Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Monday, July 16, 2007
I wonder if I was a mistake..
hey guys!
on saturday evening, I landed safe and sound back in the flats of the Netherlands. man, I miss the hills..
I hope you all had a good week without me and didn't miss me too much ^_~
well, I guess I'd better give you all a review of my week then ^^
so sit back and relax and if you can't read it all, be honest about it ^_~
after a long night awake, at six in the morning on saturday it was time to get out of bed and get ready to head for the airport. Silver had come on friday evening, so he went with me and my parents to see me off.
once at the airport, I had to wait for over two hours to get in the plane (I had to check in two hours in advance)
when I was in the plane, funnily enough, the nerves finally struck me. just before takeoff I was wondering what the hell I was doing. I was heading off to England all by my lonesome to meet someone I only knew from letters and the internet. but I was sure that things would be alright.
the takeoff scared me, as to be expected from someone who is dead scared of rollercoasters and the likes.
after a nice quick and quiet flight, I touched down at Leeds/Bradford. after I got my luggage, I headed out of the gate and couldn't find Steph.. after a text she popped up though thank goodness ^^
during the drive to her home we talked about the flight and random stuff. we were both really excited and nervous.
after we got there, I settled in, had a cup of tea and we watched some Elfen Lied. after the first DVD I decided to take a nap, since the journey had tired me out.
when I woke up again, we went for a bit of a walk around town.
then dinner and playing Dynasty Warriors (I love it ^^) and then it was time for some sleep.
on sunday we celebrated Steph's birthday. she loved the presents me, Silver and my mom got her ^^ I was pretty nervous about that.. we went bowling and I had a ball ^^ (nice wordplay eh?)
I just lost the second game to her brother, by three points, due to his last throw >_< but it was fun nonetheless ^^
we had takeout for dinner, very yummy and spicy hehe
a quiet evening followed.
monday was nice too. we watched Comic Party, which we both loved ^^ it is so funny and cool ^^ though her dad and brother kept complaining about the lack of mechas/nekomimi/vampires/demons/superhuman powers/etc.
we didn't really do much else all day, except for playing Dynasty Warriors ^^
on tuesday, Steph had to visit the psych, so she dumped me on her brother. thank goodness he was really nice and we clicked, or I would've been so lost all week..
Steph was in a horrible mood all day, so Matthew and I spend most of the day together. playing Dynasty Warriors and watching ghost shows ^^ I got addicted to the series Ghost Hunters during the week in England and the rest of the week me and Matt kept looking for "orbs" and "ectoplasm" in pretty much every show we saw *laughs*
I also got a really good fill of A Haunting, since there were two episodes every evening ^^ (man, do my measely 30 channels ever look boring after getting used to Sky's 500+ channels)
during the rest of the week, I spend every evening and most of the night downstairs with Matt, watching horror-flicks and ghost shows. the movie "Beneath Still Waters" was plain disturbing to me, but it made me laugh so hard when Matt started making weird jokes about it ^^
other movies we watched: Demon Hunter, Sin City, War of the Worlds, The Professionals (western, this was the odd one out *laughs*), The Descent (which scared the hell out of me, it was SO good!!) and other random really bad horror movies.
on wednesday, Steph and me visited Leeds. it was so cool to see the stores that were filled with anime and manga *drools* I held myself back though. but I did have a feast at the comic store, where I bought myself the new Grifter comics ^^ and the WildC.A.T.S./X-men crossover (which was so very good ^^)
speaking of feasts, we had a great huge lunch at a chinese buffet ^^ didn't eat much else all day ^^
I also found myself a second Night Faerie, they look so beautiful ^^
in the evening the three of us made weird little movies and had a great time doing that ^^
I couldn't sleep at night, so I went downstairs to have a drink and saw that the light in the living room was still on. I went in and chatted with Matt for a bit. we snacked and then I decided to go back to bed.
on thursday I woke up early. Steph's dad took me out for a walk around town to show me some of the views and sights and I had a great time ^^
in the afternoon Steph and me went into town and that was fun too. we ate at another chinese buffet and I sure got my fill again ^^ I didn't eat much else all day (except for nachos hehe)
in the evening, Steph disappeared upstairs and Matt and I watched The Descent. I was so scared and tired after that.. we watched A Haunting after it and I was just so tired that I couldn't be bothered to go upstairs to bed. so I crashed in the living room.
on friday, we had a nice lazy day. late in the afternoon we headed over to Steph's grandparents for the birthday of her grandfather. it was fun meeting them and her aunt and uncle and cousins ^^
we went out for dinner and I had a great time ^^ we all laughed a lot and made jokes. I was unable to eat my desert, since everyone kept making me laugh >_< finally her grandma saved me by letting me sit at her place and get me away from our little group (Steph, Matt, Simeon*cousin* and me)
after dinner we went back to the grandparent's house to eat cake (very yummy chocolate one, the same as we had for Steph's birthday ^^) and then we headed home again.
another nice and quiet evening.
when I went to bed, I found a note from Steph saying that she didn't enjoy herself at all, all week and that she thought it was a mistake.. I cried myself to sleep.
saturday was the day I had to leave again. I woke up early in the morning, took a shower and packed my stuff.
Steph didn't really bother to come out of her room all day, so I spend my time with Matt.
at around three in the afternoon it was time for me to take off. her dad drove me to the airport. since Steph couldn't be bothered to come to see me off, Matt went with, which was really nice of him ^^
after a nice and once again quick and quiet flight, I landed back in Amsterdam and got to see Silver again, which was so good ^^
during the week, I really thought Steph was having fun too.. she laughed and we talked and hung out.. but after a few days she started to shut me out and I did the exact thing it seems I shouldn't have done: give her some space..
some of you have read her post.. all I can say about that is that I'm glad that she has someone who seems to cheer her up again.
I feel guilty and am afraid I'm going to lose my best friend.. I'm scared to contact her, but I am trying. haven't heard anything from her yet though..
all in all, I had a fun time and was oblivious to her feelings. I think I spend more of my time with Matt, and that's why I'm glad we clicked. I made a new and very close friend, but at what cost?
it seems easy for people to eliminate their friendships with me.. I know Steph won't be bothered much since she's learned to just shut people out of her life.. I on the other hand will be having a rough time for a while..
the weekend kept my thoughts off it for a while though. it was so wonderful to see Silver again and play with the kitten ^^ Quinty has gotten back into her habit of waking me up in the middle of the night to only spend a few minutes with me.
I'm getting settled in again. it's weird to be home.. my home has never felt quite right to me.. but this is not the time to think about that..
I need to call my grandma to say thanks for the five bucks she gave me *laughs* and to tell her that I arrived safely ^^
I also need to call work to ask when I have to work this week. I hope not too much ^^"
here are three pictures of the week, I didn't take much, but Steph's dad took some too. I'm still waiting for the link/email with them.
Steph and me in the car on our way to the bowling alley ^^
Matthew aka Matt/Matty
a petition sign Steph and me made. it says: "for the glory of Wei. more houses for spiders!"
well, much clown love, I'm outti. I'll visit later.