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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Never say forever cause nothing lasts..
hey guys!
well, it's been a while again and yet, I don't have much to post about..

let me see..
work is alright, the hours really have been cut down for me, but I hope with the holidays coming I'll be scheduled in some more ^^"
college is alright too. the project is actually fun and the bimbos are no-nonsense when it comes to getting some work done. so I'm pretty glad I teamed up with them.
I'm getting nervous for Marrakech. on the one hand, I'm really looking forward to it, but on the other hand, I realise that I still haven't really made any friends in this class, so I'll probably be on my own a lot..
I'll have to wait and see.

the weekend was spent well and basically completely in Silver's bed. oh, it's so comfy ^^
we didn't really get up to much, just watch tv and rest and enjoy each other's company.
I'll sure miss him loads next week, but before I go, I got some days to spend with him ^^ so YAY!

I bought the latest Harry Potter book. the first one came out when I was.. I dunno, twelve or something? I really don't know, but it was a long time ago. so I kind of grew up with the books and now I want to know how things end. please, no spoilers, I've only just started reading it ^^'
I like the way the books seem to grow up together with the audience. the themes get more serious (and occult for that matter..) I don't know if it's just me who sees that or that there are others like me out there. all I know is that I enjoyed reading the books and that I'll probably enjoy reading this last one too.

in other news.. yeah, that was kind of it, really ^^"
I'll try to update before going on my little study trip. I should be able to ^^
I cleaned out my friendslist for a bit. was shocked to see all the blue bars in my backroom, but then remembered that there are only about 20 people left in the list.

oh, I got so caught up in watching LOLcats, I almost forgot I was posting ^^"
here's your postly LOL:

well, I had to, Silver won't let me near cigarette lighters anymore *pouts*

by the way, the presents are coming in *excited* I just love Christmas shopping ^^

MCL, I'm outti.

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