Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
When I grow up, I wanna be a giant. To be the biggest M*therf*cker alive, that would be the SHIT!
hey guys!
sorry I haven't been around since *thinks* thursday was it?
let me explain.
it's really more simple than it might seem. I haven't been in the most social of moods lately. frankly, I could only bare to talk to three people. that's not much, I know, but it just somehow didn't really go right whenever I tried a conversation with someone else.. I've been grumpy, tired, sad, all sort of shit and I guess I just didn't want talks going the wrong (read: depressed) way. so I hereby give my apologies to anyone I might have blown off (especially DSM, sorry buddy)
the weekend was good and I'm doing a bit better now ^^ I might not comment for a while though.. I have been reading posts, but I just can't find the right words to say.. I hope you guys understand and respect that.
alright, on to better things.
The Tempest arrived!! for all of you going: "dhur?" it's the new CD of the Insane Clown Posse ^^ Silver-sama ordered it for me and I'm LOVING IT!!! it's just so.. good and happy and, man, it's FREAKIN' ICP!! let me summarise that: I adore the new CD ^^ I know what I'll be listening to this week ^^
Silver-sama and me went to see Pirates 3. and I was relieved, let me say that much. there was an actual story, great REALISTIC fights, no endless puns from the first movie and it was actually just good. well, better than the second one anyway ^^" *await comments about how good everyone thought the second movie was* hell, I don't care, the second movie was crap to me..
but, there were some consistencies that were to be found in all three movies. first off, let me list the good things: wonderful special effects! I just love all the scenes on the ships and stuff ^^ a really strong cast (I just wish Orlando Bloom would start taking roles that don't put him in such a solid character.. I mean, he goes from Elf (Lord of the Rings) to Pirate (Pirates of the Carribean) and it seems like he won't do anything else than solid hits.. man, take a risk for once.. *shakes head*) anyhoot.. there were some things I liked less.. certain jokes were pulled from the fist movie.. and the ending just plain annoyed me.. not to mention the ever downwards spiral Johnny Depp's perfermance seems to be in.. *sighs* ow well, it fit the character and didn't really damage the movie (just my view of Depp).
enough complaining though. overall the movie was good. as usual with sequels it couldn't tip to the first one, but at least it was a bunch better than the second one.
it's good to watch, especially to get closure to the storyline. (well, somewhat..) also, stick around for the ending credits, there's a little part after it.
other than that. not much has been going on.. I've been unusually annoyed by Silver's parents, but that was mostly because they were supposed to be gone for the weekend and suddenly decided to stay home *sighs* ow well, I survived ^^
just a few more days before the Anime Con ^^ I can't wait ^^ though I have no money *sob* thank goodness I can borrow from Silver *hugs* thanks baby ^^
well, that's about it really..
I'm gonna read some manga (don't want to start in Silence of the Lambs, since I'll probably get out of the story during the coming weekend.. don't want that to happen)
just look at that and tell me it's not cute.. I won't believe you!
hey guys! I hope you all are doing well. I'm doing rather good today ^^
I know I've done a lot of whining in the past few months, but it seems that now my life is getting back on the track I want it to be on ^^
I've got a new job I like (the people are so nice and I just love the social contact and the excercise it gives me ^^)
college is going.. well, it seems to be headed in the right direction anyway ^^' I still need to improve a bit on that..
I'm now actually a published writer ^^ sure, it's only a short review in the Imagine FX Magazine but it's still cool as hell for me ^^ (of course, that doesn't make sense, but screw that *laughs*) I had to buy the mag myself, even though I asked if I could get one from them.. due to popularity they didn't have any in office anymore.. thankfully I could also get it at a bookstore in the next town. that's 14.50 bucks well spend. though I don't think I'll buy the magazine more often.. it's more for people who are really into art/digital art.. it made me think of Yensid-sensei immediately ^^ but it also holds a nice interview with one of the artists for Guild Wars, so it is worth the money ^^ besides, without hardcopy proof, no one would believe me ^_~
I've got some things to live forward to again, which is a great thing for me ^^ of course the upcoming Anime Con ^^ I'll be working at the main desk on Saturday, but it's only for a few hours in the morning and evening, so that's cool ^^ the rest of the weekend is fully for Silver-sama and me ^^
but more importantly.. (yes, there is something in my life right now, being more important than anime and Silver-sama *le gasp*) I can't wait for summer!! I'm getting more and more excited about the week in England when I will get to meet Magnus, my very own ojou-sama ^^ *massive hugs to her* I need one of those countdown thingy peoplez, please tell me where to find one *puppy eyes* pwetty pwease?
and then there is getting to see Grifter-san live and in action through webcam *laughs* though I still doubt we will ever be able to talk again due to his work *sticks out tongue*
things are going to be so much fun ^^ *jumps up and down*
and last, but certainly not least, old problems and fights have been settled. yep people, I can actually completely leave things in the past now and more importantly, the other party involved is at peace now too ^^ I'm so glad that we got to talk things out ^^
last night I watched Princess Mononoke. I LOVED IT!!! it was so great!! the "kodama" were so cute ^^ (hence the new theme *grins*) it was just really well done ^^ as to be expected from Studio Ghibli, but still.. I seriously can't wait for Gedo Senki to come out.. I'm really curious about that one..
when Silver and me went shopping last week, I came across Pan's Labyrinth.. it was subtitled in English and I feel kind of bad now that I didn't buy it.. but then again, paying 30 bucks for a movie and then having to read english subtitles isn't so great.. so I guess I'll wait and try to find it in a Dutch version. cause it looked REALLY interesting and good ^^
ok, so I haven't been officially tagged.. but since there isn't much going on in my life and I find this post way too short *looks at it and laughs* I will now post up 6 things about myself ^^ special things *laughs*
1: I hate taking showers, but once I do take one, it's nearly impossible to get me out from under it.
2: (this one you might all know already) I ADORE B-monster movies. they're just too much fun to watch ^^
3: up until a few weeks ago, I had never seen a kitten in real life.
4: I'm obsessed by fish and cats. it's a weird combination, I know.. I also love any kind of reptile and snails ^^"
5: my first language is Dutch, but most of the time I think in English >_<
6: I love giving people useless info about myself, hence this list.
well, I'm going to seriously clean out my aquarium tonight, so I'd better get to that.
much clown love,I'm outti.
welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.
hey guys ^^
how are you all feeling today? I hope everything is well and that you all had a good weekend. *hugs to all of you, especially Kikyo27, she knows why ^^*
well, my weekend was good ^^
I'll try to tell you guys all I want to tell without making this a monster post. (I wonder if I can actually do that..)
as said, on friday, me and Silver went shopping. Silver wasn't as broke as me, since he got paid.. so that resulted in a shopping extravaganza, with lots of gifts for me ^^ I really should try and not be so needy and spoiled.. well, when my pay comes in, I'm sure I'll buy him some more presents too ^^
I came home with some mangas (Chibi Vampire 4, Saikano 6 and 7, Shakugan no Shana 1 oh and some yaoi! forgot the title though >_< ), some anime (Princess Mononoke, Origine), jelliebeans and some cute Totoro stuff ^^ a tiny plushy with a suction cap that's now (finally) hanging on the side of my manga bookcase ^^ and a phonestrap from Totoro ^^ it's all so cute
then came saturday, the dreaded first day of work *dun dun dunnnn*
it was actually quite cool ^^ my co-workers are nice (the ones I've worked with so far) and the job is nice and doesn't require me to stand still and do nothing a lot, which is always a great thing to me, cause I hate that. I've just helped customers, kept my side of the store nice and clean and neat and basically did the same things I did in the book store or liquor store, just with shoes this time. only I can't work the register yet, cause they get a new system in about a month and my supervisor and me agreed that it would be way easier to just learn that at once instead of getting used to one system, only to have to learn a new one ^^
my supervisor by the way is really nice ^^ plus, she has huge fingernails, like me ^^ my mom kept telling me to clip them before going to work, but I kept saying that if they are too long, they'd snap by themselves. and when I touched the subject, that's exactly what my supervisor said ^^
and then there was this other girl who came in in the afternoon. she was really nice but man, did she ever talk a lot >_< after a while she was kind of driving me crazy, but I know she means well and when I'm less nervous about work, I'm sure we can have a lot of fun ^^ this girl, my supervisor and me will all be working in the new store in my town when it opens ^^ I like that I'll be working in a completely new team, instead of entering one that's really used to each other and can work like clockwork. I always feel like I'm intruding then and that doesn't do much good for my work. but now, we can just get used to each other and see how the other works, so we can become a good team ^^
at the end of the day, I was told that I did a pretty good job on my first day ^^ hell, I get to come back today, so they must've liked me ^^"
after work, I went home with Ashley (the talker) since she lives in the same town ^^ it was fun. weird, but fun ^^
at home, I had to wait a while before dinner, ate, showered and fell asleep. then Silver came over to pick me up to go to his best friend's housewarming party.
it was great fun, even though I was exhausted and of course drank way too much yet again >_<
at least I felt that I fit in with the others better this time ^^ it's kind of hard to explain, but his friends are all.. kind of hardcore.. yeah.. like, tattooed and pierced and listening to bands like Sepultura.. and I just always came off as a softy in contrast to them.. it's probably my imagination, but it was better this time ^^
especially my 'Nightmare Before Christmas' armlet was populair ^^ and I got to talk a lot about my tattoo, so that made me feel like I fit in I guess ^^
even though it was a lot of fun, there were a few things that annoyed me.. like the group's drunk, who usually annoys me cause he keeps giving me that creepy look.. it's like he's trying to come on to me or something, but he just acts way wrong >_< but I had fun talking about him with another guy. we kind of made fun of him tee-hee ^^
and then there was this guy who tried to make a serious conversation just after I maxed out on my alcohol level. if there is one thing I hate, it's having to think about serious things while being drunk. he was asking what kind of music I like. ok, fair enough, that's an easy question. but then he started questioning me about the influence of the band's commercialness or something like that.. and that just.. well, it made me look to see where Silver and went and if maybe he could come and save me from that convo. and he did ^^
when I get drunk, I either like to observe or talk BS. I did most of that through the later hours of the night. when the conversation around us got too serious (and I was half asleep), Silver decided it was time to go home. that was around 3am, so I was happy to get some sleep when we got home ^^
sunday, we didn't do all that much. I slept a lot, like usual and of course we watched Bones in the evening ^^ it was good ^^ though I thought Booth was finally going to kiss her, but NOOO >_< it's driving me crazy.. at least Hodgins and Angela are getting closer again ^^
well, then it was time for me to go home again T_T
what's bothering me is that now we'll have to wait a full week before seeing each other again.. we had some pretty easy weeks with getting together in between, but Silver's working the late shift and I have to go to college and there are no free days this time..
ow well, with a bit of luck I won't have to work on saturday and we can have a nice long weekend together ^^ plus, Pirates 3 is coming out this week, which means we need to go to the movie theater again ^^ I know what I've said about the second movie, I'm just hoping they didn't make the same mistake with this one. I'd hate to see all the good jokes from the first one come by YET AGAIN! but from what I've seen from trailers and teasers, it's going to be pretty good ^^
well guys, it's about time I get ready for work (meaning I'll try to get a little more sleep in, cause I start at twelve hehe ^^ it's 9.30 now)
sorry, no kitty piccies today, I'm too lazy to find good ones ^^" though I'll make it up to you all. check out the little vid at the end of my profile, at the end of this post. it'll be fun ^^ oh, but remember to turn the music off first!
much clown love and loads of hugs to you all, I'm outti.
getting a face wash from your cat is not the best way to wake up...
hey guys ^^ how are you all doing today?
me, I'm feeling rather good, as long as I ignore the fact that I start my new job tomorrow. I'm getting more anxious by the minute..
thank goodness it's healthy anxiety ^^
my ojou-sama Magnus and me had a nice long talk on MSN yesterday ^^ we worked a lot of things out and eventually it turned into kind of a random conversation about food. like I thought she would be, she was scared about the trip. hell, I'm kinda scared too, but my confidence about everything going right is a bit higher.. *eeeep!* we're going to have so much fun ^^ now we just need to plan what we'll be doing during that week.. one of the activities my sis has planned is getting me to like Italian food. don't tell Silver though, he'll try to make me eat pasta too >_< it's not that I don't like it at all (alright, some things I refuse to eat..) but when I have a choice, I'd rather eat something else ^^ other than that, we're just figuring out things to do ^^ I need to pick some anime to take with me ^^ *excited!!!*
in other news.. I dreamt about the upcoming Anime Con ^^ (again?) it was cool, even though confusing at times.. it was just so real.. really weird. it's just two weeks I think.. *thinks* yep, oh my, I still have a lot to do!!
well, not really, just fix something about my cosplay and maybe dye my hair in a lighter blonde colour.. I would post up some quick snapshots of my cosplay, but I just noticed that my tummy is huge in them >_< so no luck for you guys muahaha!! you'll get to see them after the Con ^^ (plus, they are really dark. yep, that will be my excuse ^^)
today, nothing much will be going on I guess.. Silver and me are going shopping but since we are both sort of flat broke, I don't know what the outcome will be.. we'll see ^^" and in the evening it will be standup comedy and Top Gear ^^ just a nice quiet friday night ^^ yeah, that's something I can use ^^
in regards to Grifter-san's comment yesterday:
is that a promise or a threath? *grins* it would be fun though ^^ hell, I know it will be ^^
well, I'll try to see what I can do about visiting today.. perhaps I'll visit whomever updated up till now.
take care guys *hugs for all*
argh, Gwen Stefani has taken over my brain >_< wait, maybe not, but it's still a nice break from ICP lyrics dancing around in my mind..
hey guys! I hope ya'll are doing ok ^^
I'm alright I guess.. could use some more sleep, so I'll probably try that once I'm done..
actually, I just want my dream to continue.. why do I always wake up just when it's getting good?
yesterday afternoon was mostly spend at the local travel agency. my ticket to England is now bought and taken care of. exactly the same flight I tried to book online, with the security of having a travel agency to fall back on when things get complicated.
so, after a lot of trouble and shouting from my dad (through the phone, and my mom was talking to him. kinda sweet, he was pissed off about one of his collegues, whose creditcard we were borrowing, having trouble with the money now and my mom was like: "I feel more sorry for Lydia..")
I actually just went to see if it was possible to just buy a plane ticket there and I ended up with one ^^ I'm just glad that it's all settled now.
I still worry about Magnuss.. I still haven't heard from her.. if anyone has, please let me know if she's alright? maybe I should call.. I don't know.. maybe she doesn't want to talk to me for a while.. I mean, my sister-sense is tingling off the hook and I don't know what to do anymore to see if she's alright, to take care of her.. it's kind of breaking me up.. I'm afraid of losing her.. >_< worries are gone, we're talking on MSN and everything's fine ^^ her phone's out of money so she couldn't text me ^^" and even though she got worried about the trip, we've worked it all out again ^^ *happy*
I need to think of other things.. everything is probably just fine.. I hope
I kind of, sort of, totally ran out of anti-depression meds.. I saw it yesterday and I don't really feel like going to the doc (who's probably got some days off right now) I could always just hand the package in and pick up new ones, but stupid Ascension day is in the way.. everything's closed >_< guess I'll have to hand it in tomorrow. or I could always try to get through the weekend without them.. naw, I don't think that's such a good idea..
my DVD player is pure evil. I listen my CDs with that thing cause my CD player died.. so yesterday I was trying to get it to repeat just one song. and after about two or three times it just decided: "meh, you've listened to this song long enough now, I'm gonna play the other ones." and of course, I didn't notice until after a few songs, so I look over to it thinking "this wasn't the song I was listening to.."
and the little screen was all innocent going like: "nu-uh, this IS number 2, see, it says #2"
so all of a sudden, everytime I tried to repeat one song, my DVD player eventually decided that all songs are #2 >_< it was weird and no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't do what I wanted..
now, as for the wallpapers I posted yesterday.. I'm glad you all like them ^^ I'm not such a wizard with graphics as I'd like to be, but I try ^^
although the one with the guns is on my desktop at the moment, I actually like the one with just Kaname most *grins* and for all the right reasons ^^
the first one, I hate the most.. I guess I just can't get used to the little picture I used in it.. also, it was hell to make ^^'
I've added a new one of Kiddy Grade yesterday ^^ I really enjoy making them and they seem to be doing alright ^^ seems like I finally discovered some sort of talent and no, it isn't mind-reading ^^'
well, I don't know if I'll update or visit anymore until after the weekend.. Silver is coming over today, and he'll stay till friday. then saturday's work and after that I'm headed out to Silver.. oh well, we'll see. if I don't see you guys before that, have a lovely weekend ^^
just look!!
I'm a mommy ^^" though I will not refer to myself like that to the kitty *looks at LS* so don't worry ^^
so what's up in the world of Lyds? nothing much, the weekend has started for me ^^
yep, I won't have to go to college again till tuesday ^^ though I do have to work on saturday *eeeep!!!* I'm kinda excited hehe ^^" it's been a long while since I've worked at a new place so I'm wondering what it will be like ^^ standing the whole day again will be hell for my back, but it's not like I'm not used to it ^^
it will probably be hard for the first few weeks though. I've experienced that with all my jobs.. the first month is just emotionally exhausting for some reason..
I'll live through it though ^^
I dreamt about my first job last night ^^ it was a good dream ^^ just the old group of guys working together and having fun ^^ man, I loved that job..
in other news, I took a sleeping pill and an aspirin on monday.. it's a wonderful combination to get some sleep.. though I got a bit angry at myself for giving in to the temptation of that sleeping pill, it did give me some rest ^^
had to go to the dentist on monday. he taught me to brush until my gums hurt and bleed.. apparently, that's a good thing >_<
I'm in the process of ordering my ticket to England. but of course, there was a problem in the system, so now my dad is trying to call and find out whether or not they got my form.. ow well, I'm sure it will all work out fine ^^
from the 7th of july through to the 14th, I'll be at Magnus' ^^ scratch that the booking didn't get through (2 TIMES!!) and now I need to try via the site of the company itself.. I'll need to wait till tonight for my dad to come home and yell at me while I'm trying to book again >_<
though I'm worried about Magnus.. I haven't heard from her since monday and she said she wasn't feeling really well..
I hope she's alright.. *sighs* I wish I was closer to her so I could go and see what's going on..
I'm also really afraid that she wants to call it off.. I mean, this is a big, if not huge, step for the both of us and I'm looking forward to it, but it's also a bit scary.. but somewhere inside I know it will all work out fine.
(especially since my mom is buying me the ticket YAY!! it's my vacation money from her ^^ so sweet ^^ got a whole big load of worries off my shoulders, I can tell you that much ^^
funny thing, the flight number is LS202, can't help but think about our own LS ^^")
the past few days have been spend making wallpapers. all of them are from Full Metal Panic and all are in the same style.. what can I say? it seems to work and I'm in love with FMP ^^
I'll put them at the end of the post ^^ and you all can guess which one's my favorite ^^ and maybe give me some feedback? tell me which one you like best? (though I have an idea of which the boys will like best..)
well, I have not much else to say.. I want to take a nap >_< so I'll try that hehe ^^
It might be better to be alone now and then. But not tonight, let me know (let me know) that you care...
*sways softly* I love this song ^^ it's on the new CD of Krezip ^^ they really are great! mostly rock but I just adore all of their ballads!!
it's like the label companies want me bankrupt.. so many new CDs I want.. but Silver's helping ^^ he bought me the new Gwen Stefani CD (I just love the song The Sweet Escape) and he ordered Tempest from ICP (YAY finally!!) and he bought the new Krezip CD, though I have to repay for that one..(thank you honey*hugs*)
Hey guys!
how's it going in your worlds? mine is.. meh. still can't sleep to save my life, really. and to be honest, I don't want to take it to the doc again, cause indeed, I'm scared it might actually be a sleeping disorder.. I don't want that kind of news..
last night, I was thinking of taking a sleeping pill, but when I looked at them, I almost burst out crying.. so I decided against one and had one of my more weird, if not disturbing, dreams.. something about a lot of different swimming pools and a murderer/rapist who kept following me. not to attack me, just to intimidate me, cause I was a witness..
so that's what happens when I don't take my pills anymore.. [sarcasm]FUN[/sarcasm]
well, the weekend was great ^^ Silver-sama, his mom and me went to see the kitten ^^ so at the end, there will be a few piccies of the little thing ^^ her name's Tika, which I think is awfull, so I'll probably stick my own Nala in there hehe ^^"
there's some negative energy going on between me and Silver's mom it seems lately.. she's just so.. well, Silver knows what I'm talking about ^^" this weekend (or was it last weekend?) she said I couldn't call their cat Pipi anymore. well, that's all logical enough, since the cat's called Xena (I just gave her a nickname) but her reason for it.. she says she's scared the cat will change, personality wise, if I call it another name >_< last time I checked, cats respond to sounds, not names.. and what's in a name? for would a rose, by any other name, not smell as sweetly? to say it in the words of our beloved Shakespeare.
oh well, I just kind of shake it off.. I try not to let things get to me at the moment ^^"
ok, comic relief time!
two vampire bats go out hunting one night. one of them returns with nothing, the other one returns, his head covered in blood.
"Dude, where'd you get that?" the first one says.
"Come with me and I'll show you." says the other.
they fly for a while until they get to a huge tree.
"You see that tree?" the one covered in blood asks.
"Well, I didn't."
on with the post ^^
in the horrible B-monster movie department,
we watched:
-Anacondas, which wasn't half bad ^^ I laughed a lot.
-Boa vs. Python, which was surreal, but good
-and Pterodactyl, which was just plain.. weird and awful *laughs* though it was interesting to see just two of the full starting cast make it out. yep, just two were left alive in the end >_< oh well.
I bought FMA volume 13 this weekend ^^ it was soooo good ^^ though I have to admit, certain parts I saw coming.. like at the end.. but I won't spoil anything ^^"
Mother's day was nice and quiet. I hope everyone else survided facing their moms.. I know it can be hard at times >_<
thanks for the positive responds to my wallpaper. I'm working on a similar one, but with Kaname and Sousuke from FMP ^^ it's fun to do, but I'm not happy with the smaller picture.. it needs work, let's keep it at that ^^
yeah, the red shoes are VERY Wizard of Oz, cause well.. (sorry LostChild..) they are SPARKLY >_< we must stop them!!! I wonder who thought of them.. and I wonder who first started wearing them.. either way, they're horrible!!
well, a quick (and very long) post before going to college and then heading out to Silver-sama's ^^ (actually, it's 9 am here now and I need to take the bus to Rotterdam at 1 pm, but I've got a lot left to do, like shower *looks at hair* icky >_< )
I slept like crap yet again ^^" this time without a sleeping pill. I mean, if they make me sleep like crap anyway, why bother taking them? I'll try to ease off them for a while again now (and not because my mom asked me if I take them during the day *rolls eyes*) maybe after not taking them for a while they'll work better again ^^
I just hope the weird dreams don't return.. last time I stopped taking the pills, I started having pretty disturbing dreams.. ow well, last night I dreamt about the Anime Con, so for now I should be fine ^^ it was a fun dream, for as long as it lasted..
I also know painkillers, especially aspirin, help with sleeping.. but I'm just at a point right now where I know I should stop taking pills to try and get sleep for a while. the sleeping pills have a slight addictive side to them >_<
on to more fun things!
my cat, Quinty, recently found out there's an open bowl with fish in my room: the baby-fish bowl. so she decided she just HAD to check it out *laughs* lots of wet paw prints throughout my room of course and when I let her get close to it, she decided she just wanted to drink. and of course, my fish are stupid enough to go: "hey! what's that?!" and all swim towards Quinty's tongue.. well, they learned not to do that soon enough *laughs*
(I had a kitty-pic to go with that, but going through over 3000 pics every time I want to post a kitty gets tiring.. sorry guys, not today. well.. maybe at the end ^_~)
when I went to sign the contract with the SHOEstore (hehe, this is for everyone who might've missed me getting a new job or forgetting *winks at Yensid-sensei*. I'll be selling shoes to people YAY ^^ once again, this could've come with a kitty-pic but meh.. I will however be able to stop the shiny red shoes from taking over the world *shudders* I'll just advice everyone to buy something else ^^)
alright, where was I going.. oh yes, to sign the contract.
well, I was wearing a skirt. yes people, Lytjuh actually does wear skirts from time to time (only because I recently found out Silver-sama has a special liking for them *laughs*)
now, I never even consider thinking of myself as a 'looker' but I have to say, I turned quite a few heads *grins to herself* it made me feel rather selfconscious but pretty good at the same time ^^ that is, as long as it wasn't some creepy old guy looking *sigh*
just wanted to get that out of my system ^^
oh, I think I know why I've been sleeping crappy and been feeling depressed and well.. bad about myself. I don't really want to discuss it on here, but I think some people might know what I'm talking about and if you really want to know, PM me and maybe I'll tell you all about it.
it's just memories that have been popping up of the same time last year.. sucks I know, but I hope that with a few weeks it'll be gone.
I wish I hadn't been the person I was back then and I wish I could just take a pill, go to sleep and wake up as if nothing happened, with all those memories erased from my mind. (very Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind ya know?)
but unfortunately, fiction is not real life and I'll have to deal with my memories myself.
enough whining.
I've stooped to a new low. I asked my brother if maybe he could loan me some money to pay for the ticket to England (7th through 14th of July *winks at Yensid-sensei again*) it's not that I don't have the money.. I just need to.. get it.. does that make sense? problem is, I want to have money for the Anime Con too, which is 1st,2nd and 3rd of June AND I have to order my ticket ASAP or it'll get more expensive again.. so a lot of costs in the same month, or at least at once..
we'll see what happens, I'm sure I'll find a way out of my financial problems ^^ I mean, it's not like it's money for a DVD or something, this is money for something that simply cannot wait ^^
in other news.. it's been raining a lot out here lately.. it sucks really.. it was so nice and warm last week and now it's been nothing but rain *le sigh*
I've been making some wallies again and they actually got accepted (YAY for me!!)
I'm especially proud of this one: Hosted By
I just really, really like it ^^"
ok, I don't know much else to say and I actually feel like taking a little nap..
have a great weekend everyone!! *hugs for all*
much clown love, I'm outti.
GUYS! \^__^/
how are you all today?! me? I''m sleepy as hell.. the sleeping pills don't really seem to be working anymore since I was up half the night >_< not fun.. and then, when I was finally asleep, my mom barges into my room: Lydia, are you asleep? *grunts and turns around* LYDIA! do you have to take the 10 o'clock bus? *finally wakes up enough to know what's going on* no mom.. the 11.. *turns around again* ok, when should I wake you again then? *while thinking: well.. never, since I ain't gonna get any more sleep now..* like.. in an hour.. *curls up* *mom leaves*
it's sweet and all, but sometimes I wish she'd remember stuff better *le sigh*
luckily, since both me and my presentation partner have decided to skip english, I only have to go into college for a group meeting. I should be able to survive that ^^
yesterday me and mom and a lot of other people (some people from my dad's side of the family.. like.. third cousins or something.. I don't really know them that well ^^") went to see Tarzan the Musical ^^
I loved it! it was so cool with all the performers swinging over the audience and stuff ^^ the costumes were really well-made and I loved the music.
and then there was the guy who played Tark, Tarzan's best gorilla-friend.. *swoons* now he had a bod I wouldn't mind waking up next to if you know what I mean ^_~ damn, he was H-O-T! like, sizzling.. might've also been the facepaint that slightly resembled Violent J's.. I dunno.. either way, I was glad he got a lot of time on stage tee-hee ^^
also, Jane was great! nice and dry and kind of sarcastic at times ^^ I loved how they put down her character ^^
now, don't get me wrong. generally, I'm deadscared of musicals. I mean, how horrible must life be to live in a musical? breaking out into songs every few minutes *shudders*
but there are some I just HAVE to see. like The Lion King, I just wanted to see that for the costumes to be honest *laughs* as for Mama Mia and My Fair Lady, I went to those mostly because we got great deals on them (My Fair Lady was free for us hehe) and I turned out loving them ^^ especially MFL, I think that's my favorite because of the story ^^
anywho.. let's talk anime ^^
*thinks* I can't.. I have nothing.. I haven't been watching any anime nor have I read any manga in the last week or so..
oh I start my job on the 19th YAY!! I get a full day of work right off the bat and after that I get to go to the housewarming party of a friend of Silver's ^^ it'll be a fun-filled day.
also, thank you guys for giving movie advice ^^ I totally forgot about Arachnaphobia!!
oh and some of you don't seem to grasp the importantness of my trip to England. seems I've forgotten to mention it is to go and meet with the one and only MAGNUS!! yep, I'll be staying with my ojou-sama for a week ^^ and I really can't wait!! I have the perfect birthday gift for her tee-hee, it's so perfect it's evil!! and expensive, but hey, she's turning 20 and I'll be there so I want to give her this ^^
well, that's all I seem to have for today.. I'm not in a commenting mood, but I do read posts. so be warned, I will be watching you!!
much clown love, I'm outti
oh and could you guys make sure the kitties don't take over the world while I'm away? ^_~ kthxby
hey guys!
short post from me ^^ and I don't think I will do much visiting today.. perhaps tomorrow ^^ beware a long rant about monster/horror movies!!! don't say I didn't warn you!!!
my mom has been hassling me about the kitten all day yesterday and then pretty much gave me the silent treatment. nice and quiet if you ask me. but as usual the next day she pretends like nothing happened ^^"
school was meh.. I skipped the first class, went to the group meeting, got to hear the next class was cancelled and decided to skip the last class ^^ my old attitude seems to be back >_<
tomorrow I've got the day off, then thurdsday it's just english and project meeting and friday it's just economy. then it's weekend, monday off, tuesday should be a quiet day again and wednesday free if I'm lucky.. then two days off cause of... Ascention day or whatever that's called in English.. man, there are a lot of classes getting cancelled because of holidays or teachers being on vacation *shakes head*
I went into town to get a Mother's day gift for my mom and kind of splurged on stuff or rather, DVD's for myself..
hehe, I got this thing for really bad horror/monster movies (ya know, the kind that is so bad it's good again) and I just felt like buying some.. I might actually trick Silver-sama into doing a marathon if we get a full day together this weekend ^^
I bought *dun dun dunnn*
-Anacondas, the hunt for the blood orchid
-Boa vs Python
the fourth, Dinocroc, caught me as funny as hell ^^ just the idea of it.. kind of like with Frankenfish (you HAVE to see that one!!!) I really laughed my ass of at that one ^^
so now, I've got a nice collection of horrible (and less bad) monstermovies and just for the heck of it, I'm going to name them all:
-well, the six I just bought listed a bit before
-Alligator (this one was too bad for words, but also too funny)
-Lake Placid (a personal favorite)
-Deep Blue Sea
-Godzilla (the US version of which everyone else says it has flopped. I've seen it a gazillion times already ^^)
-The Cave
-Jurassic Park
-Reign of Fire (dragons and not half as bad as some of the other ones listed)
and, if they count:
-Interview with the Vampire
-War of the Worlds
I really want to buy the Tremors movies, just cause they're funny as hell and I've never actually seen them >_<
(motherf*ckin') Snakes on a (motherf*ckin')Plane is still on my list as to be expected, but it will have to go below 10 bucks before I buy it ^^"
and then there are some more titles that are just so ridiculous it makes me want to see them. like Piranhas and Piranhas 2 about genetically manipulated (you guessed it) piranhas.
and of course the somewhat more scary movies that fit in the line of The Cave. like The Descent, The Dark and The Grave Dancers.. man, I'd better save up a whole lot of money..
another movie I've set my mind on is something completely different: Clerks 2.
unfortunately, it's basically impossible to find without being in a box with the first movie, which I already got.. ow well, once it gets cheaper I might actually just buy it, since I bought the first one for about 3 bucks, so it won't be too big of a loss.
well, I think I've bored you all enough with my rambling about movies. I crave for some anime, but I don't really want to watch it.. does that make sense?
I'll probably clean out my closet tonight (summer clothes down, winter clothes up) and I think I'll rearrange my DVD's yet again ^^
if anyone has a good suggestion for a horrible monster/horror movie (the Relic was GREAT too! my brother downloaded it for me.. too bad it isn't available on DVD anymore.. but maybe I'll burn it on one, just this once ^^ also, I loved Blood Surf, but it's impossible to find.. I think that one came on VHS *sob*) don't be afraid to tell me in your comments or PM's ^^
now, I thought this would be a short post, but it turned out long enough to be a normal post from me >_<
(now that would make for a fun movie!)
much clown love, I'm outti.
this just in: ENGLAND IS FINAL!!! my parents agreed and now I just have to scrape together the 120 bucks it will cost me to fly there!!! *EEEEEEP!!*