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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, February 12, 2007

   When you are with me, I'm free, I'm careless, I believe...
'My Sacrifice'-Creed
Silver-sama's favorite song.. I quite like it too, especially this *points above* part ^^

time: 9.37-10.20 am CET
mood: nervous
physical condition: trembly...
currently reading: nothing O_o I finished the second book of Abarat this weekend and haven't had the chance to start on anything new since then.. but I think I'll start reading some manga again ^^
song: *thinks* The Witch-ICP
weather: probably cold or something.. I dunno ^^"
official baby-fish count: 58, some of them died ^^" no surprise though.. I'll explain later..

hey guys!!!
yep yep, I'm still alive!!
once again, I haven't visited or posted much the last week.. sorry about that..
I just tend to spend my evenings away from my laptop lately *sees everyone gasping* yep.. but I think it's mostly because I am still feeling kind of sick in the evenings and I've been troubled by headaches..
well, I guess I'd better tell you all about my days eh?

erhm.. what have I done since wednesday..
oh, I actually skipped one lecture. it wasn't important though and I really needed the rest and time to make some homework and just get the flu out of my system.
I watched 'Alien9'. it's pretty fun ^^ it's an anime series of just four episodes, but with a very open ending, so I think there will be a sequel to it if it gets more popular..
I really liked it, even though it got kind of freaky at times.. the artwork is great, which, as I'll keep saying time and time again, is VERY important to me!
it also got some sort of story line, though it isn't very clear all the time.. but the episodes are good, you can relate and get attached to the characters and that's what makes a series worth watching ^^
here's a little summary of the series:
From the screenwriter of Millenium Actress, Cowboy bebop and Bubblegum crisis and the producer of Tenchi Muyo!

Defense from Grade 6!

Yuri is totally bummed. She just started 6th grade and has been elected to capture and eliminate the aliens that are constantly invading the school... a difficult and dangerous job! Even worse, she has to wear a creepy symbiotic alien helmet to get the job done...GROSS!

I loved the Borgs (the symbiotic helmets) the most I think ^^

hmz.. other than that.. nothing much happened during the week.. I just went to school, learned lots of things, already got sick of the projectgroup since it's just too damn big and three of the members lack any kind of motivation *sigh* and just when I wanted to completely go for it this time.. ow well, guess I'll have to try and motivate them somehow.. or not and just ignore them.. that sounds like a good plan ^^

now, the weekend was so much better ^^
I went to Silver-sama on friday ^^ so we got almost three full days together, which is always a great pleasure ^^
let's see.. we erhm.. we played Katamari ^^ nothing says anger management like rolling up everything in your path! we discovered that the co-op part is loads more fun than playing on your own and we spend most of the time running after each other's character, trying to bump him over *laughs* that was loads of fun ^^ so we spend most of the weekend like that ^^
we also watched some tv. too bad there wasn't any good stand-up comedy on saturday, but then again, we had a nice quiet evening ^^
Silver-sama felt kind of sick in the evenings though, so he went to bed early.. I spend that time on my own reading my book and watching a good thriller I'd already seen parts of before..
and of course, we did the stuff couples do. I'll leave that to your imaginations ^^'

on sunday we went over to my place and there we didn't do much either.. Silver took his PS2 with him and we played more Katamari. I also cleaned the fish bowl which houses my baby fish. I hadn't done that in weeks, so the water was practically brown and the plant in it had grown till it almost filled the complete bowl.. so as said in the beginning of this post, some of the fishies had died.. but then again, sixty fishies in one bowl IS a bit much, even if they are baby guppies ^^"

since Silver and me can't spend Valentine's Day together *awwww* (I've got school in the morning, he's got work in the evening..) we exchanged gifts already ^^ I got him that promise ring I told you guys about last week ^^ yep, we're kinda, sorta, maybe a little engaged ^^ or to be more precise: we're promised to be engaged *smiles*
and on saturday, I got Silver's gifts ^^ he got me a Beddy Bear ^^ let me explain: it works like a waterbottle. it's filled with special treated grains and when you pop it in the microwave, it warms up and stays warm for a few hours ^^
officially, the bear's called Charlie, but I decided to call him Smelly, since he smells like lavender *laughs* it makes you nice and sleepy though, especially when it's warm ^^ though I have to say.. it felt REALLY sadistic putting that little teddy in the microwave *laughs* even for me, that's a little evil..
but that wasn't all Silver got me ^^ he also bought Aquasaurs!!! they're so much fun!! or at least, I think they will be once they hatch ^^" they can be compared to SeaMonkeys, though Aquasaurs don't live as long ^^"
Silver and me had some fun figuring out how to take care of them.. too bad it takes two days for them to hatch and they have to live at Silver's, but I'll get to see them next week ^^

ok, back to sunday..
in the evening we watched Bones as usual.. man does Cam ever annoy me!! and dammit Hodgins and Angela, DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!! either totally blow him off, or just move in closer to her already!! that turning round each other is starting to annoy me.. thank goodness the cases are still great ^^ although I once again had the feeling I knew this case from another series.. I should watch less crime fiction *nods*
other than the story, the new way of fading out kind of annoys me.. instead of making things darker, they've decided to make it this really bright light.. ow well, it doesn't last that long ^^
ow and don't get me wrong, even though I whine about it all the time, this series has got itself at the top of my live-action series at the moment ^^ I love it ^^

and then, it was time for Silver-sama to leave again.. I'm really going to miss him this week, especially since he's got the late shift and I've got school every morning except for today.. *sigh* ow well, it's the way it is and I'll live and be even happier to see him again coming weekend ^^

as for today.. I'm damn nervous.. this afternoon, I've got my interview at the casino..
on the one hand, I really hope I get the job.. on the other hand, I'm really scared that they don't want to hire me since I can only work weird hours and don't have my own transportation and thus am completely at the mercy of public transport.. on the other other hand (yes, this one has three hands)I'm kind of anxious that I will once again stress out completely if they do hire me.. mostly because of the traveling time and the possible impact on my education.. but if they do hire me, I'll still accept. I'll always have the first two months to see how things go and if I can't pull it, I can quit.
but I'm not expecting anything from it really. it will just be an extra experience in getting interviewed for a job.
plus, it gives me a nice chance to go to the beach *laughs* since the casino is just a few blocks away from the sea ^^ I'll be sure to leave early enough and if I have loads of time left, I can clear my mind with a walk on the beach ^^

point of annoyance this week: SNOW! it freakin' snowed in the Netherlands..
just for one day though, but to make things worse: my coat decided to malfunction on this one day!! the zipper broke, so I couldn't close my coat anymore *cries* it happened on thursday and that evening my dad and me went to get my coat fixed.. it will take till wednesday to get a new zipper put in.. ow well, you'd think..
but I didn't have an extra coat!!! so I was stuck having to chose between a coat I haven't worn since I was like.. fourteen, or my mom's coat.. well, seeing how my mom has more fashion sense than me in my early teens, I decided on my mom's and went to school in that.
thank goodness for the late season sales though ^^ my mom gave me money for a spare coat and I found a really nice one for just 20 bucks ^^ so now I've got one that actually looks good on me and isn't a bit too big ^^'

so that was my week since I've been gone ^^
sorry it was so long.. but then again, I don't really mean that *laughs*
you guys are used to long posts from me anyway ^^ and I had to compensate for the last one *laughs*
well, to make it all up to you, here's a picture of the new and improved Catbus:

you guys can expect more silly cat pictures in my next posts, Silver send me a site with the cutest pictures EVER!! hehe ^^

much clown love, I'm outta here ^^
I'll let you all know how the interview went in my next post ^^ wish me luck *crosses fingers*

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