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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

   I see my life flash before me, I hear all my favorite songs at one time (when I enter that ever so yummy Dealer Room!!!)
GUYS!!! ZOMGosh you are all still here ^^ *massive hugs to everyone*
well, I'm finally returning to TheO for sure now, getting back into the swing of commenting (as of today, I'm too lazy to catch up with all the sites I've missed so far) and of course posting again ^^

I've actually cut my nails, just because I couldn't really type anymore.. it was hell I tell ya! I'd hit two or three buttons at a time and basically never ended up with the words I was going for *Laughs* this meant having to retype a lot of my sentences, so I decided to clip them for a change.

the past two days have been weird.. I'm back home and not in that ever so fluffy hotel bed.. dammit, was that ever a nice bed.. more on that later ^^
yesterday I basically organised my life a little. send in the forms to make sure I'm listed for next year's classes, did some financial business (meaning I paid my mom and I took some money off my savings account in order to make up for my expenses at the Con), wrote back to my ojou-sama Magnus (who is now about a month away ^^ YAY, it's the next thing to live forward to ^^) and I called the bloodbank. why you ask? because I was asked if I wanted to become a plasma donor instead of full-blood. apparently, there is a shortage in plasma donors here in the Netherlands and they are looking for blood donors who want to shift to plasma. so I first wanted to ask if I was still not allowed to give blood or plasma for a year, since I got my tattoo.. they said that I can't indeed but after that time they will still need plasma donors. so I sent in the form saying that I would like to shift. doesn't really make a lot of difference, just that I will have to go in more often (about 8 times a year, instead of three to four) and that I will only donate plasma and not my bloodplatethingamabobses. so yeah...

today I went to school for a group meeting. we've got a lot of things to catch up with, especially since this is the last week of college. next week will be exams/midterms/tests/whatevers. can't say I'm looking forward to that *laughs* I'm afraid I've missed too many classes to pass them, but I'll have to wait and see ^^"
other than that, I didn't do much today.. got to see the bus drive away in front of me for the umpteenth time in a couple of weeks, did some homework, fell asleep in the afternoon. and that's pretty much it ^^"
oh and yesterday I cleaned out my little fishbowl with guppies.. man, they're getting big again ^^"

*sees all your anticipating looks* what? you don't want to hear about the last two days? you want to hear about the Anime Con?
ow well, if you all insist! *grins*
but first: go to the toilet, get a drink and a snack and settle in, cause this might take a while.

alright, here goes ^^

well, I went to Silver-sama on thursday, so that we could leave bright and early on friday to the east of this tiny little country to the biggest Anime Convention of the Netherlands: Anime Con 2007.
late on thursday evening (and early friday morning), I tried to sow my bandana for my cosplay.. of course I started way too late and, just as Murphy's Law tells us, everything that could go wrong, did so. the bandana stayed in one piece though, even though the seams (sp?) were kind of falling apart at the end of the weekend ^^'

when we finally did leave for the Con, we had to return to Silver's home two or three times cause we'd forgotten stuff.. but finally, around 11.45 am, we set of into the horizon.
unlike Silver-sama, I love long drives. there's just something about driving around for hours.. especially at night, when it's dark (though of course, this wasn't the case this time) I think I fell asleep a couple of times though and I was probably pretty boring.
when we got to Almelo, Silver had to drop me off at Con grounds, cause I had to attend the Gopher (Gaffer) briefing. it was nice to be able to walk straight through and get to check into the Con without waiting in line ^^
the briefing had just started and I was guided to the GopherLounge by one of the other gophers.
the briefing was.. well, brief and funny, but also very informative.
after it, we were told that there were volunteers needed to help at the GameRoom, so I headed up there. when I got there, they looked at me and said: 'are you the only one?' and I basically said yeah, cause we just ended the briefing. turned out they needed people to carry stuff from one side of the hotel to the DDR room (yes, they had a special room just for DDR, and karaoke at night.) and they didn't really think a tiny little girl like me could carry heavy stuff. I did prove them wrong, but I was the only girl helping out between two huge guys and one slightly smaller guy *laughs*
after that, it was time to wait for Silver-sama to show up. he had to come with the bus from the hotel, so I had some time.. short chats were exchanged with the other gophers and I changed into my Winry cosplay (photos will come later on in this post ^_~)
when Silver finally got to the Con grounds, hehad to wait in line for a while *snickers*
I was kind of taunting him all through the wait, but I stayed by his side anyway ^^ it wasn't like I had much to do at that point anyway.
when he finally got in, we took a drink and decided on what we wanted to do. we took the tour through the con to see where everything was this year. not much had changed since last year, just the wardrobe was someplace different.
after that we.. *checks in Silver's post* ah yes, we went to see some episodes of Utawarerumono (Utaware for short hehe) I really liked it ^^ so I'll be looking out for a DVDbox from that in the future (I just hate accumulating series one DVD at a time ^^')
after that we went to eat. there was a Japanese buffet this time, so I didn't have to live off fries for a full weekend *laughs* so I had rice with beef teriyaki, very yummy ^^
after dinner I wanted to check out the Anime Quiz. damn, did I ever fail that one *laughs* but then again, I didn't expect anything else with the questions they asked.. but we did sure have a good laugh about the weird questions and answers.
after the Quiz it was time for that yummy Dealer Room ^^ I actually didn't have to stand in line because I was gophering, but since Silver did have to wait, I waited with him (the entire weekend >_< you HAVE to gopher too next year honey!) when we finally got in, I spend a lot of money, but not my entire budget for the weekend ^^ I'll list my loot later on.
after that, we headed to a video room to check out Comic Party Revolution which was really funny ^^ Silver-sama beat me to buying the DVDs of that, but once again, I'll wait for a box *laughs* I did get the first series: Comic Party.
we wanted to take the bus back to the hotel at 12.30 am.. but that one didn't show up *laughs* I was so tired, it just wasn't funny anymore >_< when the bus finally did show up an hour later, it couldn't leave anymore because a car was in the way.. so some of the staff had to get the owner of the car out of bed (I tell you, he wasn't happy *laughs* oh well, he wasn't supposed to park there anyway) and then we could finally get back to the hotel.
by the time we were there, got settled in (that's more for me, since Silver already had time to do that before in the afternoon) and got to sleep, it was around 3 am and the alarm went off at 6 am..

as Silver finally learned this weekend (about time after four years *laughs*) I am NOT a morning person ^^" I had a gophering shift at 8.30 and we needed breakfast and we had to get to the hotel. in order to really wake up, Silver took a shower while I turned around again.. when he was done, he basically had to kick me out of bed in order to get me under the shower ^^"
once I was done, it was 7 and time for breakfast. I thought a bus to the Con grounds was coming at 7.30, but it turned out that it only went on 7 and then at 9 >_< so Silver-sama had to drive me to the Con again ^^'
once there, I had a lot of time to relax and head to the Main Desk where my shift would be.
the ones who had the shift before me were fighting with the printer, trying to get Go-manuals printed out.. I helped out and after that my shift started. pretty cool, I was just needed to scan tickets for full-weekend visitors, sell saturday tickets and print them out and sell taxi vouchers (for the bus to the other hotel). it was fun to do and I got to talk with a fairly young girl (slightly older than me) who was part of the J-Pop staff (the organisors) and other gophers.
around 10.15, Silver came by to wait till my shift ended and he got to see me and others fight with the printer yet again.. it kept remembering which tickets got printed and printed them again at every new ticket (going from one to two to three to four to five etc) when that was solved, my shift was over and I headed out with Silver to.. *checks his post again* we drank something and then headed out to see Black Cat. it was good, but somehow just not my kind of series.. Silver liked it though ^^
after that a quick lunch. and then, in the line for the Dealer Room again (the good stuff comes out on saturday) after spending even more money, we headed to see Kirameki Project, which was funny and interesting ^^ I mean, I giant Mech in the form of a cute little girl? it was pretty cool.
then it was dinner time again (rice with curry this time ^^) and after that we went to the Main Desk again, where my next shift was going to start in about 30 minutes. a huge screen was set up to show the Cosplay Competition so that people who couldn't get into the room were able to see it too.
it was horrible >_< I mean, there were maybe one of two acts that were actually rehearsed.. it was sad to see it and even sadder that I was SUPPOSED to sit there during the whole event cause of my shift ^^' but I survived, with help of the sarcasm of other gophers *laughs*
after the event, Silver headed off to watch 'Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo' (the girl who lept through time) I wanted to see it too, but my shift lasted for about two more hours.. so I missed it, but I will be looking out for the DVD.
during the last half hour of my shift (I posted then too) things got pretty quiet. but then I was asked if anyone in that room had a portophone since the steward who was there had to leave for the Karaoke room.. we didn't have one and I couldn't go to the GopherLounge to get one, cause I couldn't leave the desk.. so one of the others got one for me and I just figured I wouldn't have to use it in that last half hour (I'm scared to death to use things like intercoms or portophones >_< ) for fifteen minutes, everything was fine, but then, all of a sudden I was asked to call security cause someone had fallen and cut her leg ^^" I barely survived that, since of course right at that moment, people came to buy taxi vouchers and ask questions and it was hard to understand what was being said through the portophone ^^" but it all turned out fine ^^
after my shift, I was thinking about going to see Ergo Proxi, since it was recommended to me by a member of the staff, but I decided that it would be better to head back to the hotel.
Silver and me had some great fun there ^^ get your minds out of the gutter! we were unpacking our newly bought stuff ^^ after that we did have that other kind of fun.. I mean, just the two of us in a hotel room.. it had to happen eventually ^_~ but I'm otaku first, lover later *laughs*

sunday ^^
a night of good rest for a change ^^ dah, I was tired as hell after.. well, everything
we packed our stuff and got everything into the car, cause we had to check out of the room before we headed to the Con again. then it was time for breakfast ^^ after that, Silver checked us out and we waited for the bus.
we got to the Con at around 9.20 and I wanted to see Di Gi Charat, Nyo at 10 (it was so funny and chaotic and I loved it ^^ hence the new theme, like? the song is "Hip Hop Vegetable" so funny and cute ^^)
but before it started, we got to see two episodes of Solty Rei, which was really funny ^^ I liked it a lot and will also be looking for DVDs from that ^^
on saturday, one of the staff asked me if I wanted to fill in for one of the six gopher who didn't show up. this one no-show had to get people to fill in a survey.. and I said yes >_<
imagine that, me, volunteering to ask people if they want to fill in a survey (questionnair!)
but it wasn't half bad actually ^^ the people were nice and willing to co-operate (since most of them were waiting for the bus or a ride home anyway) I got to have some nice talks with the people and I got all the surveys filled in pretty fast. (of course, the Winry outfit and my charming *cough* smile helped a lot *laughs*)
then Silver (who had wandered off to spend money again) and me had something to eat and then we headed to the Dealer Room again YAY ^^ some last-day shopping and then I was really broke.. Silver got me a lot of stuff too ^^
after that it was time to check out the closing ceremony, which was short ^^" and then we watched an episode of Angel Heart, which was pretty interesting ^^ really a series with deeper thoughts behind it ^^
then it was time to get our bag, say goodbye and head to the hotel to get the car.

and so ended our lovely weekend at the Anime Con.
but I will not let you guys go like that! *snickers*
quick summary of the rest of sunday: we ate at McDonalds, went home, unpacked all of our goodies (mostly figurines hehe), watched Bones and Law and Order SVU and then Silver had to take me home.

cosplay pictures!!!
check out the cosplay section of my portfolio for bigger ones ^^

list of what I bought/Silver bought for me (this includes an order we already placed but picked up at the Con)!!
-Comic Party DVD box
-His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano) DVD box
-Midori Days handheld collection
-Aquarian Age Sign for Evolution DVD box
-Saikano OVA Another Love Song.

-Kashimashi 1,2
-Dragon Knights 1 (so funny and chaotic ^^)
-Yellow 4
-Kare Kano 2,3
-Shakugan no Shana novel
-Sakura Taisen 5
-Platina 1
-Aquarian Age Juvenile Orion 4,5
-Chrono Crusade 2,3,4
-Saihoshi the Guardian 1,2
-Poison, Cherry, Drive
-Incubus 2
-Oh My Goddess 19/20
-My Only King
-Dear Myself
-You & Harujion

Merchandise (mostly figurines!):
-Little Ed Plushie (as to be seen in the pictures)
-Ah My Goddess figurines: Belldandy, Urd and Skuld (they all included one part of Banpai so I've got him too)
-Full Metal Panic figurines: Kaname Chidori and Teletha Testarossa (Tessa) also a small one of the class rep. I forgot her name >_<
-School Rumble figurine: Eri Sawachika (I love her ^^)
-Comic Party figurine: Mizuki something...
-My-HiME little figurine: biker-girl, I keep forgetting her name, but I like her so much..

and Silver-sama bought me this lovely necklace ^^ if you look closely, you can see it in the pictures ^^

I think that was it..
I know that I've outmaxed my longest post ever (last year's Con)
I also know that I will bother you all with one last cat-pic before I go to cool off my fingers (my laptop burns >_< )

I really love this picture, too funneh ^^

much clown love and I applaud all of you who got through this whole thing! one last challenge!! out-comment me on this one and you'll get a very special prize!!!you'll have to wait and see what it is until you win though*snickers*
I'm outti!

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