Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Monday, July 2, 2007
maybe it's the Apocalypse?
ok, first off, just cause I need to get this out of my system right now or I'll start screaming and jumping and waking up the rest of the house (my bro) I PASSED MY SPANISH!!!!!!
with 60% I did so much better than the last time and I just really didn't see it coming!! *EEEEEP*
well, that's one more weight off my shoulders and one step closer to complete relaxation ^^
hey guys ^^
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are doing well *hugs for all*
my weekend was great ^^
as I told you all last week, Silver and I went out with some co-workers of his on friday ^^ first we went to this wok-place for dinner and man, was the food ever good ^^
I love spicy foods, so I decided to immediately go for the hottest sauce, three stars.. within half a plate, I was practically crying at the table *laughs* I'm not one who says this quickly, but man, was that ever SPICY!! it was yummy nonetheless, but I gave up after about two thirds of my plate, or I wouldn't have had any feeling in my mouth anymore ^^" then, my plate travelled to Silver-sama, who I kinda forced to finish it hehe ^^' when he couldn't take it anymore, the plate sort of moved all around the table, cause most of his co-workers wanted to try it too *laughs* all of a sudden, the beer had to be ordered faster and faster cause we were all burning up *chuckles*
after another plate of something less spicy and three desserts (*drools* mango icecream... *chuckles* I think I impressed the co-workers with my appetite ^^ I even already ate something at home, cause I was starving hehe ^^") we were done eating and decided to go have some drinks. a few of the co-workers decided to go home, simply because they were really tired. it was too bad really, cause one of them was the one Silver talks about a lot and I would've liked to talk to him some more.. oh well, another chance will come ^^
all in all, the night was a lot of fun ^^ though the last bar was too busy and I had to get out of there within ten minutes ^^" Silver and I first wanted to go to the Irish pub a bit further down the street, but the others (or rather, the one who had to stay sober to drive us all) decided to go home. me, Silver and Andre (the oldest one there *chuckles* I liked him ^^) thought it was a bit too early, so Andre suggested we took a last drink at his home. that was fun too, though kind of boring for me, cause the subject of conversation got to work.. ow well, I had fun exchanging weird looks with Andre's son, who looked about my age, maybe a bit younger, cause we both had no idea what they were talking about *laughs* Andre also had a really cute and fuzzy cat, so I had fun with her too ^^
during the evening, I felt like I had to prove myself.. it's something that happens to me when I'm around new people, especially when going out. I had the same problem with Silver's best friend.. basically it makes me want to drink way too much to show that I can handle it ^^" pathetic, I know.
but I held back rather well, if I may say so myself.. and Silver held me back when I was getting curious about smoking a joint (Andre and Mark were..)
it was funny to see that hardly anyone knew what Desperados are *laughs* I love that beer ^^
I felt pretty crappy at first, but after some food and a nice shower, I could take on the world again ^^
we went shopping and I think we mostly bought stuff for others *laughs* we bought the last gifts for Magnus-ojou-sama, we bought some last stuff I wanted to send to Yensid-sensei, I bought I book my mom wanted and we only bought a little for ourselves hehe ^^' I bought a set of earrings I have been looking for for some time now.. unfortunately, it's only one set, so only enough for one ear.. I now wonder why they made the sets like that, but oh well. I'll just have to go out and find another one of those sets at one of the other stores. my mission for this week *chuckles* also, I bought some new nailpolish, and I think that's it.. Silver bought himself a new game for the PSP (which he won't be able to play for now, since I borrowed the PSP to play Ys: Arc of Napishtim, which is frustrating the heck out of me *laughs*)
we took things easy the rest of saturday. we had the house to ourselves in the evening and we played with Tika(chu) a lot ^^ she decided that my right hand is still the enemy and it got pretty roughed up *laughs* when she got tired, she curled up on my lap and went to sleep, so cute! and when we put her in her basket to sleep, she just crawled out and came looking for a nice spot to sleep with me and Silver again ^^ she finally fell asleep on Silver's shoulder *chuckles* they looked so cute together ^^
sunday was alright. we went back to my house and visited my grandpa for his birthday. I don't really have a lot to say to my family most of the time, and since we were the only ones there at the time, there were a lot of awkward silences.. oh well, we survived and my prandpa was glad we came by ^^
other than that, we didn't really do much. we watched Clerks II which was alright, but I expected more of it.. I did like the ending though ^^
and after Bones and a lot of cuddling, which I needed, Silver had to go home again T_T
on to the subject of this post ^^
I'm really getting ready for my trip to England now ^^
though, things seem to be falling apart over there.. no prime-minister, floods, terrorist attacks, the Spice Girls back together.. it really seems like the Apocalypse is striking over there and I'm not even there yet *laughs*
my parents seem to be stressing out over it all, but I can't really be bothered by it.. except for maybe the last one *shudders*
the only real problem is that I will probably have to leave my laptop at home.. on the one hand, I think that's a pretty good idea actually, since then it will be safe. but on the other hand, I would quite like to take it with me.. but I'm afraid my parents are going to forbid me to take it.. oh well, I'll just pack some extra books ^^ that always works ^^ especially since I have to read that book on intercultural management (for no particular language ^^) I'll go by the bookstore today to see if my old boss has some good suggestions for me.
I'm afraid I won't be able to take many clothes with me though.. at this rate, my bag will be filled with manga, anime, books and presents *laughs* oh well, I'll find a solution ^^
ewwo, this is the kitteh that lives in Lytjuh's head. I just wanted to tall u all that she fell asleep againz. she wants u all to know that she will visit u peepz laterz today.
by the way, that is not really her on the picture ^^
buhbyez!!!1 1 one
and much clown love from Lytjuh