the hell I was doing. I was heading off to England all by my lonesome to meet someone I only knew from letters and the internet. but I was sure that things would be alright.
the takeoff scared me, as to be expected from someone who is dead scared of rollercoasters and the likes.
after a nice quick and quiet flight, I touched down at Leeds/Bradford. after I got my luggage, I headed out of the gate and couldn't find Steph.. after a text she popped up though thank goodness ^^
during the drive to her home we talked about the flight and random stuff. we were both really excited and nervous.
after we got there, I settled in, had a cup of tea and we watched some Elfen Lied. after the first DVD I decided to take a nap, since the journey had tired me out.
when I woke up again, we went for a bit of a walk around town.
then dinner and playing Dynasty Warriors (I love it ^^) and then it was time for some sleep.
on sunday we celebrated Steph's birthday. she loved the presents me, Silver and my mom got her ^^ I was pretty nervous about that.. we went bowling and I had a ball ^^ (nice wordplay eh?)
I just lost the second game to her brother, by three points, due to his last throw >_< but it was fun nonetheless ^^
we had takeout for dinner, very yummy and spicy hehe
a quiet evening followed.
monday was nice too. we watched Comic Party, which we both loved ^^ it is so funny and cool ^^ though her dad and brother kept complaining about the lack of mechas/nekomimi/vampires/demons/superhuman powers/etc.
we didn't really do much else all day, except for playing Dynasty Warriors ^^
on tuesday, Steph had to visit the psych, so she dumped me on her brother. thank goodness he was really nice and we clicked, or I would've been so lost all week..
Steph was in a horrible mood all day, so Matthew and I spend most of the day together. playing Dynasty Warriors and watching ghost shows ^^ I got addicted to the series Ghost Hunters during the week in England and the rest of the week me and Matt kept looking for "orbs" and "ectoplasm" in pretty much every show we saw *laughs*
I also got a really good fill of A Haunting, since there were two episodes every evening ^^ (man, do my measely 30 channels ever look boring after getting used to Sky's 500+ channels)
during the rest of the week, I spend every evening and most of the night downstairs with Matt, watching horror-flicks and ghost shows. the movie "Beneath Still Waters" was plain disturbing to me, but it made me laugh so hard when Matt started making weird jokes about it ^^
other movies we watched: Demon Hunter, Sin City, War of the Worlds, The Professionals (western, this was the odd one out *laughs*), The Descent (which scared the hell out of me, it was SO good!!) and other random really bad horror movies.
on wednesday, Steph and me visited Leeds. it was so cool to see the stores that were filled with anime and manga *drools* I held myself back though. but I did have a feast at the comic store, where I bought myself the new Grifter comics ^^ and the WildC.A.T.S./X-men crossover (which was so very good ^^)
speaking of feasts, we had a great huge lunch at a chinese buffet ^^ didn't eat much else all day ^^
I also found myself a second Night Faerie, they look so beautiful ^^
in the evening the three of us made weird little movies and had a great time doing that ^^
I couldn't sleep at night, so I went downstairs to have a drink and saw that the light in the living room was still on. I went in and chatted with Matt for a bit. we snacked and then I decided to go back to bed.
on thursday I woke up early. Steph's dad took me out for a walk around town to show me some of the views and sights and I had a great time ^^
in the afternoon Steph and me went into town and that was fun too. we ate at another chinese buffet and I sure got my fill again ^^ I didn't eat much else all day (except for nachos hehe)
in the evening, Steph disappeared upstairs and Matt and I watched The Descent. I was so scared and tired after that.. we watched A Haunting after it and I was just so tired that I couldn't be bothered to go upstairs to bed. so I crashed in the living room.
on friday, we had a nice lazy day. late in the afternoon we headed over to Steph's grandparents for the birthday of her grandfather. it was fun meeting them and her aunt and uncle and cousins ^^
we went out for dinner and I had a great time ^^ we all laughed a lot and made jokes. I was unable to eat my desert, since everyone kept making me laugh >_< finally her grandma saved me by letting me sit at her place and get me away from our little group (Steph, Matt, Simeon*cousin* and me)
after dinner we went back to the grandparent's house to eat cake (very yummy chocolate one, the same as we had for Steph's birthday ^^) and then we headed home again.
another nice and quiet evening.
when I went to bed, I found a note from Steph saying that she didn't enjoy herself at all, all week and that she thought it was a mistake.. I cried myself to sleep.
saturday was the day I had to leave again. I woke up early in the morning, took a shower and packed my stuff.
Steph didn't really bother to come out of her room all day, so I spend my time with Matt.
at around three in the afternoon it was time for me to take off. her dad drove me to the airport. since Steph couldn't be bothered to come to see me off, Matt went with, which was really nice of him ^^
after a nice and once again quick and quiet flight, I landed back in Amsterdam and got to see Silver again, which was so good ^^
during the week, I really thought Steph was having fun too.. she laughed and we talked and hung out.. but after a few days she started to shut me out and I did the exact thing it seems I shouldn't have done: give her some space..
some of you have read her post.. all I can say about that is that I'm glad that she has someone who seems to cheer her up again.
I feel guilty and am afraid I'm going to lose my best friend.. I'm scared to contact her, but I am trying. haven't heard anything from her yet though..
all in all, I had a fun time and was oblivious to her feelings. I think I spend more of my time with Matt, and that's why I'm glad we clicked. I made a new and very close friend, but at what cost?
it seems easy for people to eliminate their friendships with me.. I know Steph won't be bothered much since she's learned to just shut people out of her life.. I on the other hand will be having a rough time for a while..
the weekend kept my thoughts off it for a while though. it was so wonderful to see Silver again and play with the kitten ^^ Quinty has gotten back into her habit of waking me up in the middle of the night to only spend a few minutes with me.
I'm getting settled in again. it's weird to be home.. my home has never felt quite right to me.. but this is not the time to think about that..
I need to call my grandma to say thanks for the five bucks she gave me *laughs* and to tell her that I arrived safely ^^
I also need to call work to ask when I have to work this week. I hope not too much ^^"
here are three pictures of the week, I didn't take much, but Steph's dad took some too. I'm still waiting for the link/email with them.
Steph and me in the car on our way to the bowling alley ^^
Matthew aka Matt/Matty
a petition sign Steph and me made. it says: "for the glory of Wei. more houses for spiders!"
well, much clown love, I'm outti. I'll visit later.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. my days have been quiet and lazy.
I went to Rotterdam to do some shopping on wednesday and I bought the Tenchi Muyo Movie collection and the movie Whisper of the Heart. I still have to watch them though.. I also found The Relic on DVD ^^ I love that movie, it's so creepy hehe ^^ it's a movie from the book by Preston&Child. I loved the book and the movie just really captured my view of the characters and the monster hehe ^^
other than that, nothing much has been happening.. I'm taking things slow and am trying to relax for a bit. I'm so darn tired.. I hardly slept all night.. I just lay awake driving myself crazy ^^" I'm rather nervous about tomorrow, flying on my own and travelling all alone for the first time.. but whenever I think of the fun Magnus-ojou-sama and I are going to have, I get a bit calmer ^^ it's just anxiety for the trip I guess..
well, this will be my last post for a while.
I'm going to take the full week off to enjoy my time with Magnus ^^
I hope you all have a great weekend, week and weekend ^_~ and I'll see you all around the 16th I guess ^^
nothing more to say really.. I should really go pack now..
I hope you all like my new theme. I wanted a break from the anime themes and I simply love Dragons ^^ I'm actually quite happy with how this turned out, so it might stay up for a while.
ok, first off, just cause I need to get this out of my system right now or I'll start screaming and jumping and waking up the rest of the house (my bro) I PASSED MY SPANISH!!!!!!
with 60% I did so much better than the last time and I just really didn't see it coming!! *EEEEEP*
well, that's one more weight off my shoulders and one step closer to complete relaxation ^^
hey guys ^^
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are doing well *hugs for all*
my weekend was great ^^
as I told you all last week, Silver and I went out with some co-workers of his on friday ^^ first we went to this wok-place for dinner and man, was the food ever good ^^
I love spicy foods, so I decided to immediately go for the hottest sauce, three stars.. within half a plate, I was practically crying at the table *laughs* I'm not one who says this quickly, but man, was that ever SPICY!! it was yummy nonetheless, but I gave up after about two thirds of my plate, or I wouldn't have had any feeling in my mouth anymore ^^" then, my plate travelled to Silver-sama, who I kinda forced to finish it hehe ^^' when he couldn't take it anymore, the plate sort of moved all around the table, cause most of his co-workers wanted to try it too *laughs* all of a sudden, the beer had to be ordered faster and faster cause we were all burning up *chuckles*
after another plate of something less spicy and three desserts (*drools* mango icecream... *chuckles* I think I impressed the co-workers with my appetite ^^ I even already ate something at home, cause I was starving hehe ^^") we were done eating and decided to go have some drinks. a few of the co-workers decided to go home, simply because they were really tired. it was too bad really, cause one of them was the one Silver talks about a lot and I would've liked to talk to him some more.. oh well, another chance will come ^^
all in all, the night was a lot of fun ^^ though the last bar was too busy and I had to get out of there within ten minutes ^^" Silver and I first wanted to go to the Irish pub a bit further down the street, but the others (or rather, the one who had to stay sober to drive us all) decided to go home. me, Silver and Andre (the oldest one there *chuckles* I liked him ^^) thought it was a bit too early, so Andre suggested we took a last drink at his home. that was fun too, though kind of boring for me, cause the subject of conversation got to work.. ow well, I had fun exchanging weird looks with Andre's son, who looked about my age, maybe a bit younger, cause we both had no idea what they were talking about *laughs* Andre also had a really cute and fuzzy cat, so I had fun with her too ^^
during the evening, I felt like I had to prove myself.. it's something that happens to me when I'm around new people, especially when going out. I had the same problem with Silver's best friend.. basically it makes me want to drink way too much to show that I can handle it ^^" pathetic, I know.
but I held back rather well, if I may say so myself.. and Silver held me back when I was getting curious about smoking a joint (Andre and Mark were..)
it was funny to see that hardly anyone knew what Desperados are *laughs* I love that beer ^^
I felt pretty crappy at first, but after some food and a nice shower, I could take on the world again ^^
we went shopping and I think we mostly bought stuff for others *laughs* we bought the last gifts for Magnus-ojou-sama, we bought some last stuff I wanted to send to Yensid-sensei, I bought I book my mom wanted and we only bought a little for ourselves hehe ^^' I bought a set of earrings I have been looking for for some time now.. unfortunately, it's only one set, so only enough for one ear.. I now wonder why they made the sets like that, but oh well. I'll just have to go out and find another one of those sets at one of the other stores. my mission for this week *chuckles* also, I bought some new nailpolish, and I think that's it.. Silver bought himself a new game for the PSP (which he won't be able to play for now, since I borrowed the PSP to play Ys: Arc of Napishtim, which is frustrating the heck out of me *laughs*)
we took things easy the rest of saturday. we had the house to ourselves in the evening and we played with Tika(chu) a lot ^^ she decided that my right hand is still the enemy and it got pretty roughed up *laughs* when she got tired, she curled up on my lap and went to sleep, so cute! and when we put her in her basket to sleep, she just crawled out and came looking for a nice spot to sleep with me and Silver again ^^ she finally fell asleep on Silver's shoulder *chuckles* they looked so cute together ^^
sunday was alright. we went back to my house and visited my grandpa for his birthday. I don't really have a lot to say to my family most of the time, and since we were the only ones there at the time, there were a lot of awkward silences.. oh well, we survived and my prandpa was glad we came by ^^
other than that, we didn't really do much. we watched Clerks II which was alright, but I expected more of it.. I did like the ending though ^^
and after Bones and a lot of cuddling, which I needed, Silver had to go home again T_T
on to the subject of this post ^^
I'm really getting ready for my trip to England now ^^
though, things seem to be falling apart over there.. no prime-minister, floods, terrorist attacks, the Spice Girls back together.. it really seems like the Apocalypse is striking over there and I'm not even there yet *laughs*
my parents seem to be stressing out over it all, but I can't really be bothered by it.. except for maybe the last one *shudders*
the only real problem is that I will probably have to leave my laptop at home.. on the one hand, I think that's a pretty good idea actually, since then it will be safe. but on the other hand, I would quite like to take it with me.. but I'm afraid my parents are going to forbid me to take it.. oh well, I'll just pack some extra books ^^ that always works ^^ especially since I have to read that book on intercultural management (for no particular language ^^) I'll go by the bookstore today to see if my old boss has some good suggestions for me.
I'm afraid I won't be able to take many clothes with me though.. at this rate, my bag will be filled with manga, anime, books and presents *laughs* oh well, I'll find a solution ^^
ewwo, this is the kitteh that lives in Lytjuh's head. I just wanted to tall u all that she fell asleep againz. she wants u all to know that she will visit u peepz laterz today.
by the way, that is not really her on the picture ^^
buhbyez!!!1 1 one
and much clown love from Lytjuh
hey guys!!
well, I haven't really been around a lot lately.. I don't have the energy at the time and basically, the computer sucks all the energy I've got left right out of me..
so I'm sorry if I missed your site, or if I didn't comment to your post.. I'm just not up to it right now..
well, college is over for summer.. except for the extra assignment I need to do in order to get my points for this year: read a book about intercultural communication and write a summary..
it doesn't need to be a studybook, but I can't find any fictional stories that might apply.. if anyone has got an idea, please let me know in your comment?
I'm getting more and more annoyed by the homepage from TheO.. more aspects and links are disappearing and I'm afraid that things will fall apart soon.. I don't know why, but I just have this bad feeling about things..
I mean, it's turning into a submissions site really.. the button that used to take you to your own site, now takes you to your portfolio, you can't open your friendslist anymore from the homepage and now they removed the part that shows if you have private messages or not..
I know that most people just go straight to their backroom, but for me, TheO is my homepage and I liked being able to see if I had any messages or something at first sight.. now I need to take a detour to get to my own site *sigh* oh well, I'm sure the Big Boss (Adam) has his reasons for all this.
I'm just afraid that the blog-aspect of TheO is going to disappear.. probably not, but I wouldn't know what I would do if it did.. time will tell I guess..
well, it's time for the weekend ^^ I'm headed to Silver-sama today and we'll be together until sunday ^^ can't wait cause we got some fun things planned ^^ especially tonight should be good, since we're going out with his co-workers ^^ oh man, I still need to figure out what to wear >_< I usually never have this problem, but for some reason, I want to impress tonight *chuckles*
but first, I'm going to try and get some more sleep in.. I stayed up late last night chatting with Edge-kun, so I need to catch up on rest.
have a wonderful weekend everyone *hugs all around*
much clown love, I'm outti.
hey guys!
well, I thought it's about time I got back here ^^"
I have been dreaming of members of TheO lately (mostly Magnus-ojou-sama and Grifter-san for some reason.. guess I miss you two the most ^_~ nah, just kidding, I miss all of you the same of course! well, maybe I do miss Magnus-ojou-sama a bit more, because we're closer ^^ but then again, we keep in touch (kinda) through letters so...)
arhem.. I don't ramble too much do I?
well, let's see, what have I been up to these days..
I think I blew my resit on Spanish >_< it was just even more difficult than the first try and I kind of blacked out it seemed ^^" not one of my more happy moments.. and all that even though the day started great: I passed my other final/midterm/exam/whatever ^^ so that means I only failed Spanish this time ^^ which means that in the whole year, I only failed two tests, meaning I have enough points to go on internship next year (instead of getting kicked out of college YAY)
the rest of monday and, well, today was spend watching Coupling ^^ I love that series and since I got the first three seasons on DVD, it was about time I watched it ^^ it really cheered me up ^^
as for the weekend.. it was great ^^
though I spent a lot of time acting like a complete spoiled brat (sorry Silver-honey) we had a lot of fun ^^
I surprised Silver-sama by being in his room on friday evening when he came home from work ^^
on saturday we went shopping in Rotterdam, which was hell because of traffic jams >_< but we, or actually: he, bought a lot of manga, so we're happy ^^
then, on saturday evening, we went to see Ocean's Thirteen, which I adored!! though they shouldn't do another Ocean's movie, the sequels have never gotten worse than the first movie ^^ I love them all the same YAY ^^
after the movie, we went for a game of pool, but since the poolhall closed early, we didn't get any further than that one game ^^" so we decided to go to a bar nearby, where we met some of our friends ^^ (they're my friends too now, I don't like just seeing them as Silver's friends ^^")
so I had a couple of beers and Silver had some cokes since he had to drive *snickers*
on sunday, I woke up with a pretty bad hangover and we spent the day nice and quiet ^^
I had to study for Spanish, but of course I put that off until the last moment ^^"
we went to my house in the afternoon and just hung about really..
in the evening we watched the first episode of Heroes (which has replaced Bones) and I have to say that it was.. interesting.. I'm not sure what to think about it yet, but it sure has potential of becoming a series I follow ^^
I have the first eleven eps on my laptop now thanks to my brother, so we've got all the time in the world to watch it ^^
well, that have been my days really..
I limped throughout the weekend, but on sunday my ankle started feeling better and on monday it didn't hurt anymore at all ^^
the sad point about this being: all the pain in my body has focused on my neck and shoulders, also causing a gruesome headache >_< and some sleepless nights.. but I'll live ^^
I'm looking forward to friday, since I'll finally get to meet some of Silver-sama's co-workers ^^ we're going out to dinner and then for drinks, so it'll be a fun night for sure ^^
the weather here has been sucky lately.. it's all rain and storm.. though it isn't nearly as bad as in England where rivers are flooding..
well, I'd better get going.. I want to at least finish the second season of Coupling tonight (three eps to go ^^) and maybe even read some manga again!! I still need to restart on Sensual Phrase.. though I did read my three volumes of Kare Kano now and the first volume of CardCaptor Sakura Master of the Clow.. and Silver-sama ordered me a lot more manga hehe ^^" I kinda cheated cause he said I could order four or five.. how many did I end up getting honey?
have a great day everyone!! *masive hugs*
much clown love, I'm outti.
and here, if you have the time, is one of my favorite speeches from Coupling, made by Steve, about Cushions. Steve: What is this?
Susan: It's a cushion.
Steve: Right. Yes. Thank you for that. Very informative.
[to Jeff]
Steve: You got any of these?
Jeff: No.
Steve: Of course you haven't.
[to shop assistant]
Steve: You - are you married? Living with anyone?
Junior Shop Assistant: No.
Steve: Got any of these?
Junior Shop Assistant: No.
Steve: Of course not. Okay!
[to the women]
Steve: You bring these things into our homes. They sit on our chairs. They watch our televisions. Now, I just need to know, on behalf of all men everywhere, I just need to ask, please... What are they for? I mean, look at them! Look at the chubby little bastards! Just sitting around everywhere! What are they, pets for chairs?
[to shop assistants]
Steve: Come on, you sell them. What are they for?
Junior Shop Assistant: Well...
Senior Shop Assistant: You sit on them.
Steve: Ah! Ha ha ha! You see, that's where you're wrong! Nobody sits on them. Okay, watch this. Here's the cushion. I'm putting it on the sofa. Now watch me. I'm stting down. And what do I do on my final approach? I - oh! - move the cushion! You see? It's not involved! It's not part of the whole sitting process. It just lies there. It's fat litter! It's a sofa parasite!
Jane: It's, you know... padding.
Steve: Oh, padding! Now, that's interesting, Jane. See, I like padding. If I was, say, an American Football player, and all those big bastards running at me, I would say "give me some of that padding and be quick about it." If my job involved bouncing down jagged rocks I would say "in view of those jagged rocks down there, I'll have some of that padding, thank you very much." But Susan, Sally, Jane, this is a sofa. It is designed by clever scientists in such a way as to shield the unprotected user from the risk of skin abrasions, serious head trauma, and, of course...
[drops behind sofa, then sticks head out]
Steve: Daleks.
hey guys!!
I hope you all are doing alright. as I said, I took a little break yesterday due to plain business from my side.. I'll also be gone this weekend as usual. I now wonder why I had to say that.. oh well ^^
well, I've had some bad luck the past two days..
the teacher didn't budge at all over my grade and there was no way I could get that one point that I needed to pass.. so now I have to do a resit on Spanish over one tenth of a point -_-"
this pisses me off! I'd much rather have gotten a three or something.. this is just such an insane and unfair grade.. 5.4.. stupid.. and I'm basically beating myself up over it, cause I had some words right, just not spelled correctly >_<
well, at least I didn't stoop as low as one of my classmates, who just decided to change a letter somewhere and then go up to the teach like: "hey, you counted this one wrong, but it's correct" *gags* I hate people like that.. I guess I'd much rather flunk out of college than commit fraud, even if it's such a tiny matter. stupid concience >_< my morals are too high I guess ^^"
the problem is vocab. I've never been able to do that with languages.. I mean, in highschool I used to score 1s and 2s for ENGLISH! yep, it's true, I used to fail English.. just because I couldn't get the freakin vocab into my head.. and whenever you used a word that's also right, but wasn't included in the vocab, that counted as a fault.. so those tests were evil..
now, with Spanish, words that are also right are counted as good, but I don't know any, just cause I don't get into contact with the language enough.. oh well, this will be my last test on the subject, so I'll just have to cram over the weekend.
at least I passed my other test and now I only dread the last one.. that one was just so.. well, there are no words for it, it just sucked hehe ^^"
also, we passed the group project, so that's over with too ^^
which means that I should almost be done with college for this year..
I'm really looking forward to summer ^^ just two more weeks and I'm headed out to England and Magnus-ojou-sama ^^ I can't wait *eep*
other bad luck: my body is killing me. basically every muscle and bone in my body hurts.. it feels like I'm getting the flu. but I can't get sick now.. I just can't. then again, I never let myself get sick ^^" maybe I should take better care of myself.. nah ^_~
but my lower back and ankles are the worst..
working yesterday made that happen ^^"
but work was good, since my boss finally remembered my name ^^ also, I had to work downstairs half the evening (I don't like downstairs.. ladies department, lots of rude and annoying customers.. just women buying shoes, but they annoy me ^^") and after that I got send upstairs to the kid's and men department, which I love to do ^^ so the rest of the evening I had fun doing my job yay ^^
after work I headed out to my cousins birthday. it was fun and I actually got to talk with some people.. the people there were mostly friends of my cousin's so they were younger than my family members.. I just got along with them ^^
plus, it was fun listening to other people's stories ^^ I always loved doing that ^^
as for the retail therapy..
on wednesday, before going to see Silver-sama, I went to Rotterdam and did some shopping.. I wanted to buy more, but I ended up getting volume 4,5 and 6 from Sensual Phrase. man, I love that series ^^ it's so.. well, sensual really ^^" not for younger audiences mind you! it just handles mature problems and stuff and I really love reading it ^^
I bought Silver the first volume of Mobile Suit Gundam: Ecole du Ciel. he really liked it ^^ when I mentioned they also had the fourth and fifth volume of The Candidate for The Goddess, he asked me to get those for him on thursday. so I went and got him those and bought myself the second volume of Millenium Snow ^^
we're going out to the city this weekend and I think I'll buy some more stuff.. or better yet, have Silver buy me stuff ^_~ makes me feel even better *laughs*
my brother is setting me up with some episodes from Heroes (probably the first season or something..) I've heard a lot of that series, well, basically it were people saying they couldn't get enough of it, and it started airing over here yesterday. but of course, I was at work and it airs at the same time as House, so I wasn't able to watch it.. but this friend of my bro's has the eps without subtitles, which shouldn't be a problem for either me or Silver-sama ^^ so I'm pretty happy with that too, since I'm really curious about the series ^^
I saw the third season of The 4400 on DVD in stores this week.. I still have to watch the second season ^^"
I want too many series on DVD.. I'm thinking about buying House, Bones, Scrubs (man, is that show ever funny ^^) and now The 4400.. I need to save some money and watch the DVDs I already got though.. this is going to be tough ^_~
well, that's really all I got for today..
I've got two episodes of House waiting for me to watch them (man, I love that series ^^ especially House himself ^^) and of course I want to watch more GhostHunt (I'm on the last few episodes, so I should be able to finish that this week)
also, I want to read more Kare Kano, cause I'm forcing myself to read that before I restart Sensual Phrase ^^ yep, I'm weird hehe ^^"
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll see you all on either monday or tuesday *hugs to you all*
much clown love, I'm outti.