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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, October 22, 2007

so.. yeah ^^
hey guys!
here's a sign of life from me ^^

doing a little bit better. had a good weekend with Silver-sama and got some time to relax today.
I've got a week off from college, though not from work.. got two full days coming up, tomorrow from 9.30 to 6 and wednesday a whoopin' 9.30 to 8.30!
yeah, one's gotta love 11 hour days >_<

good news: a new ICP (Insane Clown Posse) CD is coming out soon. well, not so much new as it is a "best of", but fuck that, I preordered myself a copy with an autographed booklet ^^ I'm pretty damn psyched about that ^^ Silver's giving it to me as a gift, the sweetheart ^^

special thanks go to Kikyo-chan today, for her comment to my last post. *massive hugs to you, girl!* that really lifted my spirits, I have to be honest, tears shot to my eyes when I read it.. it's so sweet of you and it really reminded me that there are people out there who care about me ^^ I tend to forget that too much..

horrid thursday: I'm going out with my mom for a day.. oh well, maybe it isn't so bad..

got some more nerves coming up.. my contract needs renewing. now, this wouldn't be too bad, but last time I had a contract that needed to be renewed, I got fired.. so yeah, I'm nervous and it's probably about nothing, but oh well ^^" wish me luck guys.

nothing much else going on.
I watched the first two disks (7 eps/15) of Surface. damn, is that ever a good series ^^ I knew I had good taste *chuckles*

well, I'm off, don't have anything else to say really ^^"

here's your postly LOLcat:

now where was this guy a few days ago?

one more for the road ^_~

hope you all had good weekends and mondays. I'll be back sometime ^^"

MCL, I'm outti.

ps: who the heck calls his cat: Ollie Mcugleston Stinkerpants?! I wish I thought of that one...*pouts*

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