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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, October 15, 2007

   just read the last one ^_~
hey guys!!

well, I could put up a huge post about what's been going on in my life lately.. but it really isn't much to talk about ^^" (read saturdays post if you'd like, it's got some sentimental shit and some good news in it ^^)
Silver came over on sunday and we had a great time, just being together, watching tv and playing we <3 Katamari ^^ though it was short, it is always nice to be together ^^ makes me feel at easy and happy ^^

saturday night was weird. well, unusual anyway. I wanted to drink that big bottle of beer, remember? well, nothing came of it, cause I was exhausted, went to bed at nine pm, finished reading the first volume of Hayate the Combat Butler and then went to sleep at ten pm. only to wake up again at ten am the next day! I've never slept that well ^^"
well, at least not for a looooong while ^^"

my latest wallpaper is doing way better than expected. I like the autumn-y feel it's got and I fiddled with the colors for a while to get it the way I wanted it..
check it out if you'd like:

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well, here's your postly LOLcat:

MCL, I'm outti

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