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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, June 18, 2007

*can't think of anything*

hey guys!! I'm back yet again, feeling a bit better than last week. this time, I might actually stick around commenting all week, but I won't promise anything.
I hope you all had a great weekend, I sure did ^^

well, lets see.. first off, friday.
the test went.. hell, I don't know how it went really ^^" I basically forgot to print the exact half of the sheets I needed to answer questions, and I missed the guest-lecture which was most important for this test (not through skipping surprisingly, but because I had to go to the dentist ^^")
so I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the result will be.
I just checked my gradebook online and I got a 54% for spanish.. FUCK! that means that with just one freaking point more, I would've made it and now I have to do a resit for it >_< maybe I can beg the teach to give me some slack.. I'll see..

fucking hell, my DVD player is driving me crazy! it's the only thing that actually plays my CDs since my CD player has died a long time ago.. but now it keeps skipping parts and stopping at random moments.. this is really annoying me, especially since I'm trying to listen to the new Maroon5 CD Silver got me..

this doesn't sound like I'm doing too great eh?
well, there is more!
I hate my boss. it's official, he pisses me off! if I didn't know that in about two to three months I'd be rid of him and will be working with the lady I DO like, I'd quit.
I swear, it's like he just doesn't want me to do my job.. he hovers around me and only notices the things I do wrong.. it's so damn annoying! he also treats me like fucking 'tard, so that really pisses me off.. I'm pretty much overqualified to do this job and yet he acts like I'm a freakin' ten-year-old who can't even do simple reasoning..

there, I said it!
what else is annoying me.. hmz, well, I'm getting ready to throw my DVD player out of the window, since it's now crashing every thirty seconds..

ok, just to end my annoyance with this last comment: today is my resit for that aweful conversation I need to pass in order to not have to do the complete project again. wish me luck, cause I know I'll need all I can get!

the weekend cheered me up a lot though. after work that is.
Silver came over here and he took me out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary ^^ I was pretty tense and pissed at first, just because of my day at work and because I've got the feeling that I'm pushing myself too hard. I keep on going while I'm actually running against a wall..
anywhoo.. the dinner was great ^^ we had to wait for a table for a while, it was so very busy..
when we got to the table, I was more relaxed and happy (I had a beer while waiting) and the food was GREAT!! it was sooooo yummy ^^ had another beer during dinner and I think I talked to Silver more than I have done in a few weeks ^^"

next to the CD he got me, he also bought me the special edition of Eragon YAY ^^ he was very happy with my little gift too (the newest DVD of our favorite improv-comedy series ^^)

the rest of the night was spend watching tv and just enjoying each other's company ^^ it was nice and quiet since everybody else was out of the house ^^

sunday was a day of homework, sleep and little fish.
just when I thought the flow of baby-fish had stopped for a while, my mom's fish spawned 21 (yes, TWENTY-ONE!!) fishies.. so now, I've got another little container to keep those in, since I don't want them to die. they tend to swim under the rocks in the fishbowl and die there.. stupid fish.. when they get bigger, I'll put them in with the other little ones and have 41 tiny fish in that bowl.. dammit, I'll never get rid of them ^^" but then again, I don't really want to hehe ^^"

I made my homework during the afternoon and evening. slept for a while and kind of skipped out of helping Silver-sama with dinner.. I did help a little bit, but I still feel kind of bad for sleeping through the most part..

in other news.. I've got red streaks in my hair. my family hates it of course, but everyone else (including me) likes it ^^
when I opened the box that had contained the necklace Silver-sama bought me during the Anime con, I found just over twenty bucks. so that was a good thing *laughs* I totally forgot I put it in there ^^"

well, that's about all I have to say.. sorry this post kinda sucked.. also, the cat-pics are kind of disappointing lately, so I only have one to put up:

I made some new wallpapers in the last few weeks. check them out if you'd like and let me know which one you like best ^^

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if y'all excuse me now, I'm off to kill my DVD player, take a shower and head out to college and certain doom.

much clown love, I'm outti.

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