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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Thursday, October 25, 2007

me again.
hey guys!
another quick sign of life with some good news.

here's the good news for starters: my contract is being renewed ^^ I asked my boss yesterday and she told me not to worry about it cause I would've known about a month ago if it wasn't going to be ^^

more good news: the ICP cd is shipped already ^^ YAY for me getting Shag's and J's autograph \^_^/!!!

today is a bit of a more quiet day for me. no work for a change ^^
instead, me and my mom are going to play tourist in our own country again. we're going to Madurodam (hehe instant english site, saves me a lot of explaining ^^)
basically it's a park with Dutch landmarks on a 1:25 scale.
now that I think about it, it's pretty cool that we're going there, especially since we're right smack dab in the middle of the 'Miniature Killer' episodes of CSI ^^" funny context..

anyhow.. that's about it from me today.
except of course for your postly LOLcat:

MCL, I'm outti.

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