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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Thursday, May 3, 2007

   Benno: R.I.P.
hey guys!
I hope you're all doing ok and are having fun with whatever you're up to ^^

I know of some people who have it a bit less good, like Jess-chan (former JuzCuz), Steven-kun (the Assassin) and especially my Silvereagle-sama..
the problems of the first two I'm not going to discuss. you can find their sites in my friendslist.

I do want to talk about Silver-sama's sadness..
on tuesday, his dog, Benno, had to be put down.. he was old (13 if I'm right) and was hurting a lot.. he had been Silver's buddy since he (Silver) was nine and they've been through some rough shit together. I'm sure Benno was a great help through those times, just like I know my very own Quinty is helping me a lot through my depressions.
as many, if not all, of you know, I'm a cat-person. I don't really like dogs, basically because they need too much attention and affection all the time..
but dammit, I started to love that stupid dog over the past four years..

*smiles* he could be so cute. always trying to get food from me while I'd never give him any hehe ^^" he was always so easily fooled into thinking you threw something at him and then spend the next ten minutes searching for it..
and even though he was annoying at times (barking at me, I hate barking dogs and jumping up when I came over.. he hurt my legs quite some times..) I think I'm really going to miss him.
it'll be weird coming to Silver's house for a while anyway..
I had never been present when something like this took place. my first cat was put down years ago and my parents had it done while I was at school..
I wanted to be strong for Silver-sama and stick by his side until it was all over, but when the vet told us that Benno's heart was still slightly beating, I couldn't handle it anymore and went upstairs.. cried my eyes out to the cat hehe ^^"

enough on that subject now though.. send some love and support to Silvereagle-sama please? he could use it, I think ^^

the rest of my days with Silver were wonderful! got blind stinking drunk on monday and was passed out for most of the night (great fun *sarcasm* I didn't mean to drink THAT much.. >_< )
we watched Dogma, which I had never seen before and I LOVED it ^^ it was weird at times, but still very good.

yesterday we went to the zoo in Amsterdam. it was fun, but still city-zoos are way less attractive than other zoos.. we had lots of fun though ^^

on monday we went to the beach, which was great too ^^ we had loads of fun searching for crabs (or parts of them anyway) and other sea creatures. I was especially pleased by all the jellyfish that were washed on shore.. it's just so funny to poke them ^^ though I had to do it with my shoe, which didn't really did it good... ow well.

speaking of shoes. my interview yesterday went GREAT! turns out it will be for a job in my town instead of the one next to us (I'll just get trained there and when the new store over here opens, I'll get to work in my hometown again)
plus, I can probably get a part-time contract, which has a lot of benefits (like bonuses for working on saturdays nyahahah!!) AND I might get a pretty responsible position as the replacement of the chef-lady..
but! all of this isn't sure yet, since the lady who was supposed to do the interview wasn't there again, and it's up to her whether or not they'll hire me.. I'll hear before the end of this week if they want another interview, if I'm hired or if they don't want me after all.. so keep your fingers crossed please guys! (even though I've got a lot more confidence about it now ^^)

well, I've been tired as fuck for the past few days and it still hasn't passed.. I got a nice free day of my own today, so I'm going to take a nap.
take care everyone, much clown love and watch out or your head might explode into candy:

I'm outti

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