Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Friday, June 15, 2007
I should have just stayed in bed like I know how..
hey guys.
well, yesterday was unfortunately a day of disasters and letdowns..
I could've sworn my test was scheduled for thursday afternoon, but once I arrived at the college building, I couldn't find the room where we were supposed to be.. so I checked the schedule and found out that the test will be today.. at the same time nonetheless, but a day later. *sigh* so that took away a big part of my day. especially since the subway was delayed once again so that I got to miss my bus back home and had to wait half an hour for the next one.
once I finally got home, I had a slight fight with my mom again. this time simply because she doesn't listen to me. I had to get some stuff for my fishbowl (anti-algae thingies and bloodworms for my pufferfish) so she asked if we could look for some stuff she needed while we were at it. so I said: sure, if we're going out anyway.
and this was her response: "FINE! then we won't go! I'll go alone some time, shees!"
O_o" I cannot believe that woman.. I might have sounded a bit reluctant, but I could've sworn that my answer was a positive one >_<
eventually, we did go, but my mom kept whining about her leg halfway through the walk.. (there is something illustrous going on with my mom's leg. no doctor has yet been able to figure it out, so now she's scheduled for an MRI-scan. I just hope they check her head too while they're at it..) so I tried to give her some advice on that and comfort her, which of course fell the wrong way again. so I fell back into my habit of making cruel jokes about it and being sarcastic. can't help it, if she doesn't want to cheer up and accept the fact that I'm not some magician who can just point at her leg and make it all better, I don't feel any need to be a concerned daughter to her. not right now.
alright. so right after all that fun, it was time for me to clean up the fishbowl. now its inhabitants have decreased to twenty, since I put the biggest ones in the aquarium/tank after all. that now holds about 40-50 fish, but I think it can handle it..
ah heck, I'll put up some pictures so you guys know what I'm talking about ^^
it's a good thing my fish always cheer me up ^^
then it was time for dinner and it seemed like all bad things had gotten out of my way.
wrong again. just you wait..
my mom needs a new matress, so we (my mom, dad and I) went to this bed-store thingy. I needed a new cover (sheets) for my bed, since my other ones are slowly falling apart ^^" so I went with them.
that all went well and was fun.
a bit earlier, I had gotten a textmessage from Silver-sama, saying he was preparing for a barbeque..
so I asked if he was going to do it that night, since I remembered he had this big BBQ thing coming up from work.. and then he replied with a no, we're going to do it tomorrow..
hmz.. my mind slowly got into action and I thought that maybe we were going to BBQ at his house.. so I asked that and said that I would be later due to my test.. when he replied he said this: "no, at my boss. will you be in time for dinner?"
this just got more and more confusing... so when I asked if I was allowed to come with him to the barbeque at his boss', it finally got through to him too: he doesn't have time at all tonight to see me >_<
so tonight will be a quiet night all by myself in my own house.. my mom is going to a birthday and my dad and brother are going to see the Admirals play (American Football, yes, it also happens here!)
I guess I could work on my homework, cause I really don't see much other gaps in my schedule to do that. that is, if Silver doesn't suddenly realise he already has plans for saturday and sunday.. *sigh* I don't want to sound mean, but it just pissed me off.. especially since it was on our anniversary and I miss him like hell.. I want him to be with me, especially now, with the way I've been feeling.. I know he has other obligations, but still..
oh well, I'll survive I'm sure. I could always try and get a hold of Grifter-san to keep me virtual company, though that might be hard, since he shows up less often than the Loch Ness Monster ^_~
well, I didn't want to whine all through the post, but I did, didn't I?
my apologies guys, I needed to vent. if you don't know what to say, it's ok to not leave a comment ^^ I'll try to comment to sites again today.
I had a slightly better sleep last night, thanks to two sleeping pills, so I'm feeling a bit better than before. though I could always use a nap *laughs*
oh by the way, I forgot to tell you guys, but I finally buckled and bought Clerks 1&2 and Motherf*ucking Snakes on a Motherf*cking Plane ^^ so I guess Silver and me can watch both Clerks movies on saturday if we'd like ^^ I know I REALLY want to see the second movie ^^ and Snakes on a Plane will go on the "so-bad-it's-good" pile of DVDs I got ^^ (together with Frankenfish, Dinocroc, Boa vs. Python and lots of others ^^)
well, at least I ended this post an a positive note ^^ I'll post some random kitteh pics to make you all smile and perhaps even laugh out loud ^^