Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Friday, June 1, 2007
hey guys!!
this is Lytjuh updating straight from the Anime Con!!!
Firefox and the fact that this comp is a Mac are driving me crazy, plus, I don't want to keep the pc hogged for too long..
well, I can honestly say that I'm pretty much broke already >_< but I'm trying to save a little money to buy Silver-sama something on sunday ^^ (note: *TRYING*)
he already bought me the loveliest necklace ^^ it's so beautiful ^^
also my Winry cosplay is actually being recognized and people are asking me if they can take pictures *proud* too bad that tomorrow I got a Gopher shift during the cosplay photo shoot *sulks* oh well, I'll live I guess ^^
other news... I'm actually a bit worried about the shifts tomorrow.. I have one in the morning and in the evening and they're both at a the main desk, which handles problems with tickets and stuff >_< I'll try my best though ^^
I have loads of Anime to watch anyway ^^ so Magnus-chan and me won't be bored at all on rainy English days ^^
well, it's about time for Comic Party Revolution to start, so I'd better be off ^^
thank you everyone for your suggestions by the way!! especially Shishou-chan *mega hugs to you!* they are showing a lot of shows you recommended ^^ I already love Utaware somethingsomething ^^ I'll try to find the DVDs of that on sunday when I can browse the Dealer room more relaxed ^^ they're probably not out yet over here...
ok, I'm really out of here now ^^
sorry, no LOLcats ^^" don't have the link here ^^'