Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Friday, June 22, 2007
There is no therapy like Retail Therapy!!
hey guys!!
I hope you all are doing alright. as I said, I took a little break yesterday due to plain business from my side.. I'll also be gone this weekend as usual. I now wonder why I had to say that.. oh well ^^
well, I've had some bad luck the past two days..
the teacher didn't budge at all over my grade and there was no way I could get that one point that I needed to pass.. so now I have to do a resit on Spanish over one tenth of a point -_-"
this pisses me off! I'd much rather have gotten a three or something.. this is just such an insane and unfair grade.. 5.4.. stupid.. and I'm basically beating myself up over it, cause I had some words right, just not spelled correctly >_<
well, at least I didn't stoop as low as one of my classmates, who just decided to change a letter somewhere and then go up to the teach like: "hey, you counted this one wrong, but it's correct" *gags* I hate people like that.. I guess I'd much rather flunk out of college than commit fraud, even if it's such a tiny matter. stupid concience >_< my morals are too high I guess ^^"
the problem is vocab. I've never been able to do that with languages.. I mean, in highschool I used to score 1s and 2s for ENGLISH! yep, it's true, I used to fail English.. just because I couldn't get the freakin vocab into my head.. and whenever you used a word that's also right, but wasn't included in the vocab, that counted as a fault.. so those tests were evil..
now, with Spanish, words that are also right are counted as good, but I don't know any, just cause I don't get into contact with the language enough.. oh well, this will be my last test on the subject, so I'll just have to cram over the weekend.
at least I passed my other test and now I only dread the last one.. that one was just so.. well, there are no words for it, it just sucked hehe ^^"
also, we passed the group project, so that's over with too ^^
which means that I should almost be done with college for this year..
I'm really looking forward to summer ^^ just two more weeks and I'm headed out to England and Magnus-ojou-sama ^^ I can't wait *eep*
other bad luck: my body is killing me. basically every muscle and bone in my body hurts.. it feels like I'm getting the flu. but I can't get sick now.. I just can't. then again, I never let myself get sick ^^" maybe I should take better care of myself.. nah ^_~
but my lower back and ankles are the worst..
working yesterday made that happen ^^"
but work was good, since my boss finally remembered my name ^^ also, I had to work downstairs half the evening (I don't like downstairs.. ladies department, lots of rude and annoying customers.. just women buying shoes, but they annoy me ^^") and after that I got send upstairs to the kid's and men department, which I love to do ^^ so the rest of the evening I had fun doing my job yay ^^
after work I headed out to my cousins birthday. it was fun and I actually got to talk with some people.. the people there were mostly friends of my cousin's so they were younger than my family members.. I just got along with them ^^
plus, it was fun listening to other people's stories ^^ I always loved doing that ^^
as for the retail therapy..
on wednesday, before going to see Silver-sama, I went to Rotterdam and did some shopping.. I wanted to buy more, but I ended up getting volume 4,5 and 6 from Sensual Phrase. man, I love that series ^^ it's so.. well, sensual really ^^" not for younger audiences mind you! it just handles mature problems and stuff and I really love reading it ^^
I bought Silver the first volume of Mobile Suit Gundam: Ecole du Ciel. he really liked it ^^ when I mentioned they also had the fourth and fifth volume of The Candidate for The Goddess, he asked me to get those for him on thursday. so I went and got him those and bought myself the second volume of Millenium Snow ^^
we're going out to the city this weekend and I think I'll buy some more stuff.. or better yet, have Silver buy me stuff ^_~ makes me feel even better *laughs*
my brother is setting me up with some episodes from Heroes (probably the first season or something..) I've heard a lot of that series, well, basically it were people saying they couldn't get enough of it, and it started airing over here yesterday. but of course, I was at work and it airs at the same time as House, so I wasn't able to watch it.. but this friend of my bro's has the eps without subtitles, which shouldn't be a problem for either me or Silver-sama ^^ so I'm pretty happy with that too, since I'm really curious about the series ^^
I saw the third season of The 4400 on DVD in stores this week.. I still have to watch the second season ^^"
I want too many series on DVD.. I'm thinking about buying House, Bones, Scrubs (man, is that show ever funny ^^) and now The 4400.. I need to save some money and watch the DVDs I already got though.. this is going to be tough ^_~
well, that's really all I got for today..
I've got two episodes of House waiting for me to watch them (man, I love that series ^^ especially House himself ^^) and of course I want to watch more GhostHunt (I'm on the last few episodes, so I should be able to finish that this week)
also, I want to read more Kare Kano, cause I'm forcing myself to read that before I restart Sensual Phrase ^^ yep, I'm weird hehe ^^"
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll see you all on either monday or tuesday *hugs to you all*
much clown love, I'm outti.