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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

   Getting ready to disappear again...

hey guys *hugs to you all*
sorry for my extreme suckyness in being a friend this (and last) week.. it has just been horrible to me.. I've been just so completely tired, it's not funny anymore.. yesterday I popped two sleeping pills and even that didn't get me a full night of sleep.
on top of all that, I'm sorta sick.. I just haven't been feeling like myself lately, I guess.. I feel really bad for not commenting, but I do want you all to know that I did read pretty much all posts ^^ that's at least something right? I don't want to leave this place, but I don't want to go on like this either. I can't keep posting without commenting to my friends.. it's just not right. so my apologies to everyone *bows* _o_
I'll try to get back into the swing of things next week. promise!

ok, so this weekend is the long awaited Anime Convention. can't wait! even though my mom keeps telling me not to buy too much. I think I'll ignore her for a change.

yeah, screw that, I'll buy whatever I want.
speaking of which. I need advice.
yep, I really do..
I'm looking for a series I haven't seen yet that sounds good enough to buy and be a boxset at the same time. bring on the recommendations!!!
I mean, I want to buy Comic Party already and maybe even the DearS boxset.. but I also want something that's just new to me.. or maybe I'll just completely ignore everything you guys say and go with my own ideas, but then again, I think some of you know some very good anime that I don't know of.. so please give me some ideas? *puppy eyes* pwetty pwease?

as you can see the piccies of today are rather random and I've left them big.. why is that, you ask? cause these are a few of my personal favorites hehe ^^ I just love them ^^
this one is for Silver-sama, I'm sure it will make him rofl tee-hee. (inside joke from the weekend ^^)

I'm supposed to be putting together an english presentation for tomorrow.. I'd better get to that rather soon than later, so that I can get back to sleep.. but then again, I don't really feel like it *laughs*

YEAH!! what the kitty said hehe ^^

oh and thank you all for the positive feedback on my theme ^^ it is indeed rather bright and I don't think I"ll keep it up for very long.. I just liked the Kodama enough to give them their fifteen minutes of fame on my site ^^

ok, maybe I really do need to go ahead and make that presentation >_<
I'll leave you all with some more kitty (and others) pictures to make up for my absence. I probably won't be around until after the con, I'm rather busy tomorrow..
have a wonderful rest of the week/weekend everyone and take care!! *lots of hugs*

these and so many more absolutely cute piccies can be found on I Can Has Cheezburger (ICHC)

much clown love, I'm outti!

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