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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, June 29, 2007

getting ready to disappear..
hey guys!!
well, I haven't really been around a lot lately.. I don't have the energy at the time and basically, the computer sucks all the energy I've got left right out of me..
so I'm sorry if I missed your site, or if I didn't comment to your post.. I'm just not up to it right now..

well, college is over for summer.. except for the extra assignment I need to do in order to get my points for this year: read a book about intercultural communication and write a summary..
it doesn't need to be a studybook, but I can't find any fictional stories that might apply.. if anyone has got an idea, please let me know in your comment?

I'm getting more and more annoyed by the homepage from TheO.. more aspects and links are disappearing and I'm afraid that things will fall apart soon.. I don't know why, but I just have this bad feeling about things..
I mean, it's turning into a submissions site really.. the button that used to take you to your own site, now takes you to your portfolio, you can't open your friendslist anymore from the homepage and now they removed the part that shows if you have private messages or not..
I know that most people just go straight to their backroom, but for me, TheO is my homepage and I liked being able to see if I had any messages or something at first sight.. now I need to take a detour to get to my own site *sigh* oh well, I'm sure the Big Boss (Adam) has his reasons for all this.
I'm just afraid that the blog-aspect of TheO is going to disappear.. probably not, but I wouldn't know what I would do if it did.. time will tell I guess..

well, it's time for the weekend ^^ I'm headed to Silver-sama today and we'll be together until sunday ^^ can't wait cause we got some fun things planned ^^ especially tonight should be good, since we're going out with his co-workers ^^ oh man, I still need to figure out what to wear >_< I usually never have this problem, but for some reason, I want to impress tonight *chuckles*

but first, I'm going to try and get some more sleep in.. I stayed up late last night chatting with Edge-kun, so I need to catch up on rest.

have a wonderful weekend everyone *hugs all around*
much clown love, I'm outti.

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