Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Keep holding on, cause I know we'll make it through!
hey guys!
this won't be a conventional post of mine. meaning I'm just going to write down my thoughts of the past few days. so it will actually be a golden oldie, so to speak ^^
well, for one, my tatt started itching.. I'm driving myself nuts trying not to scratch it >_<
actually, the parts where the tape is on every night (you have to cover it up so your bed doesn't stain with ink hehe) itches worse than the tatt.. I feel kind of badass talking about it *laughs* most reactions have been like this: "is that it! oooh, cool, but why is it so small?" *laughs* I love it this way ^^ like Grif-san said, it suits me ^^ I really love the design and the size and place ^^ it's just the way I wanted it ^^ I can only think of one person who is happier with it than me and that's Silver-sama. he'll be even more happier with it in a week or so, but that's between me and him *giggle*
second, I finished reading Behind The Paint, the biography of the Insane Clown Posse. I loved reading more about the people behind the music! but I had to try my hardest to not stop reading and dig into some manga *sigh* (I've been devouring manga since I came home, but I'll get back to that later)
I think I'm kind of over my little crush on Joe Bruce, aka Violent J, though. it was fun, but my dreams lately have made me see how ridiculous it all is hehe ^^" it's fun though tee-hee ^^ I'm a walking contradiction..
anywho, I guess that ICP is the one good thing that came out of an old friendship. I'm not trying to diss anyone, I promise, but things just turned out the wrong way. sometimes, things don't click and you have to say goodbye. that's life. but the thing is, that person brought me ICP and ICP brought me the strength and mentality to say fuck it all and get myself over it. I need to return to my old, pure state of mind. for the Butterfly. this is probably jibberish to you all ^^" sorry, I'm not going to explain. if you want to know, buy and read Behind The Paint. and when I say read, I mean read the whole damn fucking thing!
anywho.. ah yes, my interview.. well, I hung around town all afternoon waiting for it to be five pm.. got to the shoestore.. and then I heard that the person who was supposed to do the interview got called away for family matters, they had one sick employee and they were over their heads in work >_< so no interview, I get to come in again next wednesday at 9 am. keep your fingers crossed for me, please guys?!
in the meantime, I also handed in my CV at the Acme Movie Store, which I basically LOVE! but, the problem is that I can't really get good hours there, so I'm holding on to the shoestore for a while now. oh that reminds me, I still need to email the manager of AMS about the rescheduling.. aren't I the little busy sollicitor? *chuckle*
my dad, however, keeps on trying to find me jobs.. he's driving me crazy, cause he wants me to apply for like, a million jobs more, while I really want to focus my attention to these two for now. ow well, I'll handle it ^^
it's so damn hot today.. well, it was hot, it's just hot in the house right now and chilly outside. so I went inside and now I'm trying to cool down.. and do something for the project, but I don't think that'll get really done today ^^"
I was talking with my marketing teacher about video game consoles and my fave teacher was there too and she was like: "what the hell is this about?!" hehe, she didn't understand a thing we were saying ^^" my marketing teacher is a really cool guy ^^ he knows a lot about marketing and since I love that subject, it's like I'm in a trance during his lessons.. well, that sounds weird, but ow well ^^ he knows a lot about video games because of his kids hehe ^^
he's the one I had breakfast with during the trip to Helsinki and Stockholm:
remember him?
ah yes, I'd talk about manga.
well, first off this:
I had to fill time before my interview. I only had school until like, twelve, so I had five hours left.
I wandered around Rotterdam for a while and decided to walk to the station instead of taking the subway. which turned out to be both a good and expensive idea. I found this Asian store near the station ^^ I bought a totally cute plushie of MashiMaro
what can I say, he's just soooo cute ^^ you can bend his little ears *eep*
anyhoot.. oh, yes, manga.
as soon as I came home I started to devour mangas ^^ so far, in the last few hours, I've read Fruits Basket 16 and Sensual Phrase volume 1-3. man, I now CRAVE for more Sensual (Kaikan) Phrase! it's such a sexy, daring, addictive series.. for the older public around my friends, I really recommend this, though I have to warn you all, it is Shojo, so it'll appeal a bit more to the female public than the male part.. ow well, it's hot anyway! I MUST have the other volumes!! but then again, I also MUST have the recently released Full Metal Panic figurines of Kaname and Theresa! damn, I need that job badly *laughs*
next I'll read.. well, all I've got left unread is Because I'm The Goddess, volumes 1-3, a series that recently caught my eyes and the plot sounded really good and the art looks great, so I went ahead and bought all three volumes that are out so far ^^" I also want more Hana Kimi though.. aw man, so many series that I've fallen in love with lately.. I'm reading around thirty different series at the moment I think.. I've made a list of all the mangas I own. that reminds me, I have to get BITG on the list..
oh, I lied. I also got Pita Ten 2-4 still on my to-read list ^^ I've got enough to read I see!
perfect, since I've got next week off ^^
I've been listening to the new CD of Avril Lavigne a lot ^^ Silver-sama bought it for me last weekend ^^ I love most of the songs, except for Girlfriend and some others which I haven't remembered the names of. I absolutely adore the songs When You're Gone, Everything Back But You and Keep Holding On.
I had a MySpace for two days. *chuckle* I made it on monday and deleted it yesterday.. I made it and then I just got so scared that I wouldn't fit into that whole world.. it's just not my thang, ya know? I mean, I was hella scared when I first joined up here, but it all turned out fine ^^ I love this place and it really is an extension of my real life! but I will never fit into the world of Spaces and Hives.. I don't really get the hype about it all..
and basically, I got burned a couple of time trying to join forums that just didn't work for me, or only worked for me with particular people on it, so I figured to stop trying alltogether. I like it this way. I have my little blog and life is good ^^
hmz.. lets reply to some of the comments ^^
well, I don't really have much to say, except: thank you all so much for the compliments about my tatt ^^ it's great to get positive feedback ^^
as for LS' comment, this is a message to everyone thinking about getting a tattoo: NEVER, EVER GET A TATTOO WITH A NAME UNLESS IT IS THAT OF YOUR CHILD!!!
there, now that's out of the way.. what else..
guess that's kinda it..
well, that's it for my old-fashioned-totally-random-and-way-too-long post ^^
much clown love, I'm outti (I guess I'll always be down with the clown ^_~)